Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 817: Controversy about "EVA-Re_take"

It is 1999. What is the most exciting thing this year?

With 9 stars in a row, the terrifying devil descended from the sky, bringing the end of mankind?

Or because the new millennium is approaching, everyone is nervous about the "millennium bug"?

Even as far as the whole world is concerned, this is what people are more concerned about, but in Japan, especially after entering April, people are more concerned about another thing: EVA.

Well, yes, the EVA series, which was only popular in Japan a few years ago, has made a comeback.

After EVA was launched, it caused a violent response.

After that, the EVA series caused a phenomenal sensation in Japan.

And it is precisely because of this work that Hideaki Anno almost fell out with the otaku. No, it should be said that it has completely fallen out. The finale of the theater version released afterwards made almost everyone choking silently.

Fortunately, the supervisor is Hideaki Anno. If he changes to someone else, he will definitely be scolded and sent a blade.

But at this moment, Anye Xiuming suddenly said: We are going to publish a sequel to the EVA. Obediently bring me the money!

EVA will have a sequel?

And it's a new show in April next year?

At the beginning, when the news stopped, the audience's first reaction was: the ruffian came to cheat money! The ruffian came to deceive our feelings!

The theatrical version you launched before was rubbish. Do you still want to cheat money now? !

The audience sneered at the ruffian, then turned their heads to inquire about stories about EVA's new works.

I don't know if I don't check it, I was surprised when I checked it.

Fuck, this animated EVA turned out to be the work of Teacher Xia Sen!

"EVA_RETAKE", this novel has caused a great sensation before, but because the novel is not an animation after all, the audience is still limited. This work is really well-known because of its cartoonization.

However, the plot of "RE-TAKE" is very exquisite, and the settings of "traversal" and "reincarnation" are also very interesting. Therefore, although this work is an official fan, many players are very concerned about it.

With the addition of EVA itself, coupled with the novel plot, the entire script immediately attracted people's attention.

Of course, this work hasn't appeared for the time being. It's just Wangmei quenching one's thirst, but after the novels and comics are available, the subsequent scripts and plots can at least be seen.

But unfortunately, when the original book itself is not over, the player does not know what the ending is.

But judging from the existing scripts, the whole story is still very interesting, giving people a very subtle and peculiar feeling-well, especially from the point of view of Xiang Dang.

This script is obviously a script that follows Asuka's route. After seeing the plot, many Ling Boli fans all expressed their unacceptability. This whole thing almost caused the audience's PK.

Although Anno Hideaki expressed his love for the war of the dead houses, the production team ran out to clarify somehow-this thing is an official fan, not the original!

The name "doujin" is used well.

At the beginning, everyone did not notice this.

But after clarifying here, everyone has noticed the "doujin" point.

——Fanren works refer to non-commercial works created by individuals or fan groups that are not subject to commercial influence, are not for profit, and are not published on commercial platforms.

Originally, the meaning of doujin was like this.

But in EVA-Retake, this is not the case.

This incident even triggered a big discussion among players about the definition of "doujin".

"——It must be the ruffian who is using nouns indiscriminately again! How can there be such a thing as an official fan!"

"The ruffian has done everything to collect money..."

"The disgusting big mouth fell from the sky..."

"You people, don't guess, try to improve your posture, don't listen to wind or rain..."

Although some very strange things were mixed in, the discussion about the meaning of doujin became intense.

After entering the Internet age, the meaning of words has changed many times.

"To be precise, this is the second creation based on EVA's original work." Someone put forward an academic view.

"This kind of work is the second creation of the doujin——Derivative_work. It's just that, generally speaking, the doujin work is the second creation work. Generally speaking, the books sold on CM belong to this category. I think the definition of this work should be clearer."

There are very few people who use the Internet in Japan, so there are not many people who irrigate, and everyone is discussing it seriously.

In the forum on the official website of Anmic Club, everyone is in the "Re_take" section to discuss the concept of the "official fan" that Anno Hideaki and the production team said.

Logically speaking, Re_take is a secondary creation derivative work belonging to EVA. From this conceptual point of view, this work is indeed a fan.

But the problem is that this work seems to have adopted a commercial operation method, and the derivative product of the whole work is actually a commercialization route.

"Let’s decide on the concept of the second creation of doujin-based on other existing commercial works, or other original or secondary creation doujin’s works, quoting their characters, plots, texts and other content for adaptation or re-creation, this This kind of work should belong to the'second creation'."

Although the second creation of doujin is non-commercial, in theory, it requires the consent of the original author to publish it. Therefore, in fact, many books and doujin novels are actually "illegal doujin". The appointment of officials is not enough.

The second creation itself also owns the copyright. Therefore, the second creation of the second creation requires not only the consent of the original work but also the consent of the second creator. If you want to commercialize the second creation work, you need to obtain both Two kinds of authorization will work.

In this respect, "Re_take" is more "rooted" than many illegal colleagues.

By the way, the content of the so-called secondary creation doujin must include the part of self-creation, and only the original material is put into the arrangement and combination of their own works, or the characters are directly misappropriated, which are not secondary creations.

In a large eastern country and Europe and the United States, because when you come into contact with Japanese fan culture, you usually start with the fandom of the second creation, so the meaning of fan and second creation will be confused.

When these Japanese were discussing, they also discussed this concept and meaning.

"I am a professor in the Faculty of Law of Dongda University. In this regard, the law has not yet completed the definition. I have excluded copyright and creative rights and other laws. After trying to think about it, I personally think that the content in this area should be Part of the second creation, not the part of the fan."

"I don't agree with the opinions upstairs. In Omi and other places, everyone defines doujin as the secondary creation of other works, and also refers to the commercial adaptation of movies or other commercial secondary creations as doujin. Considering this aspect, I think it belongs to the fandom."

On the Internet, everyone discussed and discussed, summing up for a long time, and finally came to a more consistent view-in simple terms, it is that the ruffian, Anno Hideaki, is using nouns indiscriminately. It is clear that such so-called "second creation" works are not Not belonging to the same talent, but the ruffian casually added a "family person", and things became like this.

Although the ruffian didn't speak himself, as "RE_take" came out, there was also a text interview with Anno Hideaki. In the text, he suggested that this work is a "family work".

——A joke about knitting!

The players are going to rebel.

Just because you said something casually, our definition of "doujin" has all changed! The authorized second creation is just the second creation, add a "doujin" to the dry wool thread! Yours is obviously a commercial work, OK?

However, many "scrubbing parties" believe that Anno's words actually have their own considerations.

"First of all, as far as the world is concerned, "Re_take" is indeed a fan work. Although it is different from our definition, it is indeed a "family" in the eyes of people in other regions. And another On the one hand, I think Mr. Hideaki Anno does not want everyone to regard this work as a sequel to EVA, but an original work based on EVA. This work cannot even be defined by the term'secondary creation', so Mr. Hideaki Anno I will use "doujin" to illustrate. Although it is also commercialized, the success of "Re_take" itself is based on the original "EVA". Without EVA, there would be no Re."

Don't say, what this person said is quite reasonable.

And part of what he finally said is actually everyone's consensus.

"Speaking of which, the original work of this work is Mr. Xia Sen... I think even if you don’t need to hug the EVA thigh, Mr. Xia Sen can make more interesting stories? I have been looking forward to the teacher’s "Earth Defense Boy" and "Young Girl" "Zhan Ji" can be animated!"

Then, the people from the crooked building appeared.

"Don't make a mistake upstairs. This work is not just the work of Teacher Xia Sen. There is also a teacher Xia Xue that is also the original. I heard that this person seems to be the sister of Teacher Xia Sen?"

"Wow, did Teacher Xia Sen have a sister! wwwwwwwww~"

"As expected of brothers and sisters, teacher Xia Xue's writing style is also very good www~"

"I really like the character of Mr. Frog Sergeant. Sadamoto Yoshiyuki's Ling Bo, I personally think it can't compare with Mr. Frog's work..."

"Sergeant Frog is only a second creation. It is precisely because of the settings of Asuka and Ling Boli that the works of Mr. Frog have been created."

"Upstairs, please don't belittle Mr. Frog Sergeant. Most of her works are original fans, and you haven't seen Mr. Frog's work, it is absolutely super exciting!"

After complaining about Anno Hideaki, the reply at the back basically turned into a meaningless discussion, and everyone went straight from the crooked building to the snarling.

The fans of each family have already scolded each other at this time.

"If you want to say that it is really a fan work, I personally appreciate Xinyue's "Tsuki Hime". According to the information I know, Tsukihime, a fan in the true sense, seems to be animated..."

On the forum, there were also uncles who appeared and revealed wonderful news.

"Eh? Tsukihime is going to make an animated version? It's really interesting, which version will be made? I like Tsukihime the most!"

As soon as the "Tsuki Hime" labelled "True Doujin" appeared, everyone's attention was distracted, and the debate about whether Re_take was a fan or not was basically stopped.

Of course, because EVA itself has a very important topical relationship, in fact, people's attention and enthusiasm for this work has not declined.

"It turns out that you called this work a doujin for the reason of opportunity?" On the other side, Sadamoto Yoshiyuki also heard the news, and then he took out the news and asked Anno Hideaki. He really What does it mean, "Now everyone's definition of doujin has changed. Those people are really always discussing what is a doujin."

Sadamoto Yoshiyuki, after hearing the analysis of the meanings carried out by everyone from various aspects, Sadamoto Yoshiyuki suddenly felt that Anno Hideaki was really far-sighted. It was just a sentence that caused such a result.

"That's not the case, I just talked casually." Anno Hideaki said that the whole thing was extremely absurd, and the dead house will always be the dead house. This kind of detail is also entangled.

"Huh?" Sadamoto Yoshiyuki couldn't help being surprised.

"At that time, I just discussed the whole matter with Senxia-kun, and he used ‘doujin’ all the time, so I just said that casually."

Anno Hideaki didn't care about the whole thing at all. As for those people who used the term "family" in various researches, it had a lot of meaning... Anno Hideaki said that Lao Tzu had never thought about it!

"But this incident reminds me that in the future we might be able to get a Longinus gun or something, and then let everyone pay to get this thing on the moon..."

Anno Hideaki murmured casually, while Sadamoto Yoshiyuki next to him was surprised.

"It looks like It should be Senxia Jun who really looks forward!"

He suddenly realized.

"Huh? Is it that Mr. Hideaki Amano is so good?" On the other side, Morika also saw the news, and he was taken aback. "I used to say'family' with Hideaki Amano, but later I thought it was a mistake. It’s a word, now it looks like it’s just right..."

Well, Senxia is also onlookers who don't know the truth.

The logic of the whole thing is simple.

To sum up, it is: I think too much.

Well, the audience is thinking too much...

But it is undeniable that this second-created work, after the announcement of the animation, has indeed become more and more popular...


Today’s update is still a two-in-one, so sleepy, I’m going to hang up QAQ (to be continued.)

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