Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and six, strange things (4k)

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Noon the next day.

A convenience store near a residential area.

"Tsk, there's a nasty question type."

Asami, who was studying on the desk in the office during her break, suddenly smacked her lips and said, attracting the attention of Sayu next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"This, this." Asami picked up the modern reference book in her hand and pointed out a paragraph to her.

"Why did Toyotaro say "——"? Please choose the correct answer from the following options... Hey, isn't this a very common reading comprehension question? Sayu looked puzzled when he saw the title.

"Aren't you good at this type of questions?"

After Sayu asked, Asami was stunned for a moment, then shook her head in denial.

"I'm not complaining because I can't solve the problem. I just find this idea of ​​"choosing the correct answer" very irritating. "

"Explanation?" Sayu tilted his head slightly in confusion.


Asami tapped the notebook harder and said slowly: "Obviously the original text has not been written, so who knows what is right? How do we know what the person involved had in mind when he said these words?"

After hearing this, Sayu couldn't help but cast his gaze on his face.

She wasn't sure about the subtext of the original text in the reference book, but she could hear Mami's pointed questions and dissatisfaction, and she thought of the other party's family conflicts and her friend's ideals that were not supported by her mother.

A wry smile couldn't help but appear on his face, feeling a little difficult to respond.

Asami herself seemed to be suddenly shocked to notice this, and continued her words in a confused tone.

"Well, if the test questions were written by the author of this book, then he would know about it."

"Hmm... But that's impossible, right? After all, it says the author is deceased."

"That's right."

Asami nodded at this and muttered rather remarkingly: "The deceased author must have thought like this, 'No, I didn't write it with that idea in mind, so don't interpret me without authorization' or something like that." "


The exaggerated tone of resentment made Sayu couldn't help but laugh, "I don't think the person involved would have that tone, but maybe it's true~"

"Oh - that's a great answer!"

So Asami also chuckled for a while, then closed the reference book with a snap, shook her head and said, "I'm exhausted, let's take a break for now."

After saying that, he picked up the Pocari placed aside and took a sip of the drink.

"Speaking of which, summer is already over, but it's still very hot at noon. It's a shame that you can stay in a room with such a shabby air conditioner without breaking a sweat, Sister Sayu."

"Is that so? But a calm mind naturally cools down... Yusuke said so, maybe you feel hot because you are too agitated?"

"Hey -" Asami narrowed her eyes and glanced at her, and said in a long voice: "Yusuke Yusuke... you don't need to go out of your way to show affection in front of me."

"I didn't mean that~ You just asked me." Sayu giggled and stuck out her tongue.

"Yes, yes, it doesn't matter how much you deny it." Asami leaned her body carelessly against the back of the seat. Her wheat-colored skin was covered with a thin layer of sweat, which made her unable to help but repeat it with her hands. Pull the hem of your clothes to let the air in.

This movement was a little charming, and at the same time, a small corner of the suspender belt was faintly exposed, but because all the people present were girls, no one cared about it.

"-Ask a question!"

Asami's eyes flickered as if she had thought of something, and a sinister smile appeared on her lips, "Last night, why did Katozai confess his love to Sayu? Please choose the correct answer from the following options.

A. He feels guilty for doing something bad.

B. He loves Sayu Meizai wholeheartedly.

C. He hates Asami Yuuki so he deliberately takes revenge. "

"What the hell, your weird statement."

"Hey~~~Isn't this your favorite reading comprehension question? And it's a specially customized version of Katozai's."

"Ah haha, stop talking, stop talking, it's so funny!" Sayu shook her shoulders in amusement, "Besides, why did you say Yusuke hates you?"

"That's the literal meaning. After all, I often go to your place to disturb you, right?" Asami spread her hands in a condescending manner, as if to say, "Everything I say is true."

"There's nothing like that. I think Yusuke doesn't hate you, but he just doesn't know how to get along with you, right?" The girl thought for a moment and took out a small black bottle from the tote bag in the cabinet. come out.

"As for the skin thing you said yesterday, Yusuke asked me to give you this."

"Give it to me? This is..."

"Beauty cream."

"Uh -? No, why does Katozai have such a thing??" Asami said in astonishment after taking the small black bottle.

"Huh? Because you were very concerned about your skin yesterday. This is very effective."

"It's very effective. In other words, Sayu Meizai used this to..."

"Ah, that...well, well, maybe it's a little different." Sayu responded hesitantly, with an awkward expression.

Then he added: "However, I did try this before, but I didn't use it much afterwards."

"Hey...why?" Asami asked subconsciously, and then sighed and shook her head, "That's right, after all, you don't need these things at all now, but it's a bit of a gift from your best friend's boyfriend. It’s weird, so I’ll just assume it’s from you, Sister Sayu~”

After teasing her like this, she generously accepted the bottle of beauty cream and planned to try it when she got home.

At the same time, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since the conflict with Kato Yusuke, she had always been aware of the estrangement between herself and the other party, and had been troubled by it for a long time.

Especially when there is a girl who is very important to both of them, this feeling is even more uncomfortable.

And since Kato Yusuke is willing to ask Sayu to transfer this thing to him, it seems to be regarded as a kind of relaxation. Although most of the reasons were probably out of gratitude for taking care of Sayu, it still made her feel a lot better.

"Then you can continue to rest. My rest time is over, so I'm going to the front." Sayu glanced at the clock and said, then stood up from his seat.

"Come on, I will continue to work hard."


Sayu nodded her head slightly, her eyes lingering on Asami's face for a moment as she opened the reference book again. The other person's focused expression made her narrow her eyes slightly, and she felt a little lonely in her heart.

Then he shook his head vigorously, punched in and walked out of the office.

As soon as Fang entered the store, he was immediately hit by an icy cold air, and the sudden drop in temperature made his skin crawl.

Although it has entered autumn, the air-conditioning will still be turned on in the store depending on the situation, so as to provide the most comfortable environment for customers who come to buy things.

The competition in the convenience store industry is so fierce.

It's just a pain for employees wearing short-sleeved supermarket uniforms. After all, staying in such a cool environment for a long time will still make people feel cold.

First, he glanced at the hourly worker who was doing nothing behind the checkout counter. Nothing could prove the lack of business at the moment more than the bored look on her face... The girl couldn't help but think this.

Then he quietly began to replenish the products on the shelves.

Thousands of thoughts surged through his mind.

Among them, the image of Asami concentrating on her studies flashed before her eyes several times.

Asami, who aspires to be a writer and aims at Hayao University's Literature Department, has already begun preparations early.

Sayu has always seen her studying seriously and working hard to pursue her dreams, which made her feel very dazzling but also reminded her of herself.

Unlike Asami, who keeps moving forward, her time has stopped since the day she escaped from her home in Hokkaido, and her identity as a high school student has also stopped.

It was from that day on.

Whether it was summer vacation or taking exams that high school students were most concerned about, these two words seemed to have nothing to do with her, as if her life had lost its direction.

Until later he was taken in by Kato Yusuke.

Then I just flitted silently between housework and part-time work.

While she is getting better at her job, her identity as a high school student is also getting further and further away from her.

Having said that——

She actually studied when she had no housework to deal with. She would even go to the bookstore to buy reference books and follow the progress of high school seniors in a daze.

The amount of knowledge gained through self-study cannot be compared with that of students who attend school normally. But even so, she thought it was better than not studying at all.

If someone asked her whether she wanted to take an exam or consider entering a higher education, she would not be able to respond.

Besides, she couldn't go through the application procedures since she ran away from home.

The more I consider reality, the more I feel like my steps are in vain.

If I could just marry Yusuke and then go out into society, it might be a happy choice.

Just when I think of my home in Hokkaido...and my mother, my mind goes blank again.

Not to mention that it was hard to imagine that her mother would let her go so easily. Even Sayu herself felt a little resistant when she thought of living relying on Yusuke Kato from now on.

While worrying about these problems, time passed quietly.

When Sayu came back to his senses after replenishing snacks, he realized that it was already half past two o'clock in the afternoon.


She couldn't help but hum, and began to wonder whether to replenish the drinks in the cooler.

Just when she was making this plan and preparing to put it into action, the hourly aunt standing behind the cashier suddenly waved her hand.

"Little girl, little girl, come here."

Although they were the only two people in the store at the moment, the other party spoke in a lower voice for some unknown reason.

This move made Sayu feel a little puzzled, but he still walked towards his aunt.

"Excuse me, what's the matter? Auntie."

"Shh, shh! Keep your voice down."

A middle-aged woman, also wearing a supermarket uniform, made a silent gesture, frowning her eyebrows together in the middle, and looking out the window with her eyes.

"Did you see that car parked outside? It's the black one."

"Black, car?"

Sayu tilted her head in confusion and followed the other person's gaze to look out.

"That's right, that's the one that was only parked on the roadside and didn't drive into the parking lot. Did you see it?"

"Ah... indeed there is."

"Right!" The aunt nodded her head firmly and muttered in a conclusive tone: "I don't think the people in that car are good people. What do you think, little girl?"


"Oh, what are you talking about? Auntie is asking you something, please take a look."

"Huh? Ah, um... Is there something wrong with that car?"

After hearing what Sayu said, the middle-aged woman looked at her with disappointment, then smacked her lips and said:

"That car has been coming every day recently, but I haven't bought anything. And when I occasionally looked over, I found a man wearing sunglasses coming and going to look at me. Do you think there is something wrong with this? ?”


Although the other party spoke very seriously, Sayu couldn't help but feel a little funny when she heard this, but she tried her best to endure it.

Then he coughed lightly and wove words: "Well, since the other person is wearing sunglasses, then I don't know if he is looking here, right?"


The aunt shook her head at this, obviously not accepting this statement, "They must be looking at this. My intuition is always accurate."

"Yes, that's it...ah haha." Seeing the other party's attitude, Sayu couldn't help scratching her cheek, and then looked at the car outside again.

This time, she noticed something different.

Because the surrounding area is not considered a luxury apartment area, most of the people who frequent this area are white-collar workers or housewives.

However, compared to the common family cars around here, the car outside is obviously more advanced and luxurious.

The completely black vehicle and the dark glass make it difficult to see the people sitting inside.

However, because the sunlight was directly facing the car window at this time, some silhouettes of figures could still be seen faintly.

As the hourly wage aunt said, the bald man sitting in the driver's seat wore a pair of sunglasses and looked really oppressive.

And when Sayu stared straight at the other person, the driver's head seemed to move slightly.

Even though the man was wearing sunglasses, for some reason it gave Sayu the feeling that he was looking at her.

An inexplicable feeling of uneasiness prompted her to quickly look away.

At this point, I no longer feel that the hourly wage aunt around me is suspicious.

Then he turned around and asked: "Um, have you seen that car many times recently? Auntie."

"Well, it probably started the day before yesterday." The middle-aged woman recalled: "Because he always parks in that strange position, neither driving into the parking lot nor driving away, which is really suspicious... …”

"The day before yesterday..." Sayu muttered, with a little doubt in his eyes.

"Say what you say, little girl."


I heard my aunt say in wonder: "That car seems to be a Mercedes-Benz. In the factory where my husband works, their president drives a car like this."


"What? Don't you know-?"

"Um, um... I'm sorry, because I'm not very familiar with cars, so I don't know much about these things."

"That's it, is it? Anyway, all you need to know is that the car is expensive..."

The aunt suddenly stopped when she said this, and then shook her head as if she was bored.

"Oh, forget it, I think I'm probably overthinking it. Speaking of which, why would such a rich person be interested in our place? It's probably just a private meeting with his mistress here. Let's go to work."

The gossiping woman, who raised the topic and then ended it, turned around and left. Looking in the direction she seemed to be organizing the magazine area.

Sayu, on the other hand, stayed at the checkout counter absentmindedly, continuing to think about the reason why the car parked in the same place every day.

Just when she was thinking about this, there was a sudden sound of an engine outside.

Looking around in a blink of an eye, I saw the black Mercedes-Benz driving away slowly.

I don’t know where to go…

306. Strange things (4k)

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