Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty, is it a fake show?

"Rhapsody of Harmony" created by senior Shiyu is a youth group drama about campus. The content of friendship and romance is also in line with the mainstream of today's high school students.

Considering that this is a play that will be performed at the school cultural festival, it is indeed a subject that everyone can accept.

Under the arrangement of a certain scriptwriter, the scene that Kato Yusuke wanted to audition was a scene where the male and female protagonists participated in a courage test competition together while camping.

As for why you had to choose this scene? Senior Shiyu gave the following keywords:

"Dark environment", "two people alone", "physical contact under fear".

I have to say that because most students have had similar experiences, it will indeed be easy to resonate with people if it is well acted.

This also made Kato Yusuke a little more aware and appreciative of Shiyu's literary talents.

It took a few minutes for the plot and lines to be stored in detail into the hippocampus of his brain.

"How are you, are you ready?"

"Well, that's all."

Starting with this conversation, the boys and girls walked onto the stage together.

This time the identity is not the audience.

But an actor.


So, the performance was finally ready, the lights in the hall were turned off at the same time, and everyone's attention was focused on the stage illuminated by spotlights.

The next second...

Under the spotlight, a pair of golden boys and girls walked out from behind the curtain side by side.

Boys are slender and tall, while girls are tall and graceful.

Just as soon as Fang appeared on the stage, he firmly attracted everyone's attention.


The clear voice spread from the stage.

As if she had seen something terrible, the girl tightly grabbed the arm of the person next to her, with a frightened expression on her face.

The young man immediately instinctively opened his hands to protect the former, and asked about the other's situation with concern, his expression full of worry.

"Oh...not bad!"

There was a small exclamation from the audience, and the eyes of the audience lit up slightly.

The performance still goes on.

The girl looked up at the young man and nodded with a pair of frightened eyes, her pupils slightly moist.

"Um, um...thank you, it's okay, I was just a little scared."

There is a bit of fragility in the cute voice, the kind that can arouse the desire for protection in boys.

"...Is that so? Let's keep walking..."

The body temperature transmitted from the palm of the opponent's hand to the upper arm made the boy's heart beat faster and he turned his head unnaturally.

The girl wrapped her arms around him, hugged his right arm tighter, and pressed her whole body against him: "Hey, Kato-san... don't let me go?"

Kato Yusuke's body felt sluggish for a moment, because according to the lines, he was not called that name here.

But Shi Yu, who was listening to the side, suddenly said something quickly in a voice that only he could hear: "...Start from here and walk forward slowly, be careful and natural, don't embarrass me."

His tone changed from the weak tone just now, and he sounded very calm and detached.

Kato Yusuke nodded imperceptibly and whispered back, "I know."

So the two of them walked forward slowly together.

Just walking and walking like this...


"What, what happened!?"

Reacting to Kato Yusuke's small voice of surprise, Shiyu suddenly let go of her arms and hid behind him, and hugged him with both hands from behind.

The softness attached to the entire back and the slender arms that were trembling slightly made the body stiffen instinctively, but he pressed it down again.

Then he continued to recite the lines: "What, nothing happened. There were insects, they flew over, that's all."

"Is this so...?"

As Shiyu said this, she let go from behind and hugged his arm again, and then said in a very girlish tone: "Kato-san's arms are surprisingly feels very boyish."

The beautiful face showed an expression of shyness and dependence at the same time, which aroused the audience's amazement.

"...Awesome, so awesome...!"

"Is this, is this professional...?!"

"Wow, it's just like the real thing..."

Amidst these compliments, Kato Yusuke quickly calmed down. With an attitude of being responsible for his work, his expression became much more natural.

According to the next scene, the heroine accidentally tripped over a tree root extending from the ground, and then the hero pulled her up.

So very quickly.

With the sound of "Ah!?", Shiyu stumbled and sat on the ground.

"No, are you okay?"

Facing Kato Yusuke's inquiry, the girl looked up like a deer with tears in her eyes, shaking her head slightly from side to side.

"S-Can't stand up..."

"Do you want me to pull you up?"


Shiyu nodded slightly, and raised her arms a little, leaving her armpits free, showing a posture that asked someone to hug her.


The girl said this with an expression that looked like she was about to cry.

"Oh oh..."

So Kato Yusuke naturally picked up her armpits.

Immediately afterwards——

Shiyu just put her arms around his neck.


A sweet smell came to him, and the girl just maintained her position half-hanging on him, looking closely into his eyes.

"What, what's wrong?" Kato Yusuke asked stumblingly, his Adam's apple rolling up and down slightly.

However, Shiyu didn't speak, her alluring pink lips were half-opened to the perfect size, and she was panting slightly.

One dark and one dark red eyes looked at each other in the air, and the two fell into silence at the same time.

The girl licked her lips gently with her tongue, making them moist. Then he slowly exerted force on the arms around his neck and brought his face closer.

Cheeks, skin, lips.

Bit by bit, the girl slowly and straightly approached him.

The distance between the two people increased from a dozen centimeters to ten centimeters, and then to a few centimeters, and the space was gradually buried. The warm breath exhaled slightly from the other person's mouth caressed his lips.

Until the distance between the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose seems to be touching but not actually. As if to avoid contact, Shiyu turned his face a little to the side.

"I finally discovered that, actually, I love you, Kato-san..."

Along with this unfinished murmur, the atmosphere gradually became climax.

But under the bright light, the picture in front of you instantly gives people a dreamy feeling.

Staring at the girl in front of him, Kato Yusuke couldn't even tell whether this was acting or something else.

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Shiyu reminded him in a low voice: "...It's time to read the lines here, Kato-kun."

The warm breath entered his nasal cavity along with the words, making him froze, but he continued to read his lines.

"Actually, I am too. Through what happened just now, I finally understood my feelings. I feel sorry for you, Shiyu..."

The breath blowing on her face was slightly itchy, and a blush quickly rose on the girl's fair cheeks. Even her pupils swayed slightly, but she seemed extremely looking forward to the next words.

As for the audience, the reaction was even more exaggerated. The stunning performance had completely attracted all the audience.

"Uh oh oh oh oh...!"

"W-want to kiss...!?"

"Oops, these two are so perfect for each other...!"

Emotions are rising upwards.

Everyone's movements began to become excited, and their faces also showed their eager anticipation for the next scene.

However, Kato Yusuke suddenly stopped and turned his gaze to the audience.

Facing the confused and confused gazes of his actions, he whispered to Shiyu: "...According to the previous discussion, it should be fine as long as we stay here, senior Shiyu."

There was silence for about three seconds.

"Yeah, that's right..."

The girl looked at him with a playful look on her face, and said in a long voice: "But I don't mind if you want to continue?"

Saying this, Shiyu smiled and let go of the arm around his neck, and took a few steps back.

At the same time, Kato Yusuke understood that this was another joke, so he shook his head helplessly: "...It's better not to make such jokes, senior."

The girl nodded slightly in response.

Holding down her slightly trembling hands and crossing her chest, she turned her gaze to the audience, and the expression on her face became cold again.

"So, did you understand the demonstration just now? Just act like that."

But this time, everyone, including the girl who raised the question earlier, nodded.

So Shiyu continued to speak: "Now that you can see clearly, let's continue with the next rehearsal. Everyone is ready."



"Leave it to us!"

Everyone responded loudly, their eyes looking at her no longer dissatisfied, but full of admiration.

Watching this scene, Kato Yusuke on the side also had a smile on his face, then he thought about it and said: "This is indeed a very good script, so come on everyone. If you can win an award, maybe the student union can do it too Increase the funding for the drama department next year."

The scene was silent at first, and then there was a different exclamation from before.

"is this real!?"

"That's great~!!"

"President Kato Saigao~~!"

"Go hard! Everyone——!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh -!"

These words not only made everyone full of energy, but also created incomparable cohesion in the entire drama department.

"is this okay."

Shiyu came over at some point: "As the student council president, if you agree to such a thing without authorization, aren't you worried that you will cause criticism?"

"Well, as long as they can win the prize, it doesn't matter. As for the criticism...this is the current student union's fund allocation standard for clubs, so it doesn't matter."

Kato Yusuke had an understatement on his face, and then suddenly changed his words: "Furthermore, "When your subordinates encounter difficulties, I think as the president, you will not sit idly by and do nothing, right?" That's what Senior Shiba said, right? There is nothing we can do. "

After finishing speaking, he directly took out the admission ticket with the girl's name written on it from his pocket, unfolded it in front of the other party, and then said with a smile: "After the drama department is over, the student union will be here at any time." Welcome to join us, Senior Sister Shiyu."

The moment those sincere words reached his ears, Shiyu's eyebrows moved slightly, and even the tip of his heart trembled.

Staring at the person in front of her, the girl suddenly smiled.

"Yes, I understand, President~"


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