Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and one, elementary school girl

An hour later, the four of them arrived at Hoya in Higashifushimi from Haneda Airport.

Akane Benisaka expertly turned the steering wheel, parked the car in the studio parking space, and turned off the engine.

"Okay, we're here."

She raised her eyebrows and asked someone in the passenger seat: "What do you say now, will you lead this little girl in by yourself?"

"What do you mean by this?" Kato Yusuke asked in confusion: "Aren't you and Iori planning to come in?"

"Is this... this is also your territory. If you find it inconvenient, we can find a store nearby to pass the time." Akane Kurisaka said nonchalantly.


Kato Yusuke's expression was slightly weird. He wanted to ask her why she suddenly became polite, but he gave up because he was concerned about the two brothers and sisters in the back row.

So he shook his head: "There's no need for this. There's nothing inconvenient for me. Just go in together. Everyone is waiting."

"Sorry, Kato-kun."

Hashishima Iori interjected: "Can I ask, when you say "everyone", do you mean other members in the studio? "

Sitting next to him, Izumi Namishima held his skirt with both hands. He also listened with his ears pricked up and heard this sentence.

"Well, everyone is inside except for one member. Let's go."

After saying this, Yusuke Kato got out of the car first, followed by Akane Benisaka, who opened the door and walked out, followed by Izumi who hesitated a little, and Iori who cheered her up.

A group of people came to the studio door and pressed the doorbell.

Ding dong~

The melodious electric bell rang.

Although Kato Yusuke had the key with him, he thought it would be better to alert the people inside through the doorbell, which could be regarded as a psychological preparation for everyone.

After waiting for a short while, light footsteps approached from behind the door.

"Here, who is it?"

The door was opened, and what appeared in front of him was Kanoko Hasumi in formal clothes.

"Hey, Kato-kun? Welcome back~ And who are these...?"

"Let's talk about it later. Where is everyone?"

"Well, everyone is waiting for you over there in the conference room." Hasumi Kanoko said, while also secretly observing the other three people.

Kurisaka Akane with a lazy expression, Namishima Iori with a smile, and a timid Namishima Demi.

Noticing her gaze, Hashishima Iori smiled and nodded to her.

"Then let's go to the conference room first." Kato Yusuke said as he walked in and took four pairs of slippers from the shoe rack and placed them on the floor.

The group of people changed their shoes one after another and were about to go to the conference room when Akane Benisaka suddenly said something.

"Ah, if it's a meeting, I won't do it. You go ahead and I'll take a look around."

Kato Yusuke looked at her and asked, "Aren't you going to meet the others?"

"There's no need, I'm not interested in having a meeting with a bunch of high school kiddies. Just take them with you to the sea, that's it~"

Akane Hongsaka waved her hand casually and walked towards the stairs with ease and ease, preparing to go upstairs.

"Kato-kun...?" Hasumi Kanoko called softly, with a hint of questioning in her tone.

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment: "Sorry, Kano-chan, that person always has her own way of doing things, could you please entertain her first?"

"That's it... um~ I understand, then I'll go now." Hasumi Kanoko agreed with a smile and walked towards the stairs.

Kato Yusuke took the Hashishima siblings and continued to the conference room.

At this time, An Yilunye's loud voice suddenly came from a distance.

"So, every work will need a younger female character!"

It seemed that they were discussing something, and the person involved was giving a speech without stopping.

"Further analysis, the young female characters that are essential in bishoujo games can be roughly divided into two trends, namely the arrogant type and the clingy type."

"I won't talk about the arrogant type. The key to a clingy character is to fully identify with the male protagonist. For example, the protagonist is a senior in the club that she admires, or an idol in some aspect."

Megumi: "Well, for example, is it like Kasumigaoka-senpai playing the male lead and you playing the female lead?"

"Kato...that metaphor contains a lot of elements that will complicate things. Please take it back."

Shiyu: "So? What do you want to express? Ethics classmate."

"Don't you understand? Our game script lacks such a character!"

Megumi: "Hey, but I remember there was a young character in the game? It's called Ibuki Fuuko or something."

"Kato, have you really read the script? Ibuki Fuuko is completely different from the type I mentioned above!"

Hui: "Yes...yes?"

Yinglili: "Tsk, after all, you just want a school girl, right?"

"Yes, it would be best to have a schoolgirl-type female character! Of course, I'm talking about the clingy type."

Eiri: "Wouldn't that kind of thing happen naturally after you reach second grade? As for whether there will be school girls who are willing to approach you, a serious fan of beautiful girl games... I don't know. ”

"So what? Anyway, I'm not interested in three-dimensional girls."

Megumi: "Ah, you actually asserted it directly. You are indeed Aki-kun."

"Ah, there's no need to complain here, Kato. Anyway! I strongly recommend adding a character of this type."

"The kind of atmosphere that likes the protagonist to the core, but it can best inspire the player's sense of security, cuteness, and protective desire!"

"On this basis, if we add the setting of a junior high school student, let her run to wait for the senior to finish school... Even though the unfamiliar environment will make her feel breathless, she still waits for the senior to show up!"

"When she finally found the person, she almost cried for a moment, but the next moment she showed a bright smile! Then she called with a trembling voice..."

Deng Deng Deng——

"Senior Renye...?"

"Yes! Just like this! Huh...?"

An Yilun's voice stopped suddenly.


Kato Yusuke looked at Hashishima Dekai who suddenly ran from the back to the front. He couldn't help but was slightly stunned, and then walked over.

Behind him, Iori Hashishima's eyes flashed and he also stepped forward.

In the conference room, a group of people were looking at the door.

An Yilunye, Yinglili, Shiyu, and Hui all had the same surprise and confusion on their faces.

Ignoring people's reactions and the gazes focused on him, Izumi Hashima looked at An Yirunya with surprise and disbelief, tears flashing in his eyes.

"As is indeed Senior Toruya! Great, I finally meet you~~!"

"...Huh? Who are you?" An Yilun also tilted his head in confusion.

"I...I'm back, I'm back with my senior~~!" Izuku Hashima gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and rushed forward at a trot.

"It's great...finally, finally, I see you again, Senior Renya!"


An Yilun also blinked blankly, looking at the girl standing in front of him, with an expression on her face as if she had been reincarnated into a different world and became a hippopotamus, and then his mind was attracted by the pair of majestic Europeans.

The three girls who saw this scene had different expressions.

Yinglili looked confused, Hui was slightly curious, and Shiyu turned his attention to the door.

"Yu-chan? Who is this girl?"

"...This is the original animator who will be interviewing today, Izumi Hashishima."

When Yusuke Kato said this, two voices full of astonishment rang together.

""Bo, Bo Island goes out to sea——! ? ""

An Yilun and Ying Lili also stood up from their seats at the same time, with shock on their faces.

Kato Yusuke stepped into the room thoughtfully, letting Namishima Iori, who had been standing silently behind him, appear in everyone's sight, and introduced: "And this is her brother, Namishima Iori. "

"Hi everyone. Also-"

A thoughtful smile hung on the corner of Namishima Iori's lips, and she greeted in a clear and bright voice: "It's been a long time, Renya-san, and Sawamura-san."

After seeing his appearance clearly, An Yilun, who was still immersed in shock, couldn't help but his face darkened, and he suddenly stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the room cooled down.

Half an hour later, some people stayed in the studio, while others moved to a nearby small park.

"Ah, I found Qiuqiu! Senior, senior! Senior Renye also comes to play with me!"

"Oh, oh...okay."

An Yilun also looked at the girl playing rubber football in front of him, and couldn't help but ask: "You mean...are you really the Hashima Izumi I know?"

"I hate it~~ Senior, who did you think I was before?"

"Well, there's no such thing as no one is different from the other... But compared to the way you were when I was in middle school, you've changed a lot, haven't you?"

"Hey~~will you?"

"Because you used to have short hair. Not only was your body thin, but you were also tanned and numb. It was like..."

"Indeed, I was just like a little boy at that time." Izumi Hoshio happily added to his words.

"Yeah, that's right!"

An Yilun also nodded, and secretly glanced at a figure sitting on the bench behind.

He once had two friends of the opposite sex.

One was Eri, who was as delicate as a porcelain doll, whom I met in elementary school, and the other was Demi Hashishima, whom I became friends with in middle school.

Compared with the former, the latter often wore only a vest in the summer, and there were traces of sun exposure on her neck and armpits, making it difficult for people to realize that she was a girl.

"Yeah, I look like I've changed so much?" Bo Daochang said to himself, which earned An Yilun's affirmation.

"They are completely different! So, as for the embarrassing thing about me not recognizing you just now, let it go!" He said, his eyes wavering between the three balls on the court.

As the saying goes, one white thing can cover up all the ugliness.

Nowadays, Hashima Chukai not only has white, tender and delicate skin, but also has a very round figure, which is completely different from before.

"In other words, the senior thinks that I have become more like a girl, right?"

"...Yes...Yes." An Yilun also gave an ambiguous response, not wanting to make it too clear.

"Ahaha~ Thank you, Senior Renya. Phew, Senior, catch the ball!"

"Whoa whoa!"

Namishima kicked the football out of the air, with a hint of coquettishness in his voice: "But if I become like a's all because of the seniors."


Frightened by this impactful speech, An Yilun also kicked the ball in the air, and his body's center of gravity became unstable.


"Because I am a senior... who taught me the joy of being a girl."

"Uh...huh? Wait...what are you talking about..."

"After all, Toruya-senpai and I were in the park and played a lot of games." Izuku Hashishima's expression became even more shy.

"Go out, go to sea——?!"




On the bench in the back row, three girls listened to this conversation, with cold expressions on their faces like scum.

"...Well, I was shocked. It turns out that Aki-san is someone who should not be underestimated." Hui said so and gently stretched out a leg to kick back the football that rolled to his feet.

"Playing dangerous games with elementary school girls in the this already a crime? I'm sorry, ethical classmate, I have to call the police."

Shiyu calmly took out his cell phone and was about to dial, but Ying Lili reached out to hold it down.

"Wait a minute, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, you don't really believe it, do you? How can this guy have the courage!"

"Oh? Apparently that girl said that? Do you still want to defend him, Sawamura?"

"I didn't..."

Yinglili was interrupted halfway through her words.

"——Senior Toruya, he is not that kind of person."

Izuku Hashima held the football that Hui had kicked and stood in front of An Yilunya, looking at them righteously.

"As I said just now, before I met my senior, I had never been exposed to video games or animation. I only played outside with boys."

She turned her head and looked behind her, her tone somewhat nostalgic.

"It was my senior who allowed me, who was young and inexperienced, to see a new world... He gave me "Little Fantasy 2" together with the PSP as a gift on my birthday."


When Yinglili heard this, she couldn't help shouting: "You mean "Little Rhapsody"??"


Haidao Dehai nodded affirmatively at her, his watery eyes full of longing.

"If my senior hadn't given me "Little Fantasy 2" at that time, I wouldn't be living a happy life now who is passionate about video games and animation... So I can't express my gratitude to my senior enough!"

"...Go to guy..."

An Yilun's mouth opened and closed, and he sniffed with great emotion.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, and you've grown up too! It's really not in vain that I spent all my New Year's money on promoting you... It's so great, woo hoo...!"


"Go to sea...!"

"Senior Renye!"

"Go to sea!"

The two of them called each other's names as if no one else was around, exuding a strong sense of comradeship.

"Wow, I always feel so awesome...that girl doesn't look regretful at all." Megumi said this, looking at Hashima Izumi as if she were looking at a fanatical believer.

"Promoting otaku culture to elementary school girls, that ethical classmate can indeed do such a thing, but then again..."

Shiyu's words changed: "If you don't stay well in the studio, what are you doing here? Kato-san."

"Hey, that's because Eriri asked me to come with her, so I'm accompanying her. But I'm a little surprised that Kasumigaoka-senpai is here too."

"Is there anything surprising? This kind of battle between childhood sweethearts and the Skyfall type is an excellent writing material. How could I miss such an interesting thing~"

Shiyu raised the corners of his lips with interest, and deliberately asked Eirili who was sitting in the middle: "You think so? Sawamura-san."


Yinglili crossed her arms and stared at the pair not far away, and replied impatiently: "How do I know? It's none of my business!"

"Don't you know that girl, Sawamura?"

"do not know."

"Eh~ But since she is the classmate of Ethical Classmate, isn't she also your classmate?"

"The elementary school she went to is different from mine, and she's two grades younger than me. Besides, that girl moved to Nagoya before she entered junior high school. How could I know her?"

"You know so much, I feel like we can be considered acquaintances..."

"That's because she used to live quite close to my home, and of course she would occasionally meet her once or twice... But that was two years ago, and her appearance is completely different now."

"Ah, you mean the part of yourself that is completely surpassed by her in size?"

"If you keep talking, I will publish a humiliation version of the two heroines of "Metronome of Love," Kasumi Shiko."

"It is a writer's dream to see his own work re-created. I must trouble you, Mr. Eri Kashiwagi."

"You...! You are just trying to make me angry, right?"

"Ah, I just think it's so good~"


"Because, Ethical-classmate finally found the school girl type character he longed for, and he is also his former playmate. Isn't this great?"


Ignoring Yinglili's gloomy expression, Shiyu continued happily:

"A schoolgirl-type character who feels entangled in not being able to be a classmate with the protagonist and has low self-esteem because of it... Haha, this kind of setting is very interesting."

"Ah, come to think of it..."

Hui seemed to say casually: "According to this setting, wouldn't the senior-type characters be similar?"

"...Are you making insinuations now? Kato-san."

"There's no such thing~"

While the three of them were chatting here and there, the other side was also not idle.

In the conference room, Kato Yusuke reviewed all the many works brought by Hajima Dekai, and then sorted them out and put them on the table.

"So what?"

Sitting opposite him, Hamishima Iori smiled and asked, "What do you think, Kato-kun, of my sister-in-law's works and standards?"

"There are basically no problems. Although the processing in some places is a bit green and the coloring tends to be conservative, but... she is indeed very plastic."

"Oh, thanks for the compliment, Kato-kun, so my sister-in-law has passed the test?"


Kato Yusuke nodded in approval.

"If your sister is willing, we can formally sign a contract. The details will be discussed with you later, Kano-chan...that is, the representative of our studio."

"Are you talking about the woman who is with Sister Zhu Yin?" Iori Hashima pointed at the top of her head and asked ambiguously.

"Any questions?"

"It's nothing, I just think Kato-kun has a very high vision in all aspects~"

Kato Yusuke frowned, not wanting to talk more about this issue, and asked: " long will you stay in Tokyo this time?"

"Well, actually we plan to leave the day after tomorrow, but isn't it winter vacation in two weeks? We will come back then, and we can stay here for a month."

"Is this so..."

Namishima Iori smiled, then stood up from his seat, "Then, if Kato-kun has no other questions, I will call Dekai back?"

Kato Yusuke nodded obediently and said a good word.

(Backlog progress 5.5/10)

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