Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety-two, the strongest high school students (four thousand)

Witness the chasing scene on the field.

"Hey——! That Endo was surpassed!?"


"Is this the first time?!"

"Who is the other party!?"

Noisy discussions immediately spread among the students from each school, and the words were full of surprise.

Immediately afterwards, he was immediately rebutted: "It's just a temporary lead. The 5000m is not about the beginning. If you use up all your energy at the beginning, that person will never be able to hold on to the back."

Students from Ishikawa High School, a school that studies the law, faced off against other camps.

Then the manager shouted to stop: "Please keep quiet!"

"The explosive power is indeed very strong. Is that your new disciple?" Long Kou in the coaching area asked to the side.

Teacher Yasuoka's eyes flashed twice, he smiled and said nothing, and just said vaguely maybe, showing his unpredictability.

The other party smacked his lips and said, "It's just too impetuous. Long-distance running is not a sprint after all. The best strategy is to maintain second place while finding your own rhythm, and finally find an opportunity to overtake. Didn't you teach him this?" "

There was a pity in his tone.

Teacher Yasuoka was unmoved by this. He glanced at the chasing figures on the field and said calmly: "But your proud disciple doesn't seem to think so."

"That kid Endo has his own running style, I believe in him." Coach Longkou said, his expression seemed indifferent but actually he was confident.

"What a coincidence, I thought so too."

The discussion off the court did not reach Endo Shinyama's ears.

His eyes were focused and sharp, and his ears were filled with the sound of wind.

His eyes were fixed on the figure in front of him.

The tip of his nose was filled with free and rapid breathing, which then turned into power under his feet.

Like a mature foal galloping forward.

The stride length is well-proportioned, the frequency is short and compact, the kicking is powerful, and the waist and limbs are relaxed - the whole movement appears graceful and elastic.

The wind whirled beneath my feet, like an arrow leaving the string.

As the scenery on both sides receded rapidly, he finally arrived at the man's side, keeping pace with him and preparing to surpass him.

A face that looked more handsome than the side view came into view.

He saw the other party turn to look at him, and then turned back.

Silently, the tall figure moved forward step by step.

As if being pressed to slow down, the vigorous and heroic posture distanced himself from him at a speed that seemed slow but was actually urgent.

In the end, it returned to a gap of about 10 meters.

Everything is the same as before.

It's like time is out of whack.

Endo's eyes couldn't help but become slightly distracted as he entered the mountain.

Still want to rush?

Brother, this is only the first round!

Are you still going to enjoy the next eleven and a half laps? ?

A trace of confusion flashed through my heart.

Then it immediately turned firm.

The stride should be large, the speed should be steady, the fist should be hollow, and the breathing should be even. When breathing through the mouth, press the tip of the tongue against the upper front teeth, and do not stop in the middle...

Teacher Longkou's teachings to him could not help but come to mind.

Although not every technique can be applied in practice, he also has something he has summed up.

However, thinking of these things made Endo Jinshan calm down quickly.

Then he took a deep breath and discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Become calmer.

Running taught him self-discipline, restraint, not giving up, and perseverance to the end.

This accelerated the pace again.

Unwilling to lag behind, he desperately pursued forward.

He did not choose to overtake again, but steadily shortened the gap to within five steps, which made Coach Longkou nodded slightly.

Although he is a bit arrogant, Endo is still relatively sober at critical moments.

Find a whetstone appropriately to polish and polish the character, and its future development will be smoother.

Sooner or later he will be a national team level player.

Thinking this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

What Longkou is most afraid of is that his disciple will disrupt his own rhythm in order to fight for that momentary lead. He only needs to stabilize the situation in a tug-of-war.

Then with rich experience, the final victory will definitely belong to our side.

There is no need to worry about it for a while.

After living for so many years, what kind of genius has not been seen?

Those geniuses who rise like meteors and fall like meteors are really unknown.

The path of track and field ultimately depends on endurance.

And Endo Jinshan is the one he is most optimistic about.

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly became clear.

He became unfazed by honor and disgrace.

Then he observed the situation on the field again.

What was originally a straight line at the start has now become an irregular curve.

Ranked in the first echelon are Yusuke Kato and Shinzan Endo, followed closely by Hiroshi Oko in the second echelon.

Although there is a distance between the two sides, it is not as desperate as the group behind them.

Although it is not said to catch up with the former, there is some hope in working hard to shorten the gap.

His steady and steady performance is remarkable, and he is worthy of being someone who could compete with Endo Shinzan before.

Let Longkou keep nodding.

Little did he know that this behavior did not escape the eyes of his old classmates.

A pretentious bastard.

Teacher Yasuoka, who was observing this scene with his peripheral vision, curled his lips, crossed his hands gracefully, and thought leisurely: 'I'm showing off to my students all day long, and I'll see if you cry in the end. ’

There was a bit of joy in his eyes.

The wind picked up and became somewhat headwind.

The wind speed is about 2.9m per second.

The players' steps were slightly affected, but not much.

It won't have much impact on the final score.

Round and round.

The two legs mechanically lifted and fell like a pendulum, lifted again, and fell again.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the back figure in front of him.

His heart pounded violently in his chest.

The last lap.

Endo Jinshan thought silently, weakness slowly withdrawing from his body.

Have to admit.

The man in front of him was the only runner he'd felt pressure to play since he entered high school.

Even its own rhythm was slightly affected.

He knew that his result this time should be a little faster than before, about 7 to 10 seconds.

This is the positive effect of having a well-matched opponent.

It's like every cell in the body is turned on.

Get rid of sweat and breathe in the breath of freedom.

My body seemed to be in a strange state, like an invisible bottleneck looming in my mind.

As long as I can surpass him, my long-term stagnation will be broken.

——Such a clear understanding arises in my heart.

All the cells were cheering for joy, as if they couldn't wait to welcome that moment.

It’s almost time to pass!

A roar came from his chest.

With the heroic attitude of a champion.

Endo entered the mountain and threw his arms vigorously, launching a charge.

Within five steps, you'll be there in a moment.

Once again go hand in hand with each other.

As a result, the young man turned around and looked around as if he had realized something.

The two looked at each other.


He heard the other party ask aloud, his breath was upright and steady.

After looking slightly sideways, he quickened his pace again and took the lead.

Despite this situation.

That clean voice still penetrated the whistling wind and reached his ears.

Damn it! ?

How could he still speak! ? ?

Endo, who was so breathless that he turned red when he entered the mountain, suddenly widened his eyes.

Without thinking too much, he also hurriedly caught up.

No matter him, no matter him! It must be a bluff!

Dare to vent at this time is to give an opportunity, you just need to seize it.

The body that was on the verge of reaching its limit regained some strength.

He gritted his teeth and chased after him.

The chest began to roar violently, like a bellows with full power.

Rapid gasps continued to come out of his mouth and nose.

It's just that the faster he chases, the faster the opponent runs.

When Endo entered the mountain, he rushed to his side for the unknown number of times.

Kato Yusuke's expression couldn't help but be a little surprised.

At this time, there is less than one lap left in the race.

"You can control the speed a little bit and then let go at the end."

He remembered Yasuoka-sensei’s instructions to him before the game.

Although he didn’t know the reason, Kato Yusuke didn’t care.

Originally, I just wanted to win the game, and I didn't want to show off too much.

But the current situation doesn't mean that you can't indulge a little bit.

After all, he had an agreement with the sports club, and he spent 5,000 points the night before to redeem some physical strength.

When the remaining points became 15770, the physical attribute also reached 8.

Then I decided to relax my body properly.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile.

He nodded politely to the boy next to him.

Kato Yusuke's eyes became a little more serious.

In a daze, Endo, who was running straight into the mountain, suddenly felt that the wind around him suddenly became stronger for a moment.

Immediately afterwards——

It was like a black lightning streaking across the sky.

Almost in an instant, there was already one less person beside him.

Where are people? There is such a big person next to me! ? ?

Instinctively, he raised his eyes and looked forward, but found nothing.

Then he looked diagonally ahead.

Damn it——! ?

Semi-circle? ?

Endo entered the mountain and his eyes were about to split.


There was an exclamation from the audience.

"This is impossible--!"

Coach Longkou, who had long lost his composure, was shocked, looking at the figure that hit the finish line like a gust of wind, his eyes full of horror.

Get his reminder.

The referee, who was in a daze with surprise, finally came to his senses after a while.

Shanran waved the flag in her hand.

"Results, what's the score!?" Teacher Yasuoka asked the referee in an eager and excited tone.

He rushed forward with his old classmates.

But the other party smiled bitterly and shook his head, "The game is not over yet, let's talk about it later."

Then he winked at his colleague and asked him to check the instrument.

After a while, Endo Jinshan also reached the finish line.

"13 minutes, 59 seconds and 87 seconds."

Next is Dahuang Bo.

"14 minutes, 07 seconds and 23 seconds."

Finally, the contestants arrived one after another.

"How are you? Endo." Coach Longkou picked up a bottle of mineral water and ran towards Endo, who was lying on the ground, and helped him up.

"Come and drink some water."

"... Huh... Huh... Huh, Huh..."

Breathing heavily, Endo entered the mountain and took the water, took a sip, but his eyes were fixed in a certain direction, and he said hoarsely: "Coach, what is the score...?"

"I don't know yet, but it must be above 13 points."

Longkou, who knew what he was asking, shook his head silently and looked in the direction where his disciple was looking.

They saw Teacher Yasuoka and the students from his school surrounding the number one boy like stars holding the moon.

Number one in the country...

His eyes became extremely complicated.

"Congratulations! President Kato~~!!"

"too strong!"

"Ahhhhhh, we are number one!!"

"Wow, that's great. I hated you because you stole Nanami-senpai's position as student council president. I'm really sorry! Kato-san."

The girl from the track and field club who had been Nanami's recommender said while wiping her tears, she looked very emotional.

The person involved had to comfort the younger generation repeatedly, "Okay, okay, Xiaoyumi, I don't mind that kind of thing for a long time."

Said Nanami-senpai raised her head, generously threw a bottle of mineral water to Kato Yusuke, gave a thumbs up and said: "Ah, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, I am very impressed with you ~ President."

"Well done, Kato-san." Teacher Yasuoka also praised with a smile on his face.

"Thank you everyone." Kato Yusuke nodded, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water.

At this moment.

"Drink this, Kato-san."

Along with a wisp of fragrant wind, a small white hand came out from behind and placed a bottle of oolong tea in front of his eyes.

The lazy voice seemed cold and charming, just like the swallowing spring water.

"Senior Shiyu." Kato Yusuke, who had taken a step away, turned around and saw the beautiful senior looking at him with a smile.

"Congratulations on winning the championship, this is a gift." The girl said, and reached out to replace the mineral water in his hand with oolong tea.

"Huh? Okay, thank you."

Although he felt it was unnecessary, Kato Yusuke still accepted the other party's kindness and thanked him.

"You're welcome." Shiyu smiled softly and opened her red lips: "And about that thing I told you, can we find a place to talk later?"

"Okay, then let's stay at my house."

"Eh...? Wait, no, I mean, is it okay? Don't you find it inconvenient?" Shiyu who said this couldn't help but glance at the faces on the left and right, which were either strange or surprised, and raised his head. asked.

Kato Yusuke nodded and affirmed: "No, it just so happens that Aki is coming soon, and I also want to discuss another matter with my senior, so we can just come together."

"That ethics classmate?" The girl couldn't help but frown slightly when she heard this, but she didn't wait for her to say anything.

"Sorry, we'll discuss the details later. Sorry, I'm sorry to excuse you, everyone." Yusuke Kato interrupted her.

Facing everyone's gaze, he saw him walking out of the crowd and heading somewhere.

So everyone followed him with their eyes, and finally fell on a slim girl not far away.

A head of brown hair swayed in the breeze, swaying in front of that small face.

Slender figure and proud chest.

Although the face cannot be seen clearly because of wearing a black mask, it can still give people a beautiful reverie and look very mysterious.

And it is in such a situation.

Kato Yusuke quickly walked up to the mysterious girl, faced her coquettishly open arms, picked her up from where she was, and spun her around with a smile.

His face was full of doting.

"Liar...! Could that be President Kato's girlfriend?"

"Ah, it's true~!"

"No, right? Who is that girl??"

Everyone who was still a little troubled by his departure suddenly opened their eyes in surprise.

Witnessing this scene, Shi Yu's eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly, and a dark aura emanated from his body bit by bit.

At this moment, the referee responsible for judging the results also came here and said to Mr. Yasuoka: "Sorry to disturb you, the results of your school's players have come out."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone who was eating melon.

"""""how many!?"""""

Several people, including Mr. Yasuoka, asked together.


The startled referee smiled bitterly and said, "13 minutes, 13 seconds and 60 seconds. Congratulations."

"""""13 minutes and 13 seconds——!??""""

All the members who knew something about track and field events were suddenly stunned.

Think of the selection conditions for the last Olympic Games that met the standards.

Teacher Yasuoka's chest also rose and fell violently.

A wild semi-professional player!

And Endo Jinshan, who was being helped here by coach Longguchi and Hiroshi Oko, also heard this result.

His eyes suddenly filled with misery, and he felt that his performance, which he had just broken the previous record by himself, suddenly seemed very ridiculous.

Longkou, his coach, was also in a daze.


Invariably, everyone's attention turned to the pair of lovers hugging each other not far away.

There was a "click".

The reporter who came here out of curiosity recorded the scene with his camera.

At the same time, I silently formulated a title in my mind.

——"Japan's Strongest High School Student!" 》

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