Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Thirty-eight, coffee machine and cat


Snap, snap.

Kato Yusuke slapped tap water on his face, letting the cold water seep into his pores, washing away the cleanser on his face and the last trace of sleepiness.

The time is 7:15 on Saturday morning.

While most of the students were still sleeping soundly, enjoying the happiness brought by the rest day, he had already gotten up.

Instead of being woken up by an alarm clock, wake up naturally.

Although he had no special arrangements, he had no intention of continuing to tug at the bed and quilt after opening his eyes, so he simply went to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I returned to the living room.

He took out a bottle of iced oolong tea from the refrigerator in the kitchen and took a few sips to wake up his body.

Then start preparing breakfast.

I took out the rice variety called "Suiguang" that was packed in medium bags from the cupboard, poured two cups into the rice cooker, and washed the rice under the faucet.

This is one of the specialties sent to him by Motoyama Mina from her hometown.

Unlike the glutinous and sweet "Koshihikari rice" that is abundant in Fukui and Niigata prefectures, "Koshihikari" is a rice variety produced in Saitama Prefecture.

Because of its soft yet firm texture, it is often used to make sushi. Although it is not as famous as the former, its taste is refreshing than "Koshihikari rice".

The reason why he uses this kind of rice to cook rice is not because he plans to make sushi, but because he simply eats what he has at home, nothing more.

Kato Yusuke washed the rice, added the appropriate amount of water, put the rice cooker's inner pot back into the pot, and pressed the cooking button.

The room was too quiet at this time, so I turned on the TV and switched to a music program channel at will.

As the beautiful music melody rang in the room.


The black cat, who was lying on the bed with his back stretched out, was awakened by the sound of the TV. He couldn't help but stand up and yawned, and looked around with half-squinted eyes.

Kato Yusuke stood in front of the kitchen again, took out a small frying pan, and prepared to fry eggs.

Black Cat Bar chirped twice when he saw this scene. After all, he couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart, so he stood up from the bed, shook his body from beginning to end, and then trotted all the way to the kitchen.

First he jumped on the counter, then he jumped on Yusuke's shoulder.

"Meow meow?"

The black cat meowed softly, stretching its neck and looking at the pot on the gas stove with interest in its eyes.

After all, since it came to this home, someone has basically never cooked alone. Usually, it either brings something delicious from outside, or it is cooked by the human who will give it Chikuwa.

So it can't help but be curious.

When it stepped on his shoulder, Kato Yusuke only made a slight movement, but after seeing that it did not cause any trouble, he ignored it and continued to fry eggs.

Pour a little cooking oil into the frying pan, turn on the heat, wait until the oil temperature slowly rises, then take an egg, tap it on the edge of the counter, and break it into the pan.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

When the egg whites are slightly puffed up, use a spatula to turn them over.

Waited for a while.

Kato Yusuke took a plate and transferred the fried eggs from the pot.

I took out the pickled umeboshi from the refrigerator, put two of them next to the omelette, and randomly found some seaweed, preparing to eat it with rice later.

Although most people would use natto to go with it, because he doesn’t like it, he naturally won’t buy it.

After more than ten minutes, the rice in the rice cooker was ready.

Kato Yusuke served a dinner and ate it with prunes, seaweed and fried eggs.

He wanted to create the texture of a soft, half-cooked egg yolk, but the time and heat seemed to be a little too much, making the egg yolk a bit old and completely lacking the flavor and texture that Sayu had once made.

However, the egg itself tastes good, and with the combination of prunes and seaweed, it tastes no worse than a convenience store sandwich when eaten with rice. It can be used as a condiment.

Seeing that he was eating well, the black cat also meowed twice begging for food.

Kato Yusuke then started to get some bamboo wheels and canned cats for it.

One person and one cat spent a relatively leisurely time eating breakfast and watching TV.

After that, Kato Yusuke started finishing the manuscript of the second volume of the manga, while Black Cat wandered around the room.

Just like that, around ten o'clock in the morning, the doorbell rang with a "ding-dong" sound.

Yusuke started to open the door, and a young man who looked young was standing outside.

"Hello, I am an employee of the post office. I have your express delivery here. Please sign for it."

The young man in work uniform picked up the box in his hand and handed over a pen.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel confused and said: "I haven't bought anything, you made a mistake."

"Huh?" The other party lowered his head to check the address and confirmed: "Aren't you Mr. Yusuke Kato from Room 201?"

"it's me."

"Then that's right. This is the address written above." The young man nodded affirmatively, "Please sign here."

When the address and name were correct, although Kato Yusuke was still deeply confused, he still took the pen and signed his name.

After moving the courier into the entrance hall, the young man left quickly.

And he was studying the two boxes.

After thinking for a while, I started to open the two boxes.

Inside is a coffee machine and a set of cat climbing frames.

From this point of view, the possibility of sending the wrong package becomes even smaller.


The vigilant black cat walked over slowly until then, stood next to the box and looked at it curiously.

Just as one person and one cat were thinking about these two things, the phone suddenly rang.

——Dingling bell~

"Senior Shiyu"

Pressing the answer button, the girl's somewhat distorted and lazy voice came over.

"Good morning, have you received the stuff?"

"...Shiba-senpai." Kato Yusuke glanced at the goods on the ground, gently pushed aside the cat that wanted to climb into the box with his feet, and asked: "You bought the coffee machine and the cat climbing frame. ?"

"Hmm~ It seems like you have received it, right?"

"How much, I'll transfer it to you."

"That's a gift for you, otherwise wouldn't you be able to drink the coffee beans I gave you?"


"Yes." Shiyu said casually with a hint of smile: "Isn't the new issue of "Undead" magazine about to be released? Congratulations on becoming a serial cartoonist ~ Yu-chan?"

"Thank you." Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment, "Senior Shiu, is there any gift you want?"

"Oh? What do you mean, do you want to send me away~?"

"Reciprocity is reciprocated."

"Haha~ Although there is nothing I want to say, but~~~" the girl said with a long voice and a very pleasant tone.

"I do have something I want. For example, a fresh, cute, and strong male high school student. But do you have the guts to give it to me?"

"...Human trafficking is illegal, senior." Kato Yusuke paused and changed the topic, "I mean things like commodities, such as cosmetics."

Shiyu was quiet for a moment, and then chuckled: "Haha~ Do you think of me as one of those ugly girls who can't meet people without makeup, or BBA?"


"Hey, what does that mean~? Kato-kun."

"I just want to return the favor."

"Hmm~ Are you using cosmetics as a gift? It's not like I can't buy them myself~"

Kato Yusuke thought about it for a while, but after all, he didn't bring up the system's beauty cream as an issue, because the focus of the other party's words was not on that, and both parties knew it.

Then he added: "It's not just gifts, if senior sister has any difficulties, I will also help."

"Well~ This sentence is a little more sincere than before, but only a little bit. To describe it specifically, it is probably cheap instant coffee and slightly more expensive instant coffee."

Shiyu made a wonderful metaphor, and then said: "Well, if you really have this intention, just treat it as owing me a condition."

"What conditions?"

"Didn't I say it? You 'owe' me a condition, which means I haven't thought about it yet. How about it?"

"...will it be difficult?"

"Well, basically everyone has different definitions and opinions on 'difficulty', right? Why don't you first tell me what 'difficulty' means?"

The girl's voice was smiling, and even through the mobile phone, she seemed to be able to see the long and beautiful legs crossed together, as well as the toes wrapped in black stockings with their bare toes faintly exposed, swinging.


Kato Yusuke was lost in thought, and the other party did not rush him, just waiting for his answer casually, with a calm attitude full of room.

It took about seven or eight seconds before he responded.

"...if I can do it."

"Hmm~~? Why do you feel like you are warning me not to make excessive demands?"

Shiyu said with a half-smile: "But you don't have to worry so much. This kind of thing is more about the mind, and the result is actually not that important.

Even if you don't want to do it after hearing the conditions, it doesn't matter. It's just your wish anyway, and I won't force you. After all, it's just your wish, right? "

He emphasized it several times in a nonchalant tone, seemingly inadvertently.


Kato Yusuke rubbed his eyebrows, pushed the black cat to the side again, who wanted to get into the box, and whispered back, "I know."

After that, the two chatted for a while about novels and comics. When everything was almost finished, Yusuke was ready to say goodbye and end the conversation.

And Shiyu seemed to be remembering something again, mentioning something.

"By the way~ I forgot to tell you, the fourth volume of "Metronome of Love" is on sale today. If you are interested, you can buy a copy and read it. If you are not interested, don't use it."

Although the speaker can speak casually, the listener cannot be casual.

"I know." Kato Yusuke said, "I'll go and see it."

"Well, then that's it, bye, Yuu-chan~"

"Goodbye, Shiyu-senpai."


The two said goodbye to each other and ended the call.

Kato Yusuke put away his cell phone, looked at the black cat who was holding his foot and biting it in revenge, picked it up by the neck and put it aside, then walked into the house with the box in his arms.

First, I freed up a corner of the cupboard and placed the coffee machine on it, and then I observed the situation in the living room.

After thinking about it for a while.

Kato Yusuke decided to install the cat climbing frame at the corner leading to the balcony, so that it would be more comfortable to bask in the sun.

Just do what comes to mind.

After sorting out the parts of the cat climbing frame and assembling the various parts together, it feels somewhat like playing with Gunpla or assembling a battleship...

Shiyu bought a tree-shaped cat climbing frame that can be raised and lowered freely, with several self-adjustable platforms in the middle. It is a more luxurious version, and the overall weight is not light when assembled.

Set up the chassis in the appropriate position.

Kato Yusuke pulled a swivel chair, stepped on it, and used a tool to turn the screws so that the suction cups at the top supported the ceiling. In this way, accidents of tipping over will not occur easily.

Move aside after installation is complete.

The dark brown cat climbing frame looks similar to a floor-standing clothes rack. It brings a layer of warm light under the sunlight, visually creating a feeling suitable for taking a nap.


The black cat, who had been observing for a long time, twisted its buttocks, jumped on its limbs, and climbed up around the platform on the main trunk without any instructions. Finally, it lay down in the top cloth bag and squinted its eyes out the window. The sun was shining.

Kato Yusuke ignored it, turned and walked to the kitchen, and began to study the coffee machine.

The coffee machine consists of two parts, one is the machine body, and the other is a set of tools used to press the powder.

I studied the instructions for a while.

He found the coffee beans that the girl had given him earlier from the cupboard, opened them and poured them into the grinder.

Kato Yusuke connected the machine to the power supply and turned on the grinding switch.


Kalongkalong, kalikala.

Amidst the hum of the machine, the coffee beans that were just put in were quickly ground into powder.

Follow the steps in the instructions.

Place the powder container on the stainless steel filter filled with coffee powder, rotate it a few times to spread the powder, and then use a powder hammer to compact the powder.

Add purified water to the water tank of the machine, turn on the extraction button and let the water run for a few seconds for internal cleaning, then turn it off.

Kato Yusuke grabbed the handle, stuck the filter on the machine, placed a cup underneath, and started the official extraction.

After pressing the button, a small stream of water is injected into the filter, gradually extracting the coffee powder into liquid at a slow and even speed.

The aroma of coffee slowly spreads.

The whole process took about a little over two minutes.

Kato Yusuke didn't stop the machine until the cup was about seven-tenths full.

The coffee in the cup is black, with a little bit of dark brown in it, and has a slightly greasy feel on the surface.

Turn off the power of the machine, take the cup in your hand, and bring it to your mouth.

A stronger aroma of coffee than before filled his nose.

Take a small sip.

The strong and thick bitter flavor overflows in the mouth, and the taste has a little sourness in the aftertaste, which slightly stimulates the brain.

It tastes like traditional black coffee, with no other taste except bitterness, which is also the kind that girls like.

Compared with the canned coffee sold outside, hand-brewed coffee is more powerful.

Frankly, it's not very tasty, but that's what black coffee is.

Kato Yusuke turned around, leaned his back against the edge of the counter, put one hand on the counter, and drank slowly.

After the initial discomfort, the bitter taste slowly began to fade and become softer.

The complex process will make the coffee delicious, because it adds your own efforts and has cost effect, so it will beautify it subconsciously.

While drinking coffee, I looked at the cat climbing frame.

Watching the black cat dozing comfortably in the sun, he looked contented.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but thought about it aimlessly.

Although I obviously don't have a good relationship with cats, and I can't say I like cats, I still sent a cat climbing frame. This kind of subtle consideration is also very characteristic of the other party.

Thinking of this, a little complexity appeared in the deep black eyes.

"What do you mean..."

Low murmurs echoed in the room...

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