In a high-end apartment in Shirogane Takanawa, Minato Ward, Tokyo.

A room on the 27th floor.

This is a large 4LDK apartment with an area of ​​180 square meters (4 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and 2 bathrooms).

The panoramic floor-to-ceiling glass has the ultimate view, especially at night, when the whole city is lit up by neon lights.

You can see the starry sky when you look up, the night view when you look down, and the towering Tokyo Tower in the distance.

Looking around, the bustling Tokyo seems to have a panoramic view, which makes people unconsciously immersed in it.

The room is a simple modern design style, with black and gray tones that complement each other, which is not too strict but also very textured.

Open kitchen, separate bar, corrugated marble floor, bright grey sofa that looks comfortable.

The whole space is spacious, open and full of style.

The types of rooms are also very rich, with study (studio), game room, sauna and privately customized audio-visual room, which can meet various needs at the same time.

There are also various exquisite ornaments of different sizes in the apartment, all of which are obviously made by famous artists. Some of them are gifts from others, and some are purchased by the owner himself.

Whether it should be there or not, it's basically all alive.

On the contrary, the price of this apartment is naturally very high, and the overall purchase price easily exceeds more than 200 million yen.

Monday at 7am.

Soft and slow music sounded in the living room.

After about three or five minutes, a tall and slender figure walked out of the bathroom and turned off the music used to wake him up.

The refreshing black short hair looked a little wet, and there was a towel on his head.

The teenager was wearing a gray short-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of home trousers.

After drying the moisture from his hair, he came to the door of a bedroom with a "megumi" sign.

"Dong dong."

After waiting for three seconds,

Seeing that no one responded, he pushed open the door and walked in.

In a room with a distinctly girly style, a young girl was sleeping on the bed in the center.

His long black hair was spread out beside the pillow, revealing a beautiful and delicate sleeping face.

Watching this scene, the corner of the boy who came to the bed raised a gentle arc, and then whispered.



"It's almost time to get up..."


Seeing that the other party's breathing was still long, Kato Yusuke reached out and poked the girl's cheek.

"If you don't get up, you'll be late for class," he said.

Hui Ze responded in a confused voice: "...Okay, please feel free~"

The delicate lips gently opened and closed, mixed with the way of speaking, which made the words just now very fragrant and provocative, making people unbearable.

So Kato Yusuke leaned down and whispered in the other person's ear: "You have the first class today. If someone doesn't mind going out like this, I can call you later."

A low and magnetic voice entered the girl's ears with her breathing, and gently caressed her ears with a little warmth.


The girl's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, then slowly opened her eyes.

What caught his eye was a handsome face that was close at hand.

A fresh and natural aroma lingers on the tip of the nose, both own and the other's.

"Ah~ um... good morning Yusuke."

Hui said in a daze, still looking like he didn't wake up.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke, who straightened his body, shook his head a little helplessly.

"Good morning, Megumi. Give you another ten minutes, I'll go outside first."

After saying that, he left the room.

And about forty minutes later.

When the two of them sat at the dining table for breakfast together, the girl had completely changed her image.

Part of the cuffs is a fluffy puff-sleeved white shirt with a black ribbon at the neckline, and a long navy blue skirt is worn on the lower body; a pair of flat shoes are worn under the feet.

Her satin-like black hair fell naturally.

The girl had light makeup on her face, and the whole person looked elegant and ladylike.

Pick up an egg sandwich from the plate and take a light bite.

The softness and chewiness of the egg spreads in the mouth, and mayonnaise is added to enhance the flavor.

Kato Yusuke handed over a steaming mug containing brewed coffee.

"Well, thank you, Yusuke." Hui took the mug and took a sip, only to feel that the temperature was just right.

Yusuke smiled and said you're welcome.

"Speaking of which, you got up very early today, are you going to the company?" After changing the previous state, the girl at this time exuded a cheerful and positive calm atmosphere.

Kato Yusuke shook his head: "I also have a class this morning, so I'll go to school together later."

"the first lesson?"

"Second class."

"Hey, there's no need to get up early in that case, right?"

In this regard, Yusuke Junior who took a sip of coffee said: "If you want to go out with you, it is necessary."

Suddenly, Hui's movements paused slightly.

"...I get goosebumps hearing that from your mouth. Although I don't know what the emotion is."

But that inexplicable emotion made her feel both happy and happy, as if there was an indescribable sense of inadequacy.

A blush appeared on the girl's face, adorning her features.

"But if that's the case, I have to hurry up." Hui said, "Well, wait a moment, I'll go get my coat."

After speaking, the girl walked towards her room.

"Have you missed breakfast?"

"Ah~~ I've already eaten, thank you for the hospitality."

Looking at the sandwich and more than half of the coffee on the other side's plate, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile.

Taking these things in front of him, the boy continued to enjoy breakfast.

When the two were ready to go out, the time had come to 8:00 in the morning, 40 minutes before the start of the first quarter of Qingshan Academy.

Considering the distance from Minato Ward to Shibuya, this time is quite affluent.

Take the elevator together to the garage.

Megumi stopped abruptly when she saw Kato Yusuke preparing to start the brand new black monster Aventador.

"Hey, Yusuke."

She said, "Well, are you going to drive this car to school?"

Yusuke, who had just opened the door, asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

A pair of quiet eyes stared at him, and Hui was silent.

At a certain moment, Kato Yusuke seemed to catch a dangerous aura on the opponent's face, but it was fleeting like an illusion.

After a while, the girl said softly, "...Sorry, I have to take the train to school. If Kato-kun likes it, I can drive by myself."

After saying that, he didn't turn his head and left.

Kato Yusuke immediately closed the door and chased after him.


"What's wrong?"

"...Are you angry?"

"..." The flat shoes made a dull sound when they stepped on the ground. The girl replied no, but her footsteps accelerated significantly.

'Is this really angry? ' Thinking so, Kato Yusuke tried to reach out and hold the other's hand.

But Megumi let go of his hand.

So Kato Yusuke reached out and pulled again, and successfully held the pair of catkins in his hands.

"Don't you mean you're not angry?"

The girl with her back to him stopped, and this time gave a different answer: "Well, I'm angry."

The fingers of the two were entangled one by one, to the point where they couldn't be untied.

"Why are you angry?" Kato Yusuke pulled over the opponent's body.

"Ah, you want to ask this question." Hui refused to look at him, and said, "The hero who doesn't realize his mistake is not worthy of forgiveness."

The girl's voice came to his ears, with a bit of icy coldness, but still pleasant.

"Is it because of the car? Or because of...?"

"...If you say that, it means you really know it." Megumin glanced at him as she said that.

"Sorry, it's my fault, I won't next time." Kato Yusuke said with a wry smile, and reached out to touch the other's cheek, "So a girl as considerate as Megumi will definitely forgive me, right?"


The girl was silent, but she held his hand so hard that her fingernails sank into the flesh, and she still refused to let go...

"Apologizing in this way is not acceptable to me."


"Also, I can't accept your smirk when you apologize."

"Uh... I'm sorry, but it's always nice to see you like this."

"I'm obviously so angry."

Hearing this, Kato Yusuke put away the smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah, sorry, it's my fault."

He lowered his head and approached the girl, pressed his forehead to the other's forehead, and said warmly.

"So forgive me, okay?"

Two pairs of obsidian eyes stared at each other, and their breaths began to intertwine.

Hui lowered her eyes slightly, "...Yusuke, you are sure that I will forgive you today, right?"

"Almost...because the girl in front of me is Megumi."

"Ah, isn't this kind of behavior called sexual harassment?"

The sweet breath continued to penetrate down the tip of the nose, and Kato Yusuke's breathing became slightly heavier.

Pushing his chin forward a little, he directly kissed the girl's lips.


A warm, sweet scent with a hint of toothpaste entered the mouth.


The girl made a soft, slightly dull voice.

The other arm also quietly climbed up the teenager's back, and the five fingers were slightly folded, leaving traces on the other's polo shirt.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Both forgot to part their lips and made many parts intertwined.

The girl carefully cooperated with his movements, and the soft and delicate touch continued to erode her brain.

Warm and silky moisturizing each other.

After some time, the two gradually separated.

" are mine." Kato Yusuke murmured to the girl.


Under the light, Hui's face was already covered with red clouds, but a pair of eyes looked at him tenderly without saying a word.

"You are mine." Kato Yusuke said again.

The corners of the girl's mouth evoked a human arc, "Oh ~ yes, that's great."

Yusuke was a little dissatisfied, and he wrapped his arms around the other's slender waist and said word by word.

"I want you to say it, you are mine."

And this time, the girl finally responded.

I saw Hui nodded lightly, and then said something softly.

"Well, I'm yours, and it belongs to Yusuke alone..."

The boy smiled with satisfaction and wanted to kiss each other again.

"Like'll be late for class."

"It doesn't matter, just do it again."



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