Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 319: Senxia-kun, have you finally taken this step?

The next day was a holiday, and the blizzard hit again, so the school had to choose to suspend classes.

However, for Morinia, today is not the time to rest.

"Why is I the only one sleeping on the sofa..."

Getting up from the sofa in the morning, Senxia sighed. Yukino and Qianjia entered the room together last night, but Senxia-kun seemed to be an outsider, and he had to stay in the living room.

Morinya said that she was really a dog.

However, the in-depth exchanges last night did not seem to improve the relationship between Yukino and Chika. Although they came out of the room with a smile at this time, they don’t know why, Morinatsu obviously felt a very disturbing atmosphere. .

Although it was a day of rest, Senxia definitely did not feel that she had the opportunity to rest today.

"Um, you two, didn't you have a good relationship before, what happened to this today?" Senxia asked weakly.

"Why did my brother ask like that? We are the relationship between the predecessors and the younger generations who have a good relationship~" Yukino smiled at Morinka.

"Arah, Senxia-kun, if you have so much time to worry about others, why don't you help us make breakfast?" Qianjia also smiled at Senxia.

"Yeah, I also want to eat the food that my brother made, it must be great!" Yes, but now Senxia can only become a chef and cook for the two.

The breakfast is poached egg, pickled radish and white porridge, plus a bowl of borscht. Whether it is Japanese or Chinese, it is a classic breakfast. Although it seems simple, it is actually very comfortable to eat in the morning, especially for three people. I had a greasy fast food last night.

Although it is a very comfortable breakfast, Morinia still feels something wrong with it. This is not something wrong with her, but something wrong with the atmosphere in the restaurant.

I really want to run away right away...

These two are obviously hostile to each other, but why are they so friendly... No, there seems to be a relationship between the two that they don't know at all, it is precisely because of this relationship. So they are still friendly in the struggle... But why do I always feel that this relationship is maintained by me?

Maybe Senxia doesn't feel it himself, but his sixth sense is always very useful in unexpected places...

The scene was extremely embarrassing, but at this moment, Senxia's cell phone suddenly rang.


"Mosimosi?" He immediately picked up the phone.

"Good morning. Mori-natsu-kun!" Miss Takasaka Ogawa's voice came over the phone.

Your editor, that's great!

Senxia burst into tears in her heart.

"Sorry, I have a phone!" After finishing this sentence, Morinka ran away from the dining table and said to the phone. "Good morning, Miss Dahe!"

"You seem to be very happy. Did you meet something happy?" The lady Dahe over there laughed when he heard Senxia's high-pitched voice.

"Well, to be precise, it was Ms. Dahe that your phone call saved my life. I was really saved." Senxia was really embarrassed at this time.

"Did you encounter the Shura Field? It wasn't me who said you, Mori Xia-kun, you are just a high school student now, it is not good to have so many girlfriends... Well. Or, you have a boyfriend?" Bian's voice was gloating.

"Miss Dahe, don't say such funny jokes." Senxia sighed, "It's just a small conflict between my sister and senior sister."

Morinka lowered her voice when she spoke, and while he said that, he lowered his head and looked at Qianjia and Xueno, hoping that nothing terrible would happen between them.

"Mori-natsu-kun, although I have known that there will be such a day, since you have done something like that to your sister, you must think about it. Also, don't be impulsive. You must not just be seen by outsiders. Killing people..."

"Wait!" Senxia was sweating profusely, "My dear editor-in-chief, what did you misunderstand just now?!"

Senxia's mouth twitched. It has only been a few minutes, what kind of plot has your feelings now in your mind!

"Because Mori-kun, you feel that way in my heart, but I think you are more likely to be pushed back by your lovely sister in women's clothing. No, it may be castrated. It depends. Senxiajun, your own choice."

Miss Takasu Ogawa. Why do you know my sister so much? Also, what kind of dangerous content did you add to your brain to have such a script!

Senxia originally thought she was fortunate, but she didn't expect the other party to say some messy things, making Senxia dumbfounded.

"Okay, the editor in charge, why are you calling me today? You definitely don't want to come and talk to me about this kind of thing?" The more we discuss this issue, the more Senxia feels the editor in charge. The young lady will definitely have more unusual ideas. He and Xue Na are brothers and sisters. Why does this lady in charge have such strange ideas?

"Well, I'm just talking about the most likely development." Miss Dahe over there chuckled, "Okay, now it's time to talk about business, it's about your young girl wars, which will be released in the second issue. After that, the response seemed to be pretty good, as I said before, the story of your young girl's battle is basically determined to be a separate book."

"Oh?" There was good news at last, and Senxia was also bright when he heard the news.

"I originally planned to tell you later, but you probably won't have to go to class today, so I will tell you early." Miss Dahe over there continued to tell Senxia the good news, "If you have time, We'd better make time to meet up this week."

"Well, there is no problem." Morinka said, leaning to the front of Qianjia-senpai's calendar. "Then it will be Friday. It happens that Erika's coffee shop will open that day. If you choose this point, the time will be just right. Well, Miss Dahe, you want to try the maid coffee too, right?"

However, the voice over there was not thanks, but an exclamation: "Another one!"


Senxia's brain paused for a few and he immediately understood what the "another" meant by Miss Dahe.

"Sinxia-kun, it’s not that I said you. Since you have done something like that to your sister, you must be responsible to her. Why do you have to entangle so many people? Although I don’t support this kind of emotion, I Nor does it object to your pursuit of the truth."

So! Take! Say!

Morika was almost going crazy. He thought this phone should have been his savior, but he found that Miss Takasu on the other end of the phone seemed to have misunderstood something very important.

Why in your eyes, I am the kind of scumbag!

Morinha is very sad and angry...


Some things, but finally got it...(~^~)



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