Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 595: How to engage in live video broadcasting in 1998?

"Our family's business in Sapporo is managed by our Akiumoto family, and the relevant accounts are backed up in our basement. The business part managed by our family is mainly real estate and construction."

After arriving at the home of Masaomi Akimoto, he began to introduce Morinatsu about the situation here. After hearing the other party's words, the shock that Morinka felt was disintegrating.

"It's just a little bit of land in Hokkaido. What's that?" This is a sentence that Senxia's old lady once said, and it is also one of the reasons for Senxia's impression of her hometown.

My mother, your understatement made me doubt my life.

Of course, although the family has money, these Qian Senxia can't be used, not only can't be used, but if the old man knows that he wants help from the family, he must be happier because it means Senxia pills.

Senxia Yaowan, what he can do to become the owner of the house, the old man may be able to wake up in dreams.

Fortunately, the old man is not that kind of teasing, he will not deliberately suppress his family's career or something, this is quite cute.

"" After listening to the other party and coming to the living room, Senxia felt two eyes staring at her.

Qianjia and Lihua were also surprised by what the other party said. Senxia turned out to be a local tyrant. No matter how you think about this kind of thing, it feels incredible. This is completely different from what they perceive.

"I don't need to read this, I'm not the owner of the house now" Senxia waved his hand at the other party.

"I understand." Qiumoto nodded, "Then Young Master Morika, what else do you want to know?"

"No, I think it's almost there. I don't know much about Hokkaido. It's probably enough to know." It's good to see if you have an impression now, even if you will inherit the family. That should be at least two years later, and it doesn't make much sense for myself to say something here now.

Two years. The possibility of these materials being able to flow out is very rare.

Looking at the time, Masaki Akimoto said: "It's almost noon now. How about the young master leaving for lunch first? Then I will inform Guanghui and let him come over."

Most of the industries managed by the Saruto family are in Hakodate, so Mori will go to Hakodate afterwards, and the old man has already left there at this time. If there is no accident, Mori and the others will be in Hakodate’s hometown tonight. Eat and rest over there.

Anyway, as a tourist, this is not bad.

Senxia nodded.

"Then I will let people prepare." Masaomi Akimoto nodded.

After he and his wife left, only Makoto Akimoto and Manami Akimoto were left here. As for the energy-saving activist Qiumoto Yuko, at this time he nestled in his room.

"Mori-kun, Yukino-chan, will you come here to play again in the future? I really want to take you around! Alas, it's a pity that Uncle Sato didn't come over."

Senxia was not impressed by the separation, but the girls who separated, Senxia actually had a good impression of them.

"Hey, my brother and I will come here if we get the chance. And we have already agreed that we will come to Hokkaido for skiing after winter!" Yukino smiled and promised Manami.

"Well. If that's the case, that would be great!"

After hearing Yukino's promise, Manami immediately laughed.

"Several people, please come with me, I will take you to the restaurant." At this moment, Qiumoto Makoto walked over. He looked polite, some young and mature.

Senxia nodded, and followed him to the restaurant.

Today’s lunch is steak and onion soup. It is a typical Western food, and the taste of the food can be said to be very good.

After they finished their cooking. The people from the Saruto family came.

It is worth mentioning that it is the Saruto Kokke family who are here now. As for the two sons of the Saruto family, they are different from the boss. But they also live in Hakodate.

Neither Saruto Kokuji nor his two sons came here. They wanted to accompany the father to Hakodate. The person who came here was Saruto Takayuki.

When Senxia came out of Qiumoto's house and saw this embarrassing yellow-haired dead house, he was full of complaints.

The journey from Sapporo to Hakodate is neither long nor short. In order to save time, Morika and the others did not go by car, but took a train.

"Mr. Xia Sen, after coming to my house, please come to my room!"

How would you feel when a veteran of Huang Mao said this to you?

Anyway, Senxia felt quite painful at this time, while Qianjia and the others next to her were looking at herself with weird eyes.

What the **** is this.

"Well, let's talk about this issue later." Senxia waved her hand. Senxia's decision is not to comment on this painful thing.

"Xiaozhisan, do you know your brother's pen name?" Xue Nao noticed the other side, and she seemed a little nervous.

"Yes, Ms. Xuenao, I didn't expect that the person who created such a wonderful work would be by my side! By the way, Mr. Xia Sen, what was the idea you said last night? I was so curious that there was almost nothing at night. Falling asleep!"

"Sinxia what did you do?" Qianjia turned his head.

"Ahem, I was thinking of making a Cthulhu module at the time, and I happened to be heard by Mr. Xiao. He was also more interesting to Cthulhu, so we discussed about Cthulhu." Morixia explained One sentence, "Then we thought of the Internet system."

"It turned out to be so." Xue Na nodded, and some frowning brows eased.

"So what did you think of Morinya?" Qianjia asked curiously again.

"Well, to put it simply, what I think of is the webcast." Senxia said after thinking about it.

"Webcast? Can this kind of thing be done?" The few people sitting here who know the Internet are all a little puzzled.

Live streaming is not so easy to get things done. Even 20 years later, it is very troublesome to achieve full HD live streaming at 1080p resolution.

"Of course the general method is not possible, but we have other methods. Do you know some unique ‘watching’ systems in games?"

The general method is naturally very troublesome, but in this world, there is a special live broadcast method. This method is called "watching the battle."

"Watching the game" can be said to be the earliest live broadcast method, and this method has been running through the development of the game. Players who have played Warcraft may be impressed by the multiplayer mode, because this system can provide a "watching" system when building a map.

Compared with the real live broadcast, the network resources needed to watch the game are very small, but the requirements for the system are very large. Generally speaking, this mode is to mobilize the resources on your own computer for interpretation.

Qianjia and Saruto Takayuki are two people who know the Internet better. It immediately understood.

The method of "watching the battle" is indeed a very strange thing.

Of course, this model also has its own shortcomings, one of which is that the client must be downloaded, and the other is that it has greater resource requirements for the computer.

But in Senxia's view, it doesn't matter much.

"If the tabletop game is moved to the Internet, I don't think it will consume too much resources to interpret it. We separate the video of the running group from the audience's server, and then create a one-minute cache. In this way, no matter how many audiences there are, it won't affect the running team itself." Morinya smiled, "And then the killer feature is the barrage system."

Yes. Although it was in 1998, when it comes to online video, it came to Morinata's mind. It really is a barrage!

How can it be called live broadcast without barrage!

Barrage! Barrage! Barrage!

"The spectator system I'm talking about has similar technology in Kadokawa's All-Star Brawl, but the barrage system hasn't yet." Mori summer explained.

"So, what exactly is a barrage?" But at this time, everyone was asking about the barrage system itself. What exactly is Morija talking about? Everyone is still confused at this time.

Senxia also felt it was difficult to explain, so she took out a piece of paper and began to paint.

"This is a video, and this is a barrage. To put it simply, a barrage is the text that swipes across the screen from right to left. These texts can be seen as the audience's complaints about the game and the system." Senxia briefly explained. "It’s not just live broadcasts. This system can be used in various places. I think for us, in addition to live broadcasts, other similar videos and videos can be added to it. Oh, yes, I am the most The interesting part is to apply it to works like animation"

Sure enough, the biggest use of the barrage system is to complain about new animations. Some animations are 10,000 times better than the work itself!

"Now, Senxia-kun, how about we really open a video website now?" Qianjia made a suggestion with a weird expression.

Obviously, when Senxia said "Xinfan Tucao", she became interested.

The Saruto Takayuki over there also has a brilliant face, this idea is simply amazing!

Think about it, when Gongxiaolu Ruiho appeared in the picture, there were a row of "sister-sama race high!" and "Ruiho I married!" in the subtitles. This is simply too interesting!

"Uh, I think it's still early in this regard. After the Internet has become more popular in a few years, I think it should be a little worthwhile."

Internet video has no conditions at all in these years, otherwise Senxia would not have thought of the tricks like before. But tricks are tricks after all. Although they can achieve some of the ideas and results they want, they are also very restrictive.

As for the current situation, unless it is the kind of network Xiaolifan that hardly needs quality, other works want to be broadcast through the current network, which can be said to be quite difficult.

At least Senxia didn't think it was reliable.

"Is it really such an interesting thing to run a group?" Lihua, who has never been in contact with similar board games, seems to be very puzzled.

"Of course, although it can't be called the public, it's still an interesting thing."

It is difficult to understand this kind of thing in a place without a running group atmosphere.

For example, in a large eastern country, similar running group activities are actually very rare, and many people don't even understand this. In Japan, although the running group is a minority, its own industry and cultural radiation can be said to be very good.

In the future, Japanese barrage nets, running groups are a very interesting category!

On the other hand, on the Bili Bili website of a major eastern country, there are very few similar running group videos.

This is not a question of culture, it is a question of atmosphere, it seems that many people cannot understand why Americans like football.

As the saying goes, going to the countryside, and Moriha himself is also very interested in running groups, so he thinks that there shouldn't be any problems with Cthulhu or something.

"Well, I just don't know how the audience is." Although Senxia thinks it is feasible, Senxia still feels a little worried. These running groups can be recorded and live broadcast, but the requirement is that a client is needed. This is just like opening one. The real video of the future that can be viewed on the web is essentially different.

"How about preparing for both hands?" Qianjia put forward his opinion, "One is to use the video online live broadcast method, and the other is to use the client mode you mentioned Morinya."

In short, it is a red heart, ready with both hands.

"Yo Xi, I will start preparing now" Saruto Takayuki nodded excitedly, "By the way, Mr. Xia Sen, what do you think our live broadcast website and client should be called?"

"This ah may force li to force li, and aun is also possible."

Senxia said casually.

"What kind of messy names are these?" Qian Jia rolled his Especially which force Li forced Li, how could it sound like an electric shock! "

"This is the art of naming!" Senxia's eyes widened. This is the name that countless philosophers in the future will come up with, especially forcing li to li. Why do you have to focus on this, obviously this is the most important thing. That's nice, cheers Bilibili! I* stand onboard!

Because of the low level of Morinka's name, although the plan was finalized, neither the name of the website nor the name of the client has yet been determined. But this matter is not urgent, the plan is just beginning, and the name is not important for the time being.

After more than three hours of train, Mori and his team finally arrived in Hakodate.

"We've been waiting for a long time, Master Mori, Miss Xuenai."

The eldest son of the Saruto family, Mori's eldest uncle in the Saruto family, Koki Saruto, walked in front of Morinatsu at this time.

On the plane

Two chapters in one

Ask for a ticket at the end of the month (to be continued.)

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