Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and eight, Lilith Shiyu

Yusuke and Shiyu didn't know what happened in the light novel editorial department.

After leaving the Immortal River Building, the two of them arrived near the Jimbocho station together.

At dusk, there was a lot of traffic in front of the station, and there was a lot of noise everywhere.

During this period before entering winter, the sun sets much earlier, and the sunlight shining on the streets is much dimmer than before.

Kato Yusuke stood still and asked the girl next to him: "Then I will go get the bicycle. Senior sister, please wait for me here."


After two seconds, he failed to take a step forward.

"Senior Shiyu?"


"That, hand."


A bright voice like humming responded to him.

"What happened to my hand? Yuu-chan~?"

Kato Yusuke raised his right hand and shook it back and forth twice in front of the two people's eyes. The two hands were glued together.

"Senior, can you let me go? I can't get the car like this."

Shiyu tilted his head slightly, looked sideways and raised the corners of his lips slightly, saying: "I won't let you run away?~?"

"... Even if you say so, I have no such plan."


The beautiful face approached quickly, easily crossing the safe distance in the ordinary sense, like a couple asking for a kiss.

"...Too close, senior." Kato Yusuke moved his head back a little distance and asked, "And what do you mean?"

"You really won't leave me?"

"...Just picking up the bicycle shouldn't be considered leaving, right?"

"Even if I suddenly turn into a zombie and have to absorb Yu-chan's energy to survive, otherwise I will be entangled in karma and burned to death, will you still not leave me?"

? ? ? ? ?

"...This is a wonderful metaphor."

"The slave will skillfully inject poison with his teeth and exhale pink smoke. When you fall into a deep sleep, mysterious patterns will emerge on my belly."

"Don't you think there are too many settings? It feels like "zombie", "vampire", and "succubus" are mixed together abruptly, and the world view is too confusing. "

"Then you will never be able to leave me again, and you will live happily with me, "Lilith Shiyu" until your death. "

“Unknowingly, it turned into a horrific ending of kidnapping and imprisonment??”

"Haha, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations~"


Before she could say more, Kato Yusuke stretched out his free left hand and pinched the cheek that turned red due to reverie.

"……it hurts!?"

Shiyu's smile froze on his face, and then he furrowed his eyebrows angrily, and said resentfully: "You have completely mistaken the position. I don't want the pain here, but another place."

"Stop it, senior sister, you laughed like a crazy person just now. Also, it's almost time to let me go, my palms are already sweaty."

"Sweat? Then...wait a moment, let me clean it up for you?~"

While raising his hand, his head slowly moved up.


Kato Yusuke's back felt cold when he saw this, he forced his hand free and whispered a warning:

"Even if it's just a joke, don't act like you're about to lick it as if it's nothing! Senior."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran towards the parking lot.

Looking at his fleeing back, Shi Yu bit her lower lip reluctantly and muttered: "Didn't I clearly promise not to run away, you liar."

After he finished speaking, he laughed happily again.

The smile that bloomed in an instant made many people around him lose their minds. They unconsciously slowed down and couldn't help but want to take a second look.

Normally, when faced with these gazes, the girl would crush them with her bone-chilling eyes, giving those people a warning.

But today she was in a good mood, and she didn't care about the people around her. She just tapped her toes excitedly, making her shoes giggle.

He lowered his head and stared at the shiny paint surface of the leather shoes, which vaguely reflected a peach-like smiling face...

Kato Yusuke didn't spend too long, he quickly retrieved the stored mountain bike and returned to Shiyu with a cautious attitude.

The camouflage green mountain bike was relatively clean overall, and it was still in exactly the same condition as when he sent her home that day.

Shiyu couldn't help but sigh: "I miss you so much. You were here to take me home last time."

"In terms of actual time, it's not memorable enough, right? And wasn't the senior sister sitting in the back when we came?"

"This is different."

"Is it different?"

"That's right, at least that's the case for me. Just think of it as an exaggeration."

Kato Yusuke nodded slightly, stepped onto the mountain bike seat, and stepped on the pedal with one foot.

"Then, sit down, Senior Sister Shiyu."

"Well, before that, I have to ask, where are you taking me?"

"It's not going to the Dragon Palace anyway."

"Then the choice of going to a love hotel..."


"whispering sound."

"It's no use clicking your tongue."

Shiyu lowered the corner of his mouth openly and said gloomily: "A man with no future."

Kato Yusuke selectively ignored this sentence and just pointed his thumb behind him, making a "come up" gesture.

"I said, can I sit in the front this time?"

"Senior, do you want to take me on a bike?"

"No, I just want to sit in your arms, can't I?"

"That would seem a bit crowded."

"...You didn't mean to say I was fat, right?"

“The word that comes to mind is plump. "

Shiyu raised the corners of his lips slightly and asked, "Wouldn't that be just right? Depending on the situation, you may encounter a lucky soft collision accident?"

"It feels like a very tempting proposition."

"Of course, after all, I am Kasumigaoka Shiyu."

"Does anyone usually introduce themselves like this?"

"Why are you asking me these things? As someone who hates being around people the most in the world...even if you give me an answer, it's probably far from "normal." "

"Senior, there's no need to dislike yourself so much!"

"Is that so? Sorry, maybe I've been rejected by you too many times, and I've become a little less confident~?"

Kato Yusuke responded with a wry smile, "Only he is still good at sarcasm."

"Of course, after all, I am Kasumigaoka Shiyu."

"I am Kato Yusuke, please give me your advice."

After finishing speaking, the two of them laughed at the same time.

"So what?"

Shiyu smiled for a while and then asked: "Can you let me sit in front today?"

"Your butt may hurt if you sit in front for a long time."

"It's okay, I'll ask you to stop and change seats when the time comes."

"That's also an option."

"So, your answer?"

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, and then spoke seriously.

"Logically speaking, I should have rejected you. After all, the probability of a soft bullet impact accident happening later is higher..."

After a pause, he changed the topic again.

"But of course, just choose the seat you like and sit where you like, Senior Shiyu."

Shiyu blinked slightly, then smiled brightly, and stepped forward.

"Then you're bothering me~?"

Kato Yusuke lowered one arm, and she adjusted her posture to sit across the crossbar in front of the mountain bike.

The protruding body moved forward and backward, and the two slender legs hung naturally, hanging in the air.

"Well~~~I've already sat down, you can take your hand up, Yuu-chan."

While speaking, a pair of arms naturally hugged his waist.

Kato Yusuke raised his hand to hold the handle of the mountain bike, and then wrapped his arms around Shiyu.

A soft touch that was unpleasant in every sense of the word kept coming from the front of the body. Even through the clothes, I can still feel the vague body temperature.

He took a shallow breath and tried to calm his brain with the cold air, but he smelled a very pleasant shampoo fragrance.

Even if it was such a small movement, the girl immediately noticed it and turned to look with an intriguing expression.

"…Do I smell good?"

"What happens if I answer yes?"

"It's nothing. At least you let me know some of your preferences and provided valuable experience for combat?"

"Senior sister often uses very exaggerated words today."

"Maybe~ Also, if you're not so nervous, can we leave? The sight of you is still quite annoying."

"I agree with this, but before that...huh..."


With a breath of hot breath blowing into her ears, Shiyu, who looked at ease just now, immediately let out a cute cry.

"Now, who is the nervous one?"


Kato Yusuke squinted his eyes and insulted her, then stepped on the pedals, and the mountain bike moved forward with a "squeak" and slowly accelerated.

"...I actually blew my ears, I was careless." Shiyu murmured with some regret.

"Have you tasted the joy of life?"

"Well, I still taste Yuu-chan, it's cheese~"

"That's the pizza you're talking about for lunch, you useless princess."

The two chatted casually while the mountain bike ran smoothly down the street.

"Speaking of it, Yuu-chan?"

"Why did you say those words when you were in the Immortal River?"

"What words."

"The logic of your statement seems reasonable, but in fact it is full of sophistry. In essence, I made the decision to terminate the contract under my own will. It has nothing to do with Yu-chan. There is no reason for you to bear the consequences."

"Didn't I say that?"


"I said that I would take good care of Shiba-senpai, and Ms. Machida also testified. If this is still difficult to understand, just think of it as my self-satisfaction."


Shiyu was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Why do you still call me senior...?"


"Because you have already accepted me, right? Can't you call me by my name?"

Kato Yusuke looked forward and replied: "I'm just used to it."

"Get used to it..."

Shiyu murmured, then seemed to think of something, and said to himself: "I don't know how Miss Machida is doing..."

"Didn't we just leave?"

"I'm just a little worried that something will happen to Miss Machida. Do you think she will be punished?"

"I don't think so, given how things have been resolved. Does that bother you?"

"...Probably, after all, Immortal River is a company. If a superior feels that his authority has been challenged and acts to express his anger..."

Shiyu didn't finish her words, but Kato Yusuke already understood what she meant. He thought for a moment and then said:

"That way, it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter...?"

"I want to ask one thing, do you like working with Ms. Machida?

"...To be honest, my personality basically makes it impossible to get along with others smoothly. I can only barely get along with Machida-san."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but laugh, "You can actually be more frank and just say you like it."

Shiyu looked away with some embarrassment and said softly: "Who calls me a troublesome woman? Didn't you just meet me and you are still saying this now?"

"That's right. I know the troublesome side of senior sister."

"...regret it?"

"Although it's not completely absent, I think it's more cute."

"But, it's so cute..."

"Speaking of which, I have always felt that some parts of my senior are subtly similar to Eiri. Can't you two get along well?"

"Don't even think about making your blond twintails happy or anything like that..."

The voice suddenly became cold and low, as if coming from the depths of the Netherworld.

Kato Yusuke was both speechless and confused as to why the compatibility between these two people was so bad.

However, he was not distracted by this for too long and quickly returned to the topic.

"Let's get back to the business. If the Immortal River is really angry with Miss Machida because of the termination of the contract and decides to punish her, then we will turn her into a companion here."

"Become a companion...?"

"Well, senpai, you hope to keep creating in the future, right? I also hope that someone can take care of you, and now it seems that there is no more suitable candidate than Miss Machida."

"Why do you think..." Shiyu looked at him strangely, "You sound like you want to poach Miss Machida?"

"No? Have you forgotten that I still have a studio?"

"If you are talking about the studio that is just an empty shell and is in a state of suspension, I do have an impression."

"There are many redundant descriptions in Senior Sister's words, but that's it."

"Eh? Isn't this a joke? Are you serious?"

"is it not OK?"

"No, after all, Miss Machida is also the deputy editor of Immortal River. Such a person..."

Shiyu paused for a moment, then continued thinking about it.

"No... I think it's unlikely, but if Ms. Machida doesn't have many requirements other than salary, it's not impossible."

She was referring to using her own income to pay Machida Enko.

Kato Yusuke saw this and refused directly.

"Since I made this proposal, I will handle the related issues myself. Senior Shiyu can just create with peace of mind. There is no need to think too much."...

"... Let's not say so much. After all, the things we are discussing now may just be whimsical. At least I don't think Miss Machida will agree to such a thing at this stage."

"I understand, so everything still has to be proven by results, right? Including studio matters."

"Haha~ I'm not talking about this, but Yu-chan looks so energetic, you are my favorite."

Shiyu raised his head as he spoke, his eyes falling on the raised Adam's apple on his neck. Involuntarily, she said "hmm" and put her lips together.



Kato Yusuke's body trembled reflexively, and the warm and elastic touch slid across his neck, causing an itch that almost made him unable to hold on to the bicycle handle.

The girl giggled and teased: "Thank you for your proposal, I'm very happy. Also, this is compensation for not having a soft bump accident. I wonder if you are satisfied with it, Yu-chan~?"

"Don't do something so dangerous when taking someone on a bike...!"


The setting sun was shining slantingly on the horizon, the autumn wind blew my hair wildly, and the shadow of the bicycle was stretched slantingly.

The sky is a mixture of indigo and crimson, and it will take a long time before the two colors completely separate.

Among the approaching buildings, the Kasumigaoka family's apartment appeared in view.

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