Tokyo Police

Vol 17 Chapter 77: The rain is coming

"This morning, Minister of Justice Nobuko Ando once again threw out heavyweight evidence, pointing out that the current congressman Shiroyama Shinsuke and the host would collude with each other and were involved in many criminal cases. At present, the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office has announced an investigation into the incident. , and raided the Shiroyama Research Association founded by Shiroyama Shinsuke Institute this morning. Some analysts pointed out that considering the intensified struggle between the two major factions within the Democratic Constitutional Party, the Shiroyama faction and the Ando faction, there is a trend of increasing seriousness. It is very likely that the Prime Minister himself will announce the dissolution of Parliament and the Cabinet, and announcing an early general election..."


"Sorry, this is a search warrant! Now everyone is staying in place, and no one is allowed to move around at will, otherwise, we have reason to suspect that you intend to destroy the evidence!"

In the early morning, when a black official car galloped past, gathered outside the private house of Senator Shiroyama. The gate of Shiroyama Shinsuke's house was always closed. It was not until the people from the District Prosecutor's Office came up with a search warrant that the gate of Shiroyama's house finally opened.

" do this...don't you care about the consequences?"

"I'm really sorry, we now suspect that Senator Shiroyama is involved in a series of criminal acts, and we are about to ask him to go back to investigate, please get out of the way..."


Before Shiroyama Shinsuke's family could stop him, a group of men and women in business attire walked towards the depths of the courtyard. It was not until everyone came to the lawn in front of the courtyard that the prosecutor in the lead saw Shiroyama Shinsuke sitting in a daze in front of the courtyard.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Senator, I'm afraid you have to come back with us!"


Hearing the question from the local prosecutor's office, Shiroyama Shinsuke stood up from his seat with a dazed expression. At this time, although he still tried his best to maintain his own temperament. But after all, the years are not forgiving. After experiencing such a big blow, he only felt dizzy for a while, and then he lost consciousness and fell to the ground.


The people from the District Prosecutor's Office failed to take Shiroyama Shinsuke back in the end, and he was eventually picked up by an ambulance. The reporters waiting outside Shiroyama's house also happened to record the historic moment when Shiroyama Shinsuke was loaded into the ambulance.


Just when the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office was speeding up the investigation of Shiroyama Shinsuke and his henchmen, the Democratic Constitutional Party also encountered an unprecedented crisis. Because of the conflict between Shiroyama Shinsuke and Ando Nobuko, it became public and heated up. The current Prime Minister is clearly out of control. This also means that the ruling basis of the current cabinet no longer exists at the level of the House of Representatives.

In the face of this extremely severe situation, it seems that there are two paths before the Prime Minister, or... to find a way to persuade Nobuko Ando to quit, in order to quell the struggle between the Ando faction and Shiroyama faction in the party. Or, it can only announce the dissolution of parliament.

"Ando-sensei, what are you going to do to stop? Do you really want the Democratic Constitutional Party to be divided?"

Seeing that the Prime Minister and the Chief Cabinet Secretary were looking at him anxiously, Nobuko Ando just bowed his head and bowed to the two of them, and then slowly said to them:

"I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry that things have happened so far. But... as the Minister of Justice, isn't it my fault to uphold the dignity of the law?"

"But... Ando-sensei, if you continue to entangle like this, the Democratic Constitutional Party will inevitably fall into a split. Could it be... Is this what you want to see?"

"I'm really sorry for the split! I've always agreed with an old Chinese saying that different ways do not work together. I think... Only by eliminating some of the scum can the Democratic Constitutional Party finally be reborn from the ashes."

Seeing that Nobuko Ando rejected the Prime Minister's request for mediation so strongly, both the Chief Cabinet Secretary and the Prime Minister couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. But... the current crisis was caused by Ando Nobuko, but Shiroyama Shinsuke was the culprit.

I don't know if it's because of a premonition that the Shiroyama family is really in a precarious situation. Just after Shiroyama Shinsuke was rushed to the hospital. The Metropolitan Police Department also officially issued an arrest warrant for Shiroyama Kotaro. When Shiroyama Kotaro, accompanied by a lawyer, got out of the car and walked into the Metropolitan Police Department's headquarters in Sakurada Gate. The reporters who had been waiting for a long time also quickly broadcast the scene to thousands of households through cameras.

"Master, you'd better... surrender yourself!"

Just a few hours ago, when Shiroyama Kotaro heard the lawyer say such words to her, he couldn't believe his ears.

"Master, judging from my years of experience as a lawyer, you may have a hard time getting through this case. However, it is fortunate that this case happened more than 20 years ago, and it happened to be in the Ministry of Justice. Before announcing the cancellation of the prosecution period for the murder case. It seems that even if the final investigation does prove your guilt, the tribunal is likely to exonerate you from criminal responsibility..."

"Eh? I didn't come to you for such a result. Do you understand? If I really plead guilty, I won't be able to serve as a congressman. Do you know what that means to me?"

"I'm sorry. Given your current situation, surrendering yourself is your best option. If you reject my suggestion, then... I have nothing to help you!"

Hearing the respectful but non-negotiable tone left by Mr. Lawyer at the end, Shiroyama Kotaro realized what kind of situation he was When Shiroyama Kotaro asked his father for help After that, he finally waited for the news that his father was sent to the hospital because of his emotional agitation. Hearing this news, Shiroyama Kotaro, who still had his final fantasy, finally had to accept the reality and chose to take the initiative to surrender to the Metropolitan Police Department and confess his crimes.


"I would like to ask you to explain why the fingerprints of Masashi Hojo appeared on the switches of the Imperial Hotel, and what is the explanation for this...?"

When Lin Xiu came to the interview room, he directly asked about the fingerprints at the beginning. Looking at the guy opposite him who made him so embarrassed, Shiroyama Kotaro wanted to tear Lin Xiu to pieces. However... His last trace of reason still made him choose to confess.

"Fingerprint? I...if my own is correct, the person from the Sumiyoshi Society should have helped me get it! I personally went to Hojo Masashi's office before and planned to give him a precious watch, but...that guy But he dismissed it and returned the watch to me, so... When Fukuda of Sumiyoshikai asked what to do with that woman, I thought of using that watch to make a story."

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