Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and eighty-eight, cultural festival (11)

During the rest of the journey, Yinglili had no idea what was happening around her.

Although those terrible sounds would always reach her ears, the cold air would keep pouring into her neck, and some dangerous things would pass by her from time to time.

But without exception -

——Nothing can hurt or affect her.

She just closed her eyes tightly, snuggled up against Kato Yusuke and held his arm, following his footsteps step by step.

A very warm feeling came from the palms of the hands held together.

The big, well-jointed hands were a little rough and irritating, but they felt very at ease when they wrapped her up.

Her mood calmed down wonderfully because of this, and she felt that even the surrounding environment seemed less scary.

After walking like this for an unknown amount of time, the footsteps beside him suddenly stopped.

"...It seems we've arrived." There was a little uncertainty in the young man's tone.

"woo woo woo woo--"

Yinglili opened her eyes carefully, and after a few seconds of adaptation, her surrounding vision became clear.

"Uh...well, a lot of people...?"

――What appears in front of you is a space that looks like a utility room.

A row of lockers stood against the wall, with all the cabinet doors open.

Four tourists and one employee are gathering here.

The emergency lights emitted a strange green light, illuminating the figures of the five people.

Seeing them approaching, the girl wearing the same mask as Miles in "Moonlight Panic" took the initiative to speak.

"Okay~ Now all three groups are here."

The girl said as she turned sideways and gave way to the locker behind her.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for making it this far, then the next step is the last step. Please put on your headphones, then go into the cabinet and try your best to escape the last phase of the chase~"

After finishing speaking, she handed out headphones to everyone one by one.

Kato Yusuke looked at the headphones in his hands.

Then he looked up at the locker in front of him and frowned.

Those are three groups of ordinary iron cabinets.

The size inside is enough to accommodate one person, but it will be very crowded if there is more than one person.

But judging from the current situation, this link seems to require two people to be squeezed into the same cabinet.

The other two groups of tourists showed no objection to this, put on their headphones neatly, and got into the cabinet laughing.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but ask the girl next to him, "...Isn't this a little bad?"

"What are you doing? Are you scared?" Ying Lili raised her eyebrows, "We've come this far anyway, so just keep playing to the end."

"...I didn't mean that. Do you think it's okay?"

"what do you mean?"

"Would you mind sharing a closet with me?"

Ying Lili pursed her lips slightly and flipped the ponytail on her shoulders pretending to be free and easy, "Humph... we are family after all, right? It's not like playing with my brother."

"younger brother……?"

Kato Yusuke didn't know what to say for a moment, but the other party didn't give him a chance to refute. He immediately walked to the locker and stood sideways in it.

"Hey, isn't it quite spacious in here? Come in quickly, please?" Ying Lili folded her hands calmly, but her ears were slightly red.

"You feel spacious... Is that because you are a girl?"

"You are so troublesome. At worst, I can give you more space, right...?"

‘...Is this person too defenseless? ’

Kato Yusuke thought this in his mind, but he didn't say it out loud at the right time. After all, there were a lot of people here talking.

Seeing the girl's understatement, he couldn't help but sigh and sag his shoulders, and then shuffled into the cabinet.




After everyone was in place, the staff neatly closed and locked the cabinet door, and said in an exhorting tone:

"Then the final part will begin soon. Everyone must hide inside and don't come out no matter what happens~"

After saying that, he turned around and left, and the surrounding emergency lights were dimmed.

Then, a voice sounded in the headphones.


Woohoo~, woohoo~.

The dull thunder and the rushing wind and rain were intertwined, with a sense of impending rain.

After a few seconds, the male narrator with a deep voice slowly emerged.

"A long time ago, in a school in a remote town, a murderer visited here..."

As the story gradually unfolds, various backgrounds and sound effects are also interspersed with it.

The sounds of chasing footsteps, the crashing of heavy objects, people's screams, the mournful cries for help... all the sounds blend together, bringing people to that scene immersively.

In the locker, Kato Yusuke listened to this absently, feeling uncomfortable all over.

The space here was narrower than he imagined.

He stood inside, his knees bent and his waist hunched, unable to move. Whenever he moves, he will inevitably come into skin-to-skin contact with the girl in front of him.

As if seeing his restraint, Yinglili murmured: "...You can...come closer..."


"Is it because you feel uncomfortable like this? So don't worry about me... just come closer to this way..."

"……May I?"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but hesitate, but the other party behaved very generously.

"B-After all, this is force majeure, so it doesn't matter what I say now...otherwise I would also feel bad..."

"It doesn't matter now? You're not planning to settle the scores in the future, are you?"

"I wouldn't do that kind of thing——!"

Yinglili glared angrily and said angrily: "Besides, I asked you to come here today, and I still understand the reason."

Kato Yusuke's eyes were full of emotion.

"Huh... So this is what it feels like to watch your sister grow up? It seems like I'm watching you go to a distant place. I feel a bit complicated..."

"Don't look at me with that weird, affectionate look. It's so disgusting—!"

Yinglili hammered his chest angrily, and the temperature in her tone dropped rapidly, "Ah, it's decided. It's really better to commit seppuku for someone like you!"

Kato Yusuke smiled, "Well... I'm sorry, I was just joking. If you don't mind, why don't I just obey your orders?"


The other party turned away with a hum and muttered: "Thank you very much...!"

"Yes, yes, thank you."

As Kato Yusuke spoke, he took action. He raised his hands on his knees and stretched them to the opposite side, pressing them on the cabinet.


Looking at the hand that was suddenly placed next to her head, Yinglili couldn't help but was slightly stunned, "B-B-B-B-B-B-B-D? What's this-!"

"Huh? Because it's easier for me to bear the force this way, and my legs aren't so sore..."

"Yes, yes...that's true..."

"……Is there anything wrong?"


"Uh...but you look like you're losing your temper?"

"I told you I'm not losing my temper!"


Kato Yusuke tilted his head in confusion and stared at her.

After observing her up close, he realized that the girl's foundation was much better than what he usually saw.

She has white skin like a snow-covered winter day, slightly moist turquoise eyes, long eyelashes that move like a dream when blinking, a beautifully shaped straight nose, and a slight breath leaking from the corners of her mouth.

―Everything feels perfect.

It's like the work of God.

'It would be nice if the character could be better, with less arrogant and arrogant parts, and more frankness. ’ Kato Yusuke couldn’t help but think.

On the other hand, Yinglili was also full of tangles in her heart at the moment.

From the moment they were in the same room, the scent of someone kept coming to her nose.

——It's a nice mint freshness.

She breathed quietly repeatedly, constantly hypnotizing and suggesting to herself.

It's okay, it's okay...

To divert your attention, try to focus on thinking...

Just like my mother said, you have to find a way to correct someone's misconception and make the other person realize that you are a girl.

By creating physical contact, let the other person experience your feminine power and surprise them.

'Body contact, body contact, body contact...' Yinglili whispered secretly in her heart, becoming a little nervous unconsciously.

Although nervous——

However, it must be done...!

Not only for my mother, but also for myself.

You must know that she has worked so hard for this, and even came to the haunted house that she is least good at. If she backed down at this time, even she would not be able to forgive herself!

“…Life Discussion.”

She slowly turned her face, looking at someone's chin with fear, keeping her gaze below her nose, and her lips slowly pursed.

"...I want to do life talks."

Kato Yusuke was slightly startled, but he immediately reacted and took off the only one earphone he was wearing.

"...Life discussion? Do you want to talk about it now?"

As he spoke, he glanced left and right at the narrow space and asked, "Is it right here?"

Yingli nodded silently to confirm, raised her eyes slightly to look at him for a second, and then quickly looked away.

"Well, right here..."

"Is that so...then what preparations should I make?"

"...Take off your mask, I can't hear you clearly."

Kato Yusuke did as he was told and pulled the mask down to his chin, "Is this okay?"


Ying Lili promised in a low voice, her voice was intermittent and very soft: "...please come closer...a little..."

Without saying anything, the client approached with a slightly tilted face, and finally stopped about five centimeters away from her, listening carefully.

Yinglili looked at his face so close, her heart beat faster involuntarily, and her hands and feet became stiff.

The strong masculine aura hit her face, making her want to be a coward and run away, but she was trapped in the closed space.

Then, her throat began to feel thirsty, her brain entered an excited and chaotic state, and her heart became flustered.

Countless images flashed back in my mind, finally settling on that day in the summer.

Looking out from the window of the art room, his figure standing on the pitcher's mound was recorded in her paintings, leaving a strong mark on her youth.

Everyone moved forward, but she still secretly missed him who was so high-spirited on the playground and that unexpected kiss...


Seeing that she didn't move for a long time, the young man couldn't help but look back in confusion and brought her back to reality.

Yingli looked at his face, put her hands on his shoulders and stood up slightly on tiptoes, closed her eyes and felt her heart—


With the soft touch on her lips, she could feel the other person's body shaking.

The air in the locker seemed to be drained out at this moment, making it so thin that people lacked oxygen.

It was the first time in my life that I took the initiative to kiss, so there were no tricks.

Even if you have rich knowledge of book theory, you can't help your blank mind at this moment.

She just pushed up as hard as she could, biting his lip, and her teeth collided.

Like a child wielding a wooden sword and showing his teeth and claws.

The consciousness has not yet returned, and I can only grasp the most superficial feelings.

Yinglili couldn't feel whether his heart was beating wildly, she only felt that her own heart was about to jump out of her throat.

The sounds in my ears disappeared and the world fell into silence.

The faint sweetness and the faint taste of maple syrup blended together, lingering on the tip of the tongue, leaving Kato Yusuke's mind blank for a few seconds.

After realizing what happened, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then he immediately stepped back and turned his head away.

Bo~ It's like pulling a wooden plug out of a glass bottle.

Kato Yusuke wiped his wet lips with the back of his hand and looked at the girl in front of him in astonishment, dumbfounded for a moment.

He was not frightened by the previous haunted house, but he had a cardiac arrest at this moment.

After a brief silence.


He opened his mouth blankly and squeezed out a syllable from his throat, but he immediately received a sentence -

"-You, you, you, you, you, you, you, I will kiss you! What is your expression!"

There was a hint of forcefulness in the voice, and it penetrated into Kato Yusuke's ears lightly and directly.

As if she had spent a lot of effort, Ying Lili forced herself to say these words, and then she lowered her head in panic, her whole face flushed red.

Even though it was dark all around, the breath blowing in their faces announced that they were close.

A sweet breath rushed into his nose, and Kato Yusuke stepped back unconsciously, but hit the cold wall.

A strange atmosphere enveloped the place, and even the air became delicate.

Neither of the two people spoke, which aggravated the atmosphere and made it difficult to speak.

Light and heavy breathing came and went in the darkness, mixed with the thumping of the heart.

——Exceptionally clear.

Kato Yusuke closed his eyes, frowned, and smelled the ambiguous breath with every breath.

It took a few seconds to adjust my mood and calm down my confused brain.

Then, he pursed his lips and forced a smile, his voice a little dry.

"...just now, what was that...?"


Ying Lili's body trembled slightly, but she remained silent.



Kato Yusuke composed himself and continued in a relaxed tone.

" short, I will treat this as if it never happened. I won't care about it, and you don't need to care about it either..."

"--haha a?"

Touched by these words, Yinglili raised her head suddenly, "If you don't care, wouldn't it make me look like a fool--!"

"...Huh? You should know that this kind of behavior is not something you should do to your family. You should do it with the people you like, even if it is a prank. Do you understand?"

Kato Yusuke tried to fool him with jokes, but the result was counterproductive.

"You actually pretended to be stupid for me..."

Yinglili's almond-shaped eyes suddenly widened angrily, and her voice suddenly rose twice.

"It's just Kato, don't get carried away! You, you think... I don't know what I'm doing? I'm not playing a prank -!"

Kato Yusuke opened his mouth and tried to choose the right words in his heart. Unexpectedly, the other party reached out and grabbed his collar.

The cute little head is approaching quickly.

The next second——

――Tweet. uuread a book

The soft touch like marshmallow hit him again, blocking his mouth.

"How about it! This is my life negotiation...!" The girl said vaguely, her voice trembling slightly.

The sounds of entangled lips and teeth echoed quietly in the darkness...

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