Latest website: "Hey, can you be my little wallet? President~"

Kato Yusuke reached out and picked up the glass on the dressing table, then was silent for a while, and said coldly: "Go down, don't stop me."


Shinjoka pouted, but still knelt down obediently, watching him drink and watch TV.

"Is there anything else I can do?"


Yusuke didn't respond. He held the glass in his left hand and rested his right arm on the armrest. He returned to the posture of watching TV with his face tilted. He only occasionally took a sip of wine and looked a little drowsy.

Shinjoka pursed her lips and smiled, feeling that she had an answer.

Rustling, rustling...

It was "Tom and Jerry" on TV.

Accompanied by cheerful and brisk music, Jerry, who was being chased by Tom, ran to a stage and got into a black cloth bag, hoping to avoid Tom.

The next second, Tom, who was following the trail, appeared on the screen.

He first rummaged around.

Look here for a while, look there for a while.

Sometimes he picked up the bricks on the ground, and sometimes he turned over the lawn.

But found nothing.

Finally, he turned his attention to the black cloth bag placed on the table, and a sinister smile gradually appeared on his face.

He tiptoed to the counter, stretched his white hands towards the cloth bag, pinched the zipper with his fingers, slowly opened it, and then violently pulled the bag open to both sides.

I thought Jerry would run out in panic, but what appeared in front of him was a metal bat with a cold light.

Before he could react, the bat hit him hard in the face, making close contact with Tom's face.

Countless gold stars popped up and spun above Tom's head.

He shook his body, and finally fell to the ground in a daze as if he was drunk.


Jerry, the instigator, took the opportunity to escape, ran into the water pipe outside the house in a panic, and fled towards the inside of the house.

"It's about you, the president..." Shinjoka started to speak: "Why don't you go buy the wine yourself?"

Kato Yusuke took a sip of wine, his body gradually warmed up, and he replied calmly: "Can't buy it."



"Haha, you couldn't have been more open and honest during the day, right?"


"Hey~ Did I guess it right?" Shinjoka looked up at him and couldn't help but chuckle while eating his lolipop.

"You are so cute, so innocent... Of course, you have to wait until 3 or 4 in the morning to go there, especially the kind of store where you are so sleepy that you doze off~ Hmm."

Her voice was a little unclear, as if she had a cold.

Kato Yusuke ignored her and gently touched her head with the cup after drinking.

"Go pour it."

"Huh? Now?" Shinjoka asked doubtfully, but was hit on the head again.



So she took the cup and moved to the table.

“We’re running out of ice cubes, do we need more?”


"Where's the soda?"

There was a brief silence.


"Is it still the Highball way to drink?"

"Half and half."

"Yeah~ Got it."

Shinjoka chuckled, rubbed her slightly sour and red smile, and followed the instructions obediently.

Click, click, click.

First, I added enough ice cubes to the glass, then poured half of the Yamazaki 12 and ice-cold soda water, and stirred half a circle with a stir stick to combine.

She looked at the slightly bubbling amber liquid, nodded with satisfaction, then thought about it and asked, "Can I change my clothes? President."

"I am going out?"

"No need~ Just sit down, I'll be fine soon."

Kato Yusuke did not respond, just nodded his chin imperceptibly.

Shinjoka nodded happily, put her hands behind her back, adjusted her back and shoulders, and then took out a pure white tattooed bra from the hem of her short sleeves and placed it on the bed.


She exhaled softly, feeling much more relaxed.

Then he reached out and picked up two strawberry jelly from the table, tore open the package and ate it into his mouth. His young face became slightly bulging as a result, but he didn't chew it.

Then he returned to Yusuke with the glass and sat down again.



Kato Yusuke took the cup, glanced at her, and continued watching TV.

Tom and Jerry are still fighting in the picture, and the battlefield between them has moved to the dining table with countless sumptuous dishes on Christmas Eve.

Tom found two semi-circular dinner covers from somewhere and put Jerry in with a "pop" sound. However, only Jerry's tail was caught, and his body was still exposed.

Tom didn't care about this, and immediately held the dinner cover to his mouth, opened his mouth, and swallowed Jerry in one gulp.

Kato Yusuke sat up slightly and watched Jerry's friend, the little mouse, rescue him from Tom's mouth. The two little guys jumped onto the elastic jelly and sank in.

He took a deep breath, took a big gulp of the special blend, and swallowed it whole gulp.

Then he turned his head and glanced out the window, sighing deeply at the deepening night.


The night did not respond to him, only the cold bright moon hung high in the night sky, watching him faintly.

He absent-mindedly stretched out his hand towards the bright white moon high in the sky, as if trying to estimate the distance between it and himself, and the next second he saw the scar on his hand.

Then he put down his hand feebly and touched the head of the person in front of him, as if to praise him.

The animation on the TV is still playing, and the cheerful music exaggerates the humor of the animated characters, rising and falling rhythmically.

There were squeezing sounds, breathing sounds, and from downstairs - the noise of men drinking and drinking.

All mixed together, echoing in the ears.

The lights in every house were brightly lit, but no one shone on him.

It seems that there is an invisible barrier that divides the world into two halves.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but start thinking.

He felt that it might be easier if his memory was also erased.

However, in fact, he has become an observer, just like no matter how many possibilities and parallel lines there are, in the end, only what he observes will prevail.

Forever excluded.

While enjoying special treatment, nothing can be changed.

He rubbed the girl's silky short hair, raised an evil and cold smile on his lips, then drank the wine in the glass, put the glass aside, and exerted slight pressure on his hand.

Under the influence of alcohol, his body produced a deeper warmth that enveloped him.

Puff, pew.

The cartoon character on the TV made the sound of being squeezed or pinched, and the way he kept sticking out his tongue looked very funny, as if he was mocking him.

After a while.

His eyes briefly lost focus, but immediately recovered and became silent and profound again.


Shinjoka, who was sitting on the ground, looked up and looked at him in confusion for a while. She thought it was time to add more wine, so she stood up by the hem of her short sleeves and reached for a glass, but he pulled her away. Fell into his arms.

Kato Yusuke lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Eat your food before you talk."

Shinjoka covered her mouth and smiled. She moved her mouth up and down a few times and swallowed the strawberry jelly with a "gudu" sound. Then she blinked her eyes and felt that this brand of jelly still had a milky flavor.

"You don't want any more wine? President?~"

She giggled, reached out and hugged his furry head, brought it to her ear and said proudly: "In this way, we are accomplices~"

Kato Yusuke was silent, his dark eyes dim and unclear.

Shinjoka continued: "Whether it's this room or anything else, no one of the opposite sex has come in except you, right? President?~?"

After more than ten seconds.

Kato Yusuke reached out and pushed her away.


Shinjoka frowned slightly and was about to say something...

"Turn off the TV."

A low and calm voice came from Yusuke's mouth.


She turned around and turned off the TV.


The sound of a switch closing resounded throughout the room.

The TV and lights dimmed at the same time.


"come over."

In the darkness, Shinjoka smiled slyly, and then walked towards her "little purse".

Another sleepless night with heavy rain and wanton behavior...

In the bar on the first floor, men and women were still drinking and laughing, unaware of all this.

He doesn't hear what's going on outside the window, and he only cares about what's in the cup.

(The easter egg stamp from last month’s monthly ticket will be uploaded to the group today)

Early the next morning.

While the dim sky has not yet woken up from its slumber, the sparrows have already begun to chirp.

Kato Yusuke sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the unfamiliar room for a while, letting his consciousness gradually clear up.

I took out my phone and took a look. The date and time displayed on it were:

Sunday, 6:15.

Then he put away his phone and stood up.

Pick up your clothes from several places and start getting dressed.

The whole process took about five minutes, and I was fully dressed.

He glanced at the bedside, glanced at the half-covered body, then walked to the door, unlocked it, opened the door and walked out.

He closed the door and walked quietly down the stairs.


In the dimly lit bar, a woman was sleeping on the bar counter. As for the guests from last night, they had disappeared.

The air was filled with the strong smell of alcohol.

He did not disturb the other party, but walked out of the room in the dark, walked through the corridor, and came to the entrance.

He took out his sneakers from the shoe cabinet, put them on his feet, then opened the door and walked out of the house.

A bit of turbid yet cool air came oncoming.

Kato Yusuke gently knocked on the door and walked toward the station the way he came yesterday.

Kabukicho seems particularly quiet in the early morning. There are almost no moving people on the main street, which is the opposite of the bustle at night.

On the rubbish-strewn streets, many middle-aged men in suits were leaning on telephone poles or lying on the ground, sleeping soundlessly on the street, as if they could not feel the growing autumn atmosphere at all.

From this, it is not difficult to understand why in today's society, people freeze to death on the streets from time to time.

For most Japanese men, having a drink after get off work is not only a way to relieve stress, but is also an essential part of society and the workplace.

Even if they really freeze to death on the street, as long as they purchase insurance, their family will receive a financial compensation that is enough to live a stable life, so that they will not be in a situation where their wife and children cannot survive after they die.

On the other hand, perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of this insurance that many people who are forced to have no choice in life will choose to commit suicide when they see no hope, and thereby leave a sum of money to their families.

As long as you don't choose to lie on the rails, you will be compensated smoothly in the end. Otherwise, if traffic is paralyzed, even if you get compensation, you will be claimed by the railway company.

As a country with a high suicide rate in the world, the reason for this situation in Japan is not only due to the huge social pressure, but also related to the literary world’s advocating for the beauty of “things in decline”.

Kato Yusuke has always disagreed with this kind of morbid aesthetics, but he will not comment on it. He is more of a cold observer.

He walked silently on the road, watching wild cats rummaging through the garbage, and glanced across the face of a small black cat holding a fish bone in its mouth.

The little black cat also glanced at him lightly, and then lowered his head and licked the remaining meat on the fish bones carelessly, with his shiny black tail wagging back and forth behind him.

One person and one cat went in opposite directions and gradually distanced themselves.

Fragments of memories flashed through my mind.

Kato Yusuke suddenly stopped and turned around again.

Under the trash can a little way away, the little black cat was licking its paws while looking at him with a pair of green vertical eyes.

"Meow meow?"

The black cat opened his mouth and barked, as if asking what he was looking at?

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and called out: "...Xiao Hei?"

The other party didn't react at all. He just glanced at him coldly, stretched out his paws to hold down the fish bones in front of him, and raised his tail alertly.

Kato Yusuke simply squatted down and said again: "Woah?"

The little black cat was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to be provoked. The hair on its body stood on end, its slender body arched into a full moon, and it let out a long and thin high-pitched cry.

"Meow meow——!!!"

‘Exchange for dried fish. ’

‘Successfully redeemed for dried fish, 10 points will be deducted. ’


Yusuke tore open the package, took out a handful of dried fish, put it in his palm, and gave the little black cat a hook.

"Come here, I'll treat you to some dried fish."

"Meow meow meow?"

The little black cat tilted its head, the end of its tail changed from upright to slightly bent downwards, and its voice became less sharp and a little more pleasant.

He sat on the ground, standing upright, his tail twirling left and right behind him, but he didn't move.

Kato Yusuke stared at him for a while, then stood up, turned around and left.

Just took two steps...

"Meow meow!"

There was a sudden feeling of being pulled on my back, and then there was a sudden weight on my shoulder, and a furry head suddenly pressed against my face.

Kato Yusuke turned his face, looked into those green cat eyes, then raised his hand and sent a piece of dried fish over.

"You stink."

"Meow meow~"

The little black cat purred as it ate, swishing its tail back and forth.

"Want to come home with me?"


"It means 'good' right?"

The little black cat didn't respond, but it didn't get off his shoulder either.

Kato Yusuke looked around and saw the 24-hour Don Quijote, so he walked towards it.


Thanks to [Black Sky Tribulation Power] and [Yiwen World No. 1] for their rewards.

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