Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and forty-nine, the girl’s first visit

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"Your parents have been unable to be contacted by phone. Remember to ask them to stamp this notice when you get back."

After being kicked out of school earlier than usual, Kato Yusuke had no choice but to return to his apartment, with Teacher Shibata's angrily words still echoing in his ears.

He hung his schoolbag and sports backpack on the hooks on the wall and sat down at the table.

Looking at the disciplinary notice in his hand, Yusuke couldn't help but ponder.

Should I contact those parents...

Just as he was thinking this, two slender cylindrical objects appeared on the table out of thin air.

Kato Yusuke raised his eyebrows and his expression became a little strange.

He reached out and took it in his hand, then took off the lid with a pop.

A brief silence spread across the room.


"...You are actually like this, system."


"Did you always play the role of your parents?"


Kato Yusuke complained reluctantly, vaguely feeling as if he had been taken advantage of, but the system was still silent as usual and would not respond to him unless necessary.

"My Healing Game"

So he stopped teasing, silently picked up the two seals, and stamped himself in the confirmation column on the notice.

According to the school's punishment for him and Saito, although he was not the one who took the initiative, the school still chose to make a one-size-fits-all decision and made a move that would hit both sides fifty-fifty.

Normally, both of them would have to stay at home to reflect during this period, and were neither allowed to go out nor go to school.

However, compared to him, an idle member of the home club, Saito, as an indispensable main force of the basketball club, still received certain preferential treatment.

That is, although classes are not allowed, you can still participate in basketball training after school.

As for the injury on Saito's hand, because Yusuke didn't want to cause trouble at the time, it didn't hurt any muscles or bones. It was just a little swollen and could be healed in two to three days.

After all this calculation, in the end, Yusuke was the one who made trouble.

Things are so realistic, but Yusuke doesn't bother to care about anything. After all, he doesn't come here to go to school, so he accepts the result without much resistance.

Even so, considering the possible consequences of this incident, he still went to ask Misaki-sensei, hoping that he could take care of Sayu and Yuko during this period.

Because of the favor from the previous game competition, Misaki-sensei happily agreed.

So Yusuke Kato no longer has any worries, and at the same time he can free up his hands to do other things.

During this period, in order not to worry Sayu, he also fully informed the other party of the development of the matter.

Judging from the current time, it should still be the second class in the afternoon. I thought I would receive a reply later.

As a result, not long after I put down my phone, LINE’s notification sound rang.

It was Sayu who replied, but compared to his long explanation, the girl's message only contained three short words - "I understand."

Kato Yusuke was a little dissatisfied and started typing.

[Iwanami: Is your reaction too cold? 】

[Sayu: ...I would like to ask, why are you still in the mood to joke? 】

[Iwanami: I have a week where I can reasonably skip school. Is this something that I should worry about? 】

[Sayu:...Idiot. 】

[Iwanami: Is this your current expression? ——(puffing his cheeks unhappily.jpg)]

[Sayu: That’s it—(angry.jpg)]

[Iwanami: This is quite cute. 】

Although the mark became read, the other party did not respond immediately.

Kato Yusuke didn't know if the girl was thinking about what to get back, or if she was caught by the teacher secretly playing with her mobile phone in class.

I pictured that scene in my mind for a moment.

No matter which one it was, he couldn't help but want to raise the corners of his mouth.

The free thoughts began to extend, making people feel a little lonely inexplicably.

At this moment, he wanted to hug the girl opposite for no reason.

[Iwanami: I’ll pick you up after school. 】

[Sayu:...What are you talking about? Now is the lockdown period, please stay at home. 】

[Iwanami: Although it may be a bit strange to say this, I really want to see you now. 】

[Sayu:... Cat type or dog type? 】

[Iwanami:? ? 】

[Sayou: Choose one. 】

[Iwanami: Cat. 】

[Sayu: But your behavior is more like the canine side. 】

[Iwanami: What do you mean? 】

I hesitated for a few seconds.

Ding dong.

[Sayu:...Clingy and annoying. 】

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, and then a soft smile appeared on his face, as if he had eaten milk candy when he was a child, and he felt nostalgic.

[Iwanami: What tone did you use to type this sentence now? 】

[Sayu:...What to do? 】

[Iwanami: No, I just think you are cute. 】

[Sayu: Let me show you this——(photo of cat.jpg)]

[Iwanami: What to do? 】

[Sayu: I just thought you would like it. 】

[Iwanami: Innocent, if you were to wear cat ears (thumbs up)——]

[Sayu: I'm sorry, can you jump off Asahibashi? . (Indifferent face.jpg)]

Kato Yusuke smiled knowingly and did not reply immediately.

Ding dong.

[Sayu: I said...]

[Iwanami: What’s wrong? 】

[Sayu: If you can't go to class for a week in a row, there will be a lot of inconvenience, right? 】

[Iwanami: Huh? I didn't think much about it. 】

[Sayu: Now, I’d better help you prepare the handouts. Send me your home address. 】

[Iwanami:——xx chome xx number xx. 】

[Sayu: ...Your reply speed is very uncomfortable. 】

[Iwanami: - Be sure to bring your handouts, deputy squad leader. 】

[Sayu: ...It’s just a handout. What are you expecting? 】

[Iwanami: Am I hungry for knowledge? 】

[Sayu: ...This is so stupid. 】

[Iwanami: Okay, I will wait. 】

After chatting endlessly with the girl for a while, Kato Yusuke put away his phone.

Although he didn't feel it was necessary, considering that Sayu was coming to the house, he still stood up from his chair and started cleaning the room.

That being said...

In fact, I just went to take out the trash.

Because I usually rely on lunch boxes from convenience stores or some restaurants downstairs for dinner, the kitchen counters and the like are very clean, and there is nothing worth cleaning.

The other thing is to open the windows for ventilation and use air freshener to remove the smell from the room.

Time passes by peacefully...

When the hands of the clock on the wall passed four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ding dong——

The sweet doorbell rang "belatedly"...

Considering that there will be class meetings after school, and that it takes about 20 minutes to get here from school.

This kind of emotion is purely due to someone's willfulness, and the person involved knows this.

Just the thought of spending some time with each other after a long absence is still a pleasant thing.

Thinking of this, Kato Yusuke smiled, took the door handle, and opened the door.


"Um, excuse me, Iwanami-san."

What appeared in front of him was Yuzi who was greeting him with a wry smile.


Kato Yusuke's smile turned puzzled, and he looked over Masaka Yuko's shoulder. Only then did he see Sayu behind her, his head tilted towards the corridor of the apartment, staring at someone unknown.


"I'm sorry, Sayu-chan wasn't the first one to greet you." Yuko seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and said this in an apologetic tone.

"...No, that's not the case. Please come in."

Yusuke stepped aside and made an inviting gesture.

"Then excuse me."

"……excuse me."

The two girls took off their shoes in the narrow entrance and walked into the house.

"Sorry, this is a bit small. Just sit down and I'll get you some juice."

Kato Yusuke took out two disposable paper cups from the cupboard, then poured two glasses of orange juice from the small refrigerator installed under the cupboard, turned around and placed them on the table in the center.

"Please use."

"Thank you, Iwanami-san."


Because there were only two matching chairs, he did not sit down. Instead, he leaned against the kitchen counter behind him and looked at the two girls sitting there.

"There's no need to be formal. I'm the only one living here. Just be casual."

"That's it." Masaka Yuko nodded in response, looked around curiously, and whispered with emotion: "Actually, this is my first time coming to a boy's home, but Iwanami-san's place is very clean."

There was a fresh fragrance in the air, and a gentle breeze flowed in through the cracks in the windows.

Kato Yusuke nodded, turned his gaze to Sayu, and stayed for a moment on the pair of eyes that were secretly glancing around the room with his peripheral vision.

Asked: "Ogiwara-san, what are you looking at?"

The girl gently sniffed her round nose. While tucking the hair that fell in front of her face behind her ears, she responded nonchalantly: "...This air freshener is the same as the one I use at home."

"It doesn't matter if you think of this as your home if you like."

Yuko Masaka: (*ˉ︶ˉ*)

Sayu's eyebrows wrinkled visibly, and he didn't say anything. He just bent down and took out a notebook from the backpack at his feet and placed it on the table.

"...These are the notes from today's chemistry class. Remember to read them."

"Well, thank you, what's in the plastic bag you brought?"

"Ah~ this." Yuko smiled and explained in a light tone: "Because it was my first time here and I didn't know what to bring, so I bought a lunch box on the way. Let's eat together later?"


"Yes, and there is fried pork cutlet rice topped with eggs that boys like. Can Iwanami-san eat this?"

That's not the problem, right?

Do people usually bring lunch boxes to other people's homes as guests...?

Kato Yusuke's mood was a little subtle. His eyes switched between Yuko and Sayu's faces, and he suddenly understood.

I am afraid that the two girls were worried that he would feel lonely because of his suspension from school, so they made this plan:

——Trying to cheer him up by having three people eat together.

Perhaps it is the unique delicacy of girls that prevents them from speaking out, so they adopt this euphemistic way to express their feelings.

I have to say, it’s very Japanese girl style.

After many years of living, Yusuke gradually understood this mode of thinking, so he nodded readily and said yes.

Hear this answer.

"Great." Yuko Masaka showed a relieved expression, which also confirmed his guess from the side.

Although Sayu behaved very quietly, judging from the fact that he did not refute this matter, it was a default attitude.

Looking at the reactions of the two people, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm sorry for making you worry, but I'm actually fine, so there's no need to take care of me so specially."

Yuko and Sayu secretly exchanged a look and made a tacit agreement not to talk more about this matter.

Since it was too early for dinner now, the three of them started chatting.

Under Kato Yusuke's active inquiry, the two girls also briefly talked to him about the class's reaction after that incident.

Although the current situation is still unclear and the students have shown great restraint, they will still discuss the conflict between him and Saito in private.

Judging from those remarks, people's opinions seem to be divided into three groups.

One party trusts him, and the other party trusts Saito.

The former is the group of people headed by the football club, and the latter is the group of people headed by the basketball club.

It's hard to say which one is stronger between the two. After all, the school has not yet found out the culprit who stole the sportswear, so they both insist on their own opinions.

As for the remaining party, they are the neutrals whose attitude is ambiguous.

Kato Yusuke listened quietly. During this period, he also asked about the reaction from the Yuzuki group, and the answer he received was that there was no abnormal behavior.

"Iwanami-san, are you doubting Yuzuki and the others?"

After Masaka Yuko asked this question, Kato Yusuke pondered for a while.

But facing the two of them, he had nothing to be wary of, so he expressed his thoughts.

"If you say that the only ones who can openly take out girls' sportswear from their bags in a classroom where there are always people around are girls, right?"

"Although this is the case, if you want to put things into someone else's backpack, it will still be very conspicuous, right?"

"——That's not the case." Sayu looked thoughtful and took the lead in denying this statement, and then analyzed:

"That might be more conspicuous during recess, but if it's during lunch break when everyone is in a more relaxed state of mind, it won't be that difficult."

Yuko: "Lunch break...?"

Sayu: "Yes, because don't the three of us often go to the rooftop to have lunch? This is a good break."

Yuko: "But what exactly do we need to do to avoid being discovered?"

Sayu: "After all, no one will always pay attention to the situation in the back row. If the prisoner is a girl, even if someone asks, they can use the excuse of packing their backpack."

Yuko: "But everyone places their backpacks in different places."

Sayu: "As long as you are not a familiar person, no one will notice this. In addition, the first period in the afternoon is physical education, so as long as you behave naturally, you will not arouse suspicion."

Hearing these words, Masaka Yuko swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked with a trembling voice: "So, does that mean that the criminals are Yuyue and the others?"

Even though her situation in the class has improved, she still can't help but feel scared when facing someone who has caused a lot of trouble for her.

After reacting, Sayu's heart skipped a beat, and she felt a little regretful for accidentally being too involved.

At this time, Kato Yusuke, who had been watching for a long time, spoke.

"Don't be nervous, Yuko, you are no longer the same person you were before. Even that Yuyue can't do anything to you easily. You have to believe in yourself."

"trust yourself?"

"Yes, we have all witnessed your changes. You have to believe that these are meaningful."

Under the watchful eyes of Yusuke and Sayu.

Masaka Yuko lowered her head silently, put her hand on her chest, and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

When she raised her head again, the expression on her face returned to its original state.

Kato Yusuke nodded approvingly and said, "Well, it's the 2.0 version of Yuko."

This caused Sayu to scold him dissatisfiedly, "Yuko is Yuko, don't say such weird things."

"Pfft... You two, your relationship has improved again."

After that, the three of them had lunch together.

After leaving a message that they would bring handouts tomorrow, the two girls went home.

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