Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 347: Then give me special training in the accommodation!

"Hey, Morinatsu, do you think that guy Anno Hideaki will really have an eva extravaganza?" Qianjia asked suddenly when he walked back to the venue. [Read the latest chapters..]

"Well, maybe it's really possible."

Meishao. Female DreamWorks was originally made by gainax. Anno said at the time that this game is not without a target. After all, there is a game foundation, which can be easily modified later. An eva development plan is there, er, let alone. Ayanami was raised, Shinji was raised, Nagisa was raised... Fuck, I just didn't react, and now I found out that they really did it!

"Oh, no matter what, anyway, they do their fraudulent money, we do ours."

Morinya didn't really care about it.

I personally participated in eva's money scam... No, it is a very interesting thing in the process of expansion, but our ultimate goal is indeed our gentlemen ourselves?

"That's right, if it looks like this, we should have accelerated... well, it's decided!" Qian Jia suddenly stopped, and then turned around and patted Senxia's shoulder sharply. When we have time, let's come to live together for training!"

"... Stay together?" Senxia was stunned, is it going to Qianjia's apartment again?

"Of course, I will leave Tokyo to go on vacation at that time. Then you can come with me, Mori Xia-kun." Qianjia smiled, "Well, I believe you will like it. There are hot springs there~"

"What about Xuenai?" Senxia asked quickly.

"Isn't the day after tomorrow going to discuss eva? Yukino will definitely be busy at that time, she seems to be participating in kendo competitions afterwards. It is also great to let Yukino come together during this time."

"Well... it's okay to be a tourist, but if we rush to interrupt, is there really no problem?" Morinya knew that once Qianjia said it, it would not be a polite remark, but Qianjia didn't care. Does not represent her family.

"Well, don't worry, no one else will come over, even if there are. I will force them out..."

Exclude... Qianjia-senpai, please don't use such terrifying vocabulary. People who don't know think what you are going to do.

"All in all, Senxia-kun, please be prepared in advance. I remember you said before that you will not have anything after the New Year. That's it." Senxia hasn't answered yet, and Qianjia is already there. The self-talking set the matter down.

Senxia shrugged. He is already used to the strength of Qianjia-senpai, so at this time he also has an indifferent attitude, well, as long as there is no strange disorder at the time.

At this time, Lao Xu was sitting in front of the stall with his lunch, but he didn't move, but looked straight into the distance. He didn't even notice that the lunch in his hand was cold.

After Senxia and Qianjia had arrived. He immediately waved his hand.

"Teacher Xia Sen, Miss Qianjia, have you all met with Mr. Xiuming Anno?" Lao Xu had recognized Xiuming Anno before, so he gave Senxia a wink at that time, and now he is also very concerned about what happened. what happened.

"Well, all in all, eva-retake has been confirmed to be officially published."

Senxia smiled at Lao Xu.

"Huh..." Lao Xu breathed a sigh of relief. Before, he was afraid that the two people would be wasting the great opportunity they had. After hearing Senxia's answer, Lao Xu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then they smiled at Senxia, ​​"That's really congratulations to both of you."

Senxia sat on the chair, then took off her coat and peaked cap and tossed her hair.

"It's okay. But Yukino's talent is proved by this one." He fiddled with his hair lightly, and said while fiddled with it, "But Senior Qianjia just reminded me, our most important thing Sure enough, it’s still my own work. I don’t have any excuses to be lazy now. During the New Year, I will try my best to... Eh, what’s wrong with you?"

Senxia was still talking about her plan, but there was no sound here for a long time, which made him a little strange. After he turned his head, he found that Lao Xu and Senior Sister Qianjia were both stunned.

"That, Senxia-kun, what you just did..." Senior Sister Qianjia looked at Senxia, ​​but she seemed to have become stuttering, and she couldn't say a complete sentence at this time.

"Just now, it feels a lot..." Lao Xu beside him let out a faint sigh.

"Hey, there is an inexplicable feeling as if you have lost..." Qian Jia sighed.

I just got my hair done just now. Would you like to be so exaggerated?

"Mori Xia-kun, do you know that, just now, I really seemed to see Ayanami jump out of the animation." Qianjia sighed.

Senxia was unconscious, but Lao Xu and Qianjia who stood on the side were truly amazing.

The expressionless "Ayanami Rei" gently sat on the chair, and then inadvertently fiddled with the tips of her hair...

No, you don’t even need to be Ayanami, or even a woman, you just need the action just now to show the beauty of art. This kind of scene with a wonderful sense of dust is very impressive. The artistic conception, um, how to put it, "peerless and independent" is probably this feeling. Together with Ayanami's original three-dimensional temperament, this beauty has been radiated to the extreme.

"It's a pity that there are not many people now. If it were before, it will definitely cause a sensation..." Qian Jia was heartbroken.

"Hey, hey, you can give me enough!" Senxia's mouth twitched.

"...Well, forget it, anyway, there is still a chance in the future, Senxia-kun, you are mine, and you can dress me how I want you to wear in the future~" Qian Jia said heartlessly. Even the old Xu next to him was taken aback. But she didn't seem to care: "By the Lao Xu, how many books do we have now?"

"Hey, there is about one third of it. After you left, many shopkeepers around saw that our books are selling so well, so they came to buy a copy."

Hearing what Lao Xu said, Senxia also raised her head and looked around. Sure enough, many people around were actually reading books intently.

"Hey, it's really amazing." Senxia herself was taken aback.

"Well..." Qianjia's eyes lit up at the moment, "but this means that if we sell out in advance, we can go to the cospy area for the rest of the time, right?"

"Uh..." Senior sister Qianjia, I already know what you are thinking...


Today’s first update, and don’t think it’s 18x when you see the notebook, it’s actually a very ordinary notebook.

There is one more update, the code word ing (to be continued.)



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