Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Twenty-two, commemorative photos

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

The tram dragged its heavy body slowly along the track.

There were only a few passengers sitting sparsely in the spacious carriage, which was very quiet.

The sky outside the window was filled with rosy clouds, and the clouds were dyed red like cotton candy. The setting sun was shining like glass and slanted into the glass, dyeing the car red.

Along with the continuously retreating street scene, the telephone poles on the street also cast their shadows in the setting sun, passing over each face in loneliness.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Rhythmic white noise constantly floats into your ears, making you drowsy.

The body swayed slightly with the train.

Kato Yusuke sat back on the row seat, folded his arms on his chest, and lowered his head, feeling very sleepy.

The eye-catching short silver-white hair floats between the eyebrows. The ends of the hair are slightly messy, but elegant and dusty. She has a unique temperament and charm that is pure and refined.

Coupled with the delicate and handsome facial features and the lonely and three-dimensional facial contour, it really looks like an immortal from heaven.

Shiyu sat quietly beside him without saying a word.

She just looked at him quietly and secretly, feeling anxious in her heart.

She moved her body quietly and approached cautiously, for fear of disturbing the tranquility and simplicity in him.

Their shoulders were slightly touching.

The boy's body had a fresh and pleasant smell of mint.

Shiyu looked around, his eyes glancing across the faces of other passengers as if inadvertently, observing the situation vaguely.

After seeing that no one was paying attention, he took it back.

A pair of burgundy eyes twinkled slightly.

Think for a moment.

She gently raised an arm, wrapped it around the other person's shoulder, and stretched it toward his head.

His movements were slow and cautious, as if he were groping in the dark.

Her deft right hand gently put his furry head on his head, and then applied a little force to encourage it to turn toward her. At the same time, she gently raised her shoulder to let him lean on her shoulder.



A dull "clang" sound echoed in the carriage.

Seeing that Kato Yusuke was still awake, she couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Turn your head and look to your left.

Her shoulder bag still stayed in the previous position, and her mobile phone was still inside.

Shiyu stretched out his left hand, enough, but not enough.

She frowned in displeasure and tried a few more times.

Finally, at one point, his slender fingertips hooked the strap of the shoulder bag and successfully pulled it over.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

A pair of calves extending out from under the skirt are held together one behind the other, covered with dark black pantyhose, making them look straight and slender.

The small black leather shoes on his feet lightly hit the ground with his movements, making a sweet and clear "tap-tat" sound.

Shiyu put her shoulder bag on her thigh, took out her mobile phone from it, turned on the camera function, pointed the front camera at the two of them, and adjusted her posture.

After much hesitation, she pressed the photo button without mercy.


——Clang, clang, clang.

The sound of the shutter was buried in the crash of the rails.

Kato Yusuke frowned, but did not wake up.

Such a majestic move attracted a curious look from a woman diagonally across the street, and then smiled knowingly after seeing the appearance of the two of them.


Shiyu gently took off the phone, and the corners of her beautiful mouth raised a perfect arc like a crescent moon, which was quite touching.

She first looked at the photos on the screen for a moment, with a hint of satisfaction in her eyes.

Then he put away his phone.

He lowered his head and looked at the young man on his shoulder. His eyes moved downward from between his eyebrows, scanning Yingting's nose, and finally stopped on the moderately thick lips.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on his face, like adding a gentle filter.

Shiyu turned her face sideways and thought for a while. A few strands of black hair slowly fell from the side of her face, swaying slightly in the air.


She lowered her eyes slightly. While raising his hand to tuck his hair behind his ears, he slowly moved toward the other person facing the warm breath, turned his face slightly, and opened his red lips.

The distance between the two keeps getting closer.

The circulating breaths slowly intertwined, fluttering the girl's long eyelashes, causing the little deer in her heart to jolt slightly.



The sudden braking left her unprepared. While leaning forward, her body also deflected, and in the end she only pressed a kiss on the boy's right cheek.


Kato Yusuke opened his eyes instantly and met the eyes of the girl who was standing up on his lap.

What appeared in the field of vision was a beautiful face dyed red by the sunset.

At such a close distance, he could clearly feel the body temperature coming from the other person, as well as the fragrance of shampoo filling the tip of his nose.

"...Good afternoon, Yuu-chan."

Shiyu sat up straight as if nothing had happened, and explained: "You fell asleep and accidentally leaned on my shoulder."


Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything. He just sat upright silently and moved a little to the empty seat next to him to leave a little space between the two of them.

The tram stopped briefly and started moving again.

Shiyu bent over slightly, holding his cheek with one hand, and joked, "Oh~ you slept so soundly just now. Do you think my shoulders are very comfortable? It's true Yu-chan."

"……Feel sorry."

"Why do you need to apologize?~?"


"Ah~ Speaking of Yuu-chan, you would probably prefer lying on my lap, right?"


Kato Yusuke shook his head and said nothing more.

The tram takes them far away...

"I'm here, senior."

Yusuke and Shiyu, who arrived at the destination first, said goodbye, and the other party nodded gently and responded.

"Well~ be careful along the way, see you tomorrow."

Kato Yusuke got off the train alone and walked out of the station.

The sky outside also turned from orange to dark.

By the time we got back to the apartment, it was already 7 o'clock in the evening.

There was a faint fragrance of cherry blossoms wafting in the room.


He took off his shoes at the entrance and walked into the living room.


The black cat ran out from the corner and barked softly at him.

In a quiet and tidy room.

There was some food wrapped in plastic wrap on the low table, and there was a note underneath one of the plates.

Kato Yusuke held the note in his hand, with two lines of clean and elegant fonts on it.

——"Remember to heat it before eating. Because Xiaohei didn't allow me to get close, the cat litter couldn't be cleaned, sorry (Megumi)."

He put down the note, glanced at the cat at his feet, then squatted down and rubbed the cat's head.

"It's hard work looking after the house."

"Meow meow~"

"Are you causing anyone any trouble?"


Black Cat looked puzzled.

Kato Yusuke didn't say anything, just gently pushed it to the ground and rubbed his belly.

The black cat resisted a little at first, but soon began to snore comfortably, and its limbs lay limply on the ground.


Along with the purring of the black cat, the mobile phone in the pocket vibrated unwillingly.

I took out my phone and took a look. There was an unread message from LINE on it.

[Senior Shiyu: Memorial~]

[Senior Shiyu: (photo)]

In the orange-red tram carriage, boys and girls are cuddling together affectionately.

One of them was sleeping soundly, while the other was holding up his mobile phone to take a selfie, with a slight curl at the corner of his mouth.

Kato Yusuke turned to look over his left shoulder, and a faint scent of gerbera seemed to enter his nose.

He brushed his shoulders and did not reply to the message.

——Buzzing. email was delivered to the phone.

[Xintiao Xiang: Good evening~ President, can I meet you? www】

He turned a blind eye to this, threw the phone on the bed, then stood up and walked to the cat litter box and started cleaning the cat litter. Bajie Zhongwen website


The black cat followed suit, its green pupils fixed on his hands, watching him use the shovel and garbage bag to clean up his own poop, his furry tail swaying behind him.

Kato Yusuke ignored it, silently cleaned up the cat litter, added some new ones into it, and then placed the sealed garbage bag at the entrance, ready to throw it away later.

I washed my hands in the bathroom and then returned to the living room to start eating.

Peel off the plastic wrap hanging with water mist from the plate.

He didn't bother to heat it up, so he just ate it.

The girl's dinner was spaghetti bolognese with tomatoes and a sandwich.

The tomato meat sauce is hand-fried, and the minced pork particles are plump, juicy and elastic.

Although the preparation method is not difficult, it is very delicious.

The taste of the sandwich is also quite good. The sliced ​​ham wrapped in mayonnaise has a very harmonious taste, and it tastes like butter melting in the mouth.

The lettuce garnished with it brings a refreshing taste, which well neutralizes the greasiness in the mouth and perfectly blends the flavors together.

He originally didn't like mayonnaise that much, but he changed his mind a little after eating the girl's food.


The cat meowed beside him, put his front paws on his legs, and licked his mouth as if he wanted to eat.

A person and a cat look at each other.

Kato Yusuke thought for a moment, then broke off a small piece of sandwich and put it in his hand, then stretched out his hand.

The black cat lowered his head and sniffed it twice, and then started eating it with a "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"", and then raised his head again after eating, wanting more.

‘Exchange for dried fish. ’

[Successfully redeemed for dried fish, 10 points will be deducted. 】

——Tear it apart.

"You eat this, the sandwich is not good for cats."

"Meow meow."

While eating and feeding the cat, both the person and the cat were very satisfied...

Have eaten and washed the dishes.

Put the unfinished sandwich in the refrigerator and save it for tomorrow's breakfast.

Kato Yusuke spent a while completing his school assignments, and then began to draw the manuscript for the second episode of "Chainsaw Man".

Compared with previous books that emphasized painting skills, "Chainsaw Man", which focuses on plot, is much more relaxed.

Having said that...but that's only for him.

After all, from storyboarding, gridding, tracing, inking, applying dots, blackening, color grading with software... to completing the final manuscript, this is a series of very tedious and complicated tasks.

Generally speaking, the first thing an average cartoonist will do after their work is serialized is to recruit 2 to 3 assistants to help them simplify the process.

And he did it alone.

in Japan.

Although cartoonists are a very respected profession, they are often given the title of teacher along with lawyers, doctors, and government officials.

But at the same time, the fierce competition is also extremely cruel.

Not to mention that it is not easy to get the opportunity to be serialized. There are also countless examples of being cut in half due to low popularity after being serialized.

Take the industry leader Shueisha's "Jump" as an example.

Usually only 50 out of 1,000 people have the opportunity to be published, only 10 out of 50 people have the opportunity to be serialized, and only 3 out of 10 people can actually get serialized.

And among the last three people, only one can become a popular author and continue to serialize.

This is not the end.

Take a newcomer to the industry as an example. The original manuscript fee is 9,000 yen per page.

After excluding water, electricity, rent, paper and pen supplies, assistant expenses, as well as catering and transportation expenses, the final result is basically a deficit, or even a loss.

But under such circumstances, we still have to persist in painting, accept the test of the market and readers, and fight for the glimmer of hope... It is really no better than being a social animal.

Of course, those who can succeed in the end will naturally become one of the top people in the industry and become famous among the warm flowers and applause.

Kato Yusuke didn't know much about this aspect, but he had some knowledge, and Shiyu didn't tell him this.

With the secret help of the girl, his starting point was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Not only is the remuneration very high, but the freedom of creation is not much worse than doing whatever you want.

Take the manuscript as an example. Generally, cartoonists need to show it to the editor first and discuss the plot. Only after the other party agrees can they proceed to the following steps.

Although he also needs to do this, he is much more relaxed, at least he will not encounter any situation of being beaten back.

In a sense, this is not a privilege and preferential treatment.

But the price is Xia Shizi's reputation.

After all, with such high praise, if his subsequent performance is mediocre...

Even if you don't say it on the surface, there are bound to be people who will criticize Xia Shizi.

Kato Yusuke thought and drew.

The black cat jumped on his lap, huddled up in a ball, and began to doze off.

Time passes by peacefully...

I drew about a dozen pages and advanced the progress to where the male protagonist Denji was recruited by Makima from the Ministry of Public Security and encountered an emergency in the service area.

Kato Yusuke stopped writing and began to add lines to the characters.

Faced with Miss Makima, who rescued him from the gang's territory and invited him to dinner, Denji inevitably developed a liking for this demon hunter.

But when he wanted to eat udon first instead of saving the citizens who were attacked by demons...

"Have you forgotten? You are my dog ​​now, and you can only answer "yes" or "bark"."

"I don't need a dog that says no."

The other party said this calmly and threatened to destroy him.

In an instant, Denji broke out in cold sweat...


Kato Yusuke wrote this response in Denji's dialog box.

This is destined to be an abnormally passionate youth comic.

I don’t know how the original author came up with this theme...

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but have some thoughts about the other party's brain circuit, but he didn't go too deep.

However, the character of Machima is indeed very charming, which made him put a little more effort into drawing this character to make it more vivid.

After filling in the lines.

He put down the digital pen in his hand and turned to look at the clock on the wall.

It is now 10 o'clock in the evening.

Since he had to go to school tomorrow, he had no intention of continuing to paint.

Then he packed up his things and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Get ready for bed.


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