Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and forty-five, is this a date?

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So the next day came.

Asahikawa Station, 9 a.m.


The girl's clear voice drives away the summer heat.

Yuko Masaka waved her hand and walked side by side with Sayu.

The former was wearing a fruit green dress, her fluffy hair was slightly curly, and seemed to have been permed a little with a curling iron. She was cute and playful, and looked very energetic.

"Good morning."

Kato Yusuke nodded in response, turned his gaze to the latter, and observed.

The smooth brown hair is draped over one shoulder, and the other side is pinned with a hairpin a few centimeters above the ear, revealing the white and delicate ears.

The girl wore a white floral short-sleeved shirt that showed off her figure, a loose thin maroon jacket, a slightly longer red plaid skirt on her lower body, and a small bag slung over her shoulder.

A pair of fair and vibrant thighs, moderately exposed to the bright summer sun, with a faint reddish pink on the skin.

There is a gentle and subtle sense of pure desire.

Kato Yusuke's eyes lit up slightly, he stepped out from the shadow of the station and took two steps forward.

"This outfit suits you very well, Ogiwara-san."

"As expected, Iwanami-san only has Sayu-chan in her eyes~"

Amid Yuko's snickering, Sayu's eyes moved imperceptibly. He first looked at the street aside, and then turned to someone.

"Why uniforms?"

"Don't worry, I still changed the shirt underneath."

"Is this a problem?"

The girl's willow-leaf-like eyebrows were drawn together towards the middle, as if confused and dissatisfied.

Masaka Yuko from the side interrupted.

"Um, should I say that Iwanami-san is indeed a boy? He is very simple in appearance."

"In other words, 'What's going on with this guy? He's obviously dating a girl but he goes out wearing a uniform. That's bad.' That's the feeling, right?" "

"Hey! I didn't think too much~"

Yuuko chuckled for a while and said, "But if you actually know, why...?"

Kato Yusuke shrugged, "I just think it's more convenient. After all, aren't we going to the former squad leader's house later?"

"Is there any connection between these two things?"

"If anything, a handsome boy who dresses up specially and brings two beautiful girls to visit the doctor at home would make people feel uncomfortable, right?"

"——So that's it..." Yuko Masaka groaned, suddenly caught off guard.

"No, I'm just talking casually. The truth is that I'm doing it for convenience, so you don't have to worry."

Yusuke pressed his palms, and then changed his words, "But you didn't deny it about handsome boys and beautiful girls."

"Uh, um, that's... sorry..."

"You don't have to listen to his nonsense, Yuko." Sayu said this as she glanced at him and mouthed "It's not straight."

Then he didn't worry about someone's clothes anymore, he just said "let's go" neatly, and then took Yuko's hand and walked forward.

Kato Yusuke also followed.

The former monitor's home is in a residential area about 15 minutes' walk from the station.

I bought some fruit at the fruit shop on the way.

According to the address obtained from the school address book, the three people came to each other's house.

After explaining their intention, Yusuke and his friends were warmly invited into their home by the other party's family, and met the former squad leader who was recuperating at home.

That was a handsome boy.

Although Kato Yusuke has no impression of him, Sayu and Yuko still know him.

The boy was also very surprised when he saw three people coming to his door. He obviously couldn't figure out why this strange combination came to see him.

As for Iwanami, he knew him, a popular figure in the sports competition.

He knew Sayu Ogiwara, the aloof princess in the class.

Yuko Masaka, he knew, was a marginal figure in the class.

However, when the three of them walked together, he only felt weird, especially Yuko Masaka's new look, which made him not recognize it at first.

If it weren't for Kato Yusuke's polite reminder, he would have even said something like meeting for the first time.

But it’s really not his fault for having such a reaction. After all, girls sometimes just change their makeup to make people feel refreshed.

Then put it on Yuko who changed her hairstyle, took off her rustic glasses, covered her freckles with makeup, and also changed into new clothes...

The impact of all this is basically the same as that of plastic surgery.

It took a while to accept this fact.

A few people exchanged pleasantries.

Kato Yusuke took out the fruit he just bought, briefly explained the changes in the class, and informed the other party that he and Sayu had assumed the positions of class president and deputy class president.

Then he politely expressed his hope for his speedy recovery, and then politely said goodbye.

The three of them left each other's house with the boy's thanks and returned to the square in front of the station.

"What's next?"

Masaka Yuko smiled and asked: "It's still early, do you want me to give Sayu-chan to you? Iwanami-san."

Kato Yusuke was in awe and said with certainty: "You will definitely become an outstanding woman in the future, Yuko!"

After saying that, he reached out to take Sayu's hand, but was dodged by the other party.

"……do what?"

"The official business is done, now it's time to satisfy my selfish needs? Let's go on a date."

Sayu's eyelashes twitched slightly and said, "But I don't remember agreeing to that kind of thing."

The two were in a stalemate for a while.

Masaka Yuko looked at them funny and suggested a compromise.

"Anyway, it's hot outside all the time. How about we find a coffee shop to sit down first?"

“Coffee shop…”

Sayu's eyes flashed with light, he glanced at someone and nodded slightly.

Kato Yusuke sighed helplessly and said, "As long as she likes it, I don't have any problem."

"Hehe, Iwanami-san is so gentle~"

"It would be great if Ogiwara-san could think like this."

"Come on, please don't give up. Iwanami-san is different to us than others. In fact, Sayu-chan thinks so too!"

"...What are you talking about, Yuko, I never thought about it that way."

"It's just Sayu-chan that you didn't notice~"

"Okay." Kato Yusuke interrupted their conversation, "Since we have decided to go to the coffee shop, let's have lunch there by the way."

Yuko: "Lunch?"

Sayu: "It's only 10 o'clock now, right?"

"Otherwise, just think of it as brunch and let's go."

"Ah, then I know a pretty good store, can I just go there?"

"It's a pretty good shop... Yuko, have you ever been to a coffee shop before?"

"Well, although it was only when I was in junior high school, I still went there once or twice with my friends."

Masaka Yuko smiled shyly, while Sayu lowered her head silently, murmured, then raised her head again.

"Well, I don't have much experience in this area, so I'll leave it to you."

"Ah, okay~ Well, Iwanami-san, can you do that too?"

Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement, "I have no problem, please lead the way."

Under the leadership of Yuko, the three people came to a shop near the station.

The decoration of the store is exquisite European style.

The exposed rough surface of cement blends seamlessly with the softness of wood, achieving an excellent balance and creating a very atmospheric feel.

The tables and chairs are made of bright wood. There is a glass cabinet for display in front of the counter, which contains many lifelike food models.

"Can we sit in the corner by the window? Sayu-chan, Iwanami-san."



The three people sat down where Yuezi said.

During this period, Sayu originally wanted to sit with Yuko, but Yusuke involuntarily pulled her to sit next to him.

The girl frowned at this, but didn't care.

Then he began to look around, his excitement hidden under his calm expression.

Perhaps because the weather was too hot, there were no other customers in the store.

The waiter brought ice water and menus.

The three of them ordered something each.

Kato Yusuke ordered the French toast set with plain mojito.

The fruit is honey toast with yuzu soda, while the salad is smoked salmon with avocado salad, and matcha frappe.

Probably influenced by the atmosphere in the store, even the two girls who thought it was too early earlier ordered a simple meal.

The waiter who took down the menu quickly left.

Soothing music is playing in the store.

The wind chimes hanging at the door also sang softly under the air-conditioning blowing, making a pleasant tinkling sound, which was very comfortable to listen to.

After reading some of Sayu's details after entering the store, Masaka Yuko couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Sayu-chan, have you never been to a coffee shop before?"

Sayu first shook his head, then nodded, with a somewhat deliberate smile on his face, and responded softly: "...Except for being brought here once by my brother when I was a child, it hasn't happened since."

"The First Cause of All Realms"

Looking at her somewhat sad expression, Yuko realized that she seemed to have stepped on a thunderbolt, and was about to say something to make amends, but someone spoke before her.

"If I said I could come with you every day, would you be willing to date me?"

Well, the tone is still as frivolous as ever.

The girl's expression instantly turned to anger, and she frowned and looked at someone, and met a pair of quiet, deep eyes, like a pure winter night, full of silence.

The words he originally wanted to say got stuck in his throat for no apparent reason. Sayu lowered his eyes and remained silent.

See this...

"Iwanami-san, so pitiful..." Yuko Masaka muttered subconsciously.

I would rather demolish ten temples than demolish one marriage.

It can be said that this good moral character is perfectly reflected in her.

Kato Yusuke praised Masaka Yuko crazily in his heart, but he took the initiative to change the topic.

"Speaking of which, I thought the store you mentioned would be somewhere else, but it's right here at the station, Yuko."

After hearing what he said, Sayu glanced at him secretly out of the corner of his eye, with an expression of relief on his face.

After all, there were some things she hadn't thought about yet, and until Yuko's situation at school was really stable, she didn't want to think about other things for the time being.

Therefore, she couldn't help but feel better about the young man's behavior of not being too coercive in this matter.

But as soon as this line of thought is extended, it seems like making assumptions based on the premise of consent.

This thought made her feel a little irritated.


If one day Yuko can be strong alone even without her help...

So, it doesn't matter if you take a little break, right?

Just like that person said, occasionally, just occasionally, relying on him... shouldn't be a big deal, right?

Thinking of this, my cheeks couldn't help but feel slightly hot.

Just the thought of being coquettish to someone who is neither a family member nor a lover makes one feel uncontrollably embarrassed.

In order to prevent this emotion from spreading further, Sayu decided to listen to Yuko's words first to distract himself.

But at this moment, a hand sneaked under the table.

First he held her hand, then intertwined his fingers with hers, interlocking them with hers forcefully, and squeezed them gently.

A warm touch like a furnace seeped into the skin, making it so hot that people couldn't help but want to run away.

Sayu's thick and slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and she glanced down without any trace, and saw the young man gently rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb, as if massaging her, which made her feel inexplicably comfortable.

She pursed her lips, deliberately not feeling that feeling, turning a blind eye to this behavior, and looking across the way as if nothing had happened.

It happened that Masaka Yuko also spoke at this time, and explained someone's previous words with a smile.

"Iwanami-san may not know much about this place, but when it comes to Asahikawa, most of the more sophisticated shops are near the station, right? After all, this is the only bustling place."

"Is that so?"

Kato Yusuke nodded absently, playing with the soft catkins in his hands and carefully experiencing the changes.

The cold little hands seemed as soft as boneless, very comfortable to touch, maybe a little nervous, the slender fingers were slightly tense, and the palms of the hands were a little warm.

He raised the corners of his lips imperceptibly and continued to ask: "Your makeup is also very good. Did you do it yourself? Yuzi."

"No." Yuko Masaka shook her head slightly and responded shyly: "This is actually helped by the clerk in the hair salon downstairs. Although she taught me the method, I am still learning now."

"Although it may be a bit strange to ask this, have you communicated with the two girls yesterday?"

"Yes! Because they said they wanted to come to that store, I sent them the address. They seemed very happy."

"That's good."

Kato Yusuke nodded slightly, smiled and joked: "Congratulations on making new friends, but don't forget us old friends. If you have any questions, remember to tell us."

"This is different."

Yuuko shook her head and said, "I think everyone is just temporarily surprised by my changes, and they won't be interested anymore once they get used to it.

But Sayu-chan is different from Iwanami-san, you are the only ones who look at me as I am... so I will never forget you. "


Sayu was slightly moved when he heard this, but he denied her words forcefully.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, but as you said, other people will lose interest in you, so that won't happen! Because——"

The girl continued speaking in a firm yet gentle tone.

"As long as you understand Yuko's inner self, no one will hate you. This is the only thing... I can guarantee."

"Sayu-chan..." Masaka Yuko murmured.

Kato Yusuke also echoed: "On this point, Ogiwara-san and I have the same idea, so you can have more confidence in yourself, Yuko."


Seeing Yuko's eyes start to turn red rapidly, Yusuke quickly raised his hand to stop her and said urgently: "Don't cry, or wait until the clerk puts down my food before crying, otherwise he will not dare to come."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked hard on his calf.


An angry reproach sounded from beside him.

Not wanting to argue with his girlfriend, Yusuke Kato chose to endure it silently and waved to the waiter waiting not far away.

The other party came over with a tray.

Exquisite dishes are served on shiny porcelain plates, and colorful drinks are shaken in clear glasses.

Through the reflection on the wall of the cup, happy moments pass by with a "pop" like a bubbling mojito in the cup.

I wish the girls a better tomorrow.


The crisp sound of clinking glasses enveloped the space between the three of them.

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