Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Forty-five. The Ogihara family’s dining table

"It was a night in Tokyo, when a boy and a girl met..."

"Instead of relying on you to protect her alone, don't you think that helping her build up her confidence and improving the environment is the right way to go?"

"If you really want to thank me, you can kiss me as a thank you gift."


A soft groan-like sound echoed quietly.

Sayu's eyelashes trembled slightly and she slowly opened her eyes.

The blurred vision slowly became clear.

What came into view was a familiar room.

The alarm clock on the bedside table clearly pointed out the time at this moment - 7:05 in the morning.

There is still plenty of time before school starts, and there is still room for even a little more squinting.


Sayu slowly sat up, covering his forehead with one hand, thinking silently.

She felt as if she had had a dream, a very real dream.

However, once I think about it carefully and recall it, I can't recall anything.

Everyone has had this experience, it is like opening your eyes while half dreaming and half awake, but your consciousness is still stuck in the afterglow of the dream.

After thinking hard for a while, the dream was still a mess.


Sayu frowned slightly, murmured to himself, and then fell into silence again.

He raised his hand and pressed it on his chest, feeling inexplicably empty and lost.


The small round beads in the cinnabar bottle rustled softly, interrupting her meditation and bringing him back to consciousness from his confusion.

After hearing the sound, Sayu couldn't help but feel relieved and put aside the dream. Only the word "Tokyo" became clearer in his mind.

"come on……!"

He patted his cheeks a little harder to cheer himself up.

Just get up and get down, put on the slippers next to the bed.

Sayu picked up the bottle of vitamins, poured a pill into the palm of his hand, and drank it with water.

Then he got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and start getting ready for school...

Asahikawa Sixth High School, Class 3, Grade 3.

As the unified examination date approaches, the atmosphere in the class becomes more and more tense.

The students all held reference books and red books in their hands and studied hard. Even during recess, it is no different than during class.

Except for those who have already decided on other options, or the lucky few who have been recommended for admission, everyone must be prepared and work hard to get into the university of their choice.

It was also during this period.

The frequency of tripartite talks between teachers, students, and parents has become increasingly high.

For those students whose deviation value is far from their target university, the teacher will honestly advise them to lower their goals during the meeting and not to aim too high.

For those whose differences are not large, targeted suggestions will be given depending on the situation and will be observed for a period of time.

This is a very meticulous job, because it requires caring about every student's situation, so the teachers who lead the graduating class have also been very busy recently.

——Teacher Mei D, who is the head teacher of Class 3 of the third year, is no exception.

That was after the fourth period of the morning.

While she was sorting out course materials and students’ recent results,

The most special student in the class suddenly came over.

"Teacher Mei D, are you available?"

"What's the matter? Ogiwara-san."

"It's something about the university that I want to talk to you about."

Hearing this, Teacher Mei D couldn't help but asked in surprise: "University?"

"Well, college."

Sayu nodded calmly and repeated.

"...That's it, then come with me and we'll go to the rest area."


The two of them came to the rest area in the corner of the office, where the Yagami writer had sat with Sayu when he came to school.

There is a screen here. Although it is not as private as the independent student guidance room, it is still a semi-private space.

In addition, it happened to be lunch time and other teachers had left the office, so it was perfect for conversation.

Wait until you sit down on the sofa.

Teacher Mei D did not beat around the bush, and immediately asked directly: "So? What is the problem?"

"Teacher Mei D." Sayu took a deep breath and then said, "As for college, I decided to take the exam to a school in Tokyo."

"--Tokyo??" Teacher Mei D's voice rose twice, and her head was temporarily confused by this unexpected answer.

"Yes, Tokyo." Sayu nodded heavily, her cute little face slightly tensed.

Compared to the other party, her voice was soft, but it contained an inexplicable seriousness and courage, as if she was telling her that this decision was the result of careful consideration.

Teacher Mei D heard this and couldn't help but frowned deeply and said: "...What a sudden news. Anyway, can you tell me why you have this idea in the first place?"

Sayu hummed, unconsciously grasping the skirt on her thighs, and responded: "I'm sorry, actually I had similar thoughts before... now I just finally made up my mind."

"Have you made up your mind..."


There was a brief silence.

Teacher Mei D tilted her head slightly and rubbed her temples that were beating slightly with the thumb of her right hand, puzzled.

After about ten seconds, she carefully considered her words and asked, "Even if you say that...then what are you going to do about Hokkaido University's recommendation qualifications?"

Sayu nodded and responded: "Because Hokkaido University does not require entrance exams, I will go to Tokyo after the unified examination to take entrance exams for other schools."

"...I see, that means you haven't completely given up on Hokkaido University, right?"

"Yes, that's what I thought..."

Teacher Mei D felt relieved when he heard this, breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Then if the results in Tokyo don't go well..."

"In that case... I will go to Hokkaido University." After saying this, Sayu lowered his head and apologized quietly.

"There's no need to apologize. It's a very mature idea to leave yourself a way out. It's good if you think so... Also, have you told your family about this?"

"……not yet."

"Is that so..." Looking at the girl who shook her head slightly, Teacher Mei D couldn't help but feel a little troubled, but still said: "Anyway, this matter still needs to be discussed with the family, right?"

"...Well, I will."

Feeling that the atmosphere was getting a little heavy, Teacher Mei D quickly changed the topic.

"As for the university in Tokyo, have you chosen your target?"

"Well, I've made my choice." Sayu raised his head and said, "Haaying University, Aoyama Academy, and the guaranteed Fusugawa University... That's what I think for the time being, but it depends on the exam time."

"Well, let's not talk about Zaoying and Qingxue... Judging from your grades, it's not impossible. As for Immortal Sichuan University..."

Teacher Mei D stopped here, her eyes became a little helpless, and then continued.

"That's already a second-rate university, right? Is it possible that you would rather go to a second-rate university than choose a first-rate institution like Hokkaido University?"

"Eh? That's not the case..." Sayu blinked and turned her gaze to the side. She thought of the dream in the morning again for no reason, as if a voice had been calling her to go to Tokyo...

Seeing her unconvincing performance, Teacher Mei D sighed in distress.

No matter how much she thought about it before, she never expected that the student who was least supposed to have problems would actually have problems.

In the end, it can only be attributed to reasons such as young people's desire to look forward to the outside world and the pursuit of dreams.

Although she felt that this was a bit thoughtless, it was the student's own business after all. She would only give suggestions and not make any comments.

Thinking of this, I pondered for a moment.

"Since you have this idea, I have the red book of Zaoying and Qingxue. You can take it back and read it later."

"Eh? Well, how is this possible? I can just buy it myself." Sayu waved his hands repeatedly.

However, Teacher Mei D was very insistent and took her back to her desk and gave her a collection of historical test questions from the two schools.

As for the red book of Fusigawa University...she didn't buy it because it was too unpopular.

"In short, you just need to prepare for the exams of Hayei and Qingxue. There is no need to prepare specially for Fusugawa University. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time."

After finishing speaking, Teacher Mei D added: "Also, remember to tell your family about this matter as soon as possible. We need to reschedule a three-party meeting. Do you understand?"

Sayu, who was holding the book, was silent for a while, and then bowed deeply, "Thank you, I will, Miss Mei D."

"Well, then that's it. You should go back to eat quickly."

"Well, I understand. Goodbye, teacher."

Sayu greeted him respectfully and then left the teacher's office.

Walking along the corridor during the lunch break, the sun shines in from the window and the leaves rustle in the breeze.

Tall trees stand at the corner outside the teaching building.

Unconsciously, the original green leaves have turned dark yellow.

A student was sitting under a tree eating lunch. His clean white shirt looked very neat and made him look neat.

Sayu stopped involuntarily, stood by the window and looked down, and suddenly felt that this scene looked very good.

It would be nice if it was summer...

Sunshine, trees, and the boy under the tree.

It feels very cinematic.


Thinking back to the conversation with Teacher Mei D.

She hesitated for a moment, then took out her cell phone and dialed a certain number.

"Hello? Mom? Well... I have something to tell you and my brother. Can the three of us talk about it tonight..."

And so it was at night.

In the restaurant of the Ogihara family, family members gathered together for a rare occasion.

Including my brother, who is always busy with company affairs, returned home early today, ready to listen to the "important things" my sister said on the phone.

The dining table was filled with appetizing and sumptuous dishes, which the girl had specially prepared for the evening party, and she had put a lot of effort into them.

It was on such an occasion that Sayu mustered up the courage to truthfully tell his two relatives what he had discussed with his teacher today.

After hearing what she said...


As expected, Mrs. Ogiwara's eyes widened in astonishment, and her thoughts paused.

Ogiwara Kazisa on the side was also dumbfounded, never expecting to encounter such an incident.

After a period of relaxation.

Mrs. Ogihara came to her senses and immediately expressed her opinion, "Why go to Tokyo? What about Hokkaido University? I don't agree."

Sayu was not surprised by this. He just calmly stated his thoughts and said that he would not give up the recommendation qualification of Beihai University. He was just trying to apply for other schools on this basis. In the end, it would not affect to further education.

In order to make it easier for her mother to accept it, she hid everything about Immortal River University.

Mrs. Ogiwara's face improved a little, but she still couldn't accept it, so she began to admonish her.

"Even so, the media studies and educational psychology in Hokkaido are not bad, right? Why go all the way to Tokyo?"

"Because I want to go."

Sayu knew that such a simple excuse would not work, so he spoke out the excuse he had prepared in advance.

"Compared to Hokkaido, Tokyo has more employment opportunities and related companies and institutions are more complete. Although you can wait until you graduate from university to work, but going there early to familiarize yourself with the situation will provide more internship opportunities. .”

This is a very reasonable reason, Ogiwara Kazusa nodded slightly to express his approval.

But Mrs. Ogihara didn't think so and put forward her own idea.

"Although there are indeed many job opportunities in Tokyo, have you ever thought that the competition there is also very cruel? University is not the end, but a starting point. After that, there will be more realistic employment issues."

"Maybe you are yearning for the prosperity of the city and want to pursue your dreams outside, but it is full of countless risks and costs."

"During my time working at PTA, I also met many parents and learned about many examples. Those children who dream of being able to achieve great results outside are not alone, but you know that they can eventually achieve it. How many people are there?”

Perhaps because she felt her tone was a little too strong, she paused for a moment and continued speaking in a slightly gentler tone.

"The number of people who succeed is only one in a hundred, and the majority just end up in a mess. Such a probability is not worth the risk. Besides, a small place is not without its benefits."

"At least in Hokkaido, no matter what happens, we are always here. Based on your grades, whether you are taking the civil service exam or anything else, it won't be too difficult."

"Wouldn't it be better to live a stable life like this, meet a reliable person in the future, start a family, and live a simple and happy life?"

Mrs. Ogihara's voice slowly spread, causing the restaurant to fall into deep silence.

Compared to before.

Although her words were harsh, she was not selfishly trying to restrain her daughter, but was really considering how to make her child happier. This was definitely not a lie.

It was precisely because they heard this that Sayu and Yi Sa became extremely quiet.

Time has changed many people and many things.

Even Mrs. Ogiwara, who was once too selfish to be called a mother, has truly taken on the responsibilities of a mother after experiencing some things and is making serious plans for her children.

Sayu couldn't help but rub her eyes, feeling a slight heat in the depths of her eyes. She even felt that compared to her own whims, just obeying her mother's words and living step by step was not a bad thing...

But at this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the depths of his mind.

"-Go and save her, don't be afraid."

The voice was calm and decisive, but it seemed to come from an extremely far away place, like a mirage...


Sayu couldn't help but startled, and subconsciously looked around, trying to find the source of the sound. However, there was only their family of three in the huge restaurant, and there was no fourth person.

"What's wrong? Sayu." Ogiwara Kazusa asked strangely after seeing her reaction, pulling her consciousness back.

"...No, it's nothing." Sayu shook his head blankly, then raised his hand to press on his chest, pinched the cinnabar bottle around his neck through his clothes, and slowly relaxed.

"Tokyo..." She murmured, thinking of the dream she had earlier in the morning. Her originally shaken heart slowly became determined, as if there was some kind of force pushing her behind.

Facing the eyes of mother and brother.

Sayu slowly raised his gaze, looked at the former with clear and firm eyes, then took a deep breath and said:

"I'm sorry! Mom, but I have to go to Tokyo. Please—!"

As the words settled, there was a long silence in the restaurant.

The girl's attitude was extremely sincere, but also mixed with an unswerving determination.

Looking at the daughter in front of her, Mrs. Ogiwara opened and closed her mouth, intending to say something, but finally slowly closed it again.

Her expression kept changing.

"Do I have to go to Tokyo...?"

"...Yes, I'm sorry."

There was another moment of silence. uuread a book

After hesitating like this for a long time, Mrs. Ogihara let out a long sigh.

"...I see, if this is your will, then so be it."

Although it was a bit reluctant, I still agreed.

Sha Qi was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes immediately lit up, and at the same time, a feeling of wanting to cry spread in his chest.

"Mom..." She murmured with red eyes, and said in a choked voice: "Thank you for forgiving me for being willful."

"...Okay, stop crying."

Mrs. Ogiwara avoided her gaze, as if she was not used to this posture, and then looked at her smiling son aside, thought for a moment and said:

"The same goes for Yi Sa. Since she insists on going to Tokyo to study, she will have to rely on you to take care of her financially."

Ogihara Kazusa smiled heartily and agreed without hesitation.

"Don't worry, Mom, our family's money is not enough to support Sayu's college education."

After saying this, the brother looked at the red-eyed sister opposite and said warmly: "Okay, since mom agrees, don't cry anymore, Sayu, let's continue eating."

Sayu took out a tissue, wiped the tears from his eyes, and nodded heavily.


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