Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 307: The clothes are a bit small...


Qianjia has always been curious about who is on the opposite side of this poorly soundproofed room, so when she heard that there seemed to be movement on the opposite side at first, Qianjia had already moved her head over. Net..△¢,

As a result, at first she heard someone whispering, and then she heard a strange noise coming from there, first a girl, then a buzzing like a motor, then a man's voice, and then , There was a sound similar to clapping hands. Among the sounds of clapping hands, Qian Jia heard another female voice, but compared with the previous two voices, this voice seemed to be restrained a lot.

Just when Qianjia felt that the future development would be very interesting, she found that the first two voices seemed to disappear. Then, there was a voice that seemed to be TV. At this time, only the last female voice remained on the opposite side. But the sound was mixed in the TV, and it was faint, which made people feel a little disappointed.

Originally, she thought that there would be some interesting play on the other side, but it turned out to be very fond, and there was nothing particularly worthy of fantasy.

"But the previous vibration seems to be very interesting. If you use all kinds of props, it also seems very interesting. Well, I remember Mori Xiajun said before that if you carry such props with you, it might be very exciting. Do you want to try something gentlemanly?" Senior Sister Qianjia murmured.

"What gentleman are you talking about?" Jixiangyuan heard Qianjia's mutter.

"It's nothing." Qianjia smiled, then stood up, since it's over there, there is no point in continuing to eavesdrop.

She walked slowly to the mirror, and then akimbo, as if she were a real model, she just looked at herself in front of the mirror.

Although it is the same school swimsuit, this swimsuit is a little different from the general school swimsuit.

Generally speaking, among women's one-piece swimsuits. They are all double-layered. No matter on the top or the bottom, a double-layer design will be made inside. There is a layer of white gauze lining, and some will have chest pads. Many Lifans and novels say that it is out of light. In fact, it will not appear in these swimsuits.

However, this suit is different because the swimsuit is a single layer, and compared to Qianjia, it is slightly smaller. So the whole swimsuit is tight on the body.

"My chest is a bit squeezed."

Qianjia looked at herself in the mirror, her blue swimsuit stretched tightly on her body and it was very bright.

In addition to having only a single layer, this swimsuit also has a breast bag design on the chest.

What is a milk bag?

Generally speaking, the clothes are made of one piece, and the chest part is tightly stretched together. There is no problem with a flat chest, but for girls like Chika and Yukino, the kind of tightly tied together. It looks very strange. It's even ugly, and sometimes, it makes the original good-looking breast shape strange.

For this reason, many gentlemen exclaimed that there is a huge difference between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional. But in fact, this is because ordinary clothes rarely have such a design as a breast bag, and for the visual effect in the animation, it will be designed like this. Let the body feel more undulating, if you run, it will be like waves...

This design is simple and simple. In fact, it is to make a three-dimensional cut on the chest area. The chest area is like two pockets, which can fit extra things in.

This is the case with Qianjia’s dead reservoir swimsuit. There is such a design on the chest. The material of this swimsuit seems to be Lycra and the like, and it has good elasticity. Although it is a little smaller, it is very slim after wearing it.

"But it must be weird to wear this kind of clothes..." Qianjia looked at herself in the mirror. Although she wore it on, it was impossible to avoid it. Because it was too tight, as long as she had a bulge. Basically, it will be fully revealed, and there is no possibility of hiding.

"Oh, it's pretty good here. Is that the essence of the leggings Morinya said before? Although it feels strange to be stretched, the visual effect is really great. Sure enough, the **** is very good."

The swimsuit feels great when worn on her body. Qianjia thought about it for a while, and then worked hard to pull the swimsuit up, trying to create a better visual effect.

"Qianjia, this dress is really weird. It's no wonder that I was strangled..." The Jixiangyuan next to him is different from Qianjia. The red bunny girl is similar in material to Qianjia's swimsuit, and the clothes are also one size smaller. But compared with the dead reservoir water, the high-fork design of the bunny girl makes Jixiangyuan feel like someone is strangling itself with a rope every time it moves. Jixiangyuan now stands on tiptoe subconsciously every time it takes a step, but it still cannot relieve this. The feeling of being strangled.

"How can I be sad? This kind of feeling should be very comfortable~" Qianjia-senpai's dual connection is red, as if she is intoxicated by her beauty, "Although it is a size smaller, the materials of these clothes are tight. It is still very comfortable when stretched on the body, and the tights should be one size smaller to better reflect the body, right?"

"Who would feel comfortable with that kind of thing!" Jixiangyuan's face was also blushed, these clothes were strangled on her body, as if it made her a little bit pain... or something else.

"But this feeling is really weird." Jixiangyuan's breathing seems to have become a bit rapid. She has never felt this feeling before, but she doesn't know if it is because of the pink room decoration. I feel like my whole person is a little different in normal times.

"Then do something else to divert attention or something." Qianjia smiled. Just kidding, I coaxed you to put on this dress with great difficulty. How could it be possible for you to take it off at will? She laughed, and then took two water glasses to the front of Jixiangyuan: "Now, why don't we come and play Truth or Dare!"

Yes, kill two birds with one stone, not only to divert attention, but also to pull out that strange boy!

Qianjia-senpai's eyes were full of war.

"How do two people play?" Jixiangyuan was somewhat inexplicable.

"There seems to be poker here too. Blackjack, is this okay?" Since there are only two people, you can only play one-on-one games. There are also a lot of drinks in the room. Qianjia thought about it. Thinking, took out a bottle of red wine and put it in front of the table.

"Wine?" Jixiangyuan raised an eyebrow, "Qianjia, we are still minors, and we must never do this kind of thing!"

"Ah lala, don't worry, no one will know~" Senior Sister Qianjia waved her hand.

But Jixiangyuan quit: "Qianjia, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to do. Before, I indulged you because we had no choice, but now I want to drink. This is absolutely not allowed!"

"Hmm..." Seeing Jixiangyuan's resolute look, Qian Jia also felt the pressure from the opponent. After thinking about it, she put the red wine back.

But is Qianjia the kind of person who gives up casually? Although she put the red wine back, Qianjia took the water bottle with her eyes, then took out a bottle of Sprite, turned her back to Jixiangyuan, and secretly poured the red wine and Sprite into the water bottle.

"Waiting for a long time~" When Qian Jia brought the kettle over, Jixiangyuan was still sorting out his clothes. After seeing Qian Jia's kettle, he sat back upright.

She looked at the red liquid and seemed a little confused: "What kind of drink is this?"

"Grape-flavored Sprite." Qianjia poured a glass for herself and Jixiangyuan grid, and then took out a deck of playing cards, "Then, let's get started. The loser has to answer the winner's question, if you can't answer it, you have to Drink the drink~"

But looking at the poker cards in front of her, Jixiangyuan was a little at a loss. She looked at Qian Jia blankly, then after thinking about it, she moved her gaze to Senior Sister Qian Jia's face blankly.

"Well, what's on my face?" Qianjia asked strangely.

"No, no... But how should this ‘blackjack’ be played?" Yes, Jixiangyuan doesn’t know exactly how this blackjack should be played...

"Oh?" Qianjia heard this, with a surprised expression on her face, but soon her expression turned into a strange smile, "It's okay, let me teach you, but as a'tuition fee' ', my dear Lihua, you can have a drink first~"

Jixiangyuan had no choice but to take a drink first: "The taste seems to be pretty good..."

"Well, let me teach you, then let's start~"


On the opposite side, Morinka and Yukino were putting their ears on the wall.

"Ahem, Yukino, what are you doing, this kind of thing should never be done by children!" Morinya glared at Yukino, clearly that she should stop Yukino at this time, but I don’t know why, Morinya didn’t do it today. Xuena felt like something went wrong in her brain.

"But... it's really curious, and listening to this voice, there are two girls on the opposite side, it's fun!" Yukino's face was hot, although he couldn't tell the source of the voice from the other side through the wall, he had to say, The two girls on the opposite side were very open to play.

"No, I'm going to die..."

"Hehehehe, you want to end like this, it's too early!"

"Also, more?!"

"This is a punishment for an unbehaved told you not to say it? Scream, shout, shout out loud, and then you will be free!"

"Ah... it really doesn't work!" Senxia's mind finally recovered her clarity, and he dragged Xuena away at once, "In short, we can't continue!"


On the other side, Qianjia didn't notice the sound of the next door at all. After pouring the wine sprite into Jixiangyuan again, she was looking at Jixiangyuan with a fiery face. Prior to this, she had always used topics such as "what color is your fat time" and "what fat time do you like the most" as an offensive method. Jixiangyuan naturally could not answer.

But now that she has drunk so much alcohol, the guard in her heart has been put down, this is her chance...


On the morals, first.

The Monogatari series is really impressive. It is indeed a new house. Wearing a pair of shoes makes people feel austere... (to be continued...)

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