Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and fifty, meeting

The car drove smoothly on the road.

Under the deep night, the majestic Tokyo Tower towered into the night sky, completely enveloped in the cool, water-like night.

The soft moonlight falls down, like a pair of women's hands, caressing the tower body lovingly and tenderly.

Stars like golden sugar dotted in the night sky, shining mischievously and dancing around the tall tower.

The colorful Rainbow Bridge reflects Tokyo Bay at night, and the Statue of Liberty stands quietly in the darkness, as if accumulating something.

Kato Yusuke lowered the car window a little, and the cold night wind suddenly rushed in through the gap, blowing his hair into chaos.

Contrary to the calm brain, the lively body eagerly wants to move, and can't wait to plunge into Tokyo Bay for a winter swim.

At the same time, the Statue of Liberty in the distance also changed.

It was like finally being ready.

At a certain moment, the lights on the statue suddenly turned on.

The soft light goes from bottom to top, all the way to the top, blooming on the crown on the head of the statue, bursting out with dazzling light in an instant!

Kato Yusuke's eyes suddenly blurred for a moment, and he unconsciously fell in love with this beautiful scenery for a few seconds, entering sage mode.

At this moment, someone suddenly started coughing

"Cough, cough, cough, cough"

Yusuke reacted and immediately raised the car window to block out the cold air.

Before he can say anything

"Hey, are you awake, Sister Zhu Yin?"

After hearing the news, Hashima Yinzhi asked in surprise: "Are you okay? You cough so badly. Wait a minute and I'll get you a bottle of water."

However, before he was about to get the water, Kato Yusuke interrupted him directly.

"Don't bother, I have it here, she can just drink it from me."

"Sister Zhu Yin, do you think this is okay?"

"Hmm, it doesn't matter."

Akane Benisaka responded vaguely, and slowly sat up on the soft cushion.

Hashishima Yinzhi in front said no more.

Kato Yusuke handed over the mineral water at the right time, and she snatched it away unceremoniously.

First, he tidied up his hair that was messed up due to sleep, and then he picked up the plastic bottle as if nothing had happened and started drinking water.

Duqi's red lips were moist and refreshing, glowing faintly under the flickering light, looking soft and attractive.

After staring for a while, Kato Yusuke took out a mint candy from his pocket and handed it over again.

"If your throat feels uncomfortable, take a mint."


Akane Hongsaka stopped drinking water, then looked at him sideways naturally, and said calmly: "I don't have time on my hands, open it for me."


Someone tore open the package with a hiss, took out the circle-shaped mints, and held them in the palm of his hand.

"Okay, here you go."

"My hands are dirty and I don't want to move."

"so what?"

The lazy voice responded: "Feed me."

"Oh, open your mouth."


The interaction between the two of them made Hashima Yinzhi couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It seems like I accidentally became a light bulb?"

"Stop talking so much, Yin Zhi."

Akane Hongsaka said: "There is a pack of wet wipes in the passenger drawer. Bring that to me first."

"Wet wipes? I found them. Here they are for you."


"What are you going to do with this?"

"I accidentally touched something dirty, so I wiped my hands."

"dirty stuff?"

Akane Hongsaka did not explain, but spoke casually while wiping her mouth and hands with a wet wipe.

"Speaking of which, you seemed to have said something very interesting when I was resting just now? Yin Zhi."

"Interesting things?"

"Ah, that's right. Don't you want to send your sister to this boy?"

"Uh, did Sister Zhu Yin hear it?"

"Haha, what? Do you think this boy's harem is not lively enough and are you going to add to his efforts?"

"Seriously, shouldn't it be said that Kato-kun's hunting range isn't for ladies like Zhu Yin? Isn't it a bit too beastly to treat a young Loli girl like that?"

Ignoring Yunori Hashima who was making flattering jokes, Kato Yusuke glanced at the arrogant person, but what he was thinking about was his submissive side at a specific moment.

If you want to describe it specifically

Like a lion that is domineering to others, it only lowers its proud head in front of itself. Let him touch his hair as he pleases and do whatever he is told.

The contrast between the before and after and the sense of surrender really makes people want to stop.

While he was absent-mindedly recalling the charming scenery, he said casually: "Actually, the night view on that stretch of road just now was very beautiful. It's a real loss that you didn't see it, Qian."

Just when Akane Hongsaka was slightly stunned by this, he added again:

"But as the saying goes, what you lose is what you gain in the east. You can sleep quite comfortably, and you can also enjoy a knee pillow, so it's not a loss."

There was a gap of a few beats.

This shameless bastard!

Akane Akane, who figured out the key, was immediately furious, and her blood pressure suddenly rose.

You know, because she drank a lot today, her throat is still a little uncomfortable, but this bastard is still here making sarcastic remarks and mocking her for missing the beautiful scenery.

Just thinking about it makes people angry!

Not to mention that she was so drunk just now that she had no intention of looking at the scenery. Even if she really wanted to see it, she should at least inform her, right?

But the fact is that someone only cared about his own enjoyment. Apart from giving her a bottle of water and a candy afterwards, he never woke her up at all during the period!

This just proves that someone actually has no intention at all!

If it weren't for the current situation, she would definitely take care of this bastard and teach him a lesson that he will never forget.

Akane Benisaka thought viciously, her chest rising and falling.

However, the next second, Kato Yusuke suddenly frowned and came closer for no apparent reason.

"What are you doing?" she asked with a straight face and a very stiff tone.

"Don't move."

As the person spoke, he stretched out his hands, reached towards her neck, and without any explanation tied up two of the three unbuttoned buttons of her shirt, leaving only the top one.

Akane Hongsaka narrowed her eyes slightly, waiting for an explanation.

As if he understood the look in her eyes, Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, then put his mouth to her ear and whispered this sentence.

"I still like you to dress more modestly outside, little aunt."

The voice he spoke was crisp, mixed with ridicule and seriousness at the same time, and was accompanied by long breaths that made people feel itchy.


Akane Hongsaka's mind moved slightly, and then the corners of her lips curled up with a hint of mockery, and she blew a breath into his ear.

"Don't get carried away, little brother."

After saying that, he pulled away and moved towards the car door on the other side, as if he wanted to draw a clear line with him.

Even so, he didn't unbutton his shirt again.

Kato Yusuke frowned when he saw this, then smiled in relief, and quietly turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

Whether he should say it or not, he found that this little aunt was also a person who didn't mean what she meant.

The next day after school, after the work of the student union was over.

Kato Yusuke rode Shiyu to Hoya in Higashifushimi.

The girl jumped out of the back seat lightly, crossed her slender arms over her head, and stretched her body.

"Okay, so, is this here? Yu-chan and I's new love nest?"

"If you replace "new love nest" with "studio", you're right. "Kato Yusuke said as he locked the mountain bike and walked to her side.

“It’s the same”

Shiyu hugged his right arm happily, with a mischievous smile on her lips.

"Anyway, to me, any space that allows me and Yuu-chan to stay together is our love nest, right??"

As long as there is space to stay together, it means

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but look back at the mountain bike in the parking space, and started thinking wildly in his mind.

After all, bicycles shouldn’t be included in this category, right?

"What are you thinking about? Yuu-chan."

"No, nothing, don't worry about it. Anyway, let me take you in to visit the studio."

"Yes, yes, but have you brought the key?"

"Yes, I will give you one later, but I don't need it now."

"What does it mean?" Shiyu frowned slightly.

Kato Yusuke touched his nose and didn't explain anything. He just pulled her towards the front door and pressed the doorbell in front of her.

Ding Dong

The melodious electric bell rang.

Shiyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the smile on his face became a little less.

The sound of approaching footsteps came from behind the door.

The next second.

"You're here, um, welcome back?"

As the door opened in response, Kanoko Hasumi appeared in front of her dressed neatly.

The other party had a somewhat unnatural smile on his face. Although he was greeting the two of them, his eyes were evasive and he didn't dare to look at Shiyu's face.

The girl didn't respond to this, but just turned to look at someone, "Hey, Yu-chan, what on earth is going on?"

"Well, I should have told my senior about this before. Kano-chan is the agent representative of the studio."

"Hey, did you tell me? Why don't I remember it at all?"

"Told that."

Kato Yusuke coughed: "Anyway, let's say hello first. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it after we get in."

Shiyu said oh and nodded coldly to Kanoko Hasumi, "Good afternoon, Teacher Hasumi."

"Huh? Ah, um, good afternoon, Kasumigaoka-senpai."

A second or two of silence.

"There's no reason for you to call me senior, right?"

In contrast to Shiyu who was speechless, Hasumi Kanoko was explaining in a hurry.

"Ah, this and that are not. Good afternoon! Kasumigaoka-san."

"Okay, calm down first, Kano-chan."

Kato Yusuke said: "Have all the furniture ordered for the studio been delivered?"

"Yeah, it's been delivered, and it's all arranged as you requested."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, let's go to the lounge first." He said decisively, and then went to the second floor with the two women.

In the spacious and bright lounge, furniture such as sofas and coffee tables have been properly arranged.

In addition, a corner of the room has been transformed into a tea room.

The platform there not only has things like coffee machines, electric kettles and tea sets, but also a wide variety of snacks.

Since this arrangement is not part of someone's previous arrangement, such a change can only occur because

"Did you do this? Kano-chan." Kato Yusuke asked in surprise.


Hasumi Kanoko nodded her head gently and explained:

"Because this is a lounge, I think it would be better to create an environment where everyone can relax, so I made the decision without permission. Do you think this is bad?"

"No, you did a good job, but I didn't think well."

Kato Yusuke shook his head and was still saying something, but his arm was violently pulled off by Shiyu.

"I'm tired, Yuu-chan, let's go sit on the sofa. Also, I'm a little thirsty too."

When she said this, Hasumi Kanoko replied in a hurry: "I'm sorry, I'm going to make you tea now!"

"Then I'll help too."

"No need! Kato-kun, you and Kasumigaoka-san just sit down and rest."

After forcibly stopping Yusuke who wanted to help, she walked quickly to the tea room, and Shiyu also pulled the former to sit down on the sofa.

Soon, two cups of hot black tea were served.

"I'm sorry, because I don't know what brand Kasumigaoka-san likes, so I bought the common ones on the market. If you are willing to tell me your preference, I will prepare it in advance next time."


Shiyu looked at the black tea placed in front of him expressionlessly, and then said to someone: "Hey, Yu-chan."


"I don't want to drink tea or coffee or anything like that right now, I want to drink juice. "

The voice was not loud, but enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Kato Yusuke frowned imperceptibly and asked, "So what do you want to drink, senior? I'll go outside and buy it for you."

"Well then you buy me apple juice."

"Okay, I know"

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Hasumi Kanoko.

"Ah, Kato-kun, you don't need to go out. I also bought a lot of juices and other drinks. I happen to have apple juice. I'll just go to the first floor and get it for Kasumigaoka-san."

After she finished speaking, she ran outside without giving anyone a chance to stop her.

Less than two minutes passed before Kanoko Hasumi ran back with two different brands of apple juice.

"Here you go, Kasumigaoka-kun, choose what you like to drink." She said as she put down the drink, her chest rising and falling slightly due to breathlessness.


Shiyu frowned slightly, neither reaching out to pick it up nor speaking, as if he decided to remain silent to the end.

In contrast, Hasumi Kanoko stood aside with a low eyebrow and her hands hanging in front of her were unconsciously twisted together, looking a little uneasy.

In an atmosphere of awkward stiffness, someone calmly made arrangements.

"Okay, Kano-chan, sit down too, and Senior Shiyu, I'll give you juice."

Kato Yusuke first pulled Hasumi Kanoko to sit on his left, and then took a bottle of juice from the table and handed it to Shiyu.

Under the silent gaze of two beauties, one big and one small, he just took one of their hands and put them on his thighs.

He paused for a moment, and then said frankly in a calm and cautious manner:

"Anyway, I'm not going to make any excuses for myself. Whether it's Kano-chan or Shiyu-senpai, you are both equally important to me, so let's have a good talk."

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