Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and fifty-nine, the sun rises and the moon sets, there is always dawn

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Jingle bell bell—

When Kato Yusuke came out of the bathroom, his cell phone rang immediately.


After glancing at the contact person, he couldn't help but smile, and then pressed the answer button.

The girl's voice came from inside: "... Yusuke, Yuko, Yuko, she——"

The voice mixed with a thick nasal sound was trembling.

"Yuko... is on the roof of the building, please save her...!"

After hearing this, even the calm Yusuke Kato quickly lost focus in his eyes, but he quickly asked: "Where is the rooftop? Is it the TV station?"


"I know, don't be afraid, leave it to me."

He said this in a calm and resolute tone, took two steps and one step at a time, ran to the nearest window, stuck his head out and looked up.

The sky looked gray through the dark glass.

Between the sky and the corner of the building are two feet hanging in the air.

Yusuke's eyes shrank slightly and he said to the phone: "Okay, I saw her, you try to talk to Yuko and try to hold her steady.

As he spoke, he retracted his head and ran quickly to the stairwell.

"Well...I know!" Sayu hung up the call.

The staff in the building seemed to have noticed something unusual at this time, as someone was running around anxiously.

Kato Yusuke ignored this, pushed the door open and rushed into the stairwell, and strode up the stairs three steps at a time.



The dark green emergency lighting emits a faint light in the dim environment.

There was a damp and cold moisture in the air, causing tiny particles to appear on the skin.

He rushed to the sixth floor without stopping and pushed open the door to the roof.

The scenery in front of me suddenly became clear.

The boundless sky is as blue as the sea, and thick clouds float leisurely in the sky.

The shadow of the tall signal tower was reflected diagonally on the ground, creating a deep shadow.

At the end of the field of vision, a girl was sitting on a platform on the outside edge of the building, looking down at the ground, holding a mobile phone in her hand, and seemed not to have heard him opening the door.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief and began to approach quietly towards that direction with gentle steps.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Four steps, five steps, six steps...

Halfway away, Yuko's familiar voice floated into his ears.

"When I first met Sayu-chan, I thought you were really beautiful."

"I thought that such a cute child would make friends constantly and quickly become the centerpiece of the class...but that's not actually the case."

"Sayu-chan is aloof and beautiful. No one can get close to her."

"However, a guy like me actually became Sayu-chan's friend. I was the one who ruined Sayu-chan."

"That aloof and beautiful Sayu-chan is treated in the same way as a dark and stupid woman like me. They really treat the beautiful Sayu-chan as a fool!"

"Sayu and I are different... we would have shined brighter... I... the one who admired you the most... ruined you..."

"...Thank you, but...I think this is more painful than anything else. I can't do it anymore."

Masaka Yuko spoke intermittently, her words mixed with tears, and her thin body was trembling slightly.

"So, I want to teach them a lesson... This won't work..."

Yuko stood up slowly, her words suddenly becoming calmer.

"Sayu-chan, you must with Iwanami-san, because you two are my only friends."

Kato Yusuke held his breath and stepped a little faster.

At this moment--


The door on the top of the building was suddenly knocked open, and several uniformed security personnel rushed in.

"Little girl over there! Calm down—!" they shouted, eager to express their inner anxiety.

"...!" Yuko suddenly turned around as if startled, and met Yusuke's eyes a few steps away.


A strong wind suddenly blew from the top of the building, shaking the girl's body. Yuzi couldn't help but lose her feet and fell backwards.

Kato Yusuke's penis suddenly expanded and contracted, and he gritted his teeth and rushed out.

He stepped hard on the ground with both feet, crossed the distance, stepped onto the edge of the platform with a decisive momentum, and jumped out!

Time seemed to suddenly slow down.

Masaka Yuko felt herself being embraced by a warmth, and the scenery in her eyes switched from the sky to the ground, and then someone pressed her head on the right side of the opponent's chest.

"Close your eyes." The young man's deep voice was mixed with the whistling wind, carrying undoubted courage.

Yuko instinctively chose to obey, and experienced a strong sense of weightlessness after a brief moment in the air.

People on the ground screamed as they watched the two men fall from the sky.

Kato Yusuke tried his best to completely protect Yuko and put himself underneath her to cushion the impact that would come later.

The scenery in his field of vision was retreating rapidly, and he saw the group of security personnel sticking their heads out from the edge of the roof, with horror written on their faces.

What followed immediately was a series of impacts.

Winter clang, clang——

Clang clang clang——

The metal iron pipes erected on the outside of the building wall and used to fix the advertising banners made a tragic breaking sound.

Kato Yusuke clenched his teeth and instinctively stretched out a hand to reach the iron pipes.

After several attempts, I finally caught one.

But before he can be happy...


The slender iron pipe bent to the limit broke, and the sharp crack cut into the palm of the hand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A female scream came from below, but it sounded a bit distant to Yusuke's ears.

Pain and weakness spread throughout the body.

He didn't know if he could withstand the most powerful impact after staying in this world for so long.

Even so, the determination in his heart never wavered.

Just like he had promised, he wanted to protect the girl and hope that she could be happy.

Kato Yusuke sighed secretly in his heart, held Yuzi tightly in his arms, and then tensed the muscles in his body.

next moment……


A huge impact was generated from the back, and then quickly transmitted to every part of the body.


Kato Yusuke's throat felt sweet and he coughed violently. A smell of rust instantly filled his entire mouth.

He didn't care to distinguish anything, he just looked up and looked in front of him, trying to push the knot with his hand, but what caught his eyes was the red palm.

A sharp piece of iron pierced the palm of his hand at some point. Under the sunlight, it was glowing with a metallic white light and stained with a bright red liquid.

Yusuke couldn't help but feel a little confused, and then used the other hand behind Yuko's shoulder to push her, his body seemed to be paralyzed and he couldn't exert any strength.


With a cry, Masaka Yuko supported her upper body with her palms and just touched the warm blood on her chest, which was spattered when the boy coughed just now, but she didn't know it.

So after seeing the scene in front of me clearly...

"——Iwa, Iwanami-san!?" Yuko shouted in horror, pressing her hands helplessly on Yusuke's chest, as if to stop his bleeding.

"...Hey, don't press me." Kato Yusuke gasped and asked in a hoarse voice: "Are you injured anywhere? Yuko."

"I, I... you... you..." Yuko Masaka shivered as if she had lost the ability to speak, her face turned purple.

"It looks like everything's fine."


at this time--

"Yusuke! Yuko——!"

A familiar voice reached my ears.

After two shots, Sayu's face appeared above Yusuke, replacing the sky obscured by clouds.

The girl staggered and knelt down beside him, her face was pale and her lips were trembling. There was moisture in her clear amber eyes, and her gaze fell on his chest.

"Don't cry, it's unlucky to be alive." Kato Yusuke grinned, but he felt his internal organs cramping, and even his smile became ferocious.

His temples were beating, and he closed his eyes for a moment in silence. When he opened his eyes again, he had regained his composure and was ready to say some words of comfort.

"Rebirth of the Great Era of Fighting Waves"

"Stop talking, I'm's all my fault, ugh..." Sayu's voice trembled, and she reached out to hold the sides of his head, "The ambulance will be here soon."

Kato Yusuke nodded, and then he realized that there was an inflatable cushion for disaster prevention under him, and he couldn't help but ask aloud: "This is it?"

"The staff of the TV station prepared it. It's really, really great to be able to catch up..."

"That's it." Yusuke responded and turned his gaze to Yuko, "Don't do this kind of thing again next time, Yuko."

"I'm sorry, Iwanami-san, I'm sorry, Sayu-chan..." Yuko Masaka covered her mouth, crying until her eyes filled with tears, and kept nodding.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke pondered: "In short, everyone will go through a particularly difficult time. The embarrassment of life, the frustration of work, the hesitation of love..."

"As long as you can survive it, life will suddenly become brighter. If you cannot survive it, time will teach you to make peace with life. So don't be afraid. There will always be dawn when the sun rises and the moon sets."

He spoke very slowly and softly, with occasional pauses in the middle, but he still completely conveyed his words to the ears of the two girls.

"The sun rises and the moon sets, there is always dawn..." Yuko Masaka murmured, her vision gradually becoming blurry.

At this time...

Beep~woo~~, beep~woo~~

With the piercing sirens, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances all gathered and stopped near the inflatable mattress.

Immediately afterwards——

A group of public officials got out of the car and began to perform their duties.

Police officers and firefighters began to maintain order and disperse the crowd.

Medical staff in white coats pushed a stretcher and came to the inflatable mattress.

"Who is the injured--?"

"Here! Here, both of them!" Sayu said tremblingly, and the tears that he had just been holding back suddenly burst into his eyes.

"Are you a family member? Please give way first, little girl."

Sayu nodded her head repeatedly, wiped her tears and stepped aside to make room for a few people.

"Well, well, it's okay with me. Iwanami-san saved me, please go see him!" Yuko choked up after reacting.

However, the doctors ignored her and assigned one person to examine her, while the others rushed to Yusuke Kato's side.

While Yuko was being examined, Yusuke was also transferred to a stretcher and pushed to the side of the ambulance by the medical staff.


The female reporter who had interviewed him before ran over, followed by the photographer.

"Excuse me, can we do a quick interview?"


The person speaking was not the doctor pushing the cart, but Kato Yusuke himself.

The doctor who heard this couldn't help but frowned and said: "What you need to do now is to receive treatment, little brother."

"Just say a few words. Please, doctor, this is important."

"...Then please hurry up." Perhaps hearing the solemnity in his words, the doctor reluctantly agreed.

The female reporter immediately came closer and asked, "Sorry, brother, I'm sorry to bother you. Can you please tell us what happened?"

"That's exactly what I want to say." Yusuke nodded, looked at the camera, and then said:

"I am Asahikawa Sixth High School, the monitor of class 3, second year. My friend committed suicide just now. She was severely harassed by a group of people, but the school has been shielding the culprit. I want to report it publicly here."

As soon as these words came out, not only the female reporter, but also the doctor could not help but be slightly stunned, with anger on his face.

"Do you have any evidence to prove this?" the former asked quickly, his face showing the excitement of digging out big news.


Kato Yusuke affirmed categorically, and reached into his pocket to take out a crumpled envelope and a USB flash drive.

The envelope was what he found on Yuko Masaka just now, and the USB flash drive was something he had prepared in advance.

He spread his hands, showed the two things in front of the camera, and said: "Here are the final letters written by my friends, and there are also the recordings of those people. I am handing these to you now, and I also invite you and everyone in front of the screen. , help her!"

The solemnity in his words made people moved.

The female reporter took a deep breath, her expression became a little heavy, she took the two things from his hands, and nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, we will report this matter fairly, little brother."

The photographer on the side slightly tilted the lens and gave a close-up of Kato Yusuke's other metal piece that had not been removed from his hand even though the wound had been treated.

"Okay, we need to send the injured back to the hospital. Please give way." The doctor dismissed the two interviewers and pushed Yusuke into the ambulance.

Across the cordon in the distance, Kato Yusuke saw Mr. Shibata, who was looking here with worry and expectation, as if he was still thinking about how to cover the lid.

Yuzuki, Kaga, Ebina, Chinatsu, Saito... they were also standing not far from him, looking at the same place, with expressions on their faces that seemed frightened or uneasy.

Although he didn't know if they could see it, Yusuke still waved to them and smiled calmly.

"...Pfft, cough cough... cough cough..."

Unexpectedly, the injury was affected again, and he coughed for a while.

The doctor next to him warned: "Don't move around. You have multiple fractures on your body. If you don't want to leave sequelae, just lie down."

Kato Yusuke nodded slightly and stopped fussing. He just turned his face to the side and stared at the sky outside the car window.

The heavy clouds finally passed and the sky began to clear again.

The sun, dressed in white light, hangs high in the sky, casting dazzling golden light, leaving no room for darkness.

When the sun rises and the moon sets, there is always dawn.

Girls' tomorrow will be better.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and thought so sincerely.

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