Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 276: How to refuse confession

It took a little longer than expected.

Teacher Hasumi finally walked out of the fitting room.

The original light gray trousers had now turned into blue jeans.

Even though it was just a simple and ordinary one, it still gave her a slim feeling when she wore it, making her legs very slender.

As for the upper body, she still wore the cool white short-sleeved shirt, and she was not in the mood to choose a new style to match. She just took the folded trousers and went to the checkout with a smooth face. Checkout.

Kato Yusuke was also waiting for her here.

Instead of asking the other person why it took him so long, he followed him very naturally and prepared to help him get something.

Act like nothing happened.

This made Hasumi Kanoko secretly breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time, it also gave rise to some indescribable emotions.

She didn't know what these emotions were, but they were just like a mess of twine wrapped around her heart, making her feel inexplicably irritated.

But as a 24-year-old independent woman, she naturally doesn't show everything on her face.

Although you can't express your joy and anger, you can still express your likes and dislikes, and keep your inner thoughts hidden from others.

Beep, beep, beep.

The sound of the code scanning gun rang three times in sequence.

“The total is 55,560 yen, thank you for your patronage~!”

He silently took the receipt from the clerk and opened his wallet.

Hassan Kanoko's movements suddenly froze.

"Jeans: 10890

Black boots: 23600

Khaki long trench coat: 31900

Half turtleneck striped sweater: 12980

Total (tax included): 79370x70%=55560"

I carefully calculated the amount of money I spent at the fabric store before, as well as the slight excess that I had to pay in advance.

Facing the warm and eager smile of the cashier clerk.

She couldn't help but blink her eyes several times rapidly, feeling inexplicably panicked.

"Um, no..."


"Please help us install the one we replaced," Kato Yusuke said suddenly.


"Ah, okay~! I'll charge you 60,000 yen, and here's the change." The clerk responded and put the trousers that Kanoko Hasumi had put on the counter when she was taking out her wallet into an orange plastic bag.

He glanced at the two of them respectively.

In the end, he handed the shopping bag to the person who paid with a smile.

"Welcome to visit us next time~" The clerk's face was filled with a meaningful smile.

It wasn't until he walked outside the store that Mr. Hasumi finally realized what had just happened.


She was about to speak.

But Yusuke Kato was the first to say, "This is for me. Teacher, please remember to return it to me later."


"Otherwise I'm going to have a summer job."


There was a brief moment of silence.

"Pfft, heh-hahahahaha!"

Hasumi-sensei covered her mouth with her hands and laughed from the bottom of her heart.

"You mean, Kato-san?"


"Did you notice? The teacher didn't bring enough money just now?"


"Ah ha ha ha ha." Hasumi Kanoko's smile became even brighter, and her shoulders trembled as well.

"Are you unhappy with me making the decision without permission?" Yusuke Kato couldn't help but ask.

But the other person just smiled, as if he had no time to answer.

The swaying figure is like an iris blooming in the palm of the hand, and the eyes that flow gently inadvertently are like gentle water.

After laughing like this for a while, she tried her best to hold back her uncontrollable smile, curled her eyes and said, "It's not like that."

Then he added: "But the teacher was able to swipe the card just now."

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment.


Teacher Hasumi joked in a joking tone: "If you were older, maybe even the teacher would be fascinated by you."

Yusuke, who came back to his senses, thought about this for a while and said: "Then can you return the money to me first? Otherwise, I can't give an answer yet."

"Huh? Then what happens after I return the money to you?"

"It depends on how much you pay back."

"What's the meaning?"

"Half amount, full amount, double, which one do you choose?"

"What happens in full?"

""Did you just woo me? Sorry, although I quite like Nian Shang, but we have no chance."... Like this. "Kato Yusuke said seriously (nonsense).

"Eh...?" The other party raised his eyebrows, slightly curious, "What about half the amount?"

""What's the situation? Are you interested in me? Sorry, you are so purposeful and disgusting that we can't do it."... Like this. "Kato Yusuke continues to be cautious in his words and deeds.

Hasumi Kanoko blinked, "Double?"

""Did you just do that because you wanted to pursue me!? Sorry, my heartbeat felt a little faster for a moment, but after thinking about it calmly, it is still impossible for us!"... Like this. "Kato Yusuke refused three times.

The other party glanced at him half-smilingly, "Why do you say these words in a female tone?"

Yusuke smiled and said nothing, with an inscrutable look on his face.

Just stared at him for a while.

Teacher Hasumi suddenly smiled, moved the wind-blown hair around his ears, and said quietly: "Thank you for making me happy, Kato-kun."

His eyes seemed to contain many things and looked sparkling.

"I hope you're fine." Yusuke Kato responded with a smile and a nod, his expression returning to his normal state.

Then he paused and said, "But the money still has to be paid back, teacher."

"Haha, I know~ Let's go to the ATM to withdraw money together, now!"

"Is there an ATM? Let me see...the nearest one here should be in the food court, so let's go."

Holding a plastic bag with clothes in his hand, someone who identified the direction took the lead and walked forward.

Hasumi Kanoko followed him behind.

Then he quickly walked forward and walked side by side with him, put his hands behind his back and asked: "Since we are going to the food court, can the teacher buy you a coffee by the way?"

"Huh? So you're not inviting me to dinner?"

"Please give me that one, please give me coffee, too. One size will be the same."

"OK, then I want black tea and coffee from Starbucks."

"No problem, choose what you like~" Teacher Hasumi said with a smile.

The hemp rope in my heart was quietly untied.

With light steps, the distance between the shoulders of both parties was much closer than before.



"Teacher, I hope you can keep this gentleness and thoughtfulness and don't let the girls around you get hurt, but you must be decisive where you should be decisive. Do you understand?"

"What are you talking about?"


"Strange, I thought it was always the teacher's responsibility to teach students and resolve doubts."

"Since you are so smart, why not take a guess?"

The two walked towards the food court talking and laughing.

The original awkward atmosphere was gone.

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