Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Sixty-eight, dating or something! Yinglili will never admit it!

Amidst countless people's gossip discussions, it was time to finish school.

Today's student union activities were also held as normal.

Eiriri, who had greeted the art department, came to the activity building.

As the city art exhibition next April is approaching, she often has to go to the art department to show her face recently.

On the one hand, it is to guide other members, and on the other hand, it is also to prepare my own works for exhibition in my spare time when drawing notebooks.

As a member of the art club and even the ace, this is what she must do.

Yinglili didn't attach much importance to winning or not winning awards. If she would have cared about this before, now it is just out of habit and interest.

The reasons for all this are inseparable from the influence of one person.

Someone who has a deep bond with her and is entangled in love and hate.

Because of that person, she changed a lot.

From once living to maintain her image in the minds of others, to now living more and more casually, simply and honestly, the change is obvious even to her.

And she doesn't hate this, she even enjoys it.

Speaking of that person, she had always had a strange impression of him.

Although it was annoying at first, especially when he broke into her private space and threatened herself, Yinglili even wanted to kill him.

But now it makes people feel safe and trustworthy.

Because of the existence of that contract, she knew that he would never leave her, not like the childhood sweetheart who had "betrayed" her in elementary school...

That person will listen to her carefully.

Although he would sometimes find it troublesome and would give her a few words of advice in an old-fashioned tone, he would still compromise her and take care of her in the end.

In front of him, she could be willfully angry, lose her temper, and dump her troubles and work on him without having to worry that he would leave her.

That look was very reliable and made her feel very happy. Occasionally, his unexpected behavior would scare her, but she still wanted to stay with him and continue to rely on him.

They met in high school and spent time together like this.

Such a sense of security made her feel very confident.

Although Yinglili herself hates this statement, when someone treats her like this, it makes her feel very happy.

Of course, if someone asked her about such a thing face to face, she would never admit it!

In short, that person was the one who made her feel this way.

So she wanted to be with him and continue the present time.

——He is the husband who made her think this way...


Bah bah bah bah bah!

No, no, no!


Cross out the above! It doesn’t count—!

To be more precise, he should be his brother, partner, or subordinate!

Thinking of this, Yinglili immediately denied the word, and deeply reflected on her inappropriate choice of words, her cheeks turned red unknowingly.

It was under such circumstances that Eirili saw a disgusting scene when she entered the student council room.

Behind the desk, Kato Yusuke was sitting in that seat working as usual, but he was not alone. There was another figure standing beside him.

Black hair, big breasts, perky butt, long legs.

If these elements are nothing when they appear alone, they are not bad when combined individually.

However, when all these elements were combined, they formed the person she hated the most—Kasumigaoka Shiu!

She hates this woman, as if she is born with incompatibility! Anyone who talks to him will end up in a violent confrontation.

That woman will make good use of her poisonous tongue and often provoke and ridicule her.

So far, her record has been more losses than wins, but it doesn't matter because she has found the magic weapon to win.

Whenever you can't argue, just go to your husband... your subordinates for help at the right time! It will definitely end in a 50-50 situation.

As for what is 50-50?

As long as the scheming girl can't beat him up against the beautiful girl who fell into the water, it's a 50-50 situation! Otherwise, she couldn't be sure whether she would cry...

The student union members in the room are all busy in their own ways.

Kato Yusuke and the shady girl didn't know what they were looking at. Megumi was sorting documents behind his desk, and even Shinjoka, who was sitting on the sofa... was rarely looking at it with a school newspaper.

The atmosphere was unusually quiet.

Eiri didn't think much about it, and sat down directly on the sofa opposite Shinjoka, and took the lead in saying hello.

"Good afternoon, Shinjo-san."

"Good afternoon ~ Sawamura-san." Shinjoka looked up from the school newspaper, gave her a bright smile, and then lowered her head again.

Seeing that everyone was doing something, Yinglili didn't want to appear too idle, so she looked behind the sofa.

"Good afternoon, Megumi, do you have any work today? I can help."

"Good afternoon, Yinglili~Thank you for your kindness, but it's just a small matter, I can do it by myself."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah~ So it's okay."

Hui nodded slightly, put down the documents he had organized in his hands, then stood up and walked to the tea table opposite, and started making tea.

"By the way, you still drink black tea as usual, right? Yinglili."

"Yeah! If possible, I'll give you some senbei~ Sorry to bother you, Megumi!"

"Well, then I understand."

A few minutes later, a cup of steaming black tea was placed in front of Ying Lili.

"Please use your black tea, and I'll leave the senbei right here."

"Thank you~~~?, Hui!" Ying Lili picked up the tea cup with a face full of joy, put it in front of her face and sniffed it gently, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It smells so good~ Hui's craftsmanship is very good."

"Hey~ your reaction is too exaggerated. It's better to say that the tea brought by Yinglili is better. I just washed it with hot water."

"But I don't have such an effect when I do it myself, so it's really Megumi's credit~"

Hui didn't say anything when he heard this, but someone spoke.

"Ha~ Basically, maybe it's just that your tea-making skills are too bad? Sawamura."

Shiyu, who was standing next to Yusuke, didn't even raise her head, but she keenly didn't miss the opportunity to ridicule Eirili.

"——I'm not talking to you! Kasumigaoka Shiu! Besides, no matter how long you've been absent from your job here, how on earth do you have the confidence to be so arrogant when you come back!"

"You are the only one who thinks like this? Although my absence from work is my problem, I just need to explain it to Yusuke. You should stop making noise over there, right?"

"Hmph! It's all because of your bad character that you have caused so much trouble to everyone. As the student union secretary, I have to correct you!"

"That's the job of the president and vice-president, right? Well, in every sense of the word, it's still too difficult for you to understand this kind of thing."

Shiyu raised his head as he spoke, glanced at her chest with disdain, and laughed.

"Speak clearly to me! What does it mean in every sense of the word!?"

"Oh? Since you want to die so much, then I will graciously satisfy you. After all, your head and chest are equally impoverished~?"

"I just have a more feminine body shape! Speaking of which, my waist doesn't have as much fat as yours! But you have to be careful. Once you take in too many calories, it will make you feel bloated! It will cause your figure to get out of shape! Will you become a fat girl? "

Ying Lili opened a pair of small tiger teeth and said fiercely.

"...Not feminine but Lolita, right? But I accept your provocation and start a war, Kawamura-san." Shiyu's eyes were cold, and a dangerous smile broke out on his face.

at this time--

Knock knock——

"That's almost it, Shiu-senpai, Eiriri." Kato Yusuke knocked on the table lightly, stopping the war in time.

Eirili snorted arrogantly and pretended to be generous: "...I can't help it. Since Yusuke said so, I will spare you this time."

And Shiyu replied not to be outdone: "That's the line I wanted to say, but forget it, it's boring to argue with children anyway."

After saying that, he turned his gaze back to Yusuke and smiled sweetly: "Is that okay? My dear?~"

The moment the words settled, silence suddenly filled the air.


Kato Yusuke paused slightly.

Shinjoka's eyelids twitched, and then she looked calmly at Kei, who was standing by the coffee table. The other person's face was very calm, and nothing unusual could be seen.

As if she was puzzled by the silence at the scene, Yinglili looked around for a while, then frowned suspiciously and glared at the person involved.

""You (anata)"? Why do you suddenly use such an awkward way of addressing me? Kasumigaoka Shiyu. "

Shiyu didn't answer this, but just crossed his arms in a pretentious manner and gave her a "you are really hopeless" look.

This attitude made Yinglili very angry and irritated. Just when she wanted to continue questioning, Hui beside her suddenly spoke.

"Um, I think Kasumigaoka-senpai here means "dear" instead of "you", right? English pear. "

Both the expression and the tone seemed very indifferent, but it made Yinglili's thoughts pause for a second, and then she blurted out subconsciously.

"——Dear, dear??!"

"Speaking of~"

As if inadvertently, Hui continued in a light tone: "It seems that Kasumigaoka-senpai and Yusuke are dating. Everyone is spreading the news today."


Yinglili's screams echoed throughout the activity room, "What's going on! Why didn't anyone tell me——!"

She stood up angrily as she spoke, walked quickly to Yusuke's desk, and asked loudly: "Hey! Yusuke, what's going on!? I've never heard of this!"

"Haha~ Why are you so surprised? I like Yusuke, and Yusuke also agreed to date me. Is this so difficult for you to accept? Sawamura~?"

Shiyu said with a smile like a winner, but was immediately interrupted by Yinglili.

"How is this possible! Yusuke is not the kind of person who will accept someone as long as they confess to him. Anyway, you must have caused him trouble! You think you are Renya!"

"Oh? I didn't expect you to use your childhood sweetheart as an example? If that ethics classmate knew about it, he would be very sad."

"That's not the problem -!"

'Interesting. ’ Shinjoka used the school newspaper to cover her eyes below her eyes, smiling mischievously while listening with her ears raised.

Looking back, she didn't dare. Let alone whether watching the fun would make the master angry, even Kasumigaoka Shiyu would not let her go easily.

So he could only turn his interesting eyes to Hui, who was standing quietly aside, and carefully observe the other person's expression.

However, it was still impossible to see any emotion from that upright face. There was only a detached calmness, as if he was not affected at all.

Shinjoka couldn't tell for the time being whether that was just trying to be brave, so he couldn't help but speculate silently in his heart.

At the same time, the war between the two beautiful girls, one gold and one black, became more and more intense.

"——Anyway! Anyway!"

With sonorous and powerful steps, Eiriri walked around the table to Yusuke's right side, hugged his right arm, and said indignantly:

"Yusuke, hurry up! It's definitely this scheming woman who's causing you trouble!"

"Wait a minute! What are you doing? Sawamura!"

Seeing this scene, Shiyu became furious and leaned forward, hugging Yusuke's left arm tightly.

The soft E-cup lingered next to her head, as if it was about to touch her.

"Ah! Why are you so close to Yusuke! You shameless Bichi!" Seeing this, Yinglili's cheeks turned red and she stamped her feet angrily.

Shiyu, not to be outdone, retorted: "This is what I want to say! You obviously hugged me yourself, right? But what qualifications do you have to do this? Hurry up and let go of my Yusuke!"

"As the president of the club! It is my duty to protect my members!"

"In that case! Yusuke and I are not only dating, but we are also creators from the same publishing house! Just a book-drawing club, stop being so arrogant here!"

"I don't know what you are talking about! And Yusuke! Why don't you resist! Hurry up and tell this woman to let go!" Eirili showed extraordinary resilience.

"So, I didn't say it! Yusuke and I are dating! You are the one who should let go!" Shiyu replied in a cold voice.

The two people were arguing tit for tat.

The student union room seemed to suddenly turn into a noisy vegetable market.

Kato Yusuke's brows knitted together tightly.

The piercing decibels kept ringing in both ears, seriously disturbing my thoughts.

He was not in a good mood today, and after being teased like this again, his expression gradually darkened.


Kato Yusuke withdrew his arms with a look of resistance and shouted: "If you don't plan to work, go back today."

The cold and deep voice echoed, making the air a little more depressing.

The room fell silent.

(Quietly: Buddhists, please vote for me...)

(The progress of the outstanding manuscript is 10/10, and the last round has been cleared...)

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