Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 209: Kouma's decision

  The surname Ma, which means "horse", is translated, so when he chooses his own screen name, Xiao Ma gives his own screen name.


Xiao Ma turned off the computer and then yawned. Not long ago, Xiao Ma had been doing market research. Game agents have been very popular in recent years, but Xiao Ma discovered that piracy is harmful to the market. It’s very big. It’s easy to act for a game to make money, but it’s hard to make a lot of money.


"Xia Sen is really amazing. She is in Japan and understands the situation in our celestial dynasty..." He admired Morxia's foresight. In the previous conversation between the two, Morxia had warned Xiao Ma. Brother, don't get involved lightly. Thinking about it now, this business is really deep.


   But in the eyes of Xiao Ma, this is not unprofitable, and the risk is not big.


These days, the computer itself is a niche, and video games are even a niche among the niche, and a feature of the niche is that they dare to pay for the things they love. A few months ago, that shocking ghost was crying. Wasn't "Blood Lion" successfully fooled a group of people. And the "Witch's House" that Xiao Ma wants to represent is beautiful in pictures and excellent in story. If it cooperates with some operations, there is no reason for it?


Xiao Ma’s ambition is not just such a game. Although his career is unsuccessful, Xiao Ma has already thought of using an agent to make a fortune, accumulate funds for himself, and wait for himself to act for some games and earn more than one million yuan. He wants to do something else. Things are also free.


He picked up a magazine casually. This was a magazine he ordered. It was called "Popular Software". Although it was called Software, in fact, half of the content in this magazine was talking about games. It was considered a relatively famous domestic magazine. One of the video game magazines.


   Xiao Ma picked up the magazine and looked through it. I saw an article about Japanese games above. In this article, the main content is "Witch's House".


   Although I am a bit embarrassed, the editor of this article knows Xiao Ma, and this game was also passed by Xiao Ma Ge Xuan (An).


   This man knows a little Japanese, after playing this game. It turned out to be out of control, and then I wrote an article and posted it on Popular Software.


"Before the author introduces this game, please forgive me for telling everyone about Japanese fan games. The so-called fan games are non-commercial indie games made by individuals. They are usually exhibited at Japanese fan games. Wait for the sale at the event. And the author is lucky enough to get a Japanese fan game "Witch's House" from a friend..."


"...At the end, the author was really surprised by the author's design. Someone was able to arrange such an ending for the story, which subverted my mind. That shock. I still echo in my heart. Xia Mr. Mori’s exquisite design of the game almost impressed me..."


   Popular Software has made some comments on this game, but because the game itself is a plot-oriented puzzle game, the opponent did not completely spoil the plot.


"... It is reported. There are already domestic merchants preparing to represent this game. Maybe soon. We will be able to see the Chinese version of this wonderful game, and it is said that the book also includes a 200,000-word novel. Know if we will be lucky enough to meet..."


   Well, it’s really not a loss to have friends. At the end, the other party also helped Xiao Ma to warm up for free and advertised.


   Although this is the case, Xiao Ma’s mood is not very high. At this time, Xiao Ma just remembered what happened when he was talking with Morinia, and the other party was not very cold with the Chinese agent.


Speaking of it, the most popular game recently sold is actually "Swordsman Love". The price of this game is 128 yuan, but the sales are less than 10,000 copies. The total sales are about 1 million and the profit is only a few. It looks like one hundred thousand, Japan is a developed country. If you act as an agent, even if the other party has money, it will probably be several hundred thousand. Maybe people really don't care about it.


In fact, Xiao Ma himself knows that the other party said that he was acting as an agent, but it was only because of the friendship between friends and friendship. It is not even the benefit. After listening to the news previously disclosed by the other party, I really want to start a company and go When I talked to myself again, he also talked about the agency, he would specifically talk to a lawyer.


   eh, I am indeed a rich man and a professional lawyer who can negotiate transnational contracts.


   I don’t know what Xiao Ma would think when he learned that Morinka was working for money...


   But Xia Sen over there seems to be more optimistic about his copy-made communication software.


   This software Xiao Ma also finds it very interesting, but it is different from a game that can be played alone. It is a chat tool. If you can't interact with the Internet, it will be cheating.


   This year is 1997. There is almost no concept of broadband in China, and Xiao Ma naturally did not realize this problem.


   Vision and insight are very important things, but insight is also very important. It is really not a simple thing to be able to start from scratch without the Prophet of the Transmitter.


   "I don't know what is going on in Japan."


   Xiao Ma murmured again.


There is no Internet these days, and it is actually more difficult to understand foreign information. At this time, Xiao Ma is guessing and trying to figure out the situation in Japan. He does not know whether the information there is helpful to him, and the experience of Japan is for him. Is it reproducible again...


Putting down the magazine in his hand, Brother Xiao Ma picked up a CD that he only got yesterday. This is a game disc that came across the ocean from Japan, and what was placed in it was the "Witch of the Witch". Chinese version of "Home".


   But this software is a green version, and the specific content has been copied to the computer.


   Morinia originally translated the Chinese version to Xiao Ma as a thank you to Xiao Ma, but Xiao Ma now obviously has this idea.


   At first, Xiao Ma just thought this game was very delicate and delicate, and the screen looked very comfortable. But after having the Chinese version, Xiao Ma learned that the interesting part of this game is not just the graphics, the plot is even more fascinating.


In the Japanese version, Brother Xiao Ma was playing foolishly a lot of time, but after the Chinese version, everything seemed to become clear and clear, especially because there are a lot of information about the plot and worldview hidden in this. Read this The process is even a pleasure.


With the deepening of the plot, Xiao Ma found that the originally fascinating pictures seemed to be less important at this time. Puzzle solving and reasoning about the background of the story are the most important at this time. In other words, Little Ma has been completely addicted to it.


   Although I am a little embarrassed, in fact Xiao Ma just tried the Japanese version a bit before, and I didn't get it right.


   Generally speaking, in the first ten minutes of the game, the player cares most about the screen. The goodness of the opening screen determines the player's first impression, and then the script and gameplay in the game. After being attracted by the screen, this time, Xiao Ma is completely integrated into the plot and game world.


With the progress of the script, Brother Xiao Ma finally cleared the level. In the end, Viola escaped from the house of the witch. The witch was also killed by Viola's father. Everyone was overjoyed, and Brother Xiao Ma was relieved for a long time. Tone.


   And just then, the phone in Brother Xiao Ma's house rang.


   "Hello." He answered the phone.


   "Have you seen the popular software? Have you seen the article I wrote?" It turned out to be my buddy.


   "Well, it's wonderful." Xiao Ma replied.


   "Do you really want to act as an agent for this game? You have a good eye. The subversive ending almost scared me." The guy over there asked again.


   "Yes, I even finished the Chinese version... Wait, what did you just say about this ending upending?" Xiao Ma was a little inexplicable.


   "You haven't played the true ending yet, are you?" The buddies over there were a little surprised.


   "There is a true ending?!"


"Yeah, I saw the original witch... Forget it, I won't give you spoilers, you will know how sour and sour the feeling is when you play this place." The buddies over there seem to want to give The other party was surprised.


   The other party's voice is a little weird, and Brother Xiao Ma is even more curious about what the true ending is.


   After listening to the conditions for the true ending of the collection, he immediately hung up, then leaned in front of the computer to restart the game.


   The plot on the road seems to be the same as before, but Brother Xiao Ma found that many strange places and mysteries before, seem to have gradually become clear.


   After the real ending appeared, Xiao Ma felt that he was not well.


   is indeed a subversive ending, this ending is simply...


   The current Brother Xiao Ma felt that his heart was dug out, and then he kneaded it into a ball and knead it under his feet.


   It turns out that the player controlled by the witch is the real Viola. It turns out that the person who was destroyed by the father is the real Viola. There is a related joke as a metaphor in the plot. Now that I see these, Brother Xiao Ma has thoroughly understood.


   It's no wonder that my buddies write such a large piece of essays eloquently. After playing such an ending, Brother Xiao Ma really feels unpleasant in his heart.


   This kind of ending is incredibly subversive but it makes people have to accept it, and even has a feeling that people look forward to a sequel.


   Seems to think of something, Xiao Ma immediately went on.


   But unfortunately, Morinka is not online at this time.


   But Brother Xiao Ma did not give up, he immediately wrote an email to the other party.


  : I might go to Japan recently.


   Yes, Xiao Ma made a decision at this time: He wants to go to Japan himself.




   I suddenly discovered a joint issue of popular software hidden at home. It has been more than ten years. I miss ing...


   I offer it the second time. I haven't broken my promise these days.


   Go to bed early today and get up at noon tomorrow to update! (To be continued.)

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