Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 656: Could it be that my posture to open the game is wrong?

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Something is wrong, is there a problem with my posture when opening the game?

Obviously, all three roads have been pushed to the opposite highland tower, but Senxia discovered that at this time, the situation was a little wrong.

After he almost hit the door, the opposite side showed amazing toughness. Although the five crispy skins are low in blood, but these five people are shrinking under the tower, it is difficult for Senxia to start.

"It's really troublesome, let's push it!"

Senxia said.

"Gathered in the middle!"

Senxia asked the middle road to gather for a wave, and then pushed.

Unsurprisingly, the opponent had almost mastered some skills at this time. At this time, the five people were not scattered, but concentrated in the middle.

They gathered in the middle in a wave.

Not to be outdone, Senxia also wandered in front of the tower, ready to wait for the opponent's mistake.

10 people kept fighting in the middle like this.

Although Senxia’s equipment is very good, except for Senxia, ​​everyone else has the same equipment. Both sides are half a catastrophe, but there is a defensive tower on the opposite side, so it seems that Senxia wants to suppress it. .

Fighting, Senxia found that the lines on both sides had been pushed under his tower.

"Senxia, ​​should you take care of the lines on both sides?" Qianjia asked.

"Forget it, push harder, let's kill the opponent in one go." Senxia felt that she had a great advantage here.

Senxia on both sides of the line didn't care about it. After grinding off three-quarters of the defensive tower's health, Senxia chose A to go up.

Senxia, ​​the half-meat bears the brunt, as the most powerful exporter of the **** outfit, after Senxia entered the tower area, he forcibly followed, and then killed the tower.

Although the opposite side tried desperately to stop it, in the end it only knocked out Morika by half of his health and then killed Ayana.

After killing the defensive tower, Senxia immediately found the opposite long-range, that is, the former Frankis, and then opened the big to kill it in seconds, by the way, maimed the others, after which, Senxia continued to kill the Holy Demon Blood II The team was killed, then lay down gorgeously, and handed over his first blood.

But during this, Ono Daisuke was also killed. After Qianjia desperately killed the opposite person, he also hung up. In the end, the half-blooded Lao Xu and the half-blooded Jie Lugang Di Shi PK together. .

Emperor Jielugang is also a character in "Sorcerer Show". He is a magic swordsman. Although he is not meat, he is relatively hard. Moreover, Emperor Jielugang seems to have a good position. In the end, the old man Xu Xu was killed by the opponent with a trace of blood.

"Don't be afraid, there will be a person on the other side."

Senxia is very confident. At this time, as long as he pushes another wave, the opposite side will definitely collapse. After the middle road barracks are pushed down, the rescue of ordinary soldiers on his side will be strengthened. Even if it is a high tower, it will be easy in minutes. solve.

"...Wait a minute, this Jielugang Emperor?"

Senxia discovered that after killing Lao Xu, Emperor Jielugang did not go home, but licked the red bottle, while carrying blood, while walking towards the road, taking advantage of Senxia's death. , Actually pushed the road **** line all the way to the high ground. [Love ↑Go to △Small↓Speak △Net WwW.AiQu]

After the line was gone, he began to retreat.

Morinya has a high level, and after death, the interval between resurrection is long, so at this time Morinya has not been resurrected, but Ayana, who has been resurrected in advance, has already gone to the top to help clear the soldiers.

However, at this moment, Emperor Jelugang appeared on the bottom road again and began to push the tower. Some Ayana, who was in a hurry, immediately went to the direction of the bottom road.

Although Emperor Jelugang did not go home to supply supplies, but after knocking a few bottles of red medicine, his blood volume was close to full at this time. After pushing down the first defensive tower in the road, the two met face to face. .

After the output, Ayana was already empty of blood, and the panicked Ayana immediately chose to retreat.

"Don't worry, the opposite skill has already been handed over!" Mori Xia was anxious, but Ayana seemed to be unable to hear people outside at this time. She was chased by Jelugang Di Shi who was slightly faster than herself. , Was chased all the way decisively, and then killed by Jelugang Dishi after the skill was cooled.

After Ayana was killed, the others were almost all resurrected. The opponent was not in love with each other, but immediately chose to retreat.

"Let's focus!"

Although it was 4V5, there was no defensive tower on the opposite side, and Senxia didn't panic. Taking advantage of this time to push the opposite barracks away, his own advantage came up.

After concentrating again, Senxia pushed to the high ground.

That Jelugang Emperor's current equipment is obviously much better, but in front of the godly outfit Senxia, ​​he is no opponent at all.

After forcefully killing Jelugang Emperor and then hitting the other three to empty blood, Senxia finally planted again.

But at this time, the other side also chose to retreat.

Taking advantage of this time, they finally pushed down the barracks in the middle, and then the middle soldiers on Senxia's side were strengthened.

The current situation is 3 vs. 4, and the battlefield has reached the opposite base camp. As long as the two defense towers guarding the base camp are removed, the enemy on the opposite side can be killed.

I like to teach you how to be a man, hahahahaha~

Morinia expressed great expectations for this matter.

"Huh, it's not right."

Why is it 3 to 4?

I only killed the opposite person. Where did Esty go?

Senxia glanced at the small map, her eyes widened suddenly.


Senxia has found a serious problem, or rather, an extremely serious problem: He is meowing, Esti is stealing the tower!

At this moment, the high tower on the road had been taken down by the opposite side.

"Ah, home is gone!"

A group of people on Senxia also discovered this situation.

Senxia originally planned to let them pull out the front tooth tower forcibly and then win, but at this moment, the other three people who had just filled up their blood reappeared under the tower at this time.

No way, everyone can only return to the city at this moment.

However, it was too late. At this moment, the barracks on the road had been pushed away by the opponent, and they left here very comfortably.

Although Senxia's middle road removed the opposite barracks, the opposite side also killed the tower on Senxia's road.

"Let’s get on the road push the **** line over!"

Senxia decided to break the road on the opposite side together.

Pushing the army line all the way, Senxia once again came to the opposite base.

"Push both of you, there is nothing you can do!"

Senxia was unambiguous this time, and pushed all the way to the opposite tower to fight steadily. This time everyone was equipped, even if they resisted the tower, they were not afraid, not to mention that Lao Xu's character was still fleshy.

"This wave is stable!"

Senxia was determined.

However, at this moment, something discordant suddenly appeared on the minimap: that Esti went to the bottom this time!


This is the first one today~

Hey~ A book friend made a painting, and I can see OwO in a certain treasure. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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