Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and thirty-two, there is a long way to go (4k)

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Facing Sayu with a cold attitude, Kato Yusuke never found a chance to talk to him.

Even though he knew it wasn't the other person's fault, he still inevitably felt a little lacking.

On one side is Sayu who relies on him, and on the other side is Sayu who ignores him.

The strong sense of contrast and fragmentation kept swirling in the mind, bringing a feeling of dizziness and dizziness.

At the same time, he was clearly reminded of the difference.

Although he knew that the person sitting there was his girlfriend, to Sayu in this world, he was a complete stranger, and naturally he would not look good.

Thinking about this, Kato Yusuke was a little silent for a moment.

A class was spent in this kind of suffering.

This is how the lunch break begins.

"Stand up and salute."

"goodbye teacher."

The history teacher who packed up the teaching materials nodded to everyone and turned to leave the classroom.

Kato Yusuke immediately walked towards the girl, trying to use the next period of time to contact her and establish a connection.


"Hey, Iwanami-san, Misaki-sensei from Class 1 asked you to go to the gym to find her.

The news from the door was once again an obstacle.

Yusuke pretended not to know this and kept walking.

Not to mention that he didn't know where the gym was, and he didn't know the Misaki teacher. At least for now, he wanted to talk to the girl first, and the rest could be discussed later.

But just when he was about to walk to Sayu, a hand stretched out from the side suddenly put his shoulder.

"Iwanami-san, someone is calling you."

A cheerful voice sounded from behind.

Turn around and look.

What appeared in front of me was a boy with medium-long hair that was parted, with a smile on his fresh and clean face, exuding the same cheerful flavor as his voice.

No matter from the appearance or the atmosphere around him, the person in front of him is obviously a person with a high status in the class, but he does not know him.

While patting the other person's hand on his shoulder, he asked: "Who are you?"

Hearing this, the boy couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Before he could speak, someone next to him took the initiative to interrupt.

"Wow, you actually asked Saito-san such a question. Is this some new type of cold joke?"

Another boy, who seemed to be a good friend, gave Saito an elbow in the abdomen as a joke, telling him to stop making trouble.

"Sorry, Iwanami-san."

Saito turned his gaze back and stretched out a hand in a handshake gesture.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am Saito from the basketball club. Please give me your advice."

As he said this, a very natural and hearty smile appeared on his face again, which made people feel very friendly.

Kato Yusuke nodded, but did not shake hands with him. Instead, he turned his head and looked forward.

The girl was no longer there, and I don’t know where she went.

This made him click his tongue and said, "Sorry, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out, leaving the two boys where they were.

Watching his leaving figure...

"What's going on? Does that boy have any conflict with you? Saito." The boy with long hair asked.

"I think there shouldn't be such a thing." Saito silently retracted his hand and pretended to shrug, "Maybe he has this kind of character to begin with."

" he another guy with a dark personality? It's really unbearable."

"Feel the same."

"Sigh... Whether it's the "princess" or that guy, why are our class full of people like this? They are not gregarious at all. "

Saito didn't answer this silently, but glanced thoughtfully at a seat by the window, and then looked at the direction Kato Yusuke left, and couldn't help but frown.

"By the way, is this the second time you've been rejected like this? How do you feel~?"

The long-haired boy laughed maliciously and continued: "Also, I remember that the transfer student also talked to the "princess", and he called her by her first name. Maybe they are already secretly together? "

"Stop talking, Taniguchi."

"Wow, Saito has a scary expression."


"I know, I know, I won't tell you, so why don't we go to dinner together? Partner."

"...We're not in the basketball club, so don't use that name."

"Yes...really, you must have vented your anger on me, right?"

"what are you saying?"

"I didn't say anything~"

Gym, in front of the women's basketball club office.

Boom, boom.

"Please come in."

Hearing the sound inside, Kato Yusuke opened the door and walked in.

In the room that smelled of antiperspirant spray, a stern-looking middle-aged woman was sitting alone at the conference table and cast her gaze over.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, I am a student in Mr. Shibata's class. I was just notified to come here."

"Shibata-sensei...oh, are you Iwanami?"

Kato Yusuke nodded slightly in affirmation, and his eyes fell on the other party.

She has short black hair that reaches her chin and is very neatly styled. She is wearing a dark blue shirt and a long black skirt. She looks about 30 or 40 years old. Her slightly upward slender eyes have sharp eyes, giving her a rigorous look. Feel.

"Are you Misaki-sensei from Class 1?"

"Yes, you already know the specifics, right? I won't go into details. In the afternoon, you can come directly to the Class 1 area as a substitute."

Sure enough, there is no need to play...

Kato Yusuke thought to himself, his eyes flicked over the form that looked like a training plan in the other person's hand, and then he thought for a moment and said, "Can I ask you a question?"


"I heard that Class 1 needs to find foreign aid because of the shortage of talents."

Teacher Misaki nodded, "That's right. Is there any problem?"

Yusuke continued to ask: "I would like to know the number of players in Class 1?"

"Not counting you, there are 6 people in total."

"so little?"

As if he was a little unhappy with his words, the other party couldn't help but frown slightly, but he still explained.

"Originally, these problems should not exist, but the male-to-female ratio in Class 1 is out of balance, and girls cannot compete, so this is what we have to do."

Teacher Misaki who said this sighed and murmured to himself: "Obviously we will never lose in the women's game, but in the end we got the men's basketball..."

Although the voice was low, it was still picked up by Kato Yusuke.

His eyes moved slightly, and then he continued to chat with the other party.

As Teacher Misaki narrated, he also had a clearer understanding of the ins and outs of the whole matter.

In short, this is probably the school that decided to hold a football meet before the summer vacation.

Class 1, which is stronger in women's basketball, was unfortunately drawn into Class 3 in the previous draw, and the competition was still played in the form of men's basketball.

The impact of this is that it is difficult for Class 1 to gather even the basic number of participants. In order to allow the main players to take turns and rest in the middle, they borrowed people from Class 3.

After understanding these things, Kato Yusuke said nothing more, greeted Teacher Misaki and left.

'This Misaki teacher from Class 1 doesn't seem to want to give in easily...'

Walking on the road leading to the teaching building, Yusuke silently thought to himself.

Then he quickened his pace slightly and rushed back to the classroom.

The atmosphere in the class was bustling, and students with good relationships gathered together, talking and laughing while eating lunch, but the figure he wanted to see was not there.

He wanted to ask people in the class about the girl's whereabouts, but when they heard what he wanted to ask, they either said they didn't know, or responded passively, as if they didn't want to get into trouble.

After thinking for a moment.

Kato Yusuke turned and walked back to the corridor, went up the stairs, and came to the door leading to the rooftop.

This was the only place she could think of where the other person might appear.

Lift your hand and grasp the handle of the metal door, then turn it.

With a "click", the metal door opened.

The dazzling sunlight made him squint his eyes slightly, and a sultry air rushed towards his face.

Fluffy clouds float leisurely in the sky, lazy and comfortable.

Under the clear blue sky, two girls were sitting on a bench near the rooftop.

Disturbed by the sudden intruder, both women glanced at him in unison.

A smile appeared on Kato Yusuke's face, as if it was brighter than the sun.

Under the gaze of the other party, he slowly walked towards the two of them.

His eyes fell on the two girls.

In addition to Sayu, who had been looking for him for a long time, there was also a girl with two pigtails sitting next to her. She had some freckles on her face and a pair of rustic black-rimmed glasses on her nose.

"Good afternoon, can I join you?" Yusuke greeted with a smile and stopped in front of the two women.

Hearing this...


The braided girl looked at him blankly at first, and then lowered her gaze as if she was feeling inferior. She clenched the lunch box on her lap uneasily with both hands, looking embarrassed and uneasy.

In comparison, Sayu's performance was much tougher.

Like a female animal protecting her cubs, the other party stretched out her hand to block her friend, while glaring at him warily and said, "I'm sorry, can you please find another place? This place is already full."

"Full capacity?"

Kato Yusuke's eyes fell on the bench, and he was lost in thought about the half of the place next to the girl. He muttered: "It's okay to squeeze in..."

But the next second.

"Full capacity!"

Sayu repeated again, moving a little to the side to occupy the small space with her body.

"That's it, then I'll just sit here."

Yusuke couldn't help but nodded, and simply sat down on the ground with his legs crossed.

The two women who saw this scene widened their eyes in surprise.

"Eh heh...?"

"You actually said that you were sitting here...wait a minute, what are you thinking about?"

The sun-scorched ground was very hot, and the scorching temperature was transmitted to the skin through the pants, making Kato Yusuke move left and right a few times in discomfort, and murmured involuntarily.

"Ah, so hot..."

The air suddenly became quiet for two seconds.

Immediately afterwards——

"Pfft...well, fufufu..." As if she found it extremely interesting, the braided girl suddenly covered her mouth and laughed.

Sayu, on the other hand, tilted his head slightly with a confused look on his face, switching his gaze between his friend and the boy in front of him, not knowing what to say.

After laughing for a while.


The braided girl, who seemed to think someone was harmless, asked timidly: "You are Iwanami-san, right? What are you doing with us?"

"It's nothing special, Masaka Yuko-san."

"Eh——? you know my name?"

Kato Yusuke shrugged.

"Because you are a kind girl... I want to say this, but in order to prevent Ogiwara-san from misunderstanding, let me tell the truth."

Having said this, he turned his gaze to the side with a refreshing smile on his face, "Actually, I want to become friends with Ogiwara-san, is that okay?"

Masaka Yuko blinked and also turned to look at her friend.

The other person also had a surprised and confused expression on his face, as if he didn't expect to hear such words from other people.

"Why?" Sayu asked, "There should be no benefit to you from contacting us."

"That's not right."

Yusuke shook his head and said word by word: "There is nothing more important to me than you, so are you willing to agree to my request?"

His voice was very soft, but as gentle and moving as a whisper between lovers, with sincerity and hope from the heart.

Faced with this kind of words that are like a confession of love.

Not only did Yuko Masaka blush slightly while listening, but even Sayu's face flashed with a hint of trance.

Squeak, squeak.

The cicadas chirped and a strong wind blew.

The green leaves swayed in the hazy afternoon wind, making a rustling sound.

The clean white shirt, the bangs blown by the wind, the young man smiling in the sun... It's like the midsummer season has arrived in advance, colorful and gorgeous.

Staring at the scene in front of her, Masaka Yuko couldn't help but open her mouth, wanting to say something.


"Let's go, Yuko."


Before she could react, Sayu held her arm and looked like he was anxious to leave.

Seeing this, Yuko subconsciously glanced at Kato Yusuke, and saw the young man smiling bitterly, his delicate face looking a little sad, which made people feel unbearable.

Then he looked away and asked: "But wouldn't it be bad to leave Iwanami-san here like this...?"

"Masaka-san is right, and in order to find you, I haven't eaten yet." Yusuke stood up from the ground with a bitter look on his face.

"So pitiful..." Yuko murmured, hesitating for a moment and then pushed out his lunch box, "Um, I haven't had this before, if Iwanami-san doesn't mind..."

"Thank you for your kindness, Masaka-san, but no need." Kato Yusuke shook his head and took a step forward naturally, "My stomach is more accustomed to Ogiwara-san's cooking."

Finished speaking.

He grabbed a piece of tamagoyaki with a bite from under the chopsticks in the girl's hand, calmly threw it into his mouth and started eating.


Someone muttered a compliment without feeling that there was anything wrong with him at all.

Masaka Yuko's eyes suddenly widened, and she subconsciously let out a small exclamation.

" it."

There was silence for more than ten seconds.

Until Sayu wrinkled her face almost in disgust and spoke to break the silence.

"Pervert! Let's go, Yuko."

"Huh? Ah, um... I know, wait, don't be so fast."


There was a clang of metal doors from behind.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is as blue as the sea.

Recalling the girl's appearance just now, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly and said to himself: "So my girlfriend is so difficult to woo..."

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