Time flies and it’s Monday. ???

early morning.


The alarm clock on my phone stopped just as it started, and I didn't even have time to have fun for one more second.

Kato Yusuke had a towel on his head after taking a shower, and there was still some moisture hanging on his half-dried hair.

His tall and fit figure was wrapped in a bath towel, showing off his bathing style, but no one could appreciate it.

He reached out and took down his uniform from the hook on the wall and put it on the bed. He then found some clean boxers and socks from the closet and started putting them on.

First, the underwear;

Then came the flat white shirt, loose trousers, and socks.

Button your shirt carefully and tuck the hem into your pants.

Tie a black tie at the collar and put on a blue vest.

Finally, the black stand-collar uniform jacket for autumn...

Kato Yusuke came to the bathroom and tied the golden rope representing the student council president to the collar of his coat.

While drying her hair with a hair dryer, she straightened her appearance in the mirror.

A cold and handsome young man suddenly appeared in front of him.

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and adjusted his hairstyle to try to make it less eye-catching, but to no avail.

After all, no matter how you play with it, that conspicuous silver-white hair stands out from the crowd, and it is a feature that will never be ignored.

Thinking of this, I stopped caring about it.

He doesn't care about other people's opinions, but he doesn't want his friends around him to ask questions.

This dilemma felt a bit like sitting at home and going to school, which made him feel a little irritable.

Immediately returned to the living room.

Added two glasses of water to the drinking fountain.

The black cat was disturbed by his movement, and stood up from the end of the bed unsteadily, yawning with his mouth open, and stretching for a long time.

The slender figure therefore appears even more slender.


He jumped off the bed lightly, came to him, and began to lick his paws and wash his face.

The soft black hair is extremely shiny.

Kato Yusuke reached out and touched it twice, and the cat snored comfortably.

The low and smooth white voice calmed him down a little.

"Look after your house and don't go to the workbench."

"Meow." The black cat curled its tail around his arm and responded softly.

Kato Yusuke looked at the cat and vaguely understood why there was a saying that cats can treat depression.

Then he stood up and walked to the entrance, picked up the shoulder bag placed there, put on his shoes and walked out...

Take the train to Toyosaki Station.

Turn a blind eye to what you see along the way.

He arrived at the school ten minutes later and entered the first-year Class E.



The originally noisy classroom seemed to have been pressed on the mute button, and there was silence.

Facing all kinds of eyes, Kato Yusuke returned to his seat with an indifferent expression. Although the aura exuding from his body was not cold, it also conveyed a feeling of not wanting to be talked to.

Until someone ignores this...


With a shout, someone suddenly locked his neck from behind.

"Good morning, bastard."

Yamaguchi's carefree voice broke the silence and reached Yusuke Kato's ears clearly.

"Where did you go, you bastard? You didn't even respond to calls and LINEs. Could it be that you went to Hawaii for a vacation? Hurry and call me truthfully before I blow your head off!"

What followed was Takei's voice.

"No, no, no. When it comes to Hawaii, you are like the one who went there. Do you realize that your skin is like lava chocolate? Xiao."

"Okay! Before I crush you, give you ten seconds to reorganize your words, Black-skinned Boy No. 2!"

"Your words are not convincing at all, and if I am number two, doesn't that mean you admit that you are the black boy number one?"

"You forgot to add Thesuper Mr. Yamaguchi!"

"Wow! Even if you speak so powerfully, you can't cover up the rustic and chuunier nature of this nickname, right?"

The two people's cross talk-like bickering caused the classroom to be briefly silent, and then burst into laughter the next second.

Yamaguchi seemed completely unaware of this, and just continued to choke: "You are not qualified to say such things! Regardless of the color of your skin or your level of secondary school, you are definitely more exaggerated."

Takei laughed: "Well, at least I won't add weird nicknames to LINE's name. I mean, even a middle school student wouldn't do that kind of thing. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Damn it! Before I reveal all your shameful details, come and laugh at Kato with me."

Yamaguchi said as he scratched Kato Yusuke's hair and tried to deflect the blame.

"How dare you dye such a cool color secretly without saying a word? You damn cashier. Isn't this just widening the gap between us?"

Faced with the burden he threw, Takei accepted it very naturally.

"Ah haha. Basically, the last sentence is what you really mean, right?"

Affected by the laughter of the two people, the atmosphere in the class also swept away the previous strange silence and became bright and joyful.

Kato Yusuke opened and closed his mouth, trying to say something, but in the end he did not speak.

He took a deep breath and gently bumped Yamaguchi's side with his elbow, trying to get him to stop making himself the butt of a joke.

But Yamaguchi twisted his neck harder and whispered:

"You bastard, don't you know how to talk to your friends when you encounter difficulties? If you weren't in the classroom now, I would definitely give you a hard kick on your annoying ass!"

Kato Yusuke put down his hand and couldn't help but remain silent.

Takei on the side yelled exaggeratedly: "Wow! I feel like Kato's face is turning pale. You are trying too hard, aren't you!? Takao."

This led to echoes from others.

"Wait a minute, Yamaguchi, you are so slow, don't really choke Kato-san."

Himekawa Yoshiko, who had just entered the classroom, ran over quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that nothing happened.

"Although Kato-san has taken medical leave, it doesn't mean that I can be tormented by you so lightly. Do you understand?"

"Woman, you are so long-winded." Yamaguchi said with a cool look on his face.

"Hmm~? What did you just say? I'm sorry I didn't hear it clearly. Can you please say it again~? Xiaojun?"

"Wow, your expression is too scary. You can't find a boyfriend like this."

"...I think you should worry about your situation, idiot!"

Then someone else intervened in the conversation.

"Ah~ Good morning, Yusuke."

Ebi Yoshiko walked over slowly, her pure eyes stayed on Kato Yusuke's face for a short while, and then said hello to the others.

"Well, good morning, Yamaguchi-san and Takei-san, you look very lively."

"Yeah, good morning, Vice President." Takei smiled heartily and nodded.

Yamaguchi also raised his hand and said hello: "Hi~"

"Please don't make that cool move, Yamaguchi-san." Kako couldn't bear to look at her.

"I'm so noisy to you, I didn't do it for you to see."

"If you keep saying that, I won't let you read my homework next time?"

"Ha, woman... wait, I mean Himekawa Yoshiko is a god! So don't be so stingy, forgive me——!"

"Thank you for being able to say the most cowardly words with such a cool expression, Axiao?"

"Shut up, too! Idiot Takei."

Yamaguchi, Takei, and Yoshiko left noisily.

Kato Yusuke looked at a few people, slightly absent-minded.

Suddenly, a hand gently reached towards the top of his head.

"Ah, your hair is a bit messy, let me straighten it for you." Hui said in a calm tone, gently straightening the hair that was messed up by Yamaguchi.

The two were very close.

He could clearly smell the faint fragrance wafting from the girl's body, like a combination of cherry blossoms and milk shower gel.

It smells light and pleasant, but not pungent.

The class returned to the same lively atmosphere as before.

Some barriers seemed to disappear quietly.

The surrounding sounds seemed to suddenly become quieter.

Kato Yusuke looked around, feeling as if he had never left.

A feeling of uncertainty gathered in his chest.

He squinted his eyes slightly and looked out the window, feeling that the sunshine today was particularly dazzling.

The last thing that became clear was the girl's voice, as clear as a gurgling stream.

"Yeah~ I've done your hair for you."

The morning shift will start at 8:30.

Teacher Nakamura entered the classroom on time.

He glanced at the corner intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes flicking past the figure with conspicuous silver-white hair, and the emotions in his eyes flashed away.

Then start hosting the class meeting.

"So, although everyone already knows about this Friday's sports meeting, I still wish you good results and enjoy your youth."

"As for the reason why I want to mention this matter again...well, you heard it right, it was Kato-san who told you."

Nakamura Masaru put his hands on the podium and said in a tone that was half serious and half joking:

"After such a long rest, show off your energy and win first place in one breath. The teacher's award... no, the honor of our class depends on you, right?"

The students suddenly made a fuss.

"Hey! Teacher, did you just want to talk about the bonus?"

"I heard it too!"

"Wow, what an adult-like speech~"

"Did the teacher put too much pressure on Kato-san?"


Nakamura Masaru was not annoyed by this, and deliberately showed a troubled expression. He joked with the students using the excuse of "the spur of love", and after observing the situation, he moved on to the next topic.

"…and then another thing."

He coughed and said: "After the sports meeting, there will be regular tests in mid-October. Please make sure to arrange your time reasonably. If your results are too poor, you will still be asked to take tutoring in the future."

The previous laughter immediately turned into mourning.

After briefly explaining things, it was almost time for the first class.

Leaving instructions for Yusuke to go to the office after class, Nakamura Masaru quickly turned around and left.

The first class in the morning is Mr. Matsumoto’s math class.

Teaching progress is currently of a graphical nature.

The teacher drew a quadrilateral ABCD on the blackboard, assuming AB=a, BC=b, ∠A=o.

It is known that this quadrilateral satisfies:

∠A=∠B=∠C, π/3<θ<π/2, b<a<b/θ.

Answer the following questions:

1. Assume CD=c, please express c with a, b, θ.

2. Without changing the values ​​of a and b, find the minimum value of c when θ changes in the range of π/3\u003cθ\u003cπ/2.

After Mr. Matsumoto finished drawing the picture and writing the question, he looked around the classroom and was attracted by the conspicuous short silver hair in the corner.

After looking at it for a while.

Maybe he wanted to check on Yusuke's progress during his absence, or maybe he was simply mocked by his hair color.

Teacher Matsumoto called out his name: "Kato, student number 40, come up and answer the question, including the process."


Kato Yusuke didn't say anything, he stood up and walked to the podium, took the chalk, and started to solve the problem.

First is the first question.

He took the chalk and added a few strokes to the quadrilateral on the blackboard.

Extend BC, AD; BA, CD.

Considering the midpoint P of AB, we can see that θ=AP.

And because EA=EB,

So EA=EB=a/θ,

In the same way, FB=b/θ can be obtained.

Then use Menelaus' theorem to write a series of formulas and solve the answer.



Teacher Matsumoto folded his arms and stood aside, about to speak...

Da, da, da, da.

Kato Yusuke asked the second question.

Teacher Matsumoto immediately stopped talking and watched him solve the problem silently.

He held a piece of chalk and wrote continuously on the blackboard, exuding a quiet and calm atmosphere.

Assume cosθ=t,

Then c=(a-2bt)/(1-4t^2)


If the denominator is positive, simplify the numerator.

Get: -2 (4bt^2-4at+b)

Taking into account the value range and increase and decrease of the cosine function,

There is a minimum value when t=[a-√(a^2-b^2)]/2b,



Kato Yusuke put down the chalk and looked at Mr. Matsumoto.

Teacher Matsumoto pursed his lips and looked at the problem-solving process on the blackboard, the smooth sound of chalk still echoing in his ears.

It was quiet below the classroom.

The students are either thoughtful, frowning in confusion, thinking hard, or drowsy...

Although there were people doing whatever they wanted, no one made any noise.

After all, the man standing on the podium is an old man known for his sternness.

A few moments.

Matsumoto looked away from the blackboard, turned to look at him, and nodded, "Okay, you can go down."

Facing all kinds of looks, Kato Yusuke turned around and returned to his seat.


Teacher Matsumoto coughed, attracted the attention of the students, and started talking angrily.

"Come on, the solution to the second question is what we are going to learn today. Please pay attention."

The students were stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

——Old man Matsumoto is embarrassing people again with something he hasn’t mentioned yet!

After realizing this.

Involuntarily, a pair of shining eyes focused on the young man in the corner.

Kato Yusuke turned a blind eye to the surroundings, just supporting one cheek with one hand, and his eyes fell on the books spread out on the table. It seemed like he was slowly figuring it out, but also like he was thinking about something else.

The morning light outside the window was dim, shining through the lush ginkgo trees, and falling on him in spots.

The young man's expression was indifferent, but the sunshine and the atmosphere at this time gave him an indescribable sense of gentleness.

It was as if a hazy mist surrounded him, making it hard to see clearly, but very beautiful.

Just like the evening breeze hugs the moon, the waves kiss the rocks.

He sat there, shining but not shining, just like the light.

It's like traveling through time.

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