Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 620: Photograph of Arakawa

The time was September 6, 1998, Sunday, Sunday, and it was fine.

The weather here in Arakawa is exceptionally good today, with green grass and blue sky and clear water.

"This is Arakawa, the scenery is amazing."

Arakawa is a river that passes through the northern part of Tokyo.

Arakawa originated at the junction of the three prefectures of Saitama, Yamanashi, and Nagano, and finally flows into Tokyo Bay. Arakawa is 169 kilometers long and has a basin area of ​​nearly 3,000 square kilometers.

Of course, as far as people from a big eastern country are concerned, the name Arakawa may be associated with the animation work "Arakawa Hilarious Group", and only Arakawa itself is probably not known by many people.

Nini was ready to go back to the UK, so she followed Morinia and the others to Arakawa to enjoy the scenery here.

Of course, enjoying the scenery is not the main thing.

Xue Nai, Qian Jia, Li Hua, Nini, and Miss Torrete from the US, they are all here at this time. In addition, there is Morinka’s maid, Iki, who will follow Morinka wherever he is.

"It's really interesting to be here to shoot a photo."

Yukino is wearing a coat on the outside, while the inside is Jiqi's costume. The film on her body has long been taken off for today's portrait.

Well, yes, they came to shoot the photo album today.

This is the portrait of "Guilty Crown" that I said before, and today Morinka plans to shoot this.

In addition to shooting in Arakawa, there are also more private photos, because they can't be seen by outsiders, so I have to go back to shoot at that time.

As for the more intimate photos, it is of course the large-scale COS costume Yukino showed Morika before.

Of course, since it is a portrait. Indoors alone are not acceptable. Outdoor photos are definitely needed, so Yukino strongly recommends that everyone take photos together.

Originally, Qianjia suggested that everyone who had cos with me the last time should come to the photo together, but because of Yukino’s opposition and other people have things, today’s day has become the cos photo of the two "protagonists" Morinka and Yukino. Up.

The weather today is very good. The sun was shining, and better yet, Morinya didn't see many idlers.

"But there are really few people today." Senxia also sighed at this time. Even passers-by didn't see much. There are really few people today.

"Because the road ahead is under repair, it will be a little troublesome to come here." Iki explained.

"Repair? It didn't seem to be repaired when we came?"

Senxia glanced at the car next to her. When they came over, there seemed to be no problem.

"Hey, road construction started after we came here." Iki answered calmly.

"...Is this a coincidence?"

Morika looked at Iki with a strange look.

"Hi, this is a coincidence."

Iki answered Morinatsu firmly.


It's just a coincidence.

Senxia didn't want to say much about this.

"Senxia-kun, the shooting is about to begin." Lihua walked to Senxia's side at this time.

"Hi." Senxia nodded. Then he walked towards Xueno's side, and Senxia walked towards Xueno's side at this time.

Lihua did not follow Senxia, ​​but looked at Senxia's back.

"...Sure enough, Tokyo is still a little inconvenient, if it is in Hokkaido. Things are much simpler." At this moment, Lihua heard Iki's mutter next to her.

"...What?" Lihua glanced at Yi Ji next to him with some confusion.

"It's a place like Tokyo. It's a little bit difficult to completely create a quiet and safe place. I'm having a headache," Iki shook his head. "If you are in Hokkaido, as long as you prepare to clear the streets in advance, even if everyone doesn't walk on the streets, there will be no problems."


Lihua was shocked.

"The land in Hokkaido is basically controlled by our Tiankai family. Although it is troublesome to clear a city or something, if it is a street or a town, there is no problem at all." Iki's words are completely different. Is bragging.

After hearing Iki's words, Lihua seemed to think of something.

If the street is really empty, the whole street belongs to me. At that time, even if I don’t wear anything or walk on the street in shameless clothes, it seems that there is no problem at all...

Just thinking about it makes me feel ashamed, so... so good.

Lihua's heart throbbed and throbbed, and she fell into a delusion, obviously she had thought of something very incredible, and then she was dizzy.

Such a scene must be very strange.

Lihua's face also seemed to turn slightly red at this time.

"Miss Lihua, you seem to yearn for this kind of life too." Yi Ji seemed to see through Lihua, with a smile on his face.

"Um! Nothing like that!"

Lihua, who was quite serious before, could be said to have a face full of shyness at this time. It was clear that Iki didn't say anything, but Lihua's delusion had already broken through the sky. At this time, his head was completely messed up.

"You seem to be shaking, Miss Lihua. But this is not necessary at all. I have already investigated your matter, and I know your interests." Yi Ji has nothing to do with Lihua's state. feel.

However, Lihua couldn't keep calm when she heard Iki say such words so seriously.

"You, what are you talking about!"

Lihua's face was already extremely red at this time.

"I mean, in front of me, please don't be restrained, Miss Lihua. I have already understood your preferences. In front of me, you can completely let go of your constraints, which is also beneficial to your own physical and mental development. "

Iki's serious words left Lihua almost speechless.

"Then, that's it! I'm going to pass too."

Lihua didn't know what to say anymore, so she chose to back down at this moment.

"Miss Lihua, please don’t worry, I’ve already said it. I know your hobby is very special, about this. I don’t think there is anything too hard to say, in fact, everyone has something they like, just You feel ashamed because of your conservative ideas."

"Wow...! Stop talking!"

Lihua's body began to tremble.

But Yi Ji didn’t seem to plan to let Lihua go in this way. She went on to say: “If you need it. I can prepare some special clothes for you, and then there are specially made rope clothes. I believe that these clothes are good for the owner. The appeal is definitely not low."

"Please, please say it!"

Lihua squatted down, then hugged her head and squatted defense.

Too shame...

No, this is definitely not possible!


As Iki said, if she can do that, it must be something that can make herself very excited.

and. If it can fascinate Senxia Jun, this matter is also worthwhile.

So what if you don't try it?

"Lihua, what are you doing over there? Come and help!" At this moment, Lihua heard Qianjia's voice not far away.


Lihua quickly stood up. Then he bowed to Yiji, and ran over in a hurry, and Yiji followed behind and went to light up the set together.

at this time. Morinka and Yukino have changed their clothes and are ready to start shooting photos. Of course, today's protagonist is Xue Na, so it is mainly Xue Na.

Of course, Yukino's goal is not for herself. But to show my brother his photo album.

"What were you talking about?"

Mori Xia just accidentally noticed Lihua who was in chaos and Iki on the side. Mori Xia instinctively felt that something unexplainable had happened just now.

Otherwise, Qianjia wouldn't blush so much.

There is a problem, there must be a problem...

You don't need to look at it to know that there will be demons if something goes wrong.

"No, nothing!"

It was Lihua who came out to deny it.


Morinia thought Yi Ji had bullied Lihua, but looking at Lihua's attitude, things seemed to be different.


Senxia is a little strange. It stands to reason that if it were Lihua, she should be right at this time to accuse Yi Ji with righteous words. Why did this happen?

No, things don't seem to be that simple.

Could it be that Yi Ji just made some ulterior **** transactions with Lihua?

Senxia was thinking wildly.

"Brother, let's start~"

At this time, Yukino walked to Morinka's side, and then took Morinka to the chosen location.


Sure enough, let's finish the photo album first.

It didn't take much time to shoot. After noon, everyone found a place to sit down and start eating lunch.

"In fact, if I can, I myself would be more interested in that kind of more intimate shooting." After the morning photo shoot, Miss Torrete sighed, "The kind of thing that can completely express myself, I think it is the most interesting."

"I agree with this. Everyone can do this and that. It will be very interesting!" Qianjia also nodded in agreement at this time.

"It's just a pity. There is no way to show you that kind of stuff. If you can only watch it in private, I'm not going to show off my brother to others..." Xue Nao sighed, tilting his head.

"Show off Senxia?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"Yeah, my most complacent brother, such a good brother, why can't I show it off to everyone?"

Yukino smiled happily.

"It is indeed a good thing to have relatives who can be complacent." Lihua also sighed.

"Senxia, ​​I heard that you are also coming to the UK at the end of the month?" Nini moved to Senxia's side.

"Hi, it's a school trip." Morinya said.

Nini nodded: "That's a coincidence. I am planning to move to Japan after October. If you come here in September, I might be able to entertain you."

"Well, this matter is not necessarily true. I heard that our principal seems to want to modify the destination of school trips. This year, the United Kingdom may not be our first choice." Lihua came over at this time, "but this matter, our student union They also have the right to make decisions. The specific situation may not come out until next week."

"It doesn't matter. If you have a chance, Moriha, it's okay if you can come, or if you can't, we can meet every day after I move to Japan anyway." Nini smiled.

Nini had decided to settle down in Japan a few months ago. After this period of investigation, she finally decided to move her shop completely in October.

When that happens, if Nini can settle down here, everyone will really be able to meet all the time.

However, Mori Xia still feels a little worried for the other party, because Japan is very conservative and xenophobic. Although foreigners are good, Nini, a foreigner who wants to come to Japan to work hard, may be a little bit troublesome.

After chatting with the other party for a while, Mori Natsu approached Iki next to him again, and he asked, "Sister Iki, do you have any thoughts about Miss Anne's desire to come to Japan for development?"

"The cos cultural circle is a subcultural circle. In this subcultural circle, it is not very difficult to develop based on the same hobbies." Iki simply said, "But based on the characteristics of Japan, I I think it’s better for her to find someone to cooperate. I once investigated Miss Anne’s London industry. In fact, I think her niche culture might develop better in the United States."

Indeed, if you want to say where in the world is the most open, it is probably the United States. For Iki's evaluation, Morinatsu nodded with deep approval.

"If the host feels necessary, I can come forward to negotiate. I think if there is a professional cos shop, it can better help us to serve you as the host." Iki said seriously.

"Ahem, just call me Senxia, ​​and I said don't call the master!" Senxia still asked Yiji to call her own name. Then he asked: "What did you mean by serving us just now?"

"The host, your mother is a fashion You seem to be very talented in this area. If you want to realize your own ideas, having your own company club, isn't it a great thing?"

Hearing Iki's words, Morika thought of the in-game costumes she had drawn.

That number is definitely quite a lot. Thinking about it carefully, the absolute value above may be able to match some of the clothes designed by my mother.

It seemed that Iki had misunderstood.

"Uh, let's do that. You can investigate some things. I will consult Qianjia Senior Sister for the next thing."

After all, Nini and Qianjia are more familiar with each other, and Senxia feels that she must refer to the other party's opinions and Nini's own wishes in this regard.


Today’s two-in-one chapter, I was wrong, I have to work hard to code words!

I want to find the morals, and then pay the debt update! (To be continued.)


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