Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and sixty-one, plum wine


The cork on the mouth of the glass container was removed, and the bright brown clear liquid gurgled into the disposable paper cup.

A glass is full, a glass is only half filled.

Then he filled the unsatisfied cup with hot water with a temperature of about 60 degrees and handed it to the girl sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

"Please use."

Two hands, one warm and one cold, separated in mid-air.

"Thank you~ But why do you need to heat the water?" Sayu asked softly after taking the paper cup.

"Because it will be softer in the mouth and more friendly to first-time drinkers." Kato Yusuke explained, and put two ice cubes bought from a convenience store into his glass.

By the way, the convenience store mentioned here is not a well-known chain store, but a comprehensive store in the village, or a canteen store.

Although there are no stores like 7-11 and Lawaon, most of them are located near national highways far away from residential areas, so people usually choose the store that is closer.

The owner of the store is an old woman who is over sixty years old and lives alone. She usually lives on the second floor of her store. As for the son and grandson's family, they moved to Saitama City where life is more convenient. This is also a common phenomenon in the village.

"I mean Yusuke." Sayu, who was holding the paper cup in both hands, continued to ask: "Did you add too much hot water to this cup? It feels like it has no taste at all."

"Huh?" Kato Yusuke frowned slightly at this, "I added it according to the ratio of 1:1, so that the flavor of the plum wine will not evaporate and the alcohol concentration will not be too high. There should be no problem. That’s the right situation.”

"But it really doesn't taste good, why don't you give it a try?" With that said, the girl moved her body to make an empty seat and motioned for him to sit next to her.


His two snow-white feet dug deep into the cushions, making the sofa creak.

The curled up body outlines smooth curves, including the traces of underwear under the short-sleeved T-shirt.

"Girls are made up of sugar, spices and something beautiful." - This thought came to Yusuke Kato's mind involuntarily as he watched this scene.

Then he picked up his cup and came to sit next to the other party.



A tacit silence spread.

Although there was only a small lamp turned on in the room, the bright moonlight still selflessly dedicated its own light to illuminate the faces of the two people.

Reflected on the surface of the clear liquid.

The boy stared at the cup, and the girl stared at him.

Following a rustling sound, the latter slowly leaned half of his cheek on the back of the sofa.

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight." The girl chanted softly, causing the plum wine in the cup to ripple.

The soft hair slipped lightly from behind her ears, fell on her lips, and was swayed in the air by the faint breath.

Kato Yusuke silently raised the corners of his mouth, narrowed his eyes and said, "It's very beautiful, but what we see is actually just the reflection of sunlight, and the moon itself does not emit light."

A foot lightly kicked his waist.

"That's not it..." - Sayu puffed up her face in dissatisfaction, as if expressing her protest with all her strength.

All she got in exchange was a dumb smile from the other party and a hand holding her ankle.

"Didn't you say your plum wine has no taste? Give me a taste."

"...Oh (ò)."

A glass of plum wine that was slightly lighter in color than Kato Yusuke's cup was handed over, and the moon floating on it was pulled into a funny shape by the swaying water. (The swaying water pulls the bright moon into a funny shape, which looks very abstract.)

Then he raised his glass and took a sip.

A sweet and refreshing liquid blooms on the tip of the tongue and wraps the mouth gently.


The raised Adam's apple moved up and down.

The liquid slides from the mouth into the throat and into the stomach.

A sense of stability and comfort came over, relaxing the body and mind.

"Well, there seems to be no problem except that the taste is a bit lighter." Kato Yusuke shook the paper cup and said, "It should be very suitable for girls' tastes."

"Huh? But it tastes tasteless when I drink it." Regardless of the risk that the liquid in the cup might spill out, the girl beside him turned over and knelt on his lap, wrapping her hands behind her neck.

"Why don't we compare Yusuke's cup?"


So Kato Yusuke silently picked up his cup and took a sip. A different cold liquid than before entered the mouth, a little less gentle and a little more stimulating.

The rich green plum scent bursts out in the mouth, as if to confirm the meaning of the word "smell on the teeth and cheeks".

At this time...

However, a pair of cold catkins quietly climbed up his cheek and supported his chin.

Immediately afterwards——

Along with a scent of fragrance, his mouth was sealed by a soft and elastic touch.


The incredibly smooth hair tickled her cheeks, the sweet scent of perfume hit her nostrils, and the lucky soft collision was unexpectedly staged in the hazy light.

Kato Yusuke, whose movement was restricted, tried his best to steady the disposable paper cup in his hand, which contained two smashed full moons. (To prevent the broken full moon inside from spilling out of the cup.)

Until a moment later.


The pointed chin was slightly raised, revealing a swan-like soft neck.

"——Huh, does plum wine taste delicious?" Sayu pursed her lips with an innocent smile on her face.

Suddenly, Kato Yusuke's mind went blank.

A pair of eyes turned as dark as ink unconsciously.

The plum wine in the cup was drained in one gulp and then thrown to the ground.


A cute cry came from the girl's mouth, but he didn't hear it at all.

The two of them collapsed on the sofa together.

Ignoring the slightly raised skirt, Kato Yusuke pressed against the other person's body.

Facing those rippling, moist eyes, he slowly lowered his head and kissed those lips that shone with coquettish light.


The sweet voice also responded to him.

It’s just that when the trend of kissing gradually slides towards the neck——

"Not yet!"

Cool fingers blocked his lips.

Sayu, who had messy hair and sultry hair, said in a trembling voice, "I should go take a shower."

Taking advantage of Kato Yusuke's slight pause, the girl escaped nimbly, picked up her luggage and walked quickly towards the bathroom.

The door was locked with a click.

The sound of "swish" water soon came from the bathroom.

In order to make the sound of rain a little farther away, Yusuke Kato sighed and turned on the power of the Tivoli audio, then connected it to his mobile phone and started playing music.

——"I'm In Here" by Sia

After a short prelude, a lazy, low female voice sounded in the room.

Even though the volume was turned up to the maximum, it still couldn't cover up the sound of the shower water.

After spending a very difficult time like this.

The sound of water from the bathroom finally stopped.

Then after a while, the bathroom door was quietly opened, and a slender figure quickly ran into the bedroom.

Ding Ling Ding Ling, Ding Ling Ding Ling.

The crisp sound is endless.

Kato Yusuke turned around suspiciously.

I saw a little head coming out from behind the door and looking over with wandering eyes.

It seemed to say, "Come here."

Yusuke couldn't help but frown slightly at this, but he put down the half-drunk plum wine, got up and walked towards the room.

"Are you coming to get me now, I've been waiting for..."

The slow music was still echoing behind him.

That night, Kato Yusuke finally did what he wanted to do.


(Take a day off tomorrow...)

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