Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Ninety-seven, Yinglili wants forever


Himekawa Yoshiko's voice surrounded the room.

"Not only did that person coerce you in a bad way to get you to help him, but then he stepped into your life without any sense of propriety, and he always acted self-righteous in front of you."

"But you went from being the most annoying person at the beginning to liking and relying on that person now?"

"I'm talking about my friend." Yinglili first corrected her slip of the tongue, then nodded vaguely.

"Well, that's probably it..."

"Ha...that's it, right? That's it."

Himekawa Yoshiko sighed heavily.

"Girls tend to fall in love with boys who always tease them. In other words, the handsome boy gives them a bad first impression. Most of these two people will develop a relationship, etc.?"

"Myself? They said you made a mistake, Himekawa-san. I'm just relaying what I heard to you."

"Hmm~ It seems you are going to stick to this statement, Sawamura-san."

"What? I want to get to the bottom of it. Your words seem to have some profound meaning!" Yinglili frowned unconsciously, lowered her mouth, and entered a confrontational posture.

"Ah~ah~Sorry, sorry, then let's just do what Sawamura-san said."

Himekawa Yoshiko tapped her temples with her fingers, laughed, and asked Hui, who had always remained silent, "So, what do you think? Xiao Hui."

"...Ah, well, generally speaking, this type also exists."

"Are you just being perfunctory!? Or are you not listening at all?? Is Pocky that delicious??"

No matter what she said, Hui always dealt with her in a leisurely and calm tone, as if he had made up his mind not to get involved and just watch what happens.

Himekawa Yoshiko had no choice but to slump her shoulders slightly depressed, turned her face back to Eiri, and continued to ask with interest.

"Then what, Sawamura-san?"


"Is that the handsome boy?"

"I don't know about that kind of thing."

"Hey~ Don't be too tempting. After all, the boy who can attract your friend must be a super handsome boy, right? At least he won't look out of place when walking next to Sawamura-san~"

"My friend doesn't pay much attention to things in that area. If you really want to say it, a man who doesn't have the ability to set up a stall in the gate area can't interest her!"

"Gateway area? Stall? What is that??"

When countless question marks appeared above Himekawa Yoshiko's head and she was about to ask, Megumi spoke calmly,

"Ah, that kind of thing is more complicated to explain, so you don't have to worry about it, Kako."

"What, does Megumi know that too? I hate it, I feel so embarrassed about myself like this."

"Well~~ Well, for most people, it might be more embarrassing to know that, so I'm doing it for your own good."

"Oh~ you have grown up too, Megumi." Eirili praised with surprise, her eyes with a sense of accomplishment seemed to see a non-otaku who had been successfully preached.

"Uh...should I say it's growing up? Or I'm getting used to it gradually. I can't figure it out myself." Hui raised his head with some trouble and stared at the lighting on the roof.

The so-called gate area, wall area, and island area respectively represent excellent positions in the CM exhibition. The stronger the fan club is, the more they will be allocated in the front.

After staying around a group of manga artists, light novelists, and doujinshi authors for a long time, Megumi gradually became able to understand these terms from being confused at the beginning, and gained strange knowledge.

So in a sense, it is right to describe it as growth, although I don’t know what use that knowledge will be used in the future...

At this time, Himekawa Yoshiko spoke again.

"So what kind of boy does Sawamura-san's friend like? For example, is he as handsome as Mr. Nakamura?"

"Isn't this still about the topic of appearance? Himekawa-san." Eirili couldn't help but complain, and then changed her words.

"However. If I must say so, he and Mr. Nakamura are different types. Besides, not everyone will like the teacher."

"Hey, does it turn out that he is a different type from Mr. Nakamura? So...among boys of the same age, well, it seems that no one is better than President Kato..."

"...! That, that kind of thing is true! Who would like that kind of prude person? It's impossible!"

"Eh, ah, please calm down first, Sawamura-san, I never said that about what I like."

Himekawa Yoshiko stopped here, her brows suddenly wrinkled, and she kept looking at her face with suspicious eyes.

Could it be that Sawamura-san also likes Kato-san? ?

how come? How does this work? ?

No, no!

Thoughts kept popping up in her mind one after another, making her mood become anxious and serious.

Although it's not nice to say this, as a friend, she naturally prefers Megumi. It's not something she wants to see anyone other than Megumi being with Kato Yusuke.

Even if the other party is the beautiful girl who is number one in the academy.

In order to confirm her guess, she began to reorganize the conversation half an hour ago in her mind.

"Coercion in a bad way", "Stepping into life without knowing the right measures", "Always acting self-righteous"...

——Who is this?

Would someone like Kato-san really do this to Sawamura-san?

After thinking about it carefully, Himekawa Yoshiko immediately felt at ease and laughed at herself for being suspicious.

After all, no matter how you think about it, the above descriptions cannot match the image of Kato Yusuke.

Therefore, she immediately denied her previous guess.

Turning to the side, he saw Hui playing with his mobile phone at some point. Occasionally, he would put a piece of Pocky chocolate biscuit into his mouth and eat it in small bites.

Completely calm and relaxed attitude.

‘If Sawamura-san really likes Kato-san, Xiaomei will definitely know it, right? ’

In view of this, the last doubt in her mind completely disappeared.

"What~ don't scare me, Sawamura-san."


"Nothing~ Let's continue the topic just now. Speaking of which, how far has your friend and that boy developed? Holding hands? Or kissing?"


Suddenly, Ying Lili's face suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head in panic.

"Th-that kind of thing——"

"Say it, just say it~"


"Anyway, the conversation has ended here. Is there anything else that we can't talk about? Besides, your friend is also worried about his current relationship with his sweetheart. If you tell him, we can also help give him some advice."


A long while passed.

A soft moan sounded like a gnat.

"This, this... let's just call it a kiss..."

Finished speaking.


After biting off a Pocky, Megumi raised his head and looked over.

"Uh oh oh oh oh!?"

Himekawa Yoshiko shouted: "Actually, have you already kissed me?"

Yinglili's body trembled, the blush on her face began to spread to her ears, and she explained incoherently:

"No, but! That should be considered an accident! An accident! It definitely doesn't count! And the person my friend likes doesn't take it seriously..."

After hearing this, Hui lowered his eyes slightly, put the phone aside, and listened quietly while chewing Pocky slowly.

Himekawa Yoshiko, who was working hard, did not notice this change and asked excitedly.

"Then, if given the chance, would your friend take the initiative to kiss that boy?"

"I-I don't know what she thinks."

"It's okay, it's okay~ You just need to follow your impression of her. It's just a hypothesis, the kind of hypothesis that is often found in math classes."

Yinglili thought about it, hesitantly not knowing how to react.

She instinctively wanted to deny it, but her thumping heartbeat seemed to be telling her another thought.

Even so, if you were to ask whether she would take the initiative to kiss Kato Yusuke, it would definitely be no, at least in the presence of a third party.

It's a bit embarrassing to say it, but she really doesn't have that kind of courage. It's better to say that most girls don't have that kind of courage.

Even the wild Kasumigaoka Shiha only teased Kato Yusuke with her mouth, and never did anything excessive in front of them.

Under such a general premise, if she had to do it.

Then unless it is centered around Kato Yusuke, there is no one within a radius of five kilometers, and there is an omniscient and omnipotent God who assures her.

It is guaranteed that Yusuke Kato will not wake up in the next 24 hours, so she will probably kiss him in the last hour after hesitating for 23 hours...

The quiet night time flows in from outside the door and window and spreads in the room.

Yingli looked at the window unconsciously, and the small patch of night sky peeking out of the window was quite shining. The dark blue that belongs to the night renders the sky, and the stars are twinkling.

Her eyes are ethereal and pure, with beautiful fantasy at the same time.

The beautiful picture made people unable to bear to disturb her, and Himekawa Yoshiko subconsciously relaxed her breathing.

Hui's heart tightened slightly when she saw this scene, so she picked up the oolong tea she bought earlier and drank it.

Unlike Yoshiko, who knew only a little bit, she knew the person Eiriri was talking about from beginning to end.

Through this conversation, she finally confirmed one thing - that is, Eiriri's love for Kato Yusuke.

Thousands of thoughts came to mind. At this moment, Hui thought of a lot and felt a little mixed.

Like Kasumigaoka-senpai who was rescued, Eiriri also maintains a special bond with Kato Yusuke, sharing stories and experiences that belong only to them, and there are areas that are difficult for others to penetrate.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but dim slightly, and a trace of bitterness quietly spread in his chest.

She also wants a special bond, a space that belongs only to her and Yusuke Kato and that no one is allowed to enter.

It's not just taking care of and being taken care of, supervising and being supervised, it's not even limited to school or Yusuke Kato's apartment.

Rather, it is more practical to enter his life and become an indispensable part of his side.

She knew that Yusuke Kato had a special attitude towards her, and she could feel his special affection for her.

‘Why don’t you come and confess? Obviously as long as you say it, I will think about it before agreeing to you. ’ Hui thought a little irritably.

That way she wouldn't have to make excuses for herself to stay with him, and she wouldn't have to face Yinglili with guilt all the time.

Of course, someone is bound to get hurt as a result.

But since someone is bound to get hurt, then it is right to make a decision as early as possible before everyone sinks deeper, and then give people time to accept it, right?

Contrary to the irritable mood that is disturbed by numerous thoughts, his face is always as calm as water.

In order to restore her mood to its original state, Hui took a piece of milk candy from a pile of snacks, tore it open from the package and put it into her mouth.

The squeaking sound of the wrapping paper attracted Himekawa Yoshiko's attention and brought her out of her daze.

"Hey, do you love sweets so much? Xiaohui."

"Well, just occasionally..."

Affected by them, Yinglili also woke up and said: "Huh? That's great. It turns out that Hui likes to eat it. Then you should also try this gummy. Mom and I like it both."

As he spoke, he took out a gummy from a certain packaging bag and gently brought it to her mouth.

"...Um, Yinglili?"

"Here~ open your mouth."

"Well, thank you for your kindness, but am I eating now?"

"This is different, this is a thank you to Megumi."

Yinglili shook her head, with an innocent smile on her face, "Thank you for accompanying me in the folk dance~!"

‘Are you thanking me for dancing with her, or are you thanking me for inviting Yusuke to join...? ’

Such thoughts flashed past.

Looking at the little hand that was still in front of his mouth, Hui let out a depressed sigh deep in his heart, and then he smiled softly and took off the gummy candy from the other person's hand.

"It's okay ~ Yinglili, everyone had a good time anyway, so you're welcome."


Seemingly moved, Yinglili hugged her and buried her head in her chest.

"thanks, thanks……"

"Uh...? What is it for now?"

"very many."

The little head gently rubbed her chest, and the soft warmth spread through her pajamas.

"Thank you for taking care of me when I was sick. We will always be friends."


After a short silence.

Hui slowly raised a hand, placed it on the furry head on his chest, gently stroked the smooth golden hair, and then hummed in a low voice.

"Although I feel like I haven't done anything, but...well, I feel very happy that I can become friends with Yinglili."

Himekawa Yoshiko couldn't help but feel a little disgusted when she heard this, and she also asked: "Hey, what about me? Xiaohui~~~~~"

" should I put it? Kako is Kako."

"It's too much! And it's so cold!?"

"Eh~~ But we are always together, right? Do we have to say this?"


The long, coquettish tone spread in the room.

Slowly, the girls started talking and laughing.

The laughter like silver bells mixed together, and the lights in the wooden house were turned off unconsciously.

. :

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