Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and forty-nine, being caught and resisting being caught

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Leave behind the trio who are inexplicably immersed in a certain emotion and involve others without permission.

After telling Shiba-senpai that he was going to tell the organizing committee to leave, Kato Yusuke walked alone among the crowds of people.

In his mind, he was recalling what the girl said later.

What he was talking about was not the invitation to visit the exhibition together in the next half day, but the matter mentioned by the other party about taking on a commercial case.

The specific quotation is about 10,000 yen per ticket, but judging from the girl's tone, it is clear that there is still room for a certain increase, but a detailed interview will be required at that time.

The consignment plan of the bookstore, the follow-up series of the book, the business commission from the Immortal River Editorial Department, the game production invitation from a certain otaku...

While thinking about this, he also speeded up his pace slightly. Although running is not allowed in the venue, walking is still okay...if you can walk in the crowded crowd.

‘Let’s contact Ying Lili later. ’

The young man thought so.

"...Eiri Riri?"

"...Hey! You have recognized the wrong person."

Pair loose suspenders with a plain white T-shirt without a pattern. Her tightly tied hair was covered with a large hat, and she wore black-rimmed glasses on her face.

That outfit was very suitable for this venue, like a drop of water flowing into a pond, without looking out of place at all.

It even looks more natural than a certain brand whose flavor is amplified in the current environment. The whole person exudes a rounded feeling that is integrated with the iket atmosphere.

"That must be a superb skill developed after countless exhibition experiences and disguises." - Kato Yusuke thought casually.

It's just that this outfit is hopelessly incompatible with its owner.

Through the gap between the other party's hair that was covered by a hat, a dazzling golden hairline squeezed out a little...

Coupled with that subtle demeanor and recognizable voice, all doubts were put to rest.

Kato Yusuke then asked directly: "——What are you doing here?"

Her tone was as firm as if he didn't even think about it, so the girl's defense was completely useless, so she had no choice but to give up resistance and obediently "take it easy".

"How on earth did you recognize it..." Ying Lili muttered softly, then cleared her throat and said: "...Anyway, I'm queuing up everywhere to scan goods. Since you're here, why don't you help me carry the book."

After finishing speaking, two heavy shopping bags were stuffed directly into Jia's hands.

After passing on the burden, the girl became as light as a swallow and light in her steps.

"Hmm~~ My shoulders feel relaxed all of a sudden! Come with me, we're going to the next stall."

"I'm talking about you... the basis of dialogue is based on back-and-forth interaction. Before calling others, shouldn't you answer my question first? Yinglili."

"Huh? Okay~ But in order to save time, it doesn't hurt to leave the conversation on the road, right?"

Yinglili, who was walking in front, looked back at him, her slightly squinted eyes urging him, trying to push him forward with her eyes.

If it were the usual Kato Yusuke.

Faced with Yinglili's inexplicable and self-centered behavior, he would most likely give her a small punishment for her arrogant attitude, and then provide help in subsequent matters depending on the situation.

However, because he happened to have something to ask the other party today, he simply skipped this step and quickly walked forward with a shopping bag full of trophies, walking side by side with the other party.

Swish, swish, swish, swish.

A cardboard shopping bag weighing about a dozen Mandarin dictionaries rubbed against the sides of his jeans.

Kato Yusuke asked: "So when did you come? Also, this outfit... I guess you didn't wear it deliberately to avoid the club, right?"

"It was almost seven o'clock in the morning when I came, but you haven't arrived yet. As for the latter question, why do I have to avoid my own club? This is just to prevent being entangled by a stalker. of."

Yinglili explained calmly.

Although the indifferent tone as if stating the facts sounds a bit weak, but considering the true appearance and the current environment it conceals, it has a persuasive power that is so powerful that it makes people speechless.

After the girl finished speaking, she glanced at him unintentionally and continued talking.

"Well...if you have a strong objection to this, I can't take off the hat, but if you encounter any trouble then you will have to solve it."

"Except for his appearance, he is almost like an ordinary elementary school student?" Yusuke Kato commented in a low voice.

"——What did you say??" Yinglili's expression changed in an instant, and her whole person looked like a wild cat with explosive hair, showing a fierce look.

"I have some delicious dried fish here, do you want to eat it?"


"It's really delicious. Try it." Kato Yusuke, who had one hand free, turned his palm over and handed over a bag of palm-sized dried fish.

"Wait a minute, where did you get this thing from??"

"That's not important. Anyway, you eat first. I have something to ask you."

"...What? It's inexplicable." Ying Lili muttered.

Maybe out of curiosity, maybe because she had nothing to do, she finally decided to give it a try with a try mentality.

Hiss, swish——

Chew, chew, chew.

"...Hmm - so-so." The girl said, and then took another small dried fish and ate it.

Kato Yusuke declined to comment.

While the girl was happily eating snacks, he told her everything he had thought about before.

"...That's basically it, so what do you think?"

" turns out something like that happened."

Yingli put her finger in her mouth, sucked the salt on it, and looked over sideways.

"It's Akane Kurisaka and I'm from the Fusugawa editorial department. You're gradually growing up. It's great~ You're so popular."

"To avoid misunderstanding, let me ask in advance. Is this considered jealousy?"

"certainly not--!"

"Well, I think so. After all, you are the teacher Eri Kashiwagi."

"Tsk~ Boring flattery."

The exploded hair was instantly smoothed away. The girl snorted, turned her head to the side, and then cleared her throat.

"Anyway, I understand everything you just said. I have asked my mother and others to help with the bookstore consignment, so you don't have to worry. The money will be transferred to the account in your name on a regular basis.

Then came book sequels and commercial illustration commissions. Although I won't tell you not to take the case, from my point of view, it is better to focus on the former at this time. After all, the response on the Internet is not bad. It would be a waste not to make a fortune now. . As for the latter..."

Yinglili paused momentarily when she said this, and then continued in a meaningful tone.

"If you are confident about your progress, it does not mean that you cannot consider taking on other business projects at the same time. But generally speaking, unless you can sign a contract with the other party, the quotations of most freelance painters are generally not too high."

"Is that so...I understand."

Kato Yusuke nodded slowly, coming to a conclusion in his mind.

Unknowingly, the two of them had reached the island area of ​​the venue and stopped at the end of the queue in front of a certain stall.

As soon as we lined up our seats, there were people queuing up behind us.

‘About 40 minutes or so. ’ After observing the number of people in the team, he thought to himself, and then asked the girl: “Is there anything special about this club?”

Eiri nodded after swallowing the small dried fish in her mouth and said solemnly: "Fumio Sagano of "cutiefake" is a college student studying at a certain university in Tokyo. A scumbag who is very fond of women. It is said that he often dates multiple women and has constant disputes with his girlfriends. However, the cute pictures are surprisingly well drawn, so they are worth paying attention to. "

"...? Putting aside the countless flaws in it, where did you know these things?"

"The official website of "cutiefake" and the fan section of 2ch. "

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Huh? Didn't you ask me first what's so special about this club? I'm just telling you what I know. Is there any problem?" the girl asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Kato Yusuke gave a strange look in return, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Yinglili, on the other hand, continued speaking quietly.

"Speaking of which, the one sitting next to you on the first day of the event was Ena Ibuki, right?"

An image of using an oil-based pen to ask for signatures on clothes suddenly came to mind.

Kato Yusuke responded: "That's it, what's wrong?"

"Have you said hello to her?"

"Say a few words when exchanging business cards. "

"Hmm~~~ What, that person is a big beauty, right?" Ying Lili raised the corners of her lips meaningfully.

Thinking of the bustling scene at the neighboring stall that day, Kato Yusuke couldn't deny it, "Is that teacher very popular?"

"There are also her posts in the fan section. As for her popularity, I think you should have seen it yourself."

Having said this, Yinglili suddenly came forward and whispered in his ear: "But what everyone doesn't know is that that person is already married, and the male representative accompanying her in the club is her husband. "

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

The faint breath caressed her ears gently, and the girl's voice contained a childish joy of sharing secrets. Then she distanced herself and joked: "How is it? Did your fantasy suddenly become disillusioned?"

Kato Yusuke scratched his ears, "I won't ask you how you knew it. After all, I'm not a fan of hers. But don't you think it would be more sensible to keep it secret even if you know this?"

"If the representative of a female writers' association is a man, that person is usually her boyfriend or husband. My mother said that more than 80% of the people she knew in the past were like that."

"Well, it turns out the problem lies with Aunt Sayuri..."

"On the other hand, more than 90% of those female cosplayers who always hang out with male writers are girlfriends or bad bitches..."

"No, so you don't need to point it out specifically. If those fans hear it, there will be problems, right?"

"That's why I won't run the stall with you, otherwise what if someone misunderstands me?"

"Well... I'm sorry, no matter how you look at it, you look like you are making excuses for yourself."

While chatting about these things, the two of them slowly moved forward with the team.


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