After dinner is ready.

The two came to the dining table and sat down.

A plate of curry rice was placed in front of Kato Yusuke, with golden fried pork cutlet on top.

"If the portion is not enough, remember to tell me. Whether it is curry or rice, there is still a lot in the pot." Hasumi Kanoko said in a tone of worry that he would not be full.

"No, that's enough. I'm starting."

"Yeah~ You're welcome."

Under the gaze of the other party, Yusuke scooped a piece of fish cake out of the curry on the plate with a spoon, and then put it into his mouth.

The texture of the fish cake is good or not, and it tastes very elastic. The curry is a very basic Japanese curry, and the taste is quite mellow and delicious. Overall, it is a delicious home-cooked grade.

"...What do you think, Kato-kun? Taste."

"Oh, that's alright."

"That's it, um~ that's good." Hasumi Kanoko said with a slight smile, and picked up the spoon and started to use it.

I saw her scooping up a little rice mixed with curry with a spoon, bringing it to her mouth, blowing on it twice, then opening her mouth and eating it, chewing slowly.

"So, regarding Kasumigaoka-san that I just mentioned, what happened to her recently?"

Kato Yusuke paused and asked: "...What do you mean?"

"Because I also teach the Chinese language class of Class D of the second year. When I was chatting with her last week, I felt that Kasumigaoka-san's recent state was a bit strange, so I wanted to ask you."

"The state you mentioned is strange, what is it specifically?"

Hasumi Kanoko pondered in amusement and recalled: "To be specific, Kasumigaoka-san has been feeling a bit negative lately. She seems to have no energy. She often falls asleep in class..."? ??

"According to what you said... these should be the normal conditions for Senior Shiyu on campus."

"No. Although that Kasumigaoka classmate was similar before, but he looked so negative... except for the time at the beginning of summer, this is the second time."

"Summer has just begun..." Kato Yusuke frowned in confusion.

"Yes, Xia Tian." Ren Jiankanoko nodded affirmatively at first, and then laughed a little distressedly.

"At that time, I originally wanted to talk to her about her attitude in class, but Kasumigaoka-san said something impressive."

"Senior Shiyu, what did she say?"

"I had excellent grades but repeated a grade. It would be interesting if I could leave such a mark in the history of Toyosaki Academy... That's what she said."

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and vaguely remembered that it seemed to be the time when "Love Metronome" was first released, but knew nothing else.

Hasumi Kanoko couldn't help but sigh, and then continued to ask: "...The feeling this time is similar to the last time, so if you have any clues, can you tell me?"

Kato Yusuke kept silent and kept his secret.

He didn't know what happened to the girl that summer, after all, he didn't know Senior Shiyu at that time.

But this was basically his fault.

Silence filled the room.

Hasumi Kanoko looked at his reaction, and her eyes gradually became thoughtful, so she asked softly while lowering her head to eat: "...Does Kasumigaoka-san's matter have anything to do with you?"

Neither affirming nor denying, it seems to be acquiescing.

She thought for a moment and asked hesitantly: "...Has Kasumigaoka-san found out about your relationship with Shinjou-san?"

Kato Yusuke frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "I'm not dating anyone."


Seeing Kanoko, Hassan was startled at first, then raised her head suddenly like a conditioned reflex, and asked without thinking: "Then why did she kiss you on the day of the sports meeting??"

"She volunteered."

"But you didn't refuse!"



Hasumi Kanoko suddenly stood up from her seat and asked excitedly: "——Why!?"

——Boom, bang.

The table moved a few inches horizontally due to the impact of her legs, and the utensils on the table also shook. The glass containing orange juice even fell over.

The juice inside poured out and completely covered Yusuke's pants, quickly making them wet.

Kato Yusuke's brows frowned deeply.

Hasumi Kanoko exclaimed "Ah" in surprise, immediately picked up a box of tissue paper, ran around the table to his side, and squatted down.

"——Yes, I'm sorry! I'll wipe it for you right now!"

As he said that, he pulled out a few tissues and hurriedly reached out to his inner thighs, wiping them with the tissues.

I just wiped it twice...


Kato Yusuke grabbed her wrist and asked, "What are you doing?"

A deep voice floated into my ears, as if questioning.

When Ren saw Kanoko, she was shocked at first, and then she realized what she was doing. She quickly turned her face away, and her face suddenly turned red.

Harder than iron and stronger than steel - it belongs to an eighteen-year-old boy...

"Um...yeah, sorry..."

"Give me the paper."


The tissue box was handed over shakily.

Kato Yusuke took it in his hand, took out the paper and began to wipe it.

The juice penetrated into the trousers, not only making the boxers wet, but even the thighs were clammy and sticky, which made people uncomfortable.

Hasumi Kanoko watched his movements with her peripheral vision, took a deep breath, pretended to be calm and said: "...Take off your pants, I'll wash them for you."

Kato Yusuke glanced at her. At this time, the other party was still kneeling on the ground with her knees touching the ground. Xiubai's hands were placed awkwardly between his knees, tightly holding the ball of paper in his hands.

"What were you doing just now?"

"...I'm sorry, I was just a little excited to hear about you and Shinjou-san...aren't you dating?"

"Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Ren saw that Kanoko turned her head, pursed her lips slightly, and looked a little pitiful.

"...That's not right."

"What's wrong?"

"What happened that day between you and Shinjou-san at the sports warehouse..."

“What about bringing students home?”


Ren saw Kanoko and suddenly stopped talking, lowering her head as if she was aggrieved.

The atmosphere became a little tense.

After all this fuss, I couldn't eat anymore.

Kato Yusuke stared at her for a while, and the doubts in his heart gradually disappeared, and he opened his mouth and said: "Let me borrow the bathroom."

After saying that, he stood up and walked to the corridor.

The bathroom in this apartment is designed as a separate bathroom.

Kato Yusuke searched twice before entering the bathroom, and then started washing his hands in front of the sink.

The juice just now spilled not only on the trousers, but also on the hands and the sleeves of the shirt. Although I tried my best to wipe it with a tissue, the stickiness caused by the powdered sugar could not be eliminated.

Just as he was washing his hands with soap, Hasumi Kanoko also walked in.

"...Kato-kun, you should take a shower, it will be very uncomfortable. I brought you a change of clothes and a towel, and I will help you wash and dry the clothes you took off."

Having said this, Hasumi Kanoko stretched out her hands and handed over the clothes and towels she was holding.

Kato Yusuke took a look at the things in her hands. There was a black T-shirt and shorts on the soft large towel, which were men's.

So he didn't reach out to pick it up, but simply replied "No need".

He has no habit of wearing strangers' clothes, let alone if his owner is a man.

"No one has ever worn this suit." Hasumi Kanoko seemed to have guessed what he was thinking and took the initiative to explain.

"This is men's clothing that I bought back for safety reasons and hung it out on purpose. You can wear it without worry..."

Her tone was full of apologies, and the look in her eyes that looked at him was half-part remorseful and half-part regretful.

After saying that, regardless of whether he agreed or not, he just stuffed the things into his arms without any explanation, and then quickly escaped, closing the door behind him.


The sound of the door closing echoed in my ears.

Kato Yusuke looked down at the thing in his hand, lost in thought.

Finally, he took a rough shower.

When he came out with a towel on his head and black home clothes, twenty minutes had passed.

The mess had been cleared up at the dinner table.

The curry that I had only eaten a few bites was placed on the table, with steam still wafting from it.

"I've reheated the curry. You can continue eating. I'll pack my clothes." Hasumi Kanoko glanced at him hastily, then trotted into the bathroom with her head lowered.

Kato Yusuke wiped his wet hair, sat down at the dining table, and continued to eat hot curry.

Click, bang, beep~


The sound of the washing machine running came from the bathroom.

Five minutes later, Hasumi Kanoko returned to the living room, and Kato Yusuke also finished his curry and was washing the dishes in the kitchen sink.

Having witnessed this scene, Hassan Kanoko was slightly startled. She didn't expect that he would eat so fast, and hurriedly walked up.

"Kato-kun, just put it down and I will take care of the rest."

"I've already washed it."

"Really, you are obviously a guest, why would you do such a thing?"

"Nothing, how long will it take for my uniform?"

"I set up wash and dry, which takes about an hour."



Hasumi Kanoko clasped the fingers of her hands in front of her chest to form a triangular structure, and said, "You go watch TV, and I'll make you some coffee."

Kato Yusuke dried his hands with a dry kitchen towel, glanced across her face, nodded his chin calmly, and then walked to the sofa.

During the waiting period.

He did not watch TV as the other party said, but took out his comic set-drawing book, dip pen, and comic ink from his schoolbag.

In order to speed up the progress of the "Chainsaw Man" comic, he now carries these tools with him when he goes out, and he will draw a little whenever he has free time.

Putting the ink on the small table next to the sofa, Kato Yusuke held the G pen and continued to draw the original manuscript.

"Can I put Kato-kun's coffee here?"

"Okay, thank you."

After receiving the approval, Hasumi Kanoko placed a mug next to the ink, then took her own mug and nestled on the single sofa on the other side.

While holding the cup with both hands, she asked curiously: "What are Kato-kun drawing?"


"So you still have such interest?"

"It's considered work."



Hasumi Kanoko nodded in understanding, took a sip of coffee, and stared at him unblinkingly. Then she felt that such an approach was a bit too blatant, so she also picked up a book and started reading.

Swish, swish.

Swish, swish.

The sound of the pen tip scratching the paper and the sound of the turning pages of the book echoed quietly in the room.

Hassan saw Kanoko reading a book for a while, and her eyes couldn't help but glance at his face.

The warm light in the room cast an ambiguous light on them.

She looked at his slightly damp silver-white hair, his dark dark eyes, and his slightly pursed thin lips, as if admiring a black and white sketch.

Kato Yusuke drew for a while, inadvertently raised his head and met her eyes.

Time stopped briefly for a second.

Seeing Kanoko, Hassan immediately lowered his head and concentrated on reading.

The light dazzled her, and she didn't read a single word in the book.

"What are you looking at?"


His heartbeat skipped a beat, and he felt that he must have discovered that he was peeping in secret, and he felt uneasy in his heart.

"What are you reading?" Yusuke Kato repeated.

Hasumi Kanoko put down the book "How to Quickly Get Out of the Shadow of Broken Love" in her hand, her eyes fell on his cold and solemn face, and she secretly said, "Little Master," and thought about the answer.

"...Who told me to meet an excessive person? He keeps making my heart flutter and rejecting me at the same time. I have to find a way to relieve myself."

"...that kind of book just sells anxiety."

"Then..." Hasumi Kanoko pretended to be reserved and lifted her hair, and asked quietly: "Kato-kun, what can you do to help me get over my broken love?"

Kato Yusuke looked at her with no emotion, nodded lightly as if understanding, and then began to continue drawing the original manuscript.

Swish, swish.

The sound of steady brushstrokes sounded quietly.

Hasumi Kanoko curled her lips, put the book aside, picked up the coffee and drank it.

"Regarding the previous topic...what is your relationship with Shinjo-san?"

"Does this have to be answered?"

"...It's not necessary, but I want to know."

"Even high school students wouldn't say such willful things."

"Then I'll guess."

"As you wish."

"If I'm right, don't lie to me."

Kato Yusuke neither agreed nor refused, he just did the job at hand.

Hasumi Kanoko pursed her lips, hesitated again and again, then gritted her teeth and said: "You are...are...well, just..."

I hesitated like this for a long time, but still couldn't say anything.

She couldn't help but lowered her head and whispered in an annoyed tone: "Anyway, I know."

Kato Yusuke did not respond, looking unfazed.


Suddenly there was a distant muffled thunder outside the house.

The sky turned dark unconsciously...

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