After a few simple pulls, a fish was caught.

After Kato Yusuke took it off the fishhook and put it into the bucket at his feet, Hasumi Kanoko said in surprise.

"Ah, this is a rock trout, and it's so big and powerful~"

"Rock trout?"

"That's right ~ don't you know?"

"After frying it, I still remember its taste."

"Pfft, what a ridiculous answer. Just say frankly that you don't know~"

Kato Yusuke hung up the hook bait again and said exaggeratedly: "Please ask Hasumi-sensei to teach me."

Hassan Kanoko rolled her eyes at him angrily, pointed at the fish in the bucket and explained:

"Rock trout, also known as white-spotted salmon. Those with round bellies and white spots on their bodies are called white-spotted salmon, and those with black spots on their bodies are called char~"

"I know, Kano-chan, you're so awesome."

"Really, are you making fun of me?"

"How come? I was complimenting you."

Throw the hook bait into the lake again.

Because of Kato Yusuke's gag, Hasumi Kanoko did not continue to inquire further.

She sighed secretly and then asked: "Speaking of which, Sawamura-san was sick yesterday. It was you and Teacher Kiyura who sent her home, right? Thank you for your hard work."

"Teacher Kiyura?"

"Well, Mr. Qingura in the health room, are you..."

"After all, I don't get sick very often, so I don't go to the health room often."

This is indeed the case. From the beginning of school to now, Kato Yusuke has no reason to go there except for the time he went to the health room for the sports meeting. That's why he doesn't know Teacher Kiyura's name.

As if she heard the meaning of his words, Hasumi Kanoko raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Mr. Qingmei Qingpu thinks very highly of you. He said that every time Sawamura-san encounters problems or gets sick, you are the one who takes care of him." She passed."

"Forget the previous one, it sounds like I'm a virus that spreads bad luck and plague."

"On the contrary, I think you should be very handsome for Sawamura-san, right? A great hero~"

"Nothing like that, I just fulfilled my responsibilities and obligations."

"Responsibility? Obligation...?"

"Well, I promised her parents that I would take care of her."

"It always feels like... it sounds like the instructions and instructions given by the father-in-law and mother-in-law to their son-in-law before their daughter gets married."

"In that case, I should be considered a worried brother and warned my brother-in-law because I am worried about him."

"Hey, it turns out it's my brother...well, I do feel a lot like you."

Hasumi Kanoko said profoundly: "But there is a weight limit to what a person can carry. If you want to carry everyone in your life on your back...

One day, the important things that were originally carried on your back will fall off your back. "


Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment, briefly absent-minded, and then responded carefully.

"——So I will only care about the people around me, and those are the ones I should protect."

"The kind that comes from a small family to everyone?"

"No, for me the former is enough. The goal of the latter is too ambitious. It is something that only saints need to consider. Unfortunately, I am just a layman."

Kato Yusuke turned around with a smile and said warmly: "As long as you are willing to stay with me for one day, I will protect you, Kano-chan."

Time seemed to suddenly stand still, and even the wind stopped blowing.

Ren saw that Kanoko's eyes were dazed for a moment, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Then she lowered her eyes, turned her face away, and gently kicked the water as if nothing had happened.

"...I didn't ask you to do such a thing."

"Then just think of it as my own satisfaction."

Whoosh, whoosh.

The snow-white bare feet gracefully paddled through the water, splashing slightly transparent water.

The woman slightly curved her lips and said funny: "What an old-fashioned way of saying it. Although I know you are more mature, what's going on with this clumsy way of living? It's hard to tell whether it's childish or heavy."

Kato Yusuke didn't argue, and just followed her words and started joking.

"Are there no other thoughts than childishness and heaviness?"



"I want to eat you."


"Then I can be eaten by you."

"That's also scary. I will take the fish I caught as a tribute. Are you willing to eat some normal food?"

Hasumi Kanoko laughed, gently stepped on his instep with one foot, and stretched.

"Anyway, that's it. Do you want to play in the water? Kato-san."

"Aren't you fishing?"

"Just taking a little rest."

"Weird, isn't that what we've always done?"

Seeing that Kanoko ignored his reaction, Hassan just stood up from the rock, walked two steps with a splash of water, then turned around and bent down to pick up a handful of water.

“Watch the moves~~”


The woman poured water over, and Kato Yusuke's hat was completely soaked. Large water droplets dripped along the brim of the hat, which looked extremely funny.

Facing the water thrown by the opponent, he could choose to avoid it, but in the end he stayed where he was.

"Eh? Why don't you block it?"

"That gives me a reason to make you wet, right?"

Kato Yusuke raised his hand and took off his peaked cap, revealing his angular and stylish facial contours, looking very refreshing.

Then, he put the fishing rod aside, stood up in a pretentious manner, and walked forward through the water.

Seeing the eager fear on Kanoko's face, Hasan placed a hand on her chest uneasily and stood still on the spot.

The defenseless look made Kato Yusuke stop and stand half a step away, tilting his head slightly.

"Are you just standing like this?"

The other party didn't speak, but raised the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and his provocative eyes seemed to question his courage.

Kato Yusuke deliberately lowered his face, fished the peaked cap in the water in his hand, and asked: "You shouldn't catch a cold easily, right? Kano-chan."

"Wait, wait a minute, it's too cunning to use weapons." The person involved backed away without realizing it, but accidentally slipped and fell into the water.



The sounds of falling water and screams sounded indiscriminately, merrily blending into the melody of the waterfall.

Kato Yusuke raised the corners of his mouth playfully and commented to the woman sitting propped up in the water: "A drowned female ghost?"

Hasumi Kanoko puffed up her face in displeasure, and quickly swung toward the water. The water spray was like a shuriken shot by a ninja, and hit him in the forehead with a "pop" sound.

He wiped his face with the cuffs of his jacket, combed his messy bangs with his hands, and took a deep breath quietly.

"Okay, the war has begun, Kano-chan."

"Wait a minute, at least help me up first, that's only fair... Hehe-!"

Another splash of water splashed his face.

"...Do you really understand the meaning of taking advantage of others' danger and being fair and just?"

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

As if to wipe away the depression from their hearts, the two splashed water on each other and started a water fight.

The cold lake water refreshed the hot feet, like the cool breeze blowing from the open refrigerator, and the waterfall surrounding them scattered tiny sprays of water, like the spray of nature.

By the end, both of them were dripping wet.

"Now, do we think they are drowning together?"

"Why can't they be drowned rats who share the same problem?"

The fresh air replaces the sweat and spreads throughout the body.

Return to the shore together.

Two fishing rods lay alone on the ground, as if complaining of unfair treatment.

Hasumi Kanoko wiped the water droplets on her face with the back of her hand, took off her quick-drying coat, rolled the clothes together, and squeezed the water with her hands.

Without the cover of a loose coat, the slender body curves are also on display, making her look full of femininity.

Through the pure white tank top, the aqua blue underwear faintly emerged, as pure and bright as the clear April sky.

The exposed skin is full of luster, and the water droplets on the body can't help but slide down, passing through the graceful neck, stopping briefly in the depression of the collarbone, and then sliding down towards the slightly raised chest.

Kato Yusuke's eyes were attracted by the beautiful bright colors, and he unconsciously traced the beautiful outline in front of him in his mind.

The person involved didn't seem to be aware of the ejaculation, and was still twisting his wet coat repeatedly.

Just when he was wondering whether to use light-hearted jokes or serious words to remind this point...

"Kato-kun, can you come over and help me?"

Hasumi Kanoko spread her coat on the rock, put her hands behind her head and grabbed her hair, trying to tie it up again.

"...How can I help?"

"Just hold my hair for me, hold on tight."


Kato Yusuke then stepped forward and reached out to grab a handful of soft and moist brown ponytails.

As the distance approaches.

A faint fragrance drifted into his nose, and a slight temperature stirred his heart.

Hasumi Kanoko seemed not to notice this and naturally tied her hair with a hair tie.

The ends of his half-dried hair brushed his cheek, and his snow-white arms were raised upward, revealing his clean, white and rosy armpits.

Kato Yusuke held his breath slightly, turned his face to the side, and suppressed some thoughts in his heart.

Unknowingly, a rainbow appeared in front of the waterfall and was shining faintly.

“I feel like my skin has improved after staying in this place for a long time~~”

"Yeah, that's true."

"...I want you to deny it here. By saying this, do you think my skin is bad?"


Hasumi Kanoko, who had a bun on her head, turned around displeased, took his hand, put it against her cheek, and said, "I think I still have crystal clear white skin now?"


The touch from my fingertips was as soft as the afternoon breeze and as smooth as a peeled egg.

"How about it?"

"Yeah, very girly."

"...You're not mentioning the age difference, are you?"

Because it felt so comfortable to the touch, Kato Yusuke's fingertips began to slide unconsciously.


Hasumi Kanoko snorted, as if she felt itchy.

The two of them were facing each other, barely touching each other's toes.

The woman raised her watery eyes and looked at her, and the young man gently touched her cheek.

Kato Yusuke wet his lips slightly, still placed his hand on her cheek, and then asked: "What do you want me to do?"

The voice was somewhat muffled.

Hassan Kanoko seemed to be vaguely aware of something, her face was slightly stained with red, and she lowered her head involuntarily and looked away from him.

"...Was it me?"

"At least you created this atmosphere."

"...It's because you were too intoxicated by touching me, that's why the atmosphere became so strange."

"Then even if we are both at fault-"

Kato Yusuke slid his hand from her face to her chin, used a little force to raise her head, and then lowered her head to kiss her.

The two pairs of lips touched.

There was no resistance at all. Hasumi Kanoko put her arms around his neck and kissed him back gently and proactively.

The white-spotted salmon and char hiding behind the rocks emerged and looked at the two people on the shore from a distance.

It seems that they are not satisfied with the playful kiss, and want a passionate kiss that sticks together, so they also paddle the fish tail fiercely, entwining each other intimately.

Before she was about to catch a cold, Hasumi Kanoko wiped her body carefully with a sports towel, and walked into the dense woods with the backpack she brought to prepare to change clothes.

Kato Yusuke wiped his hair and face with the towel she left behind.

Since he had no change of clothes prepared in advance, he could only wring out the long sleeves and put them on again.

Regardless of anything else, at least the trousers he wore were made of quick-drying material, so there wasn't much of a problem.

The absorbent towel exudes the fragrance of orchids, and it has a distinct personal touch when used, as if you have stepped into the other person's private space.

After waiting for a while.

Kanoko Hasumi, who changed into a knitted long-sleeved sweater and a dark blue ladylike skirt, returned to her original spot and sat down on the rock again.

This elegant dress suits her very well, Kato Yusuke thought to himself.

"Speaking of which, are you hungry? Kato-san."

"I can barely hold on. If you want to go back, do you want me to speed up?"

"Hey, speed up?"


“Can you get the fish to bite the bait right away?”

"That's not the case."

Kato Yusuke said as he retracted the fishing line and fishing hook, put the fishing rod aside, and picked up stones on the ground.

"What are you doing? Kato-kun."


Under the puzzled gaze of Hasumi Kanoko, he just picked up the stones unhurriedly, and soon collected a lot.

Then, Kato Yusuke came to the shore, and while observing the traces under the water, he pinched a stone in his right hand.

As a leisurely figure appeared under the water not far away.


The stone in his hand made a rapid sound of breaking through the air, and hit the water with a splash, making a big splash.

The next second, a plump char floated on the water, as if in a coma.


Hasumi Kanoko, who had witnessed the whole process, instinctively exclaimed and looked at him dumbfounded.

Kato Yusuke nodded slightly in response and said, "Can you catch it with a fishing rod? Kano-chan."

"I know, but how did you do it!?"

"Maybe it's because I joined the Kyudo Club?"

Ever since——

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump...

The sound of fish frying echoes here.

Twenty minutes later.

"That's it, Kato-kun!"

Hasumi Kanoko put the last fish into the bucket and said with a wry smile: "The fish here are enough for two classes."

Kato Yusuke then stopped, threw the extra stones on the ground, and then walked towards her.

Both metal buckets were filled to 90% capacity.

"Thank you for your hard work. Just let me carry it for the rest of the way. Let's go back."

"Well, thank you. To be honest, I'm actually a little tired."

"Then, do you want me to carry you back?"

Ren was surprised at first when he saw Kanoko, and then he couldn't help but hesitate.

Kato Yusuke sighed when he saw this, and flicked her forehead lightly with his finger.

"I'm joking here. What do you mean by showing such a serious expression?"

A pair of aggrieved eyes immediately looked over.

Seeing Kanoko holding her head in her hands, Hassan asked in a low voice: "If you just carry it a short distance..."

"No, don't you want your current job?"


. :

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