Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

3. The girl who comes to the door

Ding dong, ding dong~

Boom, boom, boom.

Kato Yusuke was woken up by the doorbell and knocking on the door.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the familiar white ceiling.

Ding dong ding dong, ding dong ding dong~

Boom, boom!

The doorbell and knocking on the door continued, and there was a hint of impatience in them.


Casually glancing at the clock hanging on the wall, Kato Yusuke rubbed his eyes with his hands, sat up from the bed, then stood up and walked outside.

Boom, boom.

While walking, I accidentally kicked the low table, causing the dishes left on it last night to jump up, and the rice bowl knocked upside down on the carpet with a "pop" sound.

He turned a blind eye to this, just came to the entrance and opened the door halfway.

Bright sunlight poured in from the gap between the door and the door frame in an instant. He couldn't help but raise a hand to cover his eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a dull voice:


"——Wow!? Appeared?"

First, a somewhat bold, but very pleasant voice sounded.

Then another slightly cold and somewhat sexy voice also sounded.

"Huh, what are you surprised about? This is Kato-san's home. Is there anything wrong with him appearing here?"

"I'm not surprised! ...No, I'm surprised not because of this reason, but because of the color of his hair! Kasumigaoka Shiu——!"

"Well, I don't deny this, although it makes me a little uncomfortable to reach an agreement with you, Sawamura."

Kato Yusuke opened his eyes, and his blurred vision gradually became clear.

What appears in front of you are two colors, one black and one gold.

First up is the deep black.

She has a very feminine long black hair that is spread gently, with the front section reaching her chest and the back end reaching her waist. The deep color seems to be sucked in even the surrounding sunlight. It is so beautiful that it is touching.

The curvy figure is also very tall, and the majestic part of the chest strongly asserts its own presence. Combined with the slightly indifferent beautiful face, it exudes an aura that is repellent from thousands of miles away.

——It is Kasumigaoka Shiu who went to Hokkaido yesterday to collect materials.

Next is the dazzling gold color.

Her lustrous blond hair was elegantly tied into ponytails on both sides of her head. Even though she was bathed in the sun, she exuded a unique and unique luster, as if even the sunlight could not conceal her spirituality. She was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

Her petite and exquisite figure is very slender, but she is as sweet as finely made fresh cream. With her delicate and slightly childish face, she is like an angel who has gathered the love of God.

——It was Yinglili whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

The two were standing at the door, one on the left and the other on the right, arguing.

"If you are unhappy with me, why do you have the shame to follow me!"

"What a coincidence, Sawamura-san. I also want to ask this question now."

"Don't come here, Kasumigaoka Shiyu. You are a dark and dissatisfied woman!"

"I do have a dark personality, but I think my personality is more frank than yours."

"You should deny the dissatisfaction part!"

"I don't need to tell you that kind of thing."


"Taking advantage of the void when the hero is feeling empty is a flag-planting plot for the heroine. But what are you doing here? Sawamura."

"How could you be allowed to do that! Besides, you must have told the truth yourself, right? And you even asked for leave to see him!"

"Ah, I went to school well, I just left early. Aren't you the same?"

"It's different!"

Kato Yusuke interrupted them and asked in an indifferent tone: "...are you guys okay?"

Although the voice was not loud, it successfully attracted the attention of the two people.

"Actually asking if something is wrong..." Ying Lili was a little dumbfounded at first, and then immediately spoke angrily.

"——This is what I should ask you. Today is Tuesday, right? Why do you stay at home and look like you just woke up! You are obviously not the kind of cocoon NEET !”

In contrast, Shiyu on the side was much gentler and explained to him: "I have work-related matters that I want to talk to you about. Can I go in and talk?"


"Well, it's a matter of the game script. There are some places I want you to confirm..."

"Sorry, that's no longer needed."

The scene suddenly fell silent...

Yinglili couldn't help but widen her eyes, "Wait! What do you mean you don't need it anymore? Isn't this your own studio?"

Kato Yusuke looked at her blankly and replied hoarsely: "That kind of thing, just pretend it doesn't happen."

Shiyu asked silently again: "...Since you don't want to talk now, it doesn't matter, but what about the school? Didn't you say yesterday that you would come today?"

"I will take care of it, please come back..."

The moment the words were settled, the metal door was closed with a bang.

Seeing this...


After being stunned, Yinglili stamped her feet angrily and knocked on the door with her fists.

"What kind of attitude do you have! At least come out and explain it properly!"

However, no matter how hard she knocked on the door, Yusuke Kato in the room always ignored her and walked into the bathroom, intending to wash her face.

The mirror on the sink reflected his appearance clearly.

His eyes were vacant, his hair was messy, and the beard that sprouted slightly on his chin was also extremely messy.

The four words "unkempt and disheveled" - are probably his true portrayal now.


He exhaled, reached out to turn on the faucet, took a handful of cold and biting tap water, and slapped it hard on his face.

When he raised his head again, there was no movement outside the door, and the two girls seemed to have left.

Kato Yusuke didn't care about this, and wanted to go back to bed and take a nap. However, after a continuous afternoon and night of adequate sleep, his brain was not sleepy.

He grabbed his messy hair, and a few dry, dull white hairs were tangled in his hands.

Immediately, he lowered his head and sniffed his clothes again. An unpleasant smell, like that of staying up all night in an Internet cafe for a week, drifted into his nose.

"Let's take a bath..." He said to himself, then took off all his clothes, threw them on the washing machine, then walked into the bathroom and started taking a bath.

It took about 20 minutes or so.

After taking a shower, he put on a pair of short-sleeved shorts and stood in front of the sink again.

He reached out to pick up the toothbrush from the lone mouthwash cup and squeezed some toothpaste on it. Rinse your mouth with water first, and then start brushing your teeth in front of the mirror.

Wet water droplets were still hanging on the wet hair, and they were dripping down from the ends of the hair, like ice and snow melting, dripping.

The young man shown on the mirror is very handsome. Although his energy and complexion are still very poor, he still has the feeling of a melancholic and handsome boy, especially his white hair, which adds a unique flavor.

Kato Yusuke stared at himself in the mirror, trying his best to empty his mind and not think too much.

He picked up the mouthwash cup with his left hand, took water from the faucet and rinsed his mouth, but he accidentally saw the ugly scar on his hand.

The skin there is slightly lighter in color than the surrounding area, and there is an irregular jagged line on the edge, which looks a bit ferocious - it is a scar left after surgery.


After cleaning up, Yusuke felt a little more comfortable and returned to the living room.

The room with the curtains closed was very dark, making it difficult to distinguish between day and night.

The TV that had been left on all night was still broadcasting a program, but it was no longer Nogizaka46.

With nothing to do, he came to the kitchen, rummaged through the plastic bags on the floor, and decided to eat something.

Tokyo’s seafood tonkotsu flavor, Kyushu’s black garlic oil tonkotsu flavor, Fukuoka’s spicy tonkotsu flavor…

I chose the seafood tonkotsu version from the various flavors of Nissin Cup Noodles, and started boiling water to prepare instant noodles.

There was still a lot of miso soup left over from yesterday in the pot on the stove, but the bad taste made him not want to experience it again.

It's obviously the same steps and techniques, but why are the final products so different? ——He couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart, and immediately murmured.

"Next time I'd better buy a fast one..."


The kettle on the stove made a high-pitched chirp.

Kato Yusuke turned off the fire, picked up the kettle, poured boiling water into the cup of noodles, then took it back to the living room, placed it on the low table and let it rest, while he sat on the carpet next to the bed. Down.

While waiting, he casually took the phone and turned off the long list of missed calls and notifications on it. Then he picked up the TV remote control and started changing channels mechanically.

some time later.

He just passed the time while eating instant noodles and watching TV.

A program about current affairs became the best lullaby, making him yawn constantly.

Unknowingly, he fell into a dream again...

Time passed quietly in the ticking of the clock hands.

I don’t know how much time has passed...

Boom, boom~

Boom, boom~

Kato Yusuke was half asleep when he heard the slow sound coming from outside the door.

He stood up unsteadily from the ground, walked slowly to the entrance and opened the door with light and heavy steps.

There was a "click" on the door.

The vermilion sunset streamed in from outside.

A girl was standing in front of the door with her back to the sunset, holding many things in her hands.

The short and medium hair scattered on both sides of the cheeks danced in the wind, fluffy, soft and shiny, with a faint fragrance of shampoo floating around.

She has regular facial features and a beautiful appearance. She wears a well-tailored Toyosaki Academy uniform and exudes a gentle and sweet temperament.

A pair of eyes as pure as spring water contained a quiet and soft light, giving people the feeling of a deep and clear stream. A white-haired boy was reflected in it, and he was slightly surprised for a moment.

"Ah, good afternoon, Yusuke." The girl's outline painted by the setting sun was very soft, and her voice was like a gently flowing stream.

Kato Yusuke was silent for a while and replied: "...Good afternoon, Megumi, are you okay?"

"Well, let me take a look. It's about some things about the sports meeting. Because I don't know what to do in some places, so I want to come to Yusuke to discuss it. Can you help me?"

Hui said this, then gently lifted the paper bag in his hand, and added: "Also, I found these on the door handle outside, I think they should be yours."

After a few beats.

"...Sorry, I'm not discussing that right now."

"That's it. Well, there's nothing we can do about it. Although I may be scolded by the teacher for not handling it well, but since Yusuke is not in the mood, forget it."

Hui nodded lightly, raised his hand and handed the paper bag in his hand to the door, "Then I'll give this to you, and I'll go back."

There was another moment of silence.

Kato Yusuke moved his mouth and whispered: "The room is very messy. If you don't mind... just come in."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into the house alone, leaving the door there.

Hui didn't mind his reaction, so she said "I'll excuse you then", pushed the door open and walked into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Um, do I need to change into slippers or something? Yusuke."

"No need."

Someone's low response came from the dim living room, "Just don't step on the garbage."

"That's it, um, I understand."

Hui put down the delicate paper bag in her hand for the time being and began to bend down and take off her shoes.

at the same time.

With the sound of "Shua la——", Kato Yusuke also opened the closed curtains.

Warm and lonely dusk fell on the room.

After taking off her shoes, Megumi picked up the paper bag again and walked into the living room.

The air is filled with the smell of food and a bit of sweat, eager for a fresh air circulation.

"By the way, where should I put these things? Yusuke."

"You can find a place wherever you like and I'll clean it up."

Kato Yusuke opened the glass door to let the air circulate.

He then took the dishes on the table and the leftover instant noodle bucket to the kitchen, threw them into the sink and set them aside, freeing up an area around the low table where he could sit.

He immediately walked to the TV and turned off the power, turned his back to the living room and said, "... You can sit at the desk, it's clean there."

This is the limit. As for more places, he has no intention to deal with it yet.

"OK, all right."

The girl nodded lightly at this, sat down on the swivel chair in front of the desk, and looked around.

Messy beds, coats thrown carelessly on the floor, food stains on the table, and a messy kitchen...

Finally, it landed on the somewhat deserted back.

His eyes moved slightly but he didn't say anything.

Kato Yusuke took two bottles of oolong tea, handed one of them to her, and sat down on the bed with the other bottle.

" can tell me if you have anything to say."

The voice was a little indifferent.

"Um~ Then I'll start with the list of executive committee members of each class. If there's anything wrong, you can interrupt me at any time."

Hui said in a calm tone, took out a stack of information from her school bag and put it on her knees. She started to talk while looking at the information.



The girl's pure and peaceful voice echoed in the room.

The cool wind blew in from the window, swaying her hair slightly, and the cherry pink hairpin pinned to one side also swayed slightly.

The dusk gradually sets in the west, dyeing the room even more red and desolate.

Kato Yusuke listened silently, his eyes moved from the hairpin to the ground in front of him, and he felt a sense of peace for the first time in a long time.

His feet touched the floor, as if he were in a quiet lake under the autumn night sky.

The dream and reality pulled him, making him shake his body and chase the yesterday that was gone forever.

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