Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-four, it’s suddenly too late in the world

When we walked out of the barbecue restaurant, the sky had turned vermilion.

"Ahh~~ I'm full, I'm full, I'm satisfied with one book, why not come again next time?"

Asami raised her arms and stretched, making her body very slender.


The girl in the dress smiled and nodded, her fair arms naturally surrounding the boy beside her. It looks like a little bird clinging to people.

"So, now that you have finished shopping and eaten such delicious barbecue, do you want to go home directly?"

"Hmm...well, what do Yusuke think?"

Facing the gazes of the two women, Kato Yusuke took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, then said to Sayu: "It's rare that I'm here. Do you want to go shopping again? There is a place I want to go with you. I'm willing." ?"

"Huh? There is a place that refers to..."

She asked subconsciously at first, and then shook her head vigorously mid-sentence. The girl responded happily: "No, I'm happy~~!!"

"Um... I mean you didn't ask where you were going at all, Sister Sayu."

Asami dropped her shoulders as if she suddenly lost strength, and turned her gaze to Kato Yusuke: "But since Kato Zai specifically said this, it seems like he doesn't want me to go?"

"I don't remember saying that."

The young man slowly shook his head at this: "If you are interested, come together. You just need to buy your own ticket."

"Hmm~~ That's what you said, but your tone doesn't sound like you're sincerely inviting me, right?"

Asami laughed narrowly, and then waved her hand coolly: "But forget it, even I am not that shameless, so I will leave the rest of the time to you, and remember to thank me. See you tomorrow, then. Sayu sister~"

After saying that, he turned around and left happily, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the two people.

"That, Yusuke."

Sayu turned around from waving and asked, "Did something happen between you and Asami?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Hmm... I have been feeling this way since the last time you talked alone. And Yusuke was in a weird state a while ago, so is it really because of me...?"

A pair of deer-like eyes stared at him for a moment, looking a little uneasy.

"There's nothing like that. I'm probably feeling a little stressed about Xia Yi. I'm sorry for making you worry."

Kato Yusuke shook his head and raised a gentle curve at the corner of his mouth: "But since Asami is rarely so sensible today, let's not waste time here and keep walking, shall we?"

They also turned and walked forward in the opposite direction to Asami.

But because this action was too sudden, and because the two people's attention was distracted by the topic just now, when they raised their feet to take a step, they happened to bump into the person walking behind.



Two exclamations sounded on the street at the same time.

Almost as soon as he reacted, Kato Yusuke immediately reached out to protect Sayu. The other party took a step back under the reaction force, and his body was a little unstable, but in the end he still stood in place. And lowered his head and covered his chest.

"Are you okay? Sayu."

"Yeah...just a little shocked."

Facing the young man who was looking at her body with concern, Sha Qi nodded and said it was okay, and then turned his attention to the girl opposite: "Um, I'm very sorry, are you okay?"

The two of them walked forward together.

"It hurts so much...! Do you mean you don't even look at the road when you go out on the street?" The girl clutching her chest shouted and raised her head suddenly.

As a result, both parties were able to see each other's faces clearly.



The moment she saw the two of them, the girl who looked so aggressive just now was stunned and unconsciously murmured to the two of them: "...It's you..."

Following the other person's gaze, Sayu also turned his attention to the boy beside him, and asked doubtfully: "...Is that someone you know? Yusuke."

Kato Yusuke moved his mouth and was about to say something.

At this time, another voice came into the ears of several people.

"Hey, Xiaoqian, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

The short-haired girl's expression suddenly changed, becoming a little flustered and pale.

Immediately afterwards——

A middle-aged man wearing a white shirt and holding a suit walked up to them.

"Eh? Are this your friend? Xiaoqian." The man's eyes looked between the few people, and he naturally put a hand on the shoulder of the short-haired girl, and his tone was very affectionate.

The girl's shoulders trembled, and then she smiled and shook her head in denial with a clear voice: "No, I just bumped into someone accidentally. Let's go, dad."

"Huh? Ah, well, that's it..."

There was a bit of confusion on the man's face, but he still obeyed the girl's pull and walked around the two of them, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.


Sayu pulled his sleeve and asked, "Is that girl just now someone you know?"

Kato Yusuke nodded: "He is a classmate in the same class as me, but I don't know him very well."

"Hey, that's it..."

The girl tilted her head slightly: "But why did she pretend not to know you just now?"

Recalling some of the scenes just now, Kato Yusuke's eyes flashed with some thoughts, and then he muttered: "Maybe there is some inconvenient reason..."

Sayu nodded thoughtfully.


After some hiccups, the two finally arrived at the end of their trip - Shibuya Sky.

I spent 4,000 yen to buy the ticket and then took the helicopter.

I stayed in that compartment with cool lights for a total of 46 seconds.

Go through an indoor corridor and then arrive at the top floor of the building-Sky Stage.

In this 230-meter-high space, there is a spacious area enclosed by transparent glass.

Looking around, the whole of Tokyo can be seen at a glance.

The close-up view shows the Skytree and Tokyo Tower, and the distant view is Mount Fuji.

The afterglow of the setting sun spreads down, and the orange-red light fills the streets, giving the originally scattered cold-colored buildings a gentle filter.

Being in this 360-degree ultimate scenery with no blind spots, you can't help but feel deeply shocked.

It's like the sunset falls into the starry field, it's suddenly late in the world, and the mountains and rivers are already autumn.

"Wow! So beautiful...!"

Sayu, who was lying on the glass, said this in an excited and exciting tone, with little lights shining in his eyes.

"The Ronin Begins with Douluo"

Kato Yusuke, who was standing behind her, hugged her gently.

Since arriving at the top of the building, the girl seemed to have transformed into a cheerful elf, constantly jumping around in various corners, and happily pulled Kato Yusuke to enjoy this rare sight from all angles. Beautiful views.

As for the mobile phone in my hand, it turned into a camera, and the "click-click" sound of the shutter continued to ring in my ears, with almost no pause.

The cool wind became stronger for a moment, blowing the girl's hair swaying.

Placing a kiss on the delicate cheek stained by the sunset, Kato Yusuke asked in a low voice: "Do you like it?"

And Sayu responded without hesitation, nodding her delicate head like garlic: "Yeah! I love it so much!! Thank you for bringing me here!"

The aroma of herbal shampoo and the sweet citrus scent hit the tip of your nose. The soft hair, like black silk, gently swept his face, constantly causing ripples in his heart, making his heart also soft.

Then he couldn't help but murmured: "You are mine, forever."

The low and soothing voice sounds a bit ethereal and distant, with a bit of lazy hoarseness, but it makes people feel dazed for a moment, as if the sky has darkened the moment the voice sounds.

Then the girl's body slowly softened, and she rubbed her cheek against the other person like a kitten, and responded softly: "Well, it's yours, and we will never separate."

He tightly grasped the big hands around his waist, allowing his delicate fingers to penetrate and interlock their fingers.

As if to convey her determination, Sayu murmured: "I give everything I have to you. Sayu Ogiwara is Sayu who belongs to Yusuke..."

With some emotion, the girl turned her head to explore the other person's lips, and whispered in a soft voice: "Hey, kiss me..."

The next second.

The two pairs of lips pressed together tightly.

Under this magnificent sunset, the two figures seem to never be separated.


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