Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and thirty, knight, prince, princess

"'s so cold. It's almost zero degrees, isn't it?!"

An Yilun also shivered and muttered, while hanging the jacket he took off on the branch.

The thin moonlight filtered through the clouds and shone dimly on him, illuminating what he was wearing at this time.

A dark blue long single-breasted knight's suit, with gold thread embellishment on the edges and cuffs. The lower body is a pair of white suit trousers and a pair of dark brown leather shoes.

not only that.

He also took out a pair of pure white gloves from his pocket and put them on his hands.

To describe this outfit in one sentence, it is derived from the popular character in the first generation of the game "Little Fantasy" - Knight Serbis.

As for why he put on such shameful clothes and climbed a tree on this late winter night, it was because of the plan given to him by Hashishima Iori.

——"Reconciliation with childhood sweethearts and a big battle!" 》

Just looking at the name, this plan is full of the strong atmosphere of Chuunibyou, and the actions he will carry out next are even more shameful!

To put it simply, he will imitate the female protagonist in the game and actually act out a plot of abducting a princess and eloping in a three-dimensional world!

——This is the kind of routine that is common in girls’ comics.

"Ah ah ah ah, I really want to die...!"

An Yilun also scratched his head crazily, feeling that tonight was destined to become a dark history in his life, and he would be ridiculed by a childhood sweetheart for the rest of his life.

Although he is a hopeless otaku, otakus also have a sense of shame. Especially on this kind of thing, their sensitivity will be even higher.

For example, he has played hundreds of Galgames since he was a child, but he has never dared to name a game character after his own name.

Even An Yilun is a god in the two-dimensional world!

But he is still a physically and mentally sound virgin in the third dimension, so naturally he cannot treat this kind of confession indifferently.

"What's more...does this method really work?"

He sighed heavily and wiped the fog from the lenses of his glasses with his gloves, feeling a bit doubtful for a moment.

But then I thought about it.

Everyone knows that the role of Serbis is Eiri's destiny.

Even though his cosplay is not perfect, and his appearance and temperament are more than a little different from the original character, but to some extent... it should have some effect, right?

He thought a little uncertainly and used his shoes to brush the snow under his feet.

Suddenly, a certain conversation with Hashishima Iori last night came to mind.

"Come to think of it, Toruya-san. Why couldn't you just praise Sawamura-san at that time? Even if you just coaxed her, it wouldn't be so troublesome now, right?"

"I wouldn't do such a despicable thing! Besides, I can't force boring things to be interesting!"

"You are really stubborn. Then if you think you are not wrong, why are you willing to apologize in the end?"

"……What do you mean?"

"You clearly don't agree with Sawamura-kun in your heart, but you are still willing to accept the suggestions from me as an "enemy", and use "Little Fantasy" which is very important to you all as an excuse... Isn't this kind of behavior despicable? ?」

"This...I just want to reconcile with her!"

"Isn't that right? In my opinion, your inconsistent reaction means one thing. In fact, you just want to monopolize Eri Kashiwagi, right?"

"Haha? Are you kidding me——!?"

"Even if you don't want to admit it, we are essentially the same."


"after all--

We all want to climb up in the otaku industry, but unfortunately we all lack the talent for creation, so we can only seize whatever is beneficial to us to achieve our goals. Is not it? "


"I am different from the guy who treats others as tools and creators as nourishment..."

An Yilun also muttered to himself and fell into silence for a while.


Obviously he didn't think so, but he couldn't counterattack Hashishima Iori's words at that time.

A gust of cold wind blew by, causing the branches to sway slightly and let out a faint groan.


An Yilun also sniffed and shivered suddenly, "It's so cold! Why hasn't the party started yet??"

He looked around for Yinglili.

Luxury cars gathered at the entrance in front of the gate, and all the guests had entered. Only the dedicated bodyguards remained outside to patrol.

There is a bonfire in front of a certain open space on the first floor, and the chefs are standing nearby and busy, adding color and aroma to the roasted lamb and roasted suckling pig on the barbecue grill.

The barbecue is slowly turning on the campfire, emitting an attractive aroma.

The table was piled with wooden barrels containing fine wine, which was made from fresh wine mixed with spices.

The plates were piled high with freshly baked toast, caramel pudding and strawberry pie, and fresh and delicious grilled trout and green vegetables were also served constantly.

An Yilun also suppressed his biological instinct and looked at the bright space on the second floor while swallowing heavily.

There were so many guests there, exuding a strong atmosphere of joy.

As the hosts, Leonard Spencer and Sayuri Sawamura walked around and greeted the visitors.

The former is still dressed in overalls and a suit during the day.

The latter changed into a purple kimono with a black belt around his waist, giving people a dignified and generous impression.

Even among the beautiful female guests, Mrs. Sawamura was the most eye-catching one.

‘I always feel that Aunt Sayuri looks younger than before. What kind of reverse growth mother is she? ’

An Yilun also looked at Sayuri Sawamura who was surrounded by a group of wealthy ladies, and couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

Because he hadn't interacted with the Sawamura family for a long time, he naturally didn't know that the other party had enjoyed magical skin care products from someone a long time ago, so he had such an effect.

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared at the entrance of the banquet hall.

As if blessed to the soul, people turned their heads to look.

There was a brief gap in the originally lively conversation and laughter.

Accompanied by melodious and soothing music, boys and girls holding arms were slowly walking into the banquet hall.

The young man had neatly styled short white hair and was wearing a decent black tuxedo suit and bow tie. The figure is tall and tall, with a noble and extraordinary aura.

The girl was wearing a cherry-colored evening dress. Her smooth golden twin tails were tied up with a red hairband, hanging down from her snow-white shoulders to her waist.

Yingying's waist was restrained by a dark purple belt, with a big bow tied a little above her lower abdomen. The two ribbons swayed with the fluttering skirt, making the owner look particularly elegant and cute.

There was a faint whisper in the banquet hall.

As the two of them gradually approached the center of the room, more and more eyes were chasing them.

If Sayuri Sawamura was the center of attention just a second ago, she would be the center of attention. Then at this second, the center of the world has shifted.

Just like human beings are born to pursue those beautiful things.

Facing the pair of figures who seem to be entrusted with such beautiful fantasies, it is difficult for people to take their eyes away from them.

It was under such circumstances that the boy and girl came to Leonard Spencer and Sayuri Sawamura and stopped.

Needless to say, this pairing is Kato Yusuke and Eri Riri.

Seeing them coming, the couple smiled from the bottom of their hearts and talked to them about something.

After chatting for a few words, Sayuri Sawamura put her hands on their shoulders and introduced them happily to the guests present, looking proud and proud.

An Yilun couldn't hear the specific content. He only watched people swarming up and surrounding them like stars holding the moon.

Facing a group of noble guests, Kato Yusuke had a gentle and calm smile on his face and talked with the men and women.

Ying Lili, who was next to him, held his arm, smiling brightly, and occasionally nodded gently to some people, showing no sign of loss or sadness at all.

Whether they are male guests or female guests, everyone's eyes are focused on them at this moment. They are like a real princess and prince.

When such a scene comes into view.

As if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, An Yilun fell into an ice cave for a moment.

He opened his eyes wide in astonishment and stared blankly at the scene in the banquet hall.

"...Why...Kato is here...!" He murmured, his expression becoming distorted unconsciously.

If we use the worldview in the first generation of "Little Fantasy" as an analogy.

Then the other party is like the heroine's adopted brother, the son of the king and his concubine - Prince Airal.

Given the absolute status gap, he, as a knight, is so insignificant...


He's not even a knight!

He's just a clown wearing nondescript clothes who doesn't know what the so-called clown is!

When he thought of this, he felt as if the clothes on his body were being tightened, making him unable to breathe.

"Cough cough, cough cough...ah cough cough...huh...huh..."

An Yilun also pulled on his collar, hunched over his waist, breathing heavily like a fish lacking oxygen, exhaling large tracts of white air.


The biting cold wind blew on my face like a knife.

In his heart, he was jealous to the point of madness, and at the same time, he felt inferior to the point of despair.

Compared to Kato Yusuke, who talks and laughs freely in the crowd, his clown is simply incompatible with that kind of glamorous occasion.

A feeling of anger built up in his chest.

He couldn't wait to rush into the venue immediately and snatch back the Yinglili that belonged to her!

However, however...

His feet were as motionless as if they were rooted in trees!

"Beast...Give Yinglili back to me...!"

An Yilun also cursed in a low voice with a ferocious face, and his vision became blurry.

I just stayed like this for who knows how long...

"Let's go back……"

He murmured in a silent tone and climbed down from the tree in a daze. Even if he accidentally fell, he didn't care. He just staggered towards the door.

When he reached the entrance of the gate, the bodyguard guarding him was startled by his tearful appearance, but he had no intention of explaining anything.

Taking one last look at the brightly lit mansion behind him, An Yilun strode forward resolutely and left this place that was incompatible with him.

A trace of hatred flashed across his face.

Not aware of what's going on outside.

People in the mansion were still enjoying the banquet.

After greeting most of the guests present, Yusuke Kato excused himself to go to the bathroom and did not return to the banquet hall. Instead, he went to the side hall on the first floor.

There is no one here, just perfect for resting.

As a result, he had just sat down on the sofa when Sayuri Sawamura entered the room.

"Kato-kun, what are you doing here?"

"Aunt Sayuri."

Kato Yusuke stood up out of politeness and said honestly: "It's nothing, I'm just resting here."

"That's it~"

Sawamura Sayuri walked up to him with a smile, asked him to sit down on the sofa together, and said, "I'm sorry, Kato-kun, you worked hard today to help us receive guests."

The scent of elegant perfume wafted faintly.

Kato Yusuke moved aside without leaving a trace and responded as politely as possible.

"That's not the case. Thank you for inviting me to celebrate New Year's Eve with you. I'm honored."

"Ah, do you really think so? I don't blame mom for asking you to come here? Are you unable to reunite with your family on a day like this?"

"You know, my guardian is in Saitama's hometown. If you didn't invite me, I would probably be working at home alone. I am the one who should say thank you."

"Oh~ What a good boy."

Sawamura Sayuri giggled, pressed her hand on Ichima Hirakawa's chest, and said: "Listening to what you say, mom feels much more at ease~"

"You're flattered, I'm just telling the truth."

Kato Yusuke replied somewhat helplessly, no longer trying to correct the other party's subtle self-proclaimed words.

Sayuri Sawamura looked at him with a smile and suddenly said: "Thank you, Kato-kun."


Kato Yusuke frowned slightly in confusion and asked: "Sorry, what do you mean here...?"


The person in front of him smiled softly, and his expression suddenly became a little mature.

"Thank you for sending Ying Lili back yesterday afternoon. Thank you for taking care of her all the time. Thank you for being willing to stay by her side."

"This is too exaggerated... I haven't done anything that you need to thank me for, so you don't have to say that."

"Really? But when the child was most sad, you were the one who stayed with her, right?"

"...Although this is the case, I actually didn't do anything. I just sent her home."

Seeing that he insisted on this statement, Sayuri Sawamura said nothing more and just nodded with a smile.

For some reason, that smile looked a little sad in Kato Yusuke's eyes.

"In short, as long as you are willing to continue to stay by her side, whether it is me or Leonard, we will thank you."

"Don't worry...I will stay by Yinglili's side, because we are family."

"Ah~ you know what I mean but you still pretend to be stupid! I'm going to complain to Yinglili~"

"You will only make Yinglili angry by doing this, right?"

"Are you really not going to consider calling me mom?"

"You mean another mother, right?"

Sayuri Sawamura neither admitted nor denied this, she just covered her mouth and smiled softly, her purple twin tails swaying with her laughter.

"I'm sorry, but can I trouble you with one more thing?"

"Please tell me."

"Not long after you left the banquet hall, the child Yinglili also went back to her room. I'm a little worried about her condition, so can you please go and see her?"


Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment, then nodded and replied with a good word.

Just say it briefly.

Some readers think that An Yilun is not that narrow-minded. This understanding is wrong.

His portrayal in the animation is not comprehensive enough, and there are some embellishments.

The old thief Maruto wrote very clearly. The original words were that An Yilun also hated Eiri for her betrayal, and he still hates her until now.

I basically didn’t reinvent the character An Yilun, it was all based on the original work.

If you are interested, you can read the original work yourself and you will find that this is a PUA master.

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