Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 187 Mother and Daughter

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Things seem to be just like that.

"It's hard work, be careful when you go home."

"Well, hard work. There's still half an hour left, Mami, you have to work hard."

"This time is very easy, I don't mind. See you then."

After watching Sayu clock in after get off work, Mami who walked to the door smiled and waved goodbye to her. Then he returned to the convenience store and continued to work on sorting out the shelves.

Since Yaguchi Kyoya was driven away, Mami's way of speaking and feeling returned to her usual state. It was as if he had forgotten all about the morning, and he didn't take the beating to heart at all.

Even though Sayu was very worried about this, she didn't seem to care. Instead, she turned around to persuade the other party not to take it seriously. She didn't know where that enigmatic confidence came from.

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps knowing that she was wrong first, Yaguchi Kyoya, who was slapped in the face, didn't come to look for her, and as for the police she was worried about, she didn't show up at all.

So, despite what happened this morning, Sayu still got off work safely and smoothly.

'If you think about the good, maybe the other party should give up, maybe. ’ While thinking about this, I said goodbye to Mami.

The girl who changed her clothes came to the shopping street next to the station with a canvas bag and started to buy the ingredients for dinner.

First, I bought two eels at the seafood store, and then I bought some leeks and green vegetables at the vegetable store. When I passed by the rice cake store, I couldn't help but buy some rice cakes.

Occasionally, when I meet a familiar housewife, I will greet each other and chat with each other with a smile.

Amongst a group of middle-aged women, the girl did not feel disobedient at all, on the contrary, there was a rather natural and harmonious atmosphere.

Just walking and stopping like this, the canvas pockets on the shoulders gradually became bulging, filled with various ingredients.

"Yeah—the main dish is eel rice, the side dish is scrambled eggs with chives, and the dessert is red bean rice cake soup... Plus there's leftover from yesterday's lobster, this should be enough~~"

Sayu, who pinched his chin with his fingers, looked at the sky and muttered to himself, and a lively smile slowly appeared on his cute little face.

Looking at the time on the phone, she murmured again: "Okay~! There is still plenty of time. In this case, when Yusuke comes home, the dinner and bath water should be ready to be boiled, so go back and prepare!"

Just at this moment, a shop in the shopping street also turned on the headlights at the same time.

Subconsciously, Sayu's eyes were attracted by the bright light.

A team of women came into view.

The girl's expression became a little hesitant.

"As long as you walk faster in the future, it shouldn't have much impact..."

Having said that, she went straight to the end of the line to line up, and in front of the line was a milk tea shop.

After waiting in line for about 10 minutes, the girl got what she wanted.

"I've kept you waiting, here's your strawberry milkshake, 650 yen in total~"

"Ah, thank you~!"

Facing the clerk who handed over the milkshake, Sayu nodded in thanks and put the money on the cash register, then picked up the milkshake and prepared to turn around and leave.

"Hello, please give us a strawberry milkshake."

The next customer's words came from behind, and the clerk said in a somewhat apologetic tone: "I'm very sorry, the ingredients for this product have been used up. Would you like to choose another flavor?"

Inadvertently glanced back, a mother and daughter were reflected in her eyes.

I saw the woman bowing her head and asking the girl who looked like a primary school student beside her, "What should I do? Mai, do you have any other flavors you want?"

Even the clerk put on a gentle tone and said with a smile: "Except for strawberries,

There are other flavors of milkshakes that are also very delicious, little sister. "

In response, the little girl slowly shook her head, raised her head in a milky voice and said, "But I want a strawberry milkshake."

The clerk looked at the woman with some trouble.

The other party smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, because this child has always liked the strawberry flavor, but there's nothing I can do... I'm sorry Mai, in short, I'll go home with my mother today?"

The second half of the sentence was addressed to the little girl.

A small face carved in pink and jade was slightly wrinkled, and those round eyes suddenly darkened.

Unexpectedly, the little girl neither cried nor made a fuss, but was quietly led by her mother and walked out of the team, while the other hand that was free was clutching the corner of the skirt tightly, and her expression looked very lonely.

The woman gently stroked her head and continued to comfort her with soft words.

With eyes that seemed to be looking somewhere in the distance, Sayu stared at this scene with some fascination.

Envy, longing, disappointment, despair... all kinds of complex emotions emerged at the same time.

It was as if some holes in the depths of the heart were quietly opened, and an indescribable discomfort came up.

As if driven by some kind of force, she slowly paced to the other side, then bent down and said, "Well, if you don't mind..."

With a dull voice, the strawberry milkshake that was just bought was handed to the mother and daughter.

"Ah! No, what's so embarrassing..."

The woman waved her hands in surprise, and then suddenly stopped talking as if thinking of something, and looked at the little girl.

An uneasy little face came into view like this, making her speechless for a moment.

A soft smile appeared on Sayu's face, and then he squatted down slightly, so that his eyes were level with the girl.

"Your name is Mai-chan~ I'm sorry, I stole your milkshake, so this is for you."

Saying that, he pushed the milkshake over there again.

Although she was obviously eager, the little girl called Mai did not pick it up immediately, but looked up at her mother, as if asking if she could.

"I'm really sorry... It's 650 yen in total, right? Thank you, little girl." The woman who said that took out a thousand-yen bill from her wallet and handed it to Sayu.

"No, no need."

Sayu waved his hands again and again.

Seeing this, the apology on the woman's face was deeper, and she kept saying thank you.

Handing the milkshake to the girl, Sayu was ready to get up and leave.

The girl who took the milkshake did not rush to drink it. Instead, she stretched out her tender little hand and hugged her gently, and said, "Thank you, beautiful sister."

The sound of milky milky voice entered the ear.

For a moment, something buried deep in my heart seemed to be healed a lot.


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