Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and thirty-seven, you will get used to it sooner or later (four k)

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Walking on the way home from school.

In the end, Sayu didn't go to Saito's appointment.

Although she was originally reluctant to do this, we are classmates after all, so even if she refuses, she should say hello.


Because of a certain shameless person, she completely lost her mood and just walked quickly.

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

The light skirt and loose trousers swayed with the steps, and the dark uniform shoes stepped on the gravel road along the river bank, making the sound of light and heavy footsteps.


An annoying sound came from behind.

The girl bit her lower lip, did not respond, and quickened her pace slightly.





"Are you still angry?"


"It seems so."

The young man smiled and said, "It's my fault to kiss you proactively. If you mind so much, I'll ask you to come back, okay?"

"...Shameless!" The girl's steps were chaotic.

Kato Yusuke noticed this and chuckled again: "By the way, can I go to your house?"


Sayu suddenly stopped walking in a hurry and turned around suddenly.

"...What exactly do you want to do!"

Yusuke also stopped, looking confused.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to go to your house?"

"Outsiders are not welcome in my home."

"That's no problem."


"After all, I shouldn't be considered an outsider, right?" Someone shamelessly pointed at himself, his eyes falling on the other person's pink lips.

Sayu instantly realized what he meant and shouted angrily: "——Stop joking!"

"I'm not kidding."

Kato Yusuke's smile faded, and he said warmly in an extremely serious tone: "I have always been very serious about your matter."


Facing Yusuke who suddenly turned from frivolous to serious, the girl couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Taking this opportunity, the slender figure quickly approached.

Click, click, click.

Gray pebbles of different sizes bounced on the ground as they were kicked by the toes of the shoes.


The shoulder bag fell to the ground.

A fresh and warm smell completely enveloped Sayu.



The scene in the classroom was repeated here.

Compared to the strange first time, this kiss was much gentler, but equally passionate and persistent.

The warm and humid wind brings the sultry atmosphere of summer nights.

The gurgling river, the dense weeds, the muddy path with messy shoe prints, the melting sweet sorbet, the slender smoke of mosquito coils, and the sweet lips of the girl——

These scents are mixed together, making people directly feel that this season is here again.

On the sparkling water, the hovering birds opened their mouths slightly and stuck out their tongues to catch the warm and soft clumsy little fish.

The warm sunshine, with a hint of twilight, gently enveloped the two of them, reflecting a lovely face that looked a bit confused.

After a long time, the intersecting lip lines slowly separated.

With a final peck on those soft lips, Kato Yusuke slowly took a step back, bent over and picked up the schoolbag he had just thrown on the ground. As for the other party's schoolbag, he carried it on his shoulders.

"You are this person..."

Sayu murmured, as if he had just woken up from a dream, and wiped his lips vigorously with the back of his hand, showing extreme disgust.

"Cough, cough...what on earth are you doing!!"

Looking at the girl who glared at him, Kato Yusuke smiled happily.

"In this case, you can't say that it has nothing to do with me, right?"

"Do you think you will be forgiven for doing such a thing to a girl without permission?"

"That's what I said, but you didn't bite my tongue."

Sayu couldn't help but hesitate, as if she was speechless at such a shameless statement, and opened her eyes stupidly.

His fragile skin was flushed with anger, and he retorted: "People like you are the most annoying——!"

As she said this, she felt an inexplicable throbbing deep in her heart, and a very strange emotion was brewing.

It was both anger and shame, mixed with a slightly inexplicable feeling.

This feeling was very strange, especially that kiss. It was as if the other person knew her better than she did. He could always find her weak points and quickly break her will, making her forget to resist for a moment.

Everything was mixed together, and finally turned into disgust for the person in front of me. I wanted to stay away from him and never see him again.

That is not resistance, but more like a vigilance in facing the unknown.

After all, human nature makes us feel uneasy about things we don’t understand, and we subconsciously want to stay away.

For all this, Kato Yusuke will naturally not let her have her wish.

While raising his hand to pat the dirt on his schoolbag, he said, "Sooner or later you will get used to it."

Will you get used to it...?

What are you used to?

Getting used to his presence? Or are you used to his frivolity?

Sayu doesn't know much and doesn't want to understand these things.

She just took a deep breath, pursed her lips, and took a step forward.

"...Please return my schoolbag to me."

Reach one hand forward and spread it upward.

Kato Yusuke smiled, stretched out his hand naturally, and took it.

"How can a girl carry a bag? I can just help you."

Sayu struggled twice, but failed, and then cast a condemning look at him.

"Please let go, I'm not kidding."

"Neither do I. Be obedient and I'll take you home."

"My family is home!"

"Okay, then I can also say hello to my aunt."

"You will regret this."

The girl looked at him deeply, as if realizing that there was no hope of resistance, she finally gave up.

Feeling her looseness, Kato Yusuke raised the corners of his mouth proudly and pulled her forward.

In the middle, she loosened her hand slightly because of the change of direction. If Sayu wanted to, she could take the opportunity to pull her hand out... but she did not do so.

Even she herself didn't understand the reason why she didn't break away. She just moved her legs silently and followed someone.

The hair falling on her shoulders hung down lightly with gravity, covering her face, making it difficult for people to see her expression clearly.



"Ogiwara-san, this name is too hard to pronounce. Can I call you Sayu?"

"...No." Sayu paused and said.

Yusuke nodded cheerfully, "Okay, then I'll call you Sayu."

"Have you always been so shameless?"

"Didn't I say that I only do this to you?"


Seeing that she didn't respond, Kato Yusuke continued: "On the contrary, you can just call me Yusuke."

"Yusuke...?" The girl murmured, as if searching for his name in her memory.

"Yes, my family usually calls me this. Don't you think it's much smoother than Kato-san?"

"...We are not family."

"But that's what I want you to call me."


"What you said is so rude."


Sayu remained silent again, but he exuded a feeling of "are you qualified to say such a thing?"

Kato Yusuke didn't care about this, he just smiled happily and tried to secretly insert his fingers into each other's fingers, trying to interlock their fingers.

Unfortunately, the other party held his hand tightly, not giving him any chance, and he had the tendency to escape.

In order not to destroy this temporary peace, someone could only give up the plan angrily, so the girl also stopped resisting as if she compromised.

After walking a few steps, Sayu seemed to think of something and took out the mobile phone from her skirt pocket with her free hand. Then she glanced down at the hand she was holding and sighed helplessly. Tone, tapping on the screen with one hand.

"If you want to contact Yuko, I have told her to go home first."


"After all, you ran too fast, and she couldn't react at all."


The girl used Line to send an apology emoji to her friend, and the other party quickly sent an okay emoji along with a message saying "see you tomorrow."

This made her relax a little, and she was about to put away her mobile phone, but a mobile phone was quietly handed over from the side.

Then came someone's words.

"Add mine too."

What is displayed in front of you is a QR code image that facilitates adding friends to each other by scanning the code.

Sayu glanced at it and frowned slightly, pretending not to see it and trying to put away his phone.

"Hurry up or I'll pick you up right now."

The girl hesitated for a moment, seemed to have weighed the consequences, and felt that such a shameful thing was absolutely unacceptable, so she reluctantly started to operate.


Along with the pleasant crisp sound, Kato Yusuke also received a new friend application as he wished.

This made him nod with satisfaction and grin.

"Shameless..." Sayu muttered quietly as he saw that there was an extra person among his friends.

"Thin-skinned boys can't catch the girl they like."

"...It's too frivolous and annoying."

"Maybe, but you are mine no matter what."


Sayu suddenly lost his temper due to his unreasonable remarks. He just curled his lips silently and walked quietly.

Unknowingly, the two of them came to a quiet residential area.

A series of independent small bungalows stand on both sides of the neat road, with a lot of vegetation planted around them. The environment is much better than that of an ordinary house.

Sayu stopped at the intersection and said numbly: "Just come here and return my schoolbag to me."

"Didn't I agree to send you home? Isn't it here yet?" Kato Yusuke asked.

"I will leave by myself next, so don't follow me again."

"Huh? Then at least let me say hello to my aunt."

Sayu couldn't help but frown, her eyes roving over his face inch by inch, as if to confirm that his words at this time were well thought out.

The young man looked at her calmly.

There is no frivolity there, only calmness and a unique sense of calmness can be seen.

This situation lasted for more than ten seconds.

Finally, Sayu couldn't help but start to panic.

When she thought about it, although the other party said he wanted to send her home, he probably only wanted to send her home nearby. He would not really go to her home or meet her mother as he said...

But at this moment, she was suddenly unsure.

But before she could think more about it...

"Let's go."


Kato Yusuke suddenly took the initiative to pull her up and run straight ahead.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

"No wait."


"Never stop."

The hot temperature came from the palm of his hand, and Sayu felt as if he was sweating slightly.

"where are you going?"

"You've already asked this question." Yusuke turned around with a natural smile on his face.

The scenery on both sides continues to recede, through houses, through parks...

The young man stopped in front of a certain door and let go of her hand.

Before he had time to think about why the other party knew the location of his home, what happened in the next second made Sayu quietly widen his eyes.

"...Wait a minute!" She tried to stop her, but it was already too late.


The sound of the electric bell rang from the doorbell installed outside.

After a few beats.


A cold female voice came from the speaker.

"……who is it?"

"Hello! My name is Iwanami, and I am Ogiwara-san's classmate. Because she is not feeling well, I am here to take her home."

Kato Yusuke chose words that were polite but not too formal, and smiled brightly at the intercom camera.

After saying that, he turned his back to the camera and winked at the dumbfounded girl beside him.

"'s me, I'm back." Sayu whispered, but did not appear in front of the camera, just stared at him angrily.

"……come in."


The iron door outside the hospital was unlocked, and the intercom was hung up.

Kato Yusuke, who walked up to the girl, held her hand and whispered: "Let's explain it with stomachache."

Sayu returned an angry glare. If possible, she really wanted to push this man into the winter river and let him know the consequences of doing so.

But the matter had come to this, and in order not to cause more trouble, she still chose to cooperate.

Instead of using the other person's excuse, he made a show of having trouble with his legs and walked inside with him.

Kato Yusuke didn't say anything to this, his expression looked very harmless and serious, like a person who cares about his classmates.

Staggering up the stairs, the door of the bungalow opened with a click.

Sayu's mother stood there with her arms folded and looking at them expressionlessly.

He couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw the hands of the two holding each other, but he slowly let go after seeing Sayu's limp.

"What happened?" she asked Sayu.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I accidentally sprained my ankle at school..." The girl lowered her head apologetically, with a sense of caution.

"In this way..." The woman nodded noncommittally, then turned her gaze to the side and said, "Thank you for your hard work, you can go back."

"You're welcome, Auntie."

Kato Yusuke replied politely at first, then showed a worried expression, and his eyes paused at Sayu's feet.

"Is it okay, Ogiwara-san?"

"...Well, it's just a minor injury. Thank you for sending me back, Iwanami-san." Sayu said in a polite and distant tone, and took the initiative to let go of his hand.

Seeing this, the woman seemed a little satisfied and stepped forward to take his place.

While helping Sayu go home, he gave Yusuke the eviction order again, "Okay, you don't have to worry about the rest of the matter, just go back."

"Okay, then I won't bother you, Auntie..."

With a "bang", the door was closed.

The figures of the two women disappeared behind the door.

Kato Yusuke, who had yet to finish the word "meet", raised his head, touched his nose indifferently, then turned around and walked out.

His face turned a little more serious.

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