Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and fifty-six, sin

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The Ogihara family.

Just send the two of them back here all the way.

Kato Yusuke had just put Mrs. Ogihara off her back.


A white car suddenly stopped in front of the door.

The next second.

"——Mother!" Kazusa Ogiwara, wearing a crisp suit, got out of the driver's seat and asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

There was undisguised eagerness in his eyes. Judging from the fact that he drove by himself without arranging a driver, he probably rushed from the company as soon as he received the news.

Mrs. Ogiwara nodded to this, replied that it was okay, and then said: "Thanks to Yusuke-kun's help, Sayu and I are fine."

After hearing this, Ogiwara Kazusa turned his attention to Yusuke and said solemnly: "Although my mother has already told me the specific matter, I would like to thank you again for your help, Yusuke-kun."

"It doesn't have to be like this." Kato Yusuke shook his head and responded with a smile: "As the squad leader, I just did what I should do, so you don't have to be polite, Brother Isa."

"" Sayu on the side frowned slightly, looking between him and Yisa with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

"Can't I call you that?"

"...That's not the case, no, why do you want to ask me such a thing?"

"I won't bark if you don't like it."


Sayu stopped talking, and his eyes drifted to the side, and he saw the gentle brother looking at them with an incomprehensible expression, and said: "...You guys just chat here for a while, I will take mom in first. "

Before Sayu could respond, what happened next stunned everyone.


Mrs. Ogiwara suddenly said: "If you are willing, you can come in for a drink and let Ichisa take you home later."

It seemed that she was not used to it. Although her words were an invitation, they were still a bit condescending and harsh.

This is a habit that has been developed for a long time and cannot be changed all at once.

But even so, just hearing such words from her mouth is enough to shock those who are familiar with it.

Time seemed to suddenly stand still for a moment.

Sayu: "...!"

Ogihara Kazusa: "Mom...?"

Among the stunned expressions of the two, Mrs. Ogiwara's eyes were very calm, just watching a certain boy quietly, waiting for a reply.

So Sayu and Isa also looked at someone.

It was under such a situation that the young man suddenly smiled and responded politely: "Then I'll excuse you."

"No, come in." Mrs. Ogiwara said, and took the lead to walk into the bungalow with Isa's support.

Kato Yusuke followed the two of them through the iron gate a few steps behind. He turned his face to the side and looked at Sayu who was still in a daze. He couldn't help but want to tease them.

First, they closed the distance between them without leaving any trace, and then secretly pulled the other person's little hand on his leg.

He whispered: "At this time, it would be more cute if you could say, "This little girl is not talented, please give me more advice in the future." Vice monitor. "

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand was pinched hard.

In the peripheral vision, there was a pair of clear eyes mixed with shame, anger and annoyance.

A beautiful blush appeared on the girl's face.

The weekend flew by.

On Monday, Yuko Masaka came to school as usual and found something different.

Firstly, there are no more mischievous graffiti in the shoe cabinet, secondly, the items in the pencil case will not disappear, and thirdly, the menstrual products in the backpack have no trace of being turned over.

The naughty children who like to play tricks have been warned, and Yuyue, Kaga, and Ebina have collectively asked for leave today.

Under the control of Mr. Shibata, the recording was not circulated in the class. All insiders, including her, were interviewed individually and asked not to tell the story.

Yuko has no complaints about this. After all, as long as she can live a stable life, she is actually not willing to make grudges with others despite her weak personality.

What she yearns for is that everyone can get along well with each other and spend their high school years happily.

Although the recording matter still didn't help Kato Yusuke, Yuko felt a lot more at ease when she thought that the other party would end his suspension and return to school tomorrow.

Everything seems to indicate that life seems to be finally on the right track.

But at the same time, she also noticed something strange.

Those were some classmates with whom she had a good relationship, but their attitude towards her suddenly seemed to have become cold.

When she takes the initiative to say hello, some people will choose to ignore it, while others will nod as if to deal with it.

After she turned around and left, he would secretly cast his gaze on her back.

It was an indescribable sight that made people feel like thorns on their backs and very uncomfortable.

Not only that.

When she approached some people who were having a good conversation and wanted to join them, they who were still talking and laughing would suddenly become silent for no reason, and then disperse very abruptly.

This is not an isolated phenomenon, but almost everyone is keeping a distance from her, as if they are afraid of getting into any trouble.

All reactions seemed to point to one thing - she was alienated from everyone.

Through many actions, Masaka Yuko clearly recognized this fact.

It was like a replay of old times, and the feeling of being outside the group came back to her.

Yuko felt very distressed by this, but couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Just keep going until lunch break.

Faced with this situation, she instinctively wanted to confide in her friend, but she discovered something strange.

"Hey, Sayu-chan?"


"Did something happen to you?"

"whats the matter?"

Facing her friend's doubtful eyes, Masaka Yuko nodded affirmatively, and said thoughtfully: "Should I say it's the hairstyle... or the dress? I always feel that your complexion seems different."


After hearing what she said, Sayu tilted her head in confusion, her silky hair hanging lightly from her ears, floating between her white cheeks and pink lips.

The girl first looked down at the uniform on her body, then turned her face and asked in confusion: "There shouldn't be such a thing. You are overthinking it, Yuko."

Yuko stared at her for a while longer.

Clear and pure eyes, upright and lovely appearance, snow-white skin as delicate as milk... In addition to being so cute that it would make girls feel excited, other aspects seem to be the same as usual.

This made her a little confused, so she responded uncertainly: "Well, I'm sorry~ That's probably what you said, hehe..."

Shadid nodded, placed the lunch box on his lap, unwrapped a layer of velvet, and then opened the lid.

The dishes inside are still exquisite. Although they are just home-cooked dishes, the taste and appearance are not inferior to those of a full-time housewife.

Yuuko, who had tasted her friend's craftsmanship, knew this very well, but what happened next made her confused.

It turned out that the girl did not start to move her chopsticks while saying "I'm going to do it" as usual. Instead, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and took a photo of the lunch box with a "click".

Then he fiddled with the phone for a while, tapping intermittently on the screen with his long fingers, not knowing what he was doing, which seemed quite mysterious.

Masaka Yuko leaned back, stretched her neck slightly, and glanced over there.

Ever since, the chat interface belonging to LINE came into view.

She turned her gaze to Sayu's face and saw that the girl was staring at the screen intently, as if she had seen something interesting. Her eyebrows were as curved as the moon, and her two thin red lips were slightly upward, with a hint of a smile. .

Although she couldn't see the specific content of the chat, Yuko understood everything instantly.

He also clearly knew who caused that girlish expression.

She couldn't help but smile knowingly, and then asked suddenly and narrowly: "Hey, are you dating? You two."


"That's not true, is it? Aren't you chatting with Iwanami-san?"

There were waves in Sayu's eyes, and he subconsciously hid his phone and said vaguely: "...just because he said he wanted to see my lunch, so I took a photo."

"Hey~" Masaka Yuko smiled thoughtfully, "I had no idea that Sayu-chan would be so easy to talk to?"

"...Is it wrong for the deputy monitor to care about his classmates?"

"You mean, this is the reason that Iwanami-san always talks about, right? Is it that the husband sings and the wife goes along?"

"——No, he asked me to do this. If I ignore him, it will become" Sayu's eyes were wandering, and he didn't know what to say.

As he spoke, the words in his mouth slowly turned into complaints.

For example, someone always initiates a topic unilaterally every time, then suddenly disappears for a while while chatting, or ends the topic on his own initiative. It makes people feel neither better nor worse, but they can't help but miss them all the time.

But the wonderful thing is that the other person always unexpectedly appears in front of her when she needs him most.

To this day, she still doesn't quite understand why someone came to school on Friday and how he saved them from that truck.

You must know that when she rushed out, she was extremely reluctant, but the other party was able to grab the slim chance of life behind her with the weight of two people.

She knew that someone had good motor skills, which could be seen through his amazing performance in the ball game.

But even that couldn't explain the situation at that time.

The more I think about it, the more mysteries become.

That person seemed to be always shrouded in a layer of fog.

Whether it was his abnormal obsession with her or something else, Sayu felt as if she was being manipulated, which made her a little depressed and a little unhappy.

It's like everything about him has been revealed, but the other person is still confused.

It is precisely because of this that she still cannot make up her mind to agree to date him, even though she has already lost her guard...

As I thought about it, I felt a little angry for no reason.

Sayu pouted slightly and tapped the screen of his phone twice with his index finger, as if he was venting his dissatisfaction on a hateful person.

Being immersed in this emotion, she temporarily ignored the surrounding environment. It was not until Masaka Yuko couldn't help laughing that Sayu finally came back to her senses.

"Pfft...ahhaha, I really want Iwanami-san to see what you look like now, Sayu-chan~"

"Eh? No, wait a minute, you can't take pictures!"


Yuko laughed and competed with Sayu for the phone, gradually forgetting the unpleasantness of the morning.

As long as these two people are here, I will be fine... She couldn't help but think this, with a heartfelt smile on her face.

After lunch.

The two packed their lunch boxes and headed back to the classroom.

There was still a short period of time before class, and Masaka Yuko planned to go to the bathroom, so she told Sayu to go back to the classroom first.

The two separated.

Yuko went to the bathroom at the end of the corridor alone, because it was closest to the stairs.

The bathroom, which smelled of disinfectant, was still as quiet as usual.

Since students are responsible for cleaning after school every day, the environment here is very clean. In the first grade, when she couldn't make friends, she even had the experience of hiding here to eat lunch alone.

Although it sounds incredible, Yuko Masaka knows that she is not the only one in this school.

Reality is never that happy. Whether it is being unsociable or being excluded, people always need a space where they can escape from unpleasant things.

For this group of people, including her, the sports warehouse and toilets, which are rarely visited, have become spaces where they can relieve stress and rest.

While thinking about this indifferently, he shook his head slightly in self-mockery.

"Maybe I was born like this..." Yuuko muttered to herself as she entered the compartment, unable to help but feel a little sad.

At this time, the door outside was pushed open with a "squeak".

Along with the sound of slight footsteps, the sound of the faucet also rang the next second.

——Hua Hua.

The sound of rushing water sounded in the bathroom, as if someone was washing their hands by the sink.

The heart that Masaka Yuko had just mentioned slowly dropped, and she immediately felt very angry at her own cowardice.

After a while, the sound of water stopped.

Yuzi closed the toilet lid, flushed the water, and prepared to leave.

She raised her hand to push the compartment door, and felt the cold touch of wood on her fingertips, but the door did not move at all.

This made her stunned, and then she pushed the door hard again.


The door that was supposed to be pushed outward seemed to be stuck by something. Although it was shaking back and forth, it still could not be opened.


The almost inaudible laughter floated into my ears clearly.

The next second...


"Ah——!" Yuko screamed, and a chill that penetrated her heart quickly poured over her whole body from the top of her head.


The metal bucket was thrown on the ground, and a large amount of water overflowed from the stall and filled the bathroom.

Jingle bell bell—

The crisp school bell rang in the corridor.

The pot-bellied teacher Shibata held his teaching eucalyptus under his arm and walked up to the podium calmly from the front door of the classroom with majestic steps.

He waited for a while on the podium, but did not hear the greeting that was supposed to come out, so he frowned in displeasure and asked in a deep voice to the window: "Deputy monitor, what are you doing?"

"Teacher." Sayu stood up from her seat with her hands raised, "Masaka-san hasn't come back yet."

"Didn't come back? Where did she go?" Teacher Shibata couldn't help being stunned, and was about to say something.

Tick, tick, snap, snap.

"...I'm sorry, teacher, I'm late."

Along with the sound of water drops falling to the ground, the girl's voice, as light as weightless, rang at the door.

"The Indestructible King of the Great Village"

The classroom suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

"——Come back so late, where have you been, Ma... Saka...?" Mr. Shibata's expression turned solid as he turned around, and the rest of his words were stuck in his throat.

What caught his eye was the "water ghost" soaked from head to toe.

"——Yuko!" Sayu screamed in shock and immediately ran towards the door.

The students whispered and the silence in the classroom was broken.

Soon after, Yuko Masaka’s family came to school to pick her up.

The next day, Yuko Masaka asked for sick leave from the school...

(The chapter 352: Being Alone was released after being reviewed. Please go back and read it.)

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