Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 642: The rotten girl is terrible...

When Senxia appeared in front of everyone, it caused a burst of surprise.

Many people are shocked by such a young author.

Although they used the term "high school student writer" when promoting Morinka, they were surprised when they first saw real high school students.

"Ah, what a cute boy!"

It is worth mentioning that in the crowd, in addition to boys, there are also many female readers. When Moriha came out, they all beamed.

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect that in the real world, there should be such a cute boy. It's such a super cute and weak..."

"The boy with long hair...well, there is no resistance at all. By the way, such a cute child, maybe it was a surprise attack~"

Senxia just sat down, hearing the discussion here, Senxia immediately wanted to get up and run away.

But at this time Qianjia also came over. After seeing that Senxia wanted to stand up, she immediately walked to Senxia's side with a smile, and then pressed Senxia's shoulder.

Morika: "..."

Suddenly being held by Qianjia, Senxia's whole body was not good. He turned his head and glanced at Qianjia, who was smiling at himself.

"Just sit here obediently and wait until the signing is over!"-That's exactly what the expression in his eyes said.

"It will die! I will die!" Senxia also blinked at Qianjia.

"Don't worry, if you die, I will definitely go to worship you today next year." Qianjia patted Senxia on the shoulder.


Senxia turned around stiffly.

Fortunately, the two rot girls who are chatting are not very old, and they can even be said to have a little level of beauty. When it is their turn to sign them, at least the pressure is not too great.

If it's the kind of middle-aged woman, Mori Xia guesses that she might even have the desire to die now.

In fact, there is not much to do in the signing. Talk to the fans, then sign your name, say thank you for your support, and that's it.

High school student writers or something, really have a selling point.

"Ah, Kuroshima-kun?" Then Senxia found a Kuroshima-kun in the crowd.

"Ms. Natsumi..." Ichiro Kuroshima finally came to Morika, and he seemed to be very happy.

"Hmm...Thank you for your support." Well, someone I know came to support me. To be honest, Morinia is actually very happy.

The signing time is not long, from morning until noon.

"I feel like my hand is broken." At noon, Morinka, Qianjia and Miss Dahe drove to the White Bear Cafe.

Since Morinka started working here, no matter whether it’s a treat or what to do, Morinka and the others like to do it at the White Bear Cafe.

"It seems that every author who engages in signing will complain like this afterwards." Miss Dahe smiled heartily.

"Because I'm really tired."

It has always been repeated mechanical work, and Moriha feels very painful.

"Well, it seems that there is no news on the Internet for the time being." Qianjia over there is already connected to the Internet at this time. The Internet service is provided in the Baixiong Café. Bring the notebook over and pull out the network cable from under the table. Come on, that's it.

This is not the era of WIFI, otherwise, with a wireless network, it will be more convenient.

"Let me see." Senxia leaned over.

This "Earth Defense Boy" is not a work of his own brainstorming, but the book whose original is a manga is also regarded as a work of his own adaptation. In addition to the story outline, Morinka has actually paid a lot. of.

Probably because of the fact that it has just been listed, there are no useful discussions on the various bulletin boards on the Internet. At most, I turned to two posts saying that Mr. Xia Sen's new book was about to be listed.

But in Senxia's own forum, there are a lot of related discussions.

"See Mr. Xia Sen, he is really a cute boy!"

"The teacher is so young and cute."

"The first novel also comes with a new single from See-Saw, great, I am a fan of See-Saw!"

"It's hard to imagine that a cute boy can make such a great thing..."

"I'm in Osaka, but I have also bought the teacher's new book. The new song promoted before is indeed there!"

Yes, there are still people discussing themselves on the Internet now in the team that is engaged in signing. In other words, in addition to those discussing singles, many other people who have been to the scene, at this time, the object of discussion has become Morinka himself.

After seeing the discussion on the Internet, Morinya's mood can be said to be mixed.

Cute boy... What expression should we use to face this time?

Qian Jia also realized the painful appearance of Senxia, ​​she was looking at herself with subtle eyes at this time.

"Lovely boy...well, Senxia-kun, this is a selling point."

Qianjia's words didn't seem to be joking at all, but because it didn't seem to be joking, Senxia's face became more subtle at this time.

"But there are so many discussions like this." Editor Dahe hasn't read the Internet before, and now she is surprised to see so many feedback posts on the Internet.

"Right, Sister Dahe." Qianjia turned his head and looked at Dahe. "When Mori Xiajun tried to read this book before, I wondered what the feedback was like?"

Although Qian Jia had seen a little at the time, it was last year after all, so she had almost forgotten about it at this time.

"Well, because I know that Senxia-kun's book will be on sale soon, so I found out the previous reviews some time ago." Miss Dahe smiled, "Well, although many of them say it is a It's a cruel story, but in general, it is very unexpected. Especially the death of the child who is suspected to be the male protagonist makes everyone feel very shocked."

One thing about Earth Defense Youth is very that is, the characters inside have to die every time, and in the end, all members have to hang up. From this point of view, it is indeed a very opposite Traditional story.

"I think in the near future, there will definitely be similar posts on the Internet." Qianjia secretly smiled here.

Senxia over there nodded.

Sometimes I can see the readers look dumbfounded, which is actually quite At the end, the readers are stunned. Well, no wonder so many novels like to force the tragedy of dead men. Lord, this is not without reason...

——For example, Ichiro Kuroshima sat there in a daze at this time.

Of course, Kuroshima Ichiro at this moment is not stunned because of the novel, but because of the single bound...


Today the first update, immediately write the second update, the next chapter 3K Party. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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