Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and thirty, the only mission (fourk)

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Tick, tick, tick.

The annoying sound of hands kept ringing in the room, giving people a clear concept of time.

After leaving the living room, Kato Yusuke returned to Sayu's room.

Without making any movement, he took a chair and sat down by the bed, staring at the girl on the bed quietly.

The almost bare skin can be broken by blowing, and the slender eyelashes are curled and slightly raised. With the hazy moonlight, a faint shadow falls on the face, and there are still traces of water that have not yet dried up at the ends.

Just like the gardenias blooming on the roadside after the new rain, they are full of pitiful charm.

As if feeling very insecure, her body huddled tightly into a ball, covered with a quilt, with only the area above her nose exposed.

The fluffy hair sticks to the fine nose, swaying slightly from time to time with the breathing.

After a long time, Kato Yusuke let out a silent sigh.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face mixed with grievance and uneasiness, he couldn't help but gently stretched out his hand, brushed the hair from his nose with his little finger, and hung it above his ears.

Move cautiously and slowly.

Despite this, the other party suddenly opened his eyes the next second.

"Yes, I'm sorry...!" Sayu, who was muttering like this, had a face full of panic. He suddenly sat up from the bed as if he had a nightmare, kicked his feet hard on the bed, and pushed his body backwards.

It wasn't until he was leaning against the corner between the wall and the head of the bed that he finally stopped.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...!"

"Calm down, Sayu." Kato Yusuke called urgently, standing up from the chair.

However, it was as if she didn't hear him speak at all...

"Not me, not me, not me, not me...!"

"'s not me..."

The girl shook her head desperately, folded her arms with both hands, and explained desperately to the air.

The panicked words were mixed with rapid breathing.

In an instant, an oppressive tension filled the room.

Kato Yusuke immediately put his feet up on the bed and hugged her trembling body tightly with his arms.

"Okay, it's okay, it's okay."

While stroking the other person's back, he continued to comfort him.

Gradually, Sayu's body calmed down, and she murmured softly: "Yu...suke...?"

"Well, I'm here, right by your side." Yusuke hugged her tightly again, his voice softer.

As if sensing a familiar scent, the other person's hands slowly climbed up his back and hugged him.

It stayed like this in silence for several minutes.

Sayu's brain gradually recovered from the brink of collapse.


She sniffed and said, "I seem to be having a nightmare..."

The voice was so light that it seemed to melt into the air.

"Yeah, I know, but it's okay."


Sayu buried her face in his shoulder.

There was another long moment of silence.

Only intermittent breathing continued to sound in the silent room.


A slight weight seemed to fall down, and a warmth spread across his shoulders.

"...I'm sorry, I still..."

A suppressed voice, like it was squeezed out from deep in the throat, came from the other party's mouth.

"...I can't forget about Yuko..."


"And... everyone, please don't let me forget..." The girl's body trembled again.

Kato Yusuke responded with silence, just patting her back slowly.

Then he whispered: "It doesn't matter, I will forget it one day, one day..."

The words were full of prayers, but Sayu shook her head vigorously.

"What cannot be forgotten, cannot be forgotten..."

She paused and then said: "Because that is, my sin..."

As the words slowly settled, Yusuke's pupils shook violently.

He didn't know how to appease the other party, but he felt extremely regretful.

If time could go back to two days ago, then he would definitely not choose to take the girl back to Hokkaido, so that the other party would not have to go through these pains.

It's a pity that this idea is just an unrealistic fantasy after all...

After all, no matter how much she escapes, the guilt caused by history will always accompany the girl.

Like a scar left on the heart, time may dilute the pain, but it cannot heal the scars.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many soldiers with postwar syndrome in the world.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but clenched his back teeth and his breathing became heavy. He just felt that he didn't know where to vent the depression in his heart.

For quite a while, he couldn't speak.

In the end, he just squeezed out a hoarse sentence: "This is not your fault."

However, even he himself was very aware of the feeling of powerlessness.

As if sensing his change, Sayu couldn't help but want to raise her head, but he held her head down, not wanting the girl to see his expression clearly.

"I'm's all my fault for causing Yusuke such pain." The other party sobbed softly, and the hot breath exhaled from his mouth and nose seeped into his skin through his clothes, making him feel hot.

Kato Yusuke shook his head and said with a trembling voice: "Go home, we will go back to Tokyo tomorrow and start life again."

Tears slowly accumulated in Sayu's eyes, but as if to hold back the feeling, the girl frowned hard and murmured:

"I feel so worthless for always relying on you. But...I feel like I can't escape this time."

She stopped at this point, and then continued speaking in a tone that sounded like she had made some kind of determination.

"I can't leave trouble to my brother and the others again...and my mother has shown a different side to me for the first would be too despicable to run away."

From these words, Yusuke clearly felt the other person's desire for family affection, which was the only thing he could not give.


Unlike him who is helpless, Sayu, who seems to have given up on his family, actually still retains his attachment to his family.

It was just the long-term reality and shock that forced her to slowly seal up this feeling. It was only after today's conversation with her family that she opened a crack...

It's like Pandora's box. Although I don't know the good or bad in it, I can't help but want to see it with my own eyes.

"...What are you going to do?" Kato Yusuke asked silently.

"Although I don't know what to do, I think there will always be a way."

The girl breathed hard in response, and then asked: "Will you blame me? Yusuke..."

Kato Yusuke was silent for a long time...

"No, if it's your decision..."

The dull voice slowly echoed in the room.

Upon hearing his answer, Sayu immediately pressed her face against his chest, sobbing and shaking her shoulders.

After crying like this for a long time, she fell asleep in his arms as if she had exhausted all her energy.

Yusuke carefully held her shoulders, slowly placed her on the bed, and then tucked her in with the quilt.

After leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss on the girl's forehead, he prepared to leave the room and no longer disturb her rest.

As soon as he got off the bed, before he could turn around, a cold little hand held his fingers tightly.

"where are you going……?"

Uneasy words came from Sayu's mouth, who didn't know when he opened his eyes.

Kato Yusuke shook his head and replied softly: "I'm not going anywhere."

Then he sat down on the chair again, stretched out his free hand, and held the other person's hand with both hands, with a smile on his face.

"Until you don't need me anymore and don't want to see me anymore, let me go far away... But as long as you still need me, I will stay here."

The gentle voice slowly floated into the ears and melted into the night.

Staring into eyes as wide as the night sky, Sayu suddenly bit her lower lip and murmured with tears in her eyes.

"I don't want that kind of thing to die..."

The slightly moist pupils reflect the light of the starry sky, which is both radiant and pitiful.

Looking at the girl like this, Yusuke nodded his head gently and said okay.

"Ding, you have started a special mission, please pay attention..."

An electronic female voice without any emotion slowly sounded in my mind...

After Sayu fell asleep, Kato Yusuke came to the living room on the first floor.

At this time, Yi Sa seemed to have returned to his room, and the entire first floor was dark.

He did not choose to turn on the light, but just walked to the water dispenser in the dark, poured himself a glass of water, then sat down at the dining table with the water, and drank it one sip after another.

That was quite a long time.

He kept thinking about many things in his mind, from Tokyo to Hokkaido, from the Ogihara family to Sayu, from what happened in the past two days... and then to himself.

The mixed feelings in his heart made his brain extremely awake, without any trace of sleepiness at all.

Sayu with a weak voice, Yi Sa with an ambiguous attitude, the mother who has always avoided seeing him, and the stranger who blocked the door and made slanderous remarks.

Faces and words came to mind one after another, and then disappeared one after another.

In the end, all that was left was the girl's soft side face, full of sadness and confusion, but still trying to smile.

What finally settled before my eyes was the scene in the park.

At the entrance to the blue night, the afterglow of the sunset extinguishes from the eyes of the girl...

Thinking of this, an uncomfortable heavy feeling surged up from his throat. He couldn't help but raise the cup and tried to suppress this feeling by drinking water.

However, after tilting the cup, I realized that the water inside had been drunk unconsciously.



The sound of a deep exhalation intertwined with the sound of the cup being put down, slowly echoing in the empty darkness.

Wisps of moonlight shone in from the window, casting a pure silvery glow in the living room, slightly illuminating his uncertain face.

Hesitation, confusion, irritability, deepness...

As if he was hesitating about something, the expression on his face was particularly complicated, and his whole breath fluctuated due to his emotions.

As time passes silently.

The young man slowly regained his composure.

Determination began to appear on his face bit by bit.

Kato Yusuke raised his head and looked in a certain direction on the second floor, staring intently.

His gaze seemed to penetrate the thick ceiling and fell on the girl.

"No matter what happens, I will protect you..." He murmured to himself, with an extremely gentle smile on his face.

Then he began to recite silently in his heart, calling out the mysterious existence in his body, and soon received a response.

A transparent blue interface unfolded before your eyes.

What floated on the top was a huge pop-up window that almost occupied the entire field of view. The red frame was filled with a disturbing smell.

The only mission: [Sayu Ogiwara’s redemption (0/1)]

illustrate:? ? ? ? ?

award:? ? ? ? ?

Warning: This task is irreversible and all consequences will be borne by the host. Please choose carefully! !

Whether to accept: [Yes/No]

You have already made your decision, so there is no need to hesitate any more.

Kato Yusuke raised his index finger and pressed on the [Yes] column.

Circles of ripples spread across the fingertips.

"... Confirm that the host has accepted the mission [Sayu Ogiwara's Redemption], and execution will begin in ten seconds. I wish you good luck..."

The huge pop-up window was replaced by a countdown interface.

As if to increase his tension, the color of the Arabic numerals is still red.

"You really have a bad taste, system." Kato Yusuke said with a chuckle.

Of course, the other party didn't respond and just silently did what he had to do.








Kato Yusuke leaned back on the chair and joked: "If you make it so serious, will the world be destroyed?"

Still no response.





A sharp and harsh buzzing rang in his ears, causing Yusuke Kato to instinctively raise his hands to cover his ears.

A violent pulling sensation started from his head, as if it was about to tear him apart.

The overwhelming feeling distorted his face.

He tried to open his mouth to shout, but it was as if he was in a vacuum environment and no sound came out.

Immediately afterwards——

Little bits of light began to emerge.

Grain by grain, grain by grain...

He began to melt.

First the hair, then the head, then the torso...

Until the last moment, his body completely turned into particles of light.

Countless light particles burst out and floated around the room, like countless fireflies.

The dim living room was instantly illuminated like daylight.

This situation lasted for about a second.

It was like a gust of wind blowing, and all the light particles disappeared immediately.

The room also returned to darkness and silence.

Only the lone water glass on the table silently witnessed this scene.

In the room on the second floor.

Sayu fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion of her energy. She frowned slightly in pain, but she did not wake up.

In her sleep, the boy was still the one by her side. The two held hands and walked through the streets of Tokyo...

It seems like I can live carefree forever.

"Yusuke..." She murmured, crystal tears rolling down her cheeks.

The delicate butterfly flaps its wings, but it sets off a hurricane on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

The world is still the same world.

After a long night, dawn will finally come.

And at one point, Kato Yusuke slowly opened his eyes.

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