Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 187: Study ♂Technical Discussion♀On

"The Pavilion of Black Love: The Declining Boy in the Wind and Snow Mountain Villa", this is the full name of the new work by the second generation teacher of Elohir.

After buying the new book, the two brainless fans found a restaurant nearby, and after ordering a good meal, they took out the second-generation book and started researching.

As the most steadfast and loyal fan of Erdaiye, this kind of academic research is absolutely necessary, especially since this book is still a new work by Erdaiye, which has more research value.

Even the boss sighed after seeing the two people who are working hard, "What a serious little couple, I took time to read even when I was eating. If I had worked so hard back then, I must have opened a house now. Big restaurant..."

The boss didn't bother them, and Senxia and Qianjia senior sisters were also seriously studying the book.

This book by teacher Erdaime tells the story of what seems to be the revenge of a beautiful boy.

This beautiful boy was originally a child of a large family, but his father was bankrupted by someone using commercial means, and the beautiful boy had to transfer from the noble school to the civilian school at this time.

And in this school, the beautiful boy knew that it was not just his family who was bankrupted by that competitor. In this school, many people were entrapped by the other party using this method.

In order to avenge this enemy, and to maintain peace and justice in the world, the boy disguised as a maid and went into the enemy's mansion.

However, the beautiful boy didn't know that his nightmare had just begun.

Beautiful boy met his enemy's adopted son in this place, and after a series of misunderstandings, this adopted son became a good friend of beautiful boy. Jiyou seems to be interesting to the beautiful boy.

However, the cheating happened, and the beautiful boy discovered that this good friend was controlled and taught by the enemy!

This is really tolerable or unbearable. The beautiful boy finds his friend, prepares to call the police, and then asks him to tell his tragic experience. However, Jiyou stopped Meijun at this time and claimed that he was voluntary.

At this time, the enemy found the beautiful boy and said that he had seen through the boy's male identity and used it as a threat. Although the boy did not want to give in, he wanted to get close to the enemy. And to save his friends, he decided to pretend to accept the other party's education.

However, the young boy didn't know that he was pushing himself into the abyss of perdition step by step.

I haven't read much, but the food is already on the table at this time.

"Let's read the rest later." The senior sister had already put down the book at this time, and then put it in the bag.

"I happened to see a wonderful place." Senxia was a little unwilling. "Teacher Erdaime's writing style is indeed very good. He clearly describes the story of a cute boy, but there is no feeling of bl."

I don’t know why, but I always feel a strange sense of sight...

"Because it is wonderful, when you stop here, you will feel the aftertaste in your heart," Senior Sister Qianjia laughed, "The story can only be stopped in the most exciting place. It will make people fascinated!"

"But when I was watching the serial, it would definitely be a toss if I encountered this kind of broken chapter madness..." However, Senxia felt this kind of tickle broken chapter. It was an explosion.

"Rather than being tortured by the story, it's better to enjoy the story. Isn't that okay?" Senior sister looked at the problem from another angle. This view made Morinya also admire.

"I think if I was played with by the author like this, I would definitely send the blade." Fortunately, the 18x article written by Erdaime feels good, and I won't break it for you at a critical time. But this is due to the nature of 18x novels, and there is no suspense in general novels. It's really hard to fix.

So, the second generation teacher is really a good person!

"Mori Xia-kun. You can't look at things like this. For some authors, even if you send a blade, you can't change the ending. Tanaka's Arslan War is not over yet, haven't I been patient?"

Senior Sister Qianjia was smiling, but Senxia seemed to notice an extremely strong resentment emerging from Senior Sister.

"The Chronicles of Arslan..."

Sorry, senior sister, I am afraid that this book will not be finished in 20 years. You should give up now. This is a series that can be serialized for 30 years.

But then again, the Arslan Wars has only published 14 volumes in 30 years. What kind of writing speed can this be achieved?

As a visitor from the Internet age, Mori Xia expressed strong surprise at the speed of these novel writers. If you change to an Internet writer from the Celestial Dynasty, these contents can be completed in about one or two years, and at most three years. , This is pretty long.

It can only be said that the Japanese novel environment is too rich, and the writers can count money and cramps without having to work hard every day. Relatively speaking, the authors of the Tianchao net essays are really too dedicated and move the world.

"Forget it, this kind of thing is used to waiting and waiting, I'm used to this kind of waiting. Good works always take time to brew."

The elder sister said to herself, she didn't know whether she was comforting herself or venting her resentment.

However, Mori Xia nodded sympathetically, expressing understanding of the grievances of the senior sister and the joy of suffering. Who told you to jump into the pit of Yoshiki Tanaka? This digging pit is definitely a deep pit. The dead do not pay for their lives. I don’t know how many people have been chasing books since they were ignorant, but even after they had their grandsons, they found that he hadn’t finished his books and had to endure this guy That super godlike mathematics...

"Let's eat first." Senxia also picked up the chopsticks, "I started."

Dinner was beef ramen, which was not surprising, but after eating it, I felt very comfortable.

"By the way, why does the Erdaime teacher use a boy? If you change to a female role, the story script can also work, and it can make people feel more, right?" Put forward his own views.

"This is a new attempt by the second generation teacher, and the most essential part of this article is the male protagonist. As a pseudonym, the male protagonist bears the shame of being both male and female. This setting is simply not too good. , And it also incorporates the element of a maid, which makes the male protagonist more feminine. When reading this kind of article, people will feel a feeling: Ah, if it is such a guy, it doesn't matter whether it is male or female. "Similarly a writer, Morika has a deep analysis of the second-generation articles.

"Indeed, although the protagonist is a boy, the feeling of this lovely boy in the article is really amazing. The identity is no longer important, and the gender is not important, as long as it is cute." Senior sister Qianjia also suddenly realized. Nod.

"Yeah, the second generation teacher has detached from our existing article structure, and is already a part of the essence. It doesn't matter whether you are gender or extra emotional expression, as long as it is cute." Senxia's expression was like It is a professor who is doing a rigorous academic report, "The feeling of cuteness will be amplified through the article, and then let us resonate with this sense, and then the rest of the emotion and love will naturally emerge, and the whole body seems to be After receiving this kind of intense sensory stimulation, I was finally moved from the depths of my soul..."

Senior Sister Qianjia is also serious and serious: "Yes, starting from a core emotion, which triggers sensory resonance, and then sublimates the soul of the whole person. In this, the actor is only the actor. , But because he is the male protagonist, he got another kind of more intense stimulation and experience. Perhaps some people feel disgusted with such a male protagonist before watching the article, but after reading the article, regardless of the person’s What kind of sexual orientation is he, I am afraid he will be filled with unparalleled emotions? This is simply the ultimate in functional novels!"

The two of them seemed to be sitting down in a tavern with the businessman's son, discussing the future of 18x, and discussing the advanced manifestations of human beings' most primitive impulses.

This is a completely academic and scientific discussion. They are trying to explain the root of human reason and impulse, and try to summarize and sort them.

The two of them discussed selflessly, and they finally returned to the real world after the boss came and kindly reminded the two serious children.

"All in all, let's finish reading this story today. This book is more inspired than I thought, as if the door to a new world has been opened." Senior Sister Qianjia still has no idea, "I have a hunch, we Go ahead along this road, and you will definitely find a new road!"

"Senior sister, don't worry, I always read all the books of teacher Erdaime on the day I bought them, and then use them to review them every week!" Senxia's also sighed.

"Then we will see you at school tomorrow~" Qianjia-senpai waved to and the two said goodbye.

"Really good boys, they must be able to go to Dongda in the future." The boss on the side watched the two leave, and he really sighed. It’s no wonder that there are such serious people in this world. When people are in a relationship, they sit in a small restaurant and discuss serious issues. In all fairness, even if he returns to his school days, I’m afraid he will be very serious. Hard to be so careful, right?

Sure enough, people are talented, and hard work is also a kind of talent. At this time, the boss can only wish in his heart that this little couple can be admitted to Dongda together...

"Life..." He sighed, then shook his head and returned to his store.


Tanaka's mathematics... how to say it, said that it was taught by a physical education teacher, that is an insult to the physical education teacher...

By the way, this guy is a big pit, and the pit **** can't compare to him. A pit for thirty years.

The surnamed Ma, the businessman's son was En, and both of them were Germans. Besides, they had to check the water meter. (To be continued)

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