Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety, Oolong in the night (four thousand)

When Sayu returned to the room, it was a different scene.

I wanted to just sleep like this, but I tossed and turned in bed for a long time but couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

I just feel that the familiar smell and body temperature are missing from my side, and I feel empty inside, as if something is missing.

"Idiot Yusuke..." He muttered under his breath.

He hugged the pillow and closed his eyes, trying to force himself to sleep.

But something suddenly came to mind.

The more I think about it, the more feasible it becomes.

Then he sat up from the bed in an instant and involuntarily raised the corners of his mouth.

So I took out my phone, opened Line, and edited a message for someone: "Come to the bathroom in 10 minutes."

After waiting for a long time, there was no response from the other party.

Could it be that he fell asleep?

The girl couldn't help but thought a little depressed, but this didn't bother her.

First, I sprayed a little coach's citrus perfume on my body to make myself smell good.

Then he quietly opened the door, tiptoed to someone's side, and kicked him on the body with his toes.

After seeing the other party's reaction, he immediately raised his feet and ran towards the bathroom.

It didn't stop until it reached its destination.

I just feel that my whole heart is beating fast, and it is quite exciting to have a secret tryst in my own home.

Holding back the excitement in my heart, I turned on the light with a "pop" sound.

I wanted to fix my hair before the other party arrived, but the lights turned into darkness after a "sizzling" sound.

At this time?

Sayu's movements couldn't help but stagnate.

After taking a look, there was still no reply, and there was no read chat interface.

The girl sighed softly and walked out of the bathroom to the entrance, deciding to fix the electric switch first.

Then he took the keys, put on his coat, opened the door and walked outside.

With a "click" sound.

Kato Yusuke also opened his eyes while half asleep and half awake. He felt that part of the alcohol in his brain had not dissipated, and the influence of sleep made him feel hazy and breathless.

He lowered his head and looked down, only to find that Yamaguchi next to him had put an arm on his neck in his sleep, and he immediately pushed it away angrily.

While turning over, he took out his cell phone from under the pillow and checked the time.


In addition, there is an unread message from Line.

I opened it casually and took a look, and my originally gloomy eyes immediately sobered up a lot.

He glanced at the ajar door of the bedroom, and then at the direction of the bathroom behind the corner.

My mood suddenly became slightly charming.

Without disturbing anyone, he climbed up from the bed.

I felt relieved when I saw the Mangkhut brothers next door sleeping like dead pigs.

Then he pretended to be up at night and walked towards the corner.

Walking to the bathroom, a sweet citrus smell flooded into my nose.

There was also a small sound of rushing water inside.

Thinking of the other party's previous teasing, his eyes became much darker.

He pushed the door open quietly and closed it smoothly.

Looking at the slender figure bending over the sink.

Kato Yusuke, with infinite love in his heart, immediately hugged each other from behind, keeping each other close to each other.

One hand reached into the lower abdomen along the hem of her pajamas, and gently caressed the delicate skin that could be broken by a blow.

He lowered his head to the other person's neck and kissed it gently.

The soft neck has a gentle scent of milk shower gel.


"Sayu"'s body suddenly stiffened.

At the same time, a faint fragrance of cherry blossoms, masked by the citrus scent, slowly poured into the nose.


Her speaking voice was soft and soft, like the tinkling of spring water, which made people feel more comfortable.

Just hearing it was like a thunderclap in Kato Yusuke's ears, making his mind go blank for an instant.

Then he stepped back in shock and hit the wall with a "thud".


His voice was distorted due to fear, but he didn't care about it and just looked at the other person with wide eyes.

With a few rays of moonlight coming in from the window, you can see a short black hair swaying gently in front of the bright moon-like face, the transparent skin is incredibly smooth even without retouching, and the moist pupils are like waves. gorgeous.

The girl lowered her head and held one arm with one hand.

Just such a small movement reveals a charm that no matter how photogenic the scenery is.

Faced with the situation in front of him, even a person like Kato Yusuke couldn't help but stop his thoughts.

The brain is a mess.

Seeing his reaction, Hui slowly raised her head.

My eyes wandered over his face, and I had some enlightenment in my heart.

"Sorry, I thought it was..."

When their eyes met, Kato Yusuke instinctively apologized.

This also confirmed her suspicion.

Do you think I am Sayu-san...?

Hui thought so and reached out to touch Xiu's neck. There was still a warm touch there, which made her heart shake.

He looked at the young man in front of him quietly.

The scene from a few hours ago appeared in her mind, and it finally settled on the eaten octopus ball.

There was silence in my heart.

Then he raised his feet and walked forward.

Kato Yusuke, who thought she was going out, immediately stepped aside in silence, trying to say something.

But I found that my brain was like a layer of fog, and it was no longer as flexible as usual.

Only the sound of light footsteps was so clear in his ears, and they stopped in front of him.

The next second.

A pair of light little hands pressed on his shoulders, and the girl stood up on tiptoes.

Immediately afterwards——


A soft and elastic touch touched the corner of his lips.

It was like a summer afternoon shower, a kiss that was sudden and illusory.

Kato Yusuke was momentarily still.

It was like an invisible spark exploded somewhere, and there was an inexplicable throbbing.

"I'm sorry, Yusuke..." the girl murmured softly.

Before his clogged throat could form words, Hui immediately let go of him and trotted out of the bathroom.

Only Kato Yusuke remained alone in the spreading darkness, unable to calm down for a long time.

Throbbing, guilty, conflicted.

All kinds of emotions kept surging in my heart.

His eyes became extremely complicated.

Until the light above the head suddenly turned on, and soft footsteps came from the entrance.

Not wanting to attract attention, Kato Yusuke raised his hand and turned off the light, secretly calming down.

After a while.

As the door was gently pushed open with a "squeak", a little head cautiously poked in, and met his eyes as he looked over.

"Ah ~ Yusuke." The girl called softly with a cheerful voice, jumping in and hugging him.

The familiar smell of citrus filled my nose.

"Yes." Kato Yusuke responded in a low voice, silently hugging Sayu who jumped into his arms, feeling the warmth on the other person's body without saying anything.

"The circuit breaker tripped again just now. I went out to repair it and my hands became cold. I want to use you to warm them up. Can you do that?"


The girl smiled and stuffed her hands into his short sleeves.

"So you saw my message?"


"Sorry, did you wait a long time?"


"Yusuke...?" Sayu, who felt something was wrong with his mood, moved her head back slightly and looked at him doubtfully, "What's wrong with you?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head, regained his composure, and joked: "What do you want to do if you're still up so late?"

The other person wrinkled his nose at him, then chuckled and held his cheek, saying sweetly: "I don't hate even the fact that you asked knowingly."

After finishing speaking, he blocked his mouth directly.

The two gradually kissed each other.

"Lock the door?"


Click, click.

Then he came to the sink with a smile and faced the mirror.

A cute little red face was reflected on it.


A hum mixed with a thick nasal sound came from his throat.

The soft moonlight ripples like water waves.

Staring at the bright moon in the mirror.

Someone covered one's mouth with his hand to prevent the low singing from disturbing his dreams.

When Hui returned to the room, he covered himself with a quilt and slowly fell into sleep with a throbbing feeling that never faded.

A few days passed since then.

About a week before the start of the new semester, that is, on the morning of August 25th.

Tokyo, Jimbocho.

A place lined with publishing houses and bookstores, it is like a holy place for those who like to read.

In addition to satisfying your own interests, you may even have the opportunity to meet many well-known writers and editors here. Whether they are writers in the field of traditional literature or light novel writers, it is basically suitable for this category.

As for "Metronome of Love", which is currently in high demand and is expected to become a phenomenon, this is the place where the sales of popular writer Kasumi Shiko's works rank second in the country.

As for the other two places ranked first and third, they are Akihabara and Wago City respectively.

A curry shop opened in a CBD building.

Two ladies, one young and one mature, were sitting on the sofa by the window.

It is said that this is the most famous curry shop in Jimbocho, and many people come here to check in.

By the way, the reason why this store is so popular is not only because of its unique curry taste, but also because Bookstore Street adheres to the unique culture of "curry is good for eating and reading at the same time."

The time at this time is 10 am.

It’s a point where breakfast is a bit late and lunch is too early.

It was under such a situation that the beautiful girl with long black hair who seemed to be in a bad mood was sipping the cold brew coffee and medium spicy beef curry combination in front of her.

The elegant light blue sailor suit highlights her plump figure, and the deep and slightly translucent black stockings emphasize the curves of her beautiful legs, making her look extremely sexy.

Contrary to her beautiful appearance, she still exudes a cold aura that does not allow others to get close to her.

She is a typical cold and glamorous beauty.

As for the short-haired mature woman opposite who was wearing a professional attire and a pair of black pantyhose, she was holding a cup of cold brewed black tea and looking at her with a smile.

"Oh, you look like you have a gloomy feeling of dissatisfaction, Shi-chan~"

"Please be careful with your words when dealing with high school students. Although I want to say this, this kind of explicit incitement is as inexplicable as rootless water..."

"What's the matter? Because you don't have any contact with your "junior", are you turning your attention on me~? "

"Even though I have reminded you so kindly, you still have to play around with the similar pronunciation of "descendant" and "mating". You are really an editor who doesn't understand at all!" "

"Because~~ Shi-chan, you are an opponent who won't sit idly by even if he knows it's a provocation, but won't fight tit-for-tat, and also has low patience"~?"


Of course, the beautiful girl who accepted the other party's unintentional gaze purely out of personal interest——

Kasumi Shiko, a popular writer who is currently affiliated with Fantastic Bunko, has a completely impatient and angry look on her face just as her editor Machida Enko said.

"Speaking of which, I think it's not very adult-like to make such a joke on a high school student."

"Because I'm not an educator, and I'm dealing with a writer, not a high school student. Besides, I'm personally extremely curious about writers' private lives."

Machida Enoko paused and said, "However, Shi-chan probably can't understand the state of mind of a single woman in her 20s who is entangled between the common sense of adults and the desires of editors."

Shiyu glanced at her sideways, "I'm sorry, can you please stop lying about your age as if it's nothing? Besides, there's something wrong with asking a 16-year-old to understand the thoughts of a 30-year-old, right?"

There was a "click".

"Ah la~" The mature editor put down her tea cup and said in a friendly tone: "That sentence just now was a forbidden sentence, Shi-chan."

"Oh, really." The girl drank her coffee leisurely, unmoved by the murderous look behind her smile.

"So? What's the reason for calling me out today? Miss Machida."

"Well~ If I want to say something, I must first congratulate you."

Machida Enzi said in a congratulatory tone: "Major bookstores have successively placed additional orders with publishing houses. According to the current momentum, it is only a matter of time before "Love Metronome" reaches one million copies in sales. This is great. oh."

"Thank you, so let's talk about the problem next?" Shiyu, who was not dazzled by the praise, was clearly aware of the other party's hidden words and broke through them.

"Ahaha, have you discovered me~? As expected of Shi-chan." The other party said with a smile, without any embarrassment in his expression.

Then he took out a tablet from the bag beside him and placed it on the table, and continued: "Then I want to discuss with you about the fourth volume of the novel."

Shiyu paused for a moment, picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, "Volume 4? Didn't I already send you the specific outline? Any questions?"

"Well, since you want to adopt this attitude, it's up to you, but I'm going to ask straight to the point." As she said this, Machida Enko's smile gradually became formulaic, and she faintly said the sentence that made the girl's heart freeze. Discourse.

"Are you planning to revise the heroine of the final volume? Xiaoshi."

There was a little silence on the table.

"...I don't think I said that, right? Miss Machida."

"Well, you don't." Machida Enko put her hands on the table and leaned forward slightly, "But writers don't use their mouths to make sounds, right?"

She continued to speak with some pressure with her movements: "So I ask you again, as your editor and companion, do you want to change the original ending and push Sayuka to victory?"

After a few beats.

The girl just said softly: "No."

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