Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 170 Glory (five thousand)

It was probably the least campaign speech ever.

No political opinions were spoken from beginning to end, and what was said had nothing to do with bringing up the prepared speech.

After Kato Yusuke returned to the backstage of the stage, he saw the girl with her hands behind her standing pretty and looking at him with a smile.

"Thank you~ Kato-kun."

A pair of faint eyes are as clear as the autumn sky, and there seems to be a floating halo in them.

The slender figure is wrapped in the summer system, which outlines a beautiful and moving curve.

The beautiful sound like a bell ringing came into his ears, causing the boy's eyes to be in a trance for a moment.

A figure with fluttering long hair slowly emerged in his mind, and gradually overlapped with the person in front of him.

'This feeling of inadequacy seems to have become the usual Kato-san again. ' he couldn't help thinking.

Immediately he said, "It's not hard work, just that the speech was not used. I trouble you to prepare it before, I'm sorry."

In response, Hui shook his head slightly and said, "Well... after all, that kind of thing happened, and even our most important air-conditioning political opinion was preempted. It would be impossible to do this."

"And to say it feels like it's not bad right now, so it's fine."

Yusuke nodded noncommittally, and then said after hesitating his words: "Although it is useless, but I have read the speech carefully, Kato-san wrote it very well."

Visible to the naked eye, the corners of Hui's mouth lifted slightly.

"Anyway, let's leave first."

Starting with the girl's words, the two left the stage and behind the scenes together and returned to the end of the line in their class.

All that remains is to quietly wait for the announcement of the election results.


"The above are all my political opinions on this school. If you feel the same way, please give me a fair vote. Thank you!"

A girly voice came from the loudspeaker of the gymnasium.

Although I can see a little nervous, the way of speaking of the sports department complements the content of the speech, which also makes the audience feel full of vitality.

The atmosphere is better than expected,

The venue was covered in applause.

After Kato Yusuke, several candidates came to the stage to give speeches, and the last one was above.

"Okay, thank you very much, Ikeda-san."

After everyone finished their speeches, the host's voice sounded.

"Then next is the secret balloting session. Please also write the names of the people you support on paper and put them in the ballot box in front. The results will be announced later, thank you."

So the students took action.

Using the pen and paper they received when they entered the venue, everyone bowed their heads and started writing.

By the way, including the two Kato classmates, all recommenders and candidates have no right to vote.

So all they can do is wait.

Although it was a secret ballot, it did not prevent the students from discussing with each other.

The resulting hum filled the gym in an instant.

Sitting at the end of the line, Kato Yusuke watched this scene expressionlessly.

The outside is noisy, the heart is silent.

A sense of splitting arises spontaneously.

The boy's hands rested on his knees, and his slender fingers tapped lightly on it.

Time just passed bit by bit.

ten minutes later.

In class order from A to F.

Starting from the first grade, the students began to step forward one by one and put the ballots in their hands into the ballot boxes located below the stage.

This process lasted about seven or eight minutes.

After everyone voted, a teacher soon moved the ballot box behind the scenes and began to count the votes.

Among them, Kato Yusuke also saw the figure of Mr. Hirakawa.

In the process of waiting, another teacher came to talk about the future student life, the upcoming final exam and other matters needing attention.

Most of them are platitudes, and this seems to be the same everywhere.

The students all listened boredly, and also looked like they lacked interest.

The young man frowned slightly, and the frequency of his finger tapping was gradually increasing.

If you get closer, you can vaguely hear words such as "mission", "points", "rewards" and so on.

It's a bit confusing.

Megumi, who was beside him, cast an inquiring look.

"Well, from just now, shouldn't Kato-kun be nervous?"

The tone of speech is very personal and calm.

As if he was also infected by his calmness, Kato Yusuke's movements couldn't help being taken aback.

Then he said bluntly: "Forget it, I just don't know if I can post it this time... um, I mean selected."

The momentary slip of the tongue (truth) was corrected dangerously and dangerously. He slowly swallowed the word "fat fortune" into his stomach, and then laughed at himself.

"After all... I'm just an ordinary person."


Hearing this, the girl turned her head slightly, not knowing what to think.

The waiting time gradually passed, and when the host's figure reappeared on the stage, the result of the election seemed to have finally come to a conclusion.

After clearing his throat a little, the other party raised the microphone in his hand to his mouth and said, "Then, let everyone wait for a long time. Next is the announcement of the results. The candidate for the student council president this time is—"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but look over.

The students could not help but quiet down.

There are no procrastination and appetite-sucking links that are common in variety shows.

After only a slight pause, the host announced the results directly.

"According to the statistics of the votes, the student council president this time is - Kato Yusuke from Class E of the first year!"

"Task completed: [The student council president of the private Toyonozaki Academy (1/1)]."

"Mission statement: Participate in the election of the student council president held on campus."

"Rewards have been issued (successful campaign): 10,000 points, 1 discount coupon for intelligence*1."

A melodious electronic female voice resounded in Kato Yusuke's mind.

Following the announcement of the results, there was silence at first, and then a great uproar broke out.

"It's a lie, you actually got chosen...! A first-year student? President of the student council?"

"This seems to be something that has never happened before??"

"so amazing!"


The students are all whispering to each other.

Yusuke let out a sigh of relief, and his body suddenly relaxed.

Then he clenched his fist slightly and muttered, "I actually chose..."

The tone is also somewhat unreal.

At this moment, there was a sudden feeling of being twisted on the back of the hand.

This made him turn around in confusion.

"It's true, Yusuke."

The girl was looking at him and said, "I'm not dreaming, so congratulations, Yusuke."

Even though his expression didn't change much, Yusuke Kato could still feel a little excitement in the other party's words.

'After all, a normal Megumi wouldn't do such wicked things. ' he couldn't help thinking.

Then he shook his head and said, "No, it should be said that we succeeded, so congratulations... Kato-kun."

He looked back at the girl and asked, "After this, if you don't dislike it, are you willing to join the student union and work together? Hui."


Hui's eyes flickered slightly.

Without giving them much time to discuss, the host's words sounded from the stage at the right time.

"Next, is the handover ceremony of the new student council president. Please come to the stage, Kato Yusuke."

"Then I'll go first, you can think about it and answer me later."

Having said that, Kato Yusuke got up and walked towards the stage.

Staring at his back, the girl couldn't help but fell into contemplation, and then murmured: "Although I don't know if I can keep up with you, but it's fine for now..."


For the openness and transparency of the election, the votes for this election were also written on a whiteboard and moved to the stage.

【Yusuke Kato: 450 votes】

【Nankai Yui: 180 votes】

"Congratulations, Kato-san~"

Facing the young man who came to the stage, the girl in charge of the host first congratulated her, then moved the microphone away from her mouth, and said something quickly and in a low voice.

"By the way, I also really like animation, so thank you for being able to speak for us."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but startled slightly, and then he also said that it was nothing.

Under the guidance of the other party, Yusuke stood in the center of the stage.

According to the process, the next step is his inauguration ceremony.

At this time, the host's expression became tangled.

First, he glanced at Yusuke Kato apologetically, then took a deep breath and said to the audience, "Next, please invite the former student council president, Soichi Okita, to come to the stage to hold the ceremony."

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Everyone involuntarily looked towards Okita's class, with a veiled look in their eyes.

As a freshman who hasn't experienced this, Yusuke Kato didn't know there would be such a link, but he didn't say much.

Bathed in all kinds of eyes, Okita walked onto the stage without saying a word, and then stood in the designated position.

Seeing the cooperation of the other party, the host's girl couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then, please speak to Okita-san."

‘Even Okita-san wouldn’t mess around at a time like this. ' Thinking like this, the girl directly handed the microphone to the other party.

Soichi Okita took the microphone and looked straight at the boy with sharp eyes.

And the young man looked at him without hesitation.


There seemed to be an invisible spark that burst between the two.

A tense smell slowly spread out, making the host feel a little helpless.

It seemed like ten seconds had passed, and it seemed like a few minutes had passed.

Soichi Okita, who let out a cold snort, finally looked away, then turned to face the audience and said, "As for this person, I always think that he is not qualified as the student council president, so I cannot cooperate with this ceremony. Feel sorry."

The indifferent voice echoed from the stadium, making the stadium silent.

The host girl rushed forward to stop it in a panic, while Okita threw the microphone back to the other party, and then walked down the stage without turning her head.

For a while, only one person's footsteps seemed to be heard in the gymnasium of Nuoda.

As someone who will be graduating soon, Soichi Okita really has nothing to be afraid of.

After all, there is no school rule that says you must cooperate.

Dissatisfaction with the school not being re-elected, dissatisfaction with Kato Yusuke's provocation, dissatisfaction with Kasumigaoka Shiyu's rejection of him...

All this made him have no good impression of this campus.

As he thought about it, his expression gradually became gloomy.

And for the current situation, the host has no choice for a while.

This is a way of doing harm to others.

The longer this matter drags on, the more it will hurt the prestige of Kato Yusuke, the new student council president.

Maybe he can not care, but in the future work, it is inevitable that some people will look down on him because of this matter.

Even though he has the highest number of votes, many second- and third-year students still have doubts about letting a first-year student manage themselves or something.

At this moment, I saw a figure slowly stand up from the seat.

The short black hair that reached to the shoulders covered the neck like a black silk necklace, and floated gently with the gravity.

The girl walked towards the stage with light steps, and the light blue skirt swayed with the movements of her thighs, bringing out a graceful wavy arc.

His hands were folded in front of his lower abdomen, with a decent gentle smile on his face.

Time seemed to stand still.

Under everyone's attention, the girl who looked like a short-haired version of Yamato Nadeko stood on the stage.

Then he said to the black-haired boy, "Since Okita-san is unwilling, let me hold the ceremony for you, Kato-kun."

The beautiful sound slowly spread in the gym.

As if waking up from a dream, the still time began to turn again.


The hostess girl let out a small exclamation, which was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears through the speaker.

The audience made a murmur.

"Hey, isn't that third-year Nakano-senpai? Why is she on stage?"

"Well... Compared to that incident, don't you think it's more strange that she said she was going to take over the ceremony?"

"After all, he is the student council president. It seems inappropriate for ordinary students to do such a thing."

Hearing these words, someone couldn't help but directly reveal the identity of the other party.

"Idiot! What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know that the Nakano family is the manager of this school? In terms of qualifications, all the people in the school can't compare with others!"

Even if there are not many people in the know, there are still some people who know the true identity of Nakano Ryoko.

And this made all those doubters shut their mouths.

In Japan, where class status is severely entrenched, very few people would provoke the power class.

Not to mention that the other party is a beautiful and generous third-year sister.

Thinking like this, everyone turned their attention to Mr. Okita's side frequently, only to see that the other party's face had completely darkened, and there was a bit of disbelief in it.

Apparently, she is not completely ignorant of the girl's identity.

Even under the watchful eyes of the public, Ryoko Nakano nodded lightly to the staff who were waiting behind the scenes, motioning for the other party to come forward.

Just when the person was about to come forward with the tray...

"Let me come next."

A hand in a decent suit stopped it.

Without giving the opponent a chance to refute, the gray-haired old man took the tray in his hand and walked directly onto the stage.

When the old man with a clear face even though he was old took the stage, there was an immediate commotion below.

"Ah, it's the principal!"

"It's the principal!"

"It's actually the principal...!"

First, the senior sister of the school manager's house, and then the principal. The inauguration ceremony of the new student council president attracted the management of the campus to come forward directly.

When the audience felt overwhelmed, it seemed to confirm the identity of Nakano Ryoko from the side.

Then, they all looked at the teenagers on the stage, and for a while, they only felt that the other party seemed to have also become unfathomable.

However, Kato Yusuke himself did not expect the scene in front of him to happen, but he still understands that these are actually brought by Nakano-senpai.

'It always feels like I owe a lot of money. ’

So he said to the other party in a solemn tone: "Thank you, Nakano-senpai."

The girl smiled and said that it was okay, and then said to the old man beside her, "Although I have not greeted you for a long time, I am relieved to see you in such a good spirit, principal."

The old man smiled and nodded: "All this is inseparable from the support of the Nakano family, but let's finish Kato-san's ceremony first."

After speaking, he raised the tray in his hand to a position parallel to his chest and abdomen, and then lifted the flannel on it.

What caught my eye was a golden rope ornament.

And Ryoko Nakano personally tied this ribbon, which had represented the status of the student council president since the establishment of the private Toyonozaki Academy, on the collar of Yusuke's uniform, at the position of the first button.

"Congratulations, Kato-kun."

The girl said so, then took the microphone from the host and turned to face the audience.

So the beautiful sound began to echo in the arena.

"Contrary to Okita-san, I personally like Kato Yusuke-san a lot."

The light in the old man's eyes flashed, and then he looked at the young man beside him thoughtfully.

And Nakano-senpai went on to say: "When encountering difficulties with friends, she will take the initiative to help. She is brave, athletic and talented, and her personality is very gentle. I think boys like this are very handsome."

"So I believe that such a person will not be a bad person, and the student union will bring new changes under his leadership. Rather than understanding a person with ears, I believe in what I have seen with my own eyes, and I hope everyone I can give Kato-san a little more trust.

"After all, this is what we personally selected, the student council president."

There seemed to be a faint slap in the face from somewhere.

Soichi Okita's face turned from black to red, as if he was about to bleed.

At the same time when everyone was thinking about these words, the girl directly moved away, allowing the figure of the boy to reappear in the audience's field of vision.

Taking a deep breath, Kato Yusuke took two steps forward and stood on the edge of the stage.

Meeting everyone's eyes, he raised a hand in a slow motion, then made a fist.

The golden rope on the neckline shone in the sunlight, and the youth bathed in glory seemed to be shining.


"Kato-san is so handsome——!!"

"Kato-san Saiko——!!!"

From somewhere in the crowd, the inexplicably burning trio suddenly stood up from their seats, clapping their hands and shouting to the stage.

Taking this as an opportunity, the venue was silent for a while, and then there was also a burst of warm applause.

like the center of the world.

This moment of time belongs to only one person.

The first first-year student council president in Toyonozaki Academy's history was born.

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