Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and eighty-four, cultural festival (7)

On the third day of the cultural festival, Kato Yusuke received an invitation from Eiriri.

To be precise, the other party sent him a message yesterday evening.

On the grounds of "life negotiation", the client hopes that he can accompany him today.

Kato Yusuke thought for a moment that he didn't have any plans for today, and he was also interested in "life consultation", so he happily agreed.

According to the agreed place, the two met at the back door of the school building.

Today's Yinglili is still cute and charming.

Gently swaying blond hair, naturally flawless snow-white skin, watery sapphire eyes, a straight nose, and soft cherry-pink lips.

Her dazzling little face, with rosy cheeks and bright pearls, can't help but arouse people's reverie, but her petite and exquisite figure makes her look a little childish.

The dark blue winter uniform is neat and clean. A pair of slender and graceful legs stick out from under the pleated skirt. A smooth white patch is highlighted between the black knee-high socks and the light skirt.

The small dark brown leather shoes have a simple shape, but they match the tight ankles well.

As always, the girl is still exquisitely beautiful.

Look at Yusuke Kato again.

His short silver-white hair was tucked into a black peaked cap, his obsidian-like eyes were calm and focused, and he had a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his straight nose, giving him a very handsome profile.

A khaki hooded sweatshirt is worn over a military green jacket. The lower body is a pair of casual black trousers, and a pair of T's classic rhubarb boots are worn on the feet.

Even though he was wearing loose-fitting clothes, he could still vaguely see the perfect outline of his body. The whole person looked casual, handsome and dignified.

The height difference between the two makes them more than a head apart.

When they stand together, the tallness of the boy and the compactness of the girl are more highlighted, but the same outstanding appearance makes them look perfect.

As for whether they are like brothers and sisters or a couple, it is a matter of opinion.

The time at this time was 9:50 a.m., a full ten minutes before their appointment.

Kato Yusuke took the initiative to raise his hand and said hello: "I'm sorry, did I keep you waiting for so long? Eiri."

This was originally a polite sentence, but unexpectedly it caused the girl's dissatisfaction.

"It's so slow!" Ying Lili frowned and glared at him, "Really."


Kato Yusuke was speechless for a moment, and then he took out his mobile phone helplessly, "Isn't it ten minutes before the appointed time? Why did you come so early?"

"It's basic social etiquette to arrive a little earlier than the agreed time!"

"...Although this is true, but coming from the mouth of a procrastinator, does it sound a bit..."

Yinglili stared at him for a while, then curled her lips and said, "Anyway, let's go quickly."

"Go? Where are you going?"

"...Visit the cultural festival."


"So, that's why! I said I'm going to visit the cultural festival..." Yinglili said and turned away, refusing to look directly at his face.


Kato Yusuke put away his phone and asked in confusion: "But didn't you say yesterday that you had something to talk about?"

"...I have something to talk about." Ying Lili whispered, her fair face dotted with a hint of cherry color, and she lightly kicked the ground under her feet with her right foot. @Essence\\/Bookstore*First update~~

"Hmm -" Kato Yusuke pondered: "So that thing is to go to the cultural festival? Do you want me to accompany you?"


Yinglili subconsciously wanted to deny it, but she bit her cherry lips lightly as if she thought of something, and choked:

"I, I need to make some mental preparations, otherwise, I won't be able to say it...!"

"Is this so..."

Kato Yusuke touched the back of his neck to acknowledge this explanation. After all, the other party is Yinglili, so it makes sense that she would be like this.


He smiled and put a hand on the girl's head, rubbed the smooth and silky blond hair, and said warmly:

"I will stay with you until the closing ceremony begins. It doesn't matter if you are upset. Just tell me when you feel ready. I will listen carefully then... (This chapter is not over yet!)

184. Cultural Festival (7)


——The eyes and tone are like family, full of care and tolerance.


Yinglili felt a sense of relief as she was accustomed to do at first, and then a surge of anxiety surged in her chest, causing her to punch the boy in the chest moderately.

"Hey... let me ask you."

"What's up?"

"...No matter what I say, will you listen?"

Kato Yusuke was unsure of the meaning of these words, so he gave an answer that he thought was reasonable.

"Well...if you just listen, there's no problem, but the rest depends on the situation."


Yingli lowered her head slightly and raised her eyes to look at him, with a bit of anxiety in her tone.

"What if... I mean what if! What if I say something that makes you unhappy or don't like you, will you become disgusted with... me?"

Kato Yusuke opened his mouth slightly, couldn't help but smile, and then stroked her hair slightly roughly, making the other person's hair messy.

"Wait...what are you doing! Idiot Yusuke——!"

Yinglili held her head in her hands and took a step back. While arranging her hair, she frowned angrily and glared at someone.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Kato Yusuke ignored her anger, chuckled and said, "How could I hate Eiriri? You are a very important family member to me, aren't you?"


Yinglili's body shook slightly, her hand movements stopped, and she whispered: "Then...that means you won't alienate me easily...right?"

Kato Yusuke walked up to her again, stretched out a hand and turned it into a knife, and tapped her head lightly.

"it hurts……"

"You're really weird today, Yinglili."

"That's embarrassing... I also have various... reasons!" Ying Lili said with a frown.

"Is it also related to An Yilun?"

Kato Yusuke secretly speculated in his heart and replied: "...Well, although I won't alienate you, I think there will probably be necessary lectures."

"What is that..."

Yingli Li Zhuangruo grumbled dissatisfied, then swatted his hand away and said seriously: "...If you lie to others, I will never forgive you in my life."

"Hmm, that's pretty scary...? I'll remember that."

Buzz--, buzz--.

Noisy voices came from afar.

Kato Yusuke looked towards the playground, then looked back, took out a black mask from his coat pocket and put it on.

"Anyway, if it's all said and done, let's go. It seems that some tourists have already come in."

Yingli looked at his face, which was covered by a mask with only his eyes exposed, and nodded slightly in approval.

The two of them walked around to the front door of the teaching building and changed into indoor shoes.

In the lively corridor, tourists came to visit holding guide brochures in their hands, curiously admiring the decorations in each classroom and the students' costumes.

Under the leadership of the girl, the two came to the first-year Class F located at the end of the corridor on the first floor, which was next door to Kato Yusuke's class. Error-free updates @

"Here we go, go here first."

Yinglili pretended to be a sheep and explained calmly: "This is our class's temple fair, come and line up."

Kato Yusuke followed her into the end of the queue. There were several students from other schools and a family of three queuing in front of them.

Looking in from the window, the classroom decorated with lights and colorful decorations looks like a summer festival celebration.

"Festival" - this was written in big chalk on a blackboard with colorful fireworks.

Balloons and lanterns decorate every corner.

Target shooting, water balloon fishing, goldfish fishing, masks, marshmallows, apple candies... all kinds of stalls are lined up in rows.

The street vendors played by the students wear turbans and futons (Japanese cloaks) and are welcoming tourists with enthusiasm.

The lively scene can be seen clearly even from outside.

not only that.

There is also a radio placed in the corner of the classroom, playing cheerful music that matches the atmosphere of the festival.

winter. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

184. Cultural Festival (7)

Winter, Cha Cha.

The beats of the taiko drums are clear and blend with the shouts of the vendors to form a unique rhythm.

The boy shooting the cork at the target, the girl fishing for the water balloon carefully lowered the hook, the children wearing masks ran around, and the adults looked at them tenderly.

——There was endless talk and laughter.

Through the gap in the open window, a variety of smells wafted out from inside.

The sweetness of sugar, the smell of tap water, and the fishy smell of the goldfish pond all make people feel nostalgic and sad.

Kato Yusuke sighed casually: "It's so lively."

Yinglili glanced at him secretly and asked: "...Have you ever participated in a summer festival before?"

"...I guess so."


Kato Yusuke hummed, withdrew his gaze from inside, and turned to her, "Actually, I'm quite accurate at shooting. What do you want? I'll give it to you later."

"Really?" Ying Lili was doubtful.

Kato Yusuke smiled faintly and said loudly: "You can choose. If you can't get it, it's mine."

Yinglili looked at him, her eyelashes flickering, and her heartbeat suddenly felt a little faster at his confident look.

As if she had been stung by a bee, she hurriedly looked away, her hands hanging in front of her thighs unconsciously clenching the hem of her skirt, sweating slightly.

Then, she felt embarrassed by her performance, raised her head angrily, and glared at someone with a condescending look.

"Then, then...! I want the second prize figure inside, you win it for me!"

There is a slight nervousness in the delicate voice, which is very nice to hear.

Kato Yusuke seemed to see a little kitten with a fierce and fierce breast. The corners of his mouth under the mask couldn't help but raise upward, and he asked: "I only want the second prize? Don't you want the first prize?"

"I don't want it." The other party shook his head and regained his usual momentum.

"Besides, the first prize inside is just a plush doll, but the second prize is a figurine of the first generation of "Little Love Rhapsody"?"

"'A Little Love Rhapsody'?"

"Well, it's an old but classic Otome galga. I've been obsessed with it since elementary school."

"Hmm, does that mean the value of the figures is relatively high?"

"Well... if we look at the price alone, the dolls are a bit more expensive, but the first-generation figures are more commemorative, right? After all, they have been discontinued long ago, and the only way to get them now is blind boxes."

"According to you, how did your class get such rare items?"

When she mentioned this, Yinglili showed a little envy on her face.

"Well, I don't know the specifics... It is said that someone from the purchasing team opened it in Akihabara."

"That means you are luckier, right?"

Kato Yusuke nodded understandingly and said amusedly: "If you like it so much, can't you just buy it?"

"Things like that have to be dealt with one way or the other. After all, this is what everyone wants to use as a prize..."

"In short, I understand, but there seem to be two figures on it. Which one do you want?"

"Well, among the first-generation works, Serbis is the most popular. Her appearance and voice are both lovable, and she's also the same as the protagonist..."

Yinglili immediately stopped talking when she said this, and looked at him with a guilty look for some reason, then cleared her throat and continued speaking in a calm tone.

"Well... although Paladin Serbis is very good, there is another character who is also good. You can choose him too."

"Another character?"

"Well, that is the protagonist's sworn brother Elal, the son of the king and his concubine. Although he is surrounded by disputes about the throne, the protagonist, as his sworn sister, still pursues his love wholeheartedly."

"That's it, okay, I get it."


During the conversation, the team also unknowingly took their turn.

The boy in charge of greeting guests was a little surprised when he saw Yinglili, but he still let them in enthusiastically.

After entering the classroom, Kato Yusuke went straight to the target and came to the target shooting booth.

It cost five hundred. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

184. Cultural Festival (7)

Yan bought five bullets from the students at Gutan.

Soak the cork in a basin of water so that it can better fill the gap in the muzzle and increase the impact.

"Which figure do you want?"

When he asked, Yinglili stretched out her slender fingers and pointed, "The two in the middle of the second row, the one on the left is Airal, the one on the right is Se..."

I haven’t finished speaking yet…


A bullet was ejected from the barrel, hitting the center of the cardboard box on the right, causing it to slightly shake back and forth.


Caught off guard, Yinglili couldn't help being startled, and quickly reminded: "No, no, you made the wrong call! The one on the right is Serbis."

Kato Yusuke smiled and said nothing, then picked up an air gun from the table and held it dual-wielding, loaded the bullets, and then raised the gun to aim.

In the stunned expressions of Yinglili and the stall owner——

Pengpeng——, snap.

Pengpeng——, snap.

The two cardboard boxes containing figures fell down one after another.

There was a brief silence.

Immediately afterwards——

"So, so strong——!"

A child nearby who witnessed the whole process saw his eyes gleaming and shouted excitedly: "It's amazing! Big brother! You can actually hit the same point continuously. How did you do it?"

Kato Yusuke put down the gun, thought for a moment and said, "You can do it if you practice more. The other thing is determination."


The child muttered to himself, glanced at Yinglili behind him, and suddenly realized:

"I see! Big brother, are you talking about your determination for your girlfriend? You won it and gave it to your girlfriend, right?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Ying Lili's snow-white face, which was still filled with shock, gradually turned red.

The boy in charge of the stall failed to recognize Kato Yusuke, who was fully armed. His eyes suddenly stared like bells, and he couldn't help but look over in surprise and anxiety, waiting for an answer.

I really can't blame him for having such an exaggerated reaction.

You must know that since the second-year Kasumigaoka Shiha's famous flower was married, Eiri has basically become a standout in the minds of all the boys in the school.

If such a precious beautiful girl is revealed to have a boyfriend, it will definitely cause a sensation on campus, and it will be devastating.

Facing the question raised by the child, Kato Yusuke was also slightly stunned, and then smiled and shook his head.

"No, this beautiful big sister is my brother's family, not his girlfriend."

"So that's it. Well, I understand, thank you, big brother!" the child said happily, and then waved to the boy watching the stall.

"Uncle, I want to play this too! Please sell me bullets!"

When the boy visiting the stall heard this title, he suddenly felt bad, and then he was sincerely relieved that Ying Lili was still single.

Although ordinary people like him can't have any connection with each other, it is a privilege for adolescents to have an innocent fantasy, isn't it?

The boy thought in the spirit of Ah Q. He first accepted the money from the child and handed over the bullets, and then took down the two figures from the prize stand.

"Thank you for your patronage. This is your prize, guest."


Kato Yusuke smiled and took the two Nendoroid figures and handed them directly into the hands of Eiri, who was staring at the ground. Then he grabbed the boy who wanted to leave.

"This is the price difference between the two figures, this classmate."


The boy looked at the two sheets of 10,000 yen placed in his hand and quickly refused: "This won't work, this guest! You won by your own skills, we can't charge more."

"Take it, these two figures seem to be quite rare, so just treat them as if I bought them personally." Kato Yusuke said firmly.


The boy frowned suspiciously, vaguely feeling that the voice sounded familiar, and then saw the white hair under his hat. First update @

After a second, the person's eyes suddenly changed. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

184. Cultural Festival (7)

He opened his eyes wide and was about to blurt out "President Kato!?"...

"——Don't say it."

Kato Yusuke made a silent gesture, "You are busy with your business, don't worry about us."

The boy who was reminded hurriedly nodded, stopped refusing, collected the money and went to receive the guests.

That's how the matter was resolved.

Kato Yusuke turned his head and looked to his side. Erili was looking at him with her head tilted, her eyes full of curiosity, "How did you do that?"

"what do you mean?"

"Of course it's target practice! I obviously tried it yesterday, but I couldn't hit it at all."

"...Well, isn't that because you are too stupid?"

"I step on it!"

"Okay, okay, don't step on your feet. In fact, you can do it if you practice more. The other thing is determination."

"You're using childish words to deal with me??" Ying Lili said in disbelief.

"Aren't you just a child...?"

Kato Yusuke sighed softly: "So didn't I say it? Just choose whatever you want. If you can't get it, it's mine."

Yinglili blinked her eyes several times, her eyes wandering aimlessly, and finally landed on a certain place.


"Then, let's go fishing for goldfish..."

(Backlog progress 3.5/10).

184. Cultural Festival (7)

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