Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and forty-five, evil god

The next day, Tuesday morning, after the third period.

Kato Yusuke was called to the office by Nakamura Katsu.

"So, Kato, can't you think of a way?" the other party suddenly asked in such a confused manner.

"What do you mean by figuring it out?"

"You cunning boy, stop playing dumb here, you know what I'm talking about."

Nakamura Masaru rolled the textbook in his hand into a paper tube and hit his head twice with "Dongdong".

""The students in your class are all staring at Kato-san during class, and there is no way to teach this class!" Do you think I have heard how many teachers complain like this? "

Kato Yusuke was indifferent to this. He calmly pushed up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said:

"Fundamentally speaking, I think my situation is no easier than yours. Why don't you, as a teacher, think of a way to help me solve my dilemma?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nakamura Katsu raised the corners of his mouth in a funny way.

"Oh, that means you think you're too popular, so you want me to help you solve the situation of being surrounded by girls?"

"Basically, it would be nice if you could be more serious. But yeah, that's what I mean."

"Who told you to make such big news? If you really want to tell it, boys who are too popular with girls will easily be disliked by the same sex. It is very rare for you to be popular with boys at the same time. ?”

"Well, you are just having fun, right? So, have you heard the latest news from the school forum?"


Kato Yusuke showed a formulaic smile, "Don't you know? "A certain student in Class E of the first year is more handsome than a certain teacher who graduated from Tokyo University!" This seems to be the mainstream opinion recently. "


Nakamura Katsuden was dumbfounded.

What did this kid just say? ?

A teacher who graduated from Dongda University? ? ?

I°Д°°д°, bah!

Having said that, what's the difference between saying his name directly?

It is simply unbearable!

He just looked at Kato Yusuke with twitching eyes, a hash mark appeared near his forehead, and his mood suddenly became not so good.

On the contrary, Kato Yusuke's face had a bit of a sincere smile. After all, the fun of people watching the fun was not that interesting.

"Even if you say so, it's a pity that I don't follow the school forum, Kato-san."

"It doesn't matter, because I looked at it for you very thoughtfully, Mr. Nakamura."

"Tsk, let me tell you, regardless of the authenticity of that rumor, you don't think that wearing glasses makes you gentler, do you?"

It’s all defined as rumors, is there any truth to it? Kato Yusuke secretly cursed in his heart and shook his head in denial.

"I'm sorry, you misunderstood."

He said calmly: "I only wear glasses to reduce some troubles, and I have no other ideas."

Nakamura Masaru looked at him for a while and suddenly asked: "Did a girl give you these glasses?"

"What?" Kato Yusuke was stunned.

"Ho? Judging from your reaction, I must have thought correctly." Nakamura Sheng smiled half-heartedly, "So, who gave it to you?"

"This has nothing to do with you."

"It's not irrelevant. It's your responsibility as a teacher to guide students through a healthy campus life and prevent them from reaching an irreversible point, right?"

"If you really think so, should you help me solve my current troubles first?"

"I won't do such an annoying thing to help a popular student block the approach of others. That will only push you to the opposite side of everyone, so you have to find a way to solve it yourself."

Kato Yusuke frowned slightly and whispered: "Not everyone wants to live a colorful campus life."

Nakamura Masaru responded fluently: "As a student, you can think like this, but as a teacher, I can't think like this, not to mention that this is simply a luxury worry."

Both sides insist on their own opinions, and no one can convince the other.

Generally speaking, compared to a pragmatist like him who doesn't like to be too ostentatious, Nakamura Katsu is the kind of yang who is consistent on the outside.

Although the other party was indeed very kind to him, that's all

"Let's talk again"

Nakamura Masaru grimaced in a rare way, stood up, and suddenly whispered in his ear:

"Even the gods won't have any objection to letting a guy surrounded by D and E cups suffer a little."

Who are you talking about! ?

Let’s not mention Shiyu-senpai for the moment. Megumi’s words

This is a crooked teacher!

Kato Yusuke couldn't stand it and stared with a pair of dead fish eyes, and whispered back: "Be careful, I will report you, bastard teacher!"

Nakamura Masaru shrugged indifferently and gave him a nonchalant look.

"Idiot, this is in return for disturbing the order of the school."

One second he was joking, the next second he changed into a serious tone.

"Also, cartoonists are very good at it. I'm very proud to have a student like you, but you still have to remember not to cause trouble to the teachers."

After he finished speaking, he patted his shoulder encouragingly.


Kato Yusuke glanced at the hand on his shoulder, tilted his face slightly to think about it, and then said in a pretentious manner:

"For the sake of this sentence, if one day you are reported for speaking out, or someone reports you, I won't mind leaving you a position as an assistant."

Nakamura Katsu was startled for a moment, then immediately raised his eyebrows and replied with an imposing face.

"Hurry up and get back to class, you stinking little brat!"

Kato Yusuke followed his example and shrugged, without any further argument, nodded with a smile, and then turned around and left.

It’s lunch break.


The powerful fly ball flew straight towards the center field of the stadium, and the strong wind brought by it even hurt people's cheeks.

"You bastard! Do you want to kill me!?" He yelled while stamping his feet on the pitcher's mound.

In contrast, someone standing next to home plate lowered his bat with ease.

"Sorry, I'll be softer next time."

"There's a damn next ball! Besides, you hit it so far, who do you want to ask to pick it up for you? You bastard!"

Yamaguchi's words have just finished


"Brother Kato!"""

Three overlapping male voices suddenly sounded, and the trio from the baseball club appeared in front of them.

The leader, Yin Teng, looked up in admiration, took out the baseball in his hand, and shouted enthusiastically: "Here you go, we got the ball back!"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but was slightly stunned, but he still reached out and took the baseball, "Thanks, but I'm just practicing with my friends. I can just pick it up myself after that."

"How can this be done! How can you let Brother Kato do such a thing!"

"That's right! Just leave this little matter to us!"

Zuotou and Saito, who were standing behind, said one after another, looking at him with the same enthusiasm.

The appearance of the three of them not only made Takei dumbfounded, but even Yamaguchi, who was walking over on his back, couldn't help but click his tongue.

"You mean, do you think Kato is too highly regarded? Three seniors."

He was just joking casually, but unexpectedly it aroused a fierce reaction.

"There's no such thing! It's our honor to be able to help Brother Kato!" Yin Tengyasu said.

"Brother Yin Teng is right! Brother Kato is our idol!" Zuo Teng nodded.

"Not only is he smart and strong, he plays baseball well and is popular with girls, but he can even draw comics so well! He is simply a god!" Saito raised his fists and bare sleeves, spitting.

As if emotions suddenly surged up, Yin Teng asked loudly to the two people on the left and right: "Tell me! Zuotou, Saito, who are we?"


We are Brother Kato's personal bodyguards! ""

"Tell me loudly who Brother Kato is!"


is God!


"Too quiet!

Shout it out loud!



is God!

is God!

is God!



Shout out with all your strength, shout out with your soul!



“Brother Kato is a god!


The faces of the three were flushed with excitement, their eyes were as big as cattle, and their strong chests were heaving violently from shouting with all their strength.

The loud slogans suddenly spread out, resounding in the playground, deafening people!

At this moment, the campus seemed to suddenly become silent.

In the teaching building in the distance, countless heads popped out of the windows and stretched their necks to look here.

Takei looked at the three of them blankly, as if he had been reincarnated into a different world and turned into a hippopotamus.

Yamaguchi's expression was similar to his. He was also stunned, and Gudu swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously.

It's not like he has never seen this kind of dog licking before.

The question can be licked so seriously, so fiercely, so passionately and passionately like the three of them.

That was really my first time having dinner and wine on the first day of the new year!

Even the year-end party at home is not like this.

His eyes switched between the three people with red faces, and the adjective cultist suddenly popped into his head! And it’s the kind that’s hopeless!

He defined it in his mind, and then turned to look at someone standing aside, his body as stiff as a fossil.

Then another adjective also appeared.

Cult leader!

A few seconds later, Kato Yusuke reacted.

The corners of his eyes and mouth twitched slightly, as if he had something to tell the three of them but didn't know where to start. The expression on his face was almost out of control.

As if to hide his inner embarrassment, he thrust the baseball bat into Takei's hand and ran away!


"Brother Kato!?"""

The trio who witnessed this scene were about to run after them, but they received such a warning.

"Don't follow me! Otherwise I'll beat you up!"

The tall figure fled somewhere and soon disappeared from sight.

Looking at the embarrassed back, Yamaguchi couldn't help but blow a whistle and thought with some gloating:

Maybe, this is what it feels like to die in society, right?

Even so, I still felt a little unsatisfied.

With this thought, he smacked his lips again, and after greeting Takei and the trio, he walked forward leisurely.

Ten minutes later.

Following the direction someone left, he found his target at the vending machine in the atrium.

The young man was sitting alone on a bench nearby, with a look of depression on his face.

Even with such an expression that is difficult to evaluate, it is still difficult to hide the handsomeness of the person involved.

Especially with the pair of black-rimmed glasses on his face, he looks like a celebrity who is avoiding the paparazzi through cross-dressing.

Yamaguchi, who bought two bottles of drinks, suddenly felt a little unhappy, so he stepped forward and joked:

"Hey, isn't this the new unicorn boy in our school, the diamond king of the Heisei era?"

As he spoke, he threw out a bottle of oolong tea.

Kato Yusuke took the drink casually and said speechlessly: "I originally wanted to thank you, but your weirdness suddenly made me change my mind, so forget it."

"Don't omit the necessary parts! You rude fellow"

Yamaguchi complained, sat down on the empty seat on his bench, and said casually:

"So? What is our Evil God doing here alone? Is he planning to kidnap a passing innocent girl as a sacrifice?"

"At least let me go at this time. Besides, your sarcasm is far worse than that of Senior Shiyu."

"Ahaha, so you don't have any objections to Kasumigaoka-senpai? Regarding your "Xiao Yu? Support Group""

"I advise you, Lezi, to be kind."

Kato Yusuke sighed heavily: "All in all, I have tried my best to do what I can."

"Like giving the love letters I receive every day to Kasumigaoka-senpai? It's really yours."

"Not only that, Senior Shiyu also wrote a reply in her own name, just like grading a paper."

"Wow, isn't this too cruel!?" Yamaguchi couldn't help being dumbfounded and nodded in understanding.

"But it's true. After all, you bastard is so popular now. Even if you have a girlfriend and you are still so popular with girls, it's hard for Kasumigaoka-senpai."

Kato Yusuke took a sip of the drink in silence, and then said: "More than that, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you in time about the comics I was drawing."

"Well, since you want to apologize, why don't you show us the content after Chapter 18. What happened to the eternal demon! The plot was interrupted in the exciting part. It's so uncomfortable! "

"It's not impossible if you want to read it, but you have to go to my house. According to the agreement with the publishing house, I cannot bring the manuscript to the school."

"Uh oh oh oh! Is this true!

Can we really see the original manuscript in advance? ? "

"Well, it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't spread."

After hearing this, Yamaguchi hammered his shoulder hard and said, "We won't do that kind of shameless thing! Then it's settled. Can I go to your house after school today?"

"Yes, yes, but we have to wait until the work of the student union is over. Is this OK?"

"No problem! Anyway, Takei and I also have baseball club training, so we'll contact you then."


"Yeah! That guy Takei is definitely excited to hear this. I'm going to tell him now! Bye."

Overjoyed, Yamaguchi suddenly stood up from his seat and ran towards the playground. However, after running a few steps, he stopped and turned back.

"By the way, Kato."

He asked a little sneakily: "Since you are a cartoonist, can you take the time to draw a fanzine of Miss Machima?"


Kato Yusuke stared at him for a while and asked, "Are you talking about the astringent kind?"

Yamaguchi winked at him and gave him a thumbs up, with a tacit and ambiguous smile on his face.

Although he didn't say anything, sometimes a look between men is enough.

Kato Yusuke didn't say much about this, but silently gave him an OK gesture.

Anyway, I was going to draw a book in the name of Yinglili, and leaving one for a good friend was just a piece of cake.

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