Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and four, the girl's decision

The rickety tram arrived at its destination station.

Walking on the way back to the apartment.

The bright sunshine fills the road, the street trees spread their branches and leaves, and wild cats take a leisurely nap in the shade.

The smell of food and the sound of television programs wafted in from nearby residential areas.

A group of elementary school students rode mountain bikes and whizzed by excitedly.

Shiyu watched them go away unconsciously, then turned back and asked: "There are many children where you live, Yu-chan."

Kato Yusuke raised his head and followed her gaze, but said nothing.

The two returned to the apartment together at a slower speed than usual, carried their luggage and walked up to the second floor, arriving at room "201" at the end of the corridor.

Kato Yusuke stood still, bent down and lifted up the mat under his feet, picked up a key from the ground, and then opened the door.

"Have you not brought your keys with you these past few days?"

"Well, I asked my neighbor to help take care of Xiao Hei, so I gave him the key."

"I see, but why don't you come and ask me for help? I also want to sleep in Yu-chan's room...well, I mean help you take care of the cat."

"That would be too troublesome for Shiyu-senpai, and it would also bother me if my room smells like my senior's."



The metal door was pushed open with a "squeak".

"Then... if you don't mind, please come in, senior." Kato Yusuke moved his body to the side and made an invitation gesture.

Shiyu blinked when he saw this, looking carefully at his face, but made no move.

"...what's wrong?"

"Haha, won't you stop me from going in today?"

"Why do you say that?"

"After all~~~"

The girl put on a meaningful smile, gently poked her lips with her right index finger, and said:

"After all, I did that kind of thing. I thought you would hate it, and I was mentally prepared that you would be angry."

"I had no reason to do that."

Kato Yusuke turned his gaze to the room and pondered for a moment, "If anything, it's Shiyu-senpai who is at a disadvantage, and I should feel lucky."

"Oh~? I don't hate your thoughts at all, Yuu-chan?"

Shiyu smiled softly, but the movement of his feet was not slow. While saying "Sorry to bother you", he stepped into the entrance hall calmly.

The two heels rubbed against each other, and the slender feet covered in black silk slipped out of the leather shoes and stepped onto the steps.

I accidentally glanced back and saw that he was still standing outside the door, his head lowered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Aren't you coming in? Yu-chan."

"...Sorry, just come."

Kato Yusuke pushed his luggage into the house, closed the door and began to take off his shoes.

There was some animal smell floating in the air, but overall it was quite refreshing and not as stuffy and unpleasant as expected.

The two walked into the living room together. The black cat was huddled up on the cat climbing frame in the corner, soaking up the sunshine and taking a nap lazily.

The refreshing breeze blew in from outside the balcony, and the corner of the curtains swayed slightly.

Since he made sure to lock the doors and windows when he left, someone must have helped open the windows for ventilation when this happened, and that person was undoubtedly Yoshida who lived next door.

Looking around, the cat food and water fountains are working normally, and the cat litter in the litter box has been replenished. .

Judging from Black Cat's condition, it didn't have any impact because he was away from home for three days.

Mr. Yoshida completed his commission very well.

What a reliable and good old man, Kato Yusuke said with emotion.

"Then, can you give me the things? Yu-chan." Shiyu sat down on the bed in a natural manner and stretched out a hand to him, making a request.


"Huh? It's just a gift. You bought so many things, I think one or two are intended for me, right~?"

"...Should I praise my senior sister for being smart here? Although it is true, it is still a bit subtle to be asked directly."

"Oh~ If you are uncomfortable, I can do it again. I just want to say that everything I have belongs to you anyway. There is no point in deliberately showing off, right?"

Kato Yusuke scratched the back of his neck, suppressed some of his thoughts, and started rummaging through his luggage.

Not long after, a key chain was taken out.

He handed the key chain over, "Then, if you don't mind it, senior, please accept it."

"Thank you~Is this it?"

"Chiba-kun, the mascot of Chiba County."

"Hey, that's it..." Shiyu looked at the small object in his hand and then made a comment.

"What a strange look. It seems a bit tacky. But thank you, I like it very much and will cherish it."

"You don't have to go to that extent. There are other specialties. Senior, please take them with you when you go home."

"That's it~ Then as a thank you, I'll treat you to lunch. What would you like to eat, Yuu-chan?"

Kato Yusuke raised his head and glanced at the clock on the wall. The hands clearly pointed to twelve thirty.

It was a little late for lunch.

Although he didn't feel hungry, he was not the only one present, so he asked: "Senior Shiyu, can I have pizza?"

"Okay, but I'm not familiar with this place. Choose the store you like."

"I'm not talking about going out, but I'm talking about ordering takeout and eating at home. Is it okay?"


Facing the girl's confusion, Kato Yusuke took out an advertising flyer for a pizza shop from the drawer of the bedside table and handed it over.

"Look at this. I got this on the street before. This restaurant provides takeout service. Choose the flavor you like."

Shiyu took the flyer blankly, her eyes alternated between his face and the dishes on the page, and asked: "But then again, why is it takeout?"

"Senior sister said you want to talk to me if you have something to say. I also have something to say, so just stay at home."

"What...I thought it was going to be a "pizza first? Or me first?~?" scene, but it wasn't? "

Shiyu looked bored, and finally chose four combinations of sausage, seafood, fruit, and cheese.

Kato Yusuke didn't have any objections. He directly called the phone number on the flyer and placed an order with the store, and then started packing his luggage.

Throw the laundry into the washing machine, put the toiletries back on the shelf above the sink, and put the digital screen and other tools on the desk.

Finally, I tidied up the fallen hair on the ground a little.

While waiting, Shiyu lay on the bed and took a nap.

Before I knew it, forty-five minutes had passed and the pizza was delivered.

Kato Yusuke returned to the living room with pizza and woke her up.

The girl opened her eyes like a sleeping beauty, slowly got up from the bed, and yawned for a long time. Her sleepy eyes looked very sleepy.

The quilt slipped off her body, revealing the uneven curves of her body, and the originally flat shirt had some wrinkles.

I don’t know how she slept, but the corner of the hem of her shirt was lifted up from the skirt, revealing a small piece of white and translucent flat belly, exuding an alluring aura.

"...Senior Shiyu."

"Huh...what's wrong...?"

"The pizza we ordered has arrived, come on down and eat."


He responded with a low moan like a cat meowing.

Shiyu opened the quilt, stretched out his feet and stepped on the ground, sliding down from the bed.

"Senior, do you want some coffee?"


"I know, then I'll go take a dip. Senior sister can eat first. It's okay."

Kato Yusuke walked to the kitchen and started making coffee.

With the buzzing of the machine, the black cat was also awakened. After observing the surrounding environment, he licked his mouth, changed his position and continued to sleep soundly.

Di——, Di——,

Di——, Di——.

It wasn't until the machine beeped for a while that Kato Yusuke realized that he was dazed.

He raised his hand to turn off the power, then returned to the low table with two cups of black coffee.

He saw the girl nodding her head from time to time, taking a nap.

As a last resort, he put the coffee on the table, then put his hand on the slender shoulder and shook it gently.

"Senior Shiyu, the coffee is ready."

"... Huh, over there... No, you can't touch there, Yuu-chan..."

The client let out a somewhat erotic moan, and moved his legs together gently on the carpet, causing the stockings to make a rustling sound.

"Senior Shiyu, wake up."


Shiyu opened his eyes drowsily, his heavy upper and lower eyelids seemed not to be satisfied with the playful kiss, but wanted a passionate kiss that stuck together.

Kato Yusuke sighed softly, put a mug into her hand, and asked: "...Senior, why are you so tired today? Did you stay up all night last night?"

"... Huh~~ After all, it took a long time to deal with the matter on the Immortal River, and the negotiations with Miss Machida were also very energy-consuming, but we finally solved it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Huh? It's about terminating the contract with Immortal River. I thought I told you about it when I was in school."

"...Why do you do this?"

"It's okay. If you can make Yu-chan believe that my feelings are pure, I'll do anything."

Shiyu said, taking a sip of coffee and smiling softly.

Kato Yusuke's expression became extremely complicated in an instant, and the hands on his lap clenched into fists unconsciously.

Some words are stuck in my throat, but I don't know how to speak.

He knows that the other person is not joking and will not lie about this kind of thing, so everything is just a statement based on facts.

Although Shiyu said it in an understatement, a popular writer suddenly asked the publishing house to terminate his contract without any legitimate reason. The twists and turns and turmoil involved cannot be described in a few words.

Without his knowledge, the girl chose to endure this silently alone, risking her own life.

A heavy heart was like the weight of a mountain, pressing on Kato Yusuke's heart, leaving him speechless.

In the face of this intention, any words seem very pale, superficial and superficial.

Kato Yusuke lowered his head silently and said in a solemn tone, "...Why didn't Miss Machida tell me? Does Senior know what she is doing?"

"I asked her not to tell you. After all, you are still teaching outside the school, so there is no need to worry about this kind of thing. As for the second question, I made the best choice in my mind and that's all. , Yu-chan doesn’t need to be burdened.”

The aroma of coffee wafts around.

The girl's voice was calm and composed, indicating that everything was a carefully considered choice.

"...You are usually very mature, but now Senior Shiyu is really stupid, very stupid. You will regret this decision later."

"Maybe, but what does it matter?"

Shiyu said softly: "I told you in school that I am ready to wake up. From now on, the reins that belong to Kasumigaoka Shiyu will always belong to Kato Yusuke. Just hold on and use me~ Yuu Sauce?."

The voice was very gentle and had teasing bad intentions, but there was no regret.

A visceral self-loathing welled up in my chest.

Kato Yusuke is disgusted with his own selfishness. The dazzling light dazzled his eyes, making him want to escape to a place where the sun could not shine and isolate himself.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu shouldn't be like this, her life shouldn't be left to someone like him——

"Anyway, let's stop this topic. Can we eat?" the girl said, changing the subject before he could condemn himself even more.


Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, swallowed dryly, and then pretended to be calm and raised his head.

"Thank you for your hard work, Yuu-chan. Come on, ah~~"

The pizza cut into triangles was brought to the mouth, and the aroma of the food rushed into the nose, with a faint smell of soap.


He opened his mouth heavily and took a bite of pizza.

The slender fingers inserted into his lips as if unintentionally, and then quickly withdrew.

"...I'm sorry, does it hurt you?"


Shiyu handed the pizza into his hand, put the finger between his lips and sucked it nonchalantly, showing a charming smile.

"It's better to say that it doesn't matter if you hurt me a little more..."

Kato Yusuke twitched the corners of his mouth with a wry smile and slowly chewed the pizza in his mouth. The rich cheese flavor spreads out, the soft dough is slightly elastic, and has a strong aroma of milk and wheat.

"Speaking of which, did you enjoy your off-campus teaching these days? Tell me more about it~"

"...What do you want to know, senior sister?"


Shiyu picked up a piece of fruit pizza and said while eating: "As long as it's about you, I want to hear it, except that you are intimate with a girl."

"...Should we start from the beginning? Senior sister will find it boring."

"Compared with being bored, what I hate more is being excluded. There is a one-year gap between us. I have no idea what you are like in class.

Although this sounds very willful, I hate it when something changes decisively out of my reach and I have no time to react.

Sometimes not knowing hurts more than knowing. "

——Just like that day in the library.

The girl looked over and chanted in a low voice: "...Do you understand?"

Kato Yusuke nodded silently and replied: "I understand, although I may not explain it well."

"It doesn't matter if you don't speak well, I just want to hear what you have to say."

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