Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-three, picking off the light with bare hands

After picking up Sayu who ran away from home, she began to be reborn in Tokyo Text Volume 223. After picking up the light with bare hands, Shiyu finally calmed down.

Kato Yusuke glanced at the food area not far away and asked: "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

"Hmm... Then I want foie gras, salad, and French fries."

The foie gras and salad were okay, as for the fries…

"Girls eat French fries, don't they worry about getting fat due to excessive calorie intake?"

"Getting fat...?"

Shiyu looked away from the food area and looked at someone with an expression on her face.

"...Besides Cup, do you think there is anything fat about me?"

As she spoke, she stretched out a hand, led Yusuke Kato to roam around her waist and belly, and asked knowingly: "How do you feel?"

"...The waist is smooth and soft." Kato Yusuke replied gracefully, with a hint of unwillingness on his face.

"Glib tone~" Shiyu rolled her eyes at him angrily, and the corners of her lips raised an arc uncontrollably.

"Then I'll go get some food. Senior sister, just wait for me here."

Kato Yusuke got up and went to the food area, took a pair of knives, forks and a dinner plate, and started to choose.

Foie gras, salad, fries.

After packing the things designated by Shiyu, he did not return immediately. Instead, he pretended to pick other food and thought quietly.

What are you thinking about specifically?

He didn't know it himself, but the desolate emotion lingered in his heart, gnawing at his heart like a stubborn disease, refusing to let him go easily.


'This is something I brought upon myself...'

He believed so.

This is the punishment he must bear as the price for deeply hurting Sayu.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't even be here, nor should he have the energy to smile, but should be even more hopelessly depressed.

This idea is childish and superficial.

It's like buying inner peace through self-punishment and repentance.

It makes no sense and makes no sense.


After all, this is his own problem and should not affect others, especially the girls who have given him irreplaceable things.

So, he put his negative emotions into silent mode.

In fact, he had a fleeting thought.

How about simply using a certain system item to copy your own memory and instilling it into Sayu?

But, is the person who came back like that really his Sayu?

Can he really get back the girl who spent countless days and nights with him in that apartment?

Thinking of this, his expression couldn't help but become sad.


Kato Yusuke took a deep breath and then exhaled.

As a saying goes, reason is always cleaning up the mess of sensibility.

He loosened his unconsciously clenched fists, his face turned pale again, and then he stretched out his hand towards the folder in front of him, preparing to pick up a piece of cake as the end of the trip.

But just when he was about to touch the clamp, another hand suddenly appeared from the blind corner of his field of vision and touched him.


The girl's panicked voice rang in her ears: "Sorry! I didn't notice you."

"...No, I'm here..."

Kato Yusuke turned his head as he spoke, and then couldn't help but froze.

Short blond hair, violet eyes.

What caught his eye was a girl wearing a purple dress.


Seeing that it was him, a complex look flashed across the eyes of the person involved. He bit his lips and lowered his head in confusion. After a second, he raised his head again with a smile on his face.

"...Hi, long time no see ~ Kato-kun."

Although he deliberately wanted to pretend to be calm, there was still a hint of reluctance in his voice.


Kato Yusuke moved his lips and nodded with a smile, "Well, long time no see, Takada."


Takada Shiori's brows furrowed and relaxed, his eyes wandering around with nowhere to rest, and he raised his hand to lift the hair beside his ears, asking for words: " are you doing lately?"

"Well, not bad, thank you for your concern."

"That's it...well, that's good."

Kato Yusuke glanced at the dinner plate in her hand, which contained salmon, lamb chops, ham, lobster, cherries, passion fruit, etc. It was very rich.

Sensing his gaze...

"Ah, this is that one. I, I took it for others, not for myself..."

Feeling embarrassed, Takada Shiori retracted the full plate in his hands and defended himself like a mosquito.

At this time, some unpleasant comments suddenly floated over.

"...Don't you think that girl is pretending too much?"

"Yes, yes, it's really unruly. Doesn't she know that a maximum of four items of food can be placed on the plate in this situation?"

"Where did this country bumpkin come from?"

When he heard these comments, Takada Shiori's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, and he lowered his head in shame, not daring to look at the reactions of the people around him, feeling a little ashamed.

Similarly, Kato Yusuke also heard these sounds.

Look up.

Two women in costumes were standing not far away, making comments, their faces full of acrimony.

He thought for a moment, then picked up the tongs on the side and put the small cakes displayed on the dining table for people to take on his own plate.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces,

Four dollars, five dollars, six dollars.

In the astonished eyes of the people nearby, he calmly put almost all the cakes on the plate, and then put the last piece on Takada Shiori's plate.


After doing these things, Kato Yusuke placed the metal clip on the empty tray, smiled and spoke.

"...Nice to meet you, Takada. I hope you have a good time tonight. My girlfriend is still waiting for me, so I'll excuse you now."

Turning a blind eye to the strange looks around him, the young man turned around and left leisurely.

Takada Takashi stared at his back blankly, with a somewhat dumbfounded expression, and finally couldn't help but burst into laughter.

She first looked at the small cake on her plate, and then looked back at the two women who were gaping at someone's back.

For some reason, the original feeling of shame disappeared in an instant.

She puffed up her chest proudly, passed by the two of them openly with her plate full of food, and then sat down in a corner of the banquet hall and happily enjoyed the food.

'That person is still the same...'

She was thinking as she ate, feeling in her heart the joy of reuniting with old friends, but also the joy and bitterness of a girl's feelings.


It's obvious that we haven't seen each other for such a long time, but the distance in our hearts doesn't seem that heavy.

"Huh? Did something good happen to you? Xiaozhi."

Editor-in-chief Suzuki, who had just finished chatting with the editorial director, came over and was a little surprised when he saw the happy expression on his distant niece's face.

"Uncle Suzuki~"

Hearing the sound, Takada Shiori raised his head, swallowed the cake in his mouth, and said with a smile: "It's okay~ It's just that the little cakes here are delicious!"

Editor Suzuki was a little surprised by this answer, but considering that the other person was still a child, he didn't take it seriously and ran off to chat with other people with a cocktail.

the other side.

"It's really good ~ Yuu-chan."

Shiyu said meaningfully: "Even if you just go to get some food, don't forget to save the beauty. It's amazing."

Obviously, someone's behavior just now was clearly seen.

Kato Yusuke didn't defend himself, he cut off a small piece of cake with a fork and fed it to her mouth, "Would you like to eat cake? Shiba-senpai."

Shiyu glanced at him and said with a cold expression: "Too high calories will make you fat."


Kato Yusuke paused and had to eat the cake himself, then forked another French fries to her.

Shiyu opened his mouth slightly, ate the golden and shiny French fries, and asked casually: "...Do you know that girl?"

"When we first entered school, we worked in the same convenience store."

"The lingering feelings are still there?"

"It's just acquaintance, no contact for a long time."

"Oh~ I won't eat the cake, these are all yours."

Kato Yusuke glanced at the cakes piled up into small hills on the plate, and his throat felt a little greasy, so he could only say ok in a low voice.

Shiyu observed his deflated expression with his peripheral vision, feeling relieved and said lazily:

"Speaking of which, someone claiming to be a drama competition judge contacted me two days ago and said that the script I wrote for the drama department won the award."

"Is it the "Rhapsody of Harmony" from the cultural festival?"

Kato Yusuke said in surprise: "Congratulations, senior, this is a good thing."

"It's okay. It's just something I wrote casually for fun. It doesn't matter if I win or not."

"What prize is that?"

"I can't remember clearly, it seems to be some kind of best screenplay award." Shiyu pointed to the table and said lightly: "I want to eat salad."

While feeding her the salad, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be happy for her, "The Best Screenplay Award... That should be the highest level award, right?"


Shiyu ate the salad carefully and nodded slightly.

"Speaking of which, my affairs at the Immortal River are almost over, and I will be able to be free and devote myself to you."

Kato Yusuke mechanically stuffed another piece of cake into his mouth and asked: "...Don't you still have to be busy with the animation?"

"That is still in the preparatory stage, and it will take at least a year to complete it. Speaking of which, Yuu-chan, are you willing to be the artist?"


Shiyu hummed and glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's the animation painting of "Metronome of Love". If you are interested, I can personally teach you about the measurements of the character Sayuka in it."

Hearing this, Kato Yusuke's hand holding the plate couldn't help but tremble slightly, pretending not to hear the implication of the words.

"...I don't have any experience in animation, so it's not my turn to do this, right? Don't you think there's anyone you like, Ms. Machida?"

Shiyu asked him for a piece of foie gras and said while eating:

"Yes, there are, but I can use them to make things difficult and undermine those people's confidence, forcing them to quit their painting jobs on their own."

"Please be sure not to do anything disturbing. This is my senior's work..."

Kato Yusuke said a little speechlessly: "Besides, our studio also has its own game planning, and I can't take care of both. Senior, please stop making trouble."

Shiyu clicked his tongue and accepted this statement unwillingly.

She pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said: "...So, Yu-chan, did anything happen to you in the past two days?"


The metal fork scratched across the porcelain plate, making a sharp, piercing groan.

Kato Yusuke forked some vegetables without leaving a trace and put them into his mouth, "What happened...what does senior mean?"

Shiyu's eyes swept across his face, and then looked at the meeting place where people were intertwined in front of him, and said casually:

"Although you hide it well, I'm not a fool. I can still tell whether you are happy or unhappy, I just don't know the reason."


Kato Yusuke chewed and swallowed the salad, feeling speechless for the first time at the other's sensitivity.

After careful consideration, he decided not to just defend himself, but he didn't intend to answer the question either.

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, Shiyu seemed to have noticed his thoughts and couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Since you are not going to say it, I have something to say to you."

The girl suddenly became serious, and she continued speaking softly while looking at the crowd of people changing glasses under the light.

"You are too withdrawn in your heart. It is like building a defense line in your heart, unwilling to let others enter your inner world."

"Or maybe someone came here a long time ago, and her arrival prompted the construction of this line of defense."

"Later, she pushed down this line of defense, leaving deeper scars. Her presence strengthened the line of defense, requiring those who came to cross mountains and ridges."

"But even if we go over mountains and ridges, we can't cross this line of defense. In the end, we still end up with the same outcome."

"The scars are getting deeper every time. Until now, the defense line has been piled up so high that it is really close to being isolated from the world."

There was an indescribable desolation in the leisurely and melodious voice, like the late autumn wind, gently blowing by Kato Yusuke's ears, setting off an upward swirling airflow in his heart.

Unconsciously, he stopped eating and turned to look at the girl beside him.

Under the bright yellow light, the beautiful side face looked a little lonely, but also had an expressive beauty.

Kato Yusuke's throat was slightly blocked, and for a moment it felt like it was stuck in his throat, as if it was filled with cake and cream.

"Senior Shiyu..."

He swallowed dryly and tried to say something, but was suddenly interrupted.

"—What is about to begin is the Undead Grand Prix Award Ceremony. I would like to invite Teacher Fujimoto to the stage!"

After finally making it to the end of the awards ceremony for the light department, the stepmother's comics department was finally able to show its prominence.

Everyone in the editorial department of "Young Undead" perked up when they heard this. They immediately put down what they were doing and started applauding vigorously.

Kato Yusuke had no choice but to swallow back what he was about to say. He felt quite dissatisfied with the host's untimely call, but he couldn't show it in public.

"Go quickly, you are the protagonist today."

Shiyu next to him reached out to take the plate in his hand and pushed him gently, "I was just talking casually, Yu-chan, you don't need to pay attention."

Kato Yusuke hesitated for a moment and nodded, "...Okay, I'll go first, Shiyu-senpai."

Shiyu smiled and nodded, watching him walk to the stage step by step under the welcome of the crowd.

There was something Shiyu didn't say just now, and didn't want to admit it.

It was true that the defense line in his heart was very high, but she could not be the one to let him take off his guard.

She was like a lonely west wind drifting around the earth, but she could never flow into his heart.

When I think of this, my nose can't help but feel a little sore.

The light shone in her eyes, and they were as bright as a lot of broken star sand. She raised her head and blinked, but she still held it back.

In the midst of everyone's attention, the young man stood where she had stood before, becoming the only focus of the audience.

A girl's soft voice could be heard faintly in the field.

The host holding a microphone stood next to Kato Yusuke and introduced loudly:

"Teacher Fujimotosuki here must be familiar to everyone~

Like Teacher Kasumi Shiko who is the Light Rookie King, Teacher Fujimoto is also the Newcomer King in the manga industry! In addition, he is the only winner of this year’s Undead Newcomer Award! "

"His debut novel "Chainsaw Man" has been widely praised in the market, and the single book has sold a total of 1.2 million copies -!"

“Now I’m going to invite Mr. Fujimotoshu to give a speech!”

There was a "buzz", and there was a surprised discussion in the venue.

"Wow, 1.2 million copies actually sold? So many??"

"I remember it wasn't long before the official release of "Chainsaw Man" as a standalone book, right??"

"Ah, you are right. To be precise, it has only been more than two months since the first volume of his book was released. There are currently four volumes in total."

"More than two months?! This sales volume is too exaggerated-!!"


After hearing these words, the members of the comics editorial department straightened their backs proudly and looked proud.

Machida Enko, who came to sit next to Shiyu, was also a little surprised by the sales volume and couldn't help but say something with emotion.

"Brother Kato, he is really awesome. He is indeed the person you like, Xiaoshi~"

Shiyu nodded absently, looking directly at the stage, not in the mood to deal with the other party for the time being.

Of course, she was actually happy for Kato Yusuke's results, but she was a little uninterested by the conversation just now.

It was under such circumstances that the young man who had made a formulaic speech on the stage suddenly said:

"...Finally, I want to thank my senior sister, who is also my girlfriend.

Without her support and help, I would not be where I am today, and perhaps I would still be a decadent NEET wasting my time.


Kato Yusuke's eyes crossed the crowd and landed on Shiyu accurately and intently. A gentle and charming smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Shiyu, I wish you will always be beautiful."

The clear and bright voice slowly echoed in the venue.

People were subconsciously silent at first, and then immediately followed his gaze, focusing on the elegant and beautiful figure behind him.

The girls' eyes were full of envy.

Shiyu's originally depressed mood suddenly surged with palpitations, and clear waves rippled in her burgundy eyes.

The boy stood under the bright and dazzling spotlight, and the girl sat under the hanging crystal lamps.

The two people on and off the stage looked at each other.

At this moment, it seemed as if all the stars were falling on them.

Outside the window, there are many tall buildings and bright lights.

In the room, there are a lot of dresses and people's shadows intermingling.

In the beautiful night, in the flash of the shutter, in the soft music.

Shiyu's beautiful face quickly turned red, and she couldn't help but feel a little shy, but she couldn't take her eyes away from that handsome face.

She watched helplessly as the boy picked it off with his bare hands.

The stars reflected in his eyes, but the light fell on her body.

And she faced the light without hesitation.

at last--

Shiyu picked up the goblet filled with grape juice and toasted Kato Yusuke on the stage from a distance, and love sprouted.

The next second, there was thunderous applause.

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