Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and forty-three, selfish psychology

After spending some time thinking, Yinglili quickly came up with new ideas for painting.

She gave up pen and paper and started drawing on a digital screen.

When drawing this kind of shot where multiple characters are in the same scene, using painting software to draw in layers is the best way.

This not only makes it easier to modify, but also prevents the tragedy of having to tear down the entire picture and start over again when errors occur, which is undoubtedly a nightmare for all creators.

Yinglili didn't want to experience that kind of pain, and she couldn't guarantee that the original painting would not need to be modified at all, so she naturally had to paint it in layers.

She held a digital pen, her slender wrist moved quickly, and the outline of the character quickly took shape under the pen.

Although it is just an outline, with some details, the feeling of nervousness and anticipation at a cultural festival suddenly emerges.

To be honest, the work of drawing original paintings for games is very different from her previous creative methods. It is not just about drawing cute and cute pictures.

In the game, the anchor points and characteristics of the characters must be closely aligned with the story, and truly giving life to the characters is what they need to do.

This sounds a bit abstract.

However, games are different from movies or movies. The experience they bring to people is not limited to vision and hearing, but a richer feeling.

When text, music, and images are perfectly integrated, the charm exuded by the characters at that moment is by no means comparable to a dry cute picture.

In the words of Yusuke Kato.

The reason why games are called the ninth art means that what they deliver to people should not just be temporary pleasure and consumption, but something more unique.

Yinglili didn't quite understand the meaning of these words, but she simply thought that the other person looked handsome at that time, which made her a little moved.

Thinking of this, she quickly shook her head, feeling shy about her sudden infatuation, and then forced herself to concentrate on painting.

Time passes quietly.

The morning passed quickly.

Ying Lili took the redrawn storyboard and showed it to the boy again.

Kato Yusuke looked at the picture on the screen for a moment, and then nodded affirmatively.

"Well, that's good. You did a great job."

"Hmph~ They say I can do it as long as I put my mind to it."

“He who can do it gets it done before anyone else asks.”

"Um...I want you to be verbose!"

Eiri, who had nothing to say, muttered and complained, while Kato Yusuke laughed it off.

"Okay, let's give this picture to Mayu and Dehai for tracing and coloring. You can continue to draw other things."

When their names were called, Mayu Sagara and Izumi Hashima were about to speak, but Erili spoke first.

"Yusuke, you are serious. It is already noon now. Even if you have to work, you must at least wait until everyone has had lunch, right?"

Kato Yusuke glanced at the clock on the wall. The long and short hands were pointing directly upward, indicating the noon break time.

He patted his forehead and said apologetically: "Sorry, I didn't notice the time. That's my problem. Let's go eat first."

"We would have gone even if you didn't say so, what about you?"

"I'll go later."

"That's it..."

Eiri glanced at him and didn't say anything more. Instead, she discussed with Mayu and Dehai what to eat.

After discussion, the three girls decided to go to the "Komeda" coffee shop next door to solve the problem.

Not only does the food there taste good, but the environment is also very suitable for conversation. Recently, it has gradually become the preferred place for everyone in the studio to dine.

After arriving at the store, they unexpectedly bumped into Yoshida and Tomoya Aki who were dining here.

The two sides greeted each other without disturbing each other too much.

Although Izumi Hashishima really wanted to sit with his senior Toniya, he couldn't do it alone.

The three of them were led by the waiter to the four-seater by the window.

Yinglili ordered her own drinks and food, then went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Just as she was about to return to her seat...



An Yilun also suddenly walked out from behind the corner wall.

"B-Idiot! Why are you standing there deliberately trying to scare people?"

"I have something I want to talk to you about. Are you free?"


Yinglili blinked in confusion, tilted her head and asked, "Talk to me...?"

"Well! I'll be fine soon. I won't delay you for too long."

"Even if you say that...what are you going to talk about?"

"Actually, I'm here to apologize to you."

"Huh? Apologize to me...? Wait, what are you talking about inexplicably?"

An Yilun also took a deep breath and looked straight at her firmly.

"Hai Hai has already told me all the details. I know everything about your apology to her for refusing to accept the notebook that day and the exchange of notebooks with her."

"I really can't stand it... She still told you after all."


"Sigh... So, what does this have to do with what you just said?"

When Ying Lili asked, An Yilun categorically affirmed.

"Of course it does matter-!

In fact, I have been reflecting on it since then. I did not care about your mood at the meeting that day and said so many unwise words to you.

I want to apologize to you for my previous behavior. I’m really sorry—! "

He said this with regret and hatred in his voice.

"Lun Ye...?"

Yinglili murmured and was stunned for a moment.

The development in front of her was completely beyond her expectation. She did not expect that the other party would come to apologize so solemnly.

After a while, she sighed helplessly.

"...What? So that's what you're doing? You're making too much of a fuss."


"I don't care about what you said, so you don't have to go to all this trouble."

"Huh? You said you don't care anymore...? Are you really Yinglili?" An Yilun also asked in shock, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"What's with that rude look on your face? It makes you look like I'm stingy!"

"But...but, you were obviously so angry and sad that day..."

"So I said I don't care anymore."

Yinglili held her hands in front of her chest and said lightly:

"Anyway, for us creators, it's not painful to be told a word or two by a layman who doesn't know how to draw. It's because you have too much self-awareness."


An Yilun also opened his mouth, but for a moment he had nothing to say.

He was silent for a while, and then whispered: "...Is that so, you don't care anymore..."

"Yeah, so don't worry about it any more and just let that matter go."

Yinglili said this and was about to leave, but she heard this sentence the next second.

"...For you, can everything just go by casually?"

"Eh? What do you mean??"


An Yilun also adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose with one hand, "...It's nothing. Whether you care or not, I have already apologized for my behavior."

"Let's just say you are confused now. I don't understand what you want to express."

Yingli frowned and said, "Besides, if I have to say it, I was actually quite angry about what happened yesterday. Why did you talk about me and Yusuke like that?"

"Feel sorry……"

"The person you want to apologize to is not me, but Yusuke, right?"

"Hey, you want me to apologize to Kato...?"

"Is there any problem? After all, you didn't even understand the matter clearly at the time, so you scolded Yusuke. Generally speaking, you should apologize, right?"


An Yilun clenched and unclenched his fists unconsciously. After a pause, he said, "...I understand. I will talk to Kato later."

"That kind of thing is up to you. If it's all over, I'll go back?"

"...I said, do you hate talking to me so much?"

"Huh? I didn't say that. It's just that Mayu and Dehai are still waiting for me to discuss work, and I have two character CGs to draw in the afternoon, which is really exhausting."

After hearing Ying Lili's explanation, An Yilun also looked a little better.

"So that's means you don't have to work yourself so hard, right?"

"What nonsense is this? I'm the number one original artist. If I don't work hard on the drawings, do I have to wait for the original drawings to come out on their own?"

"I mean, isn't Kato very powerful anyway? Even if you don't work so hard, he can handle everything in the end. There's no need to force yourself so much, right?"

"Lun Ye..."

Yinglili's eyes widened in shock, "Are you...are you trying to persuade me to give up my efforts now?"

An Yilun couldn't help being stunned, and hurriedly waved his hands to deny: "No way! I just heard you say it was too hard, so I kindly gave you advice."

"Then let me ask you, did you also read the "Little Fantasy" book I drew yesterday? What do you think of my drawings compared with Hashima Dehai?"


"You said before that our two works have different themes, so they are not comparable."

Yinglili stared at him intently and said word by word: "But now that we have both drawn the copy of "Little Rhapsody", do you think I am the better one?"


An Yilun also subconsciously wanted to answer, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything. He unconsciously avoided the girl's eyes and hesitated:

"...Here, well, your newly drawn notebook is also very impressive.

It's only a few days since COMI ended next winter, but you can draw a new book, and the quality is still as stable as before. I'm really surprised! "

"...Lun Ye."

Yinglili was silent, a trace of sadness flashed in her beautiful eyes, "Don't you want me to grow...?"


An Yilun's pupils suddenly shrank, and he was speechless.

Yinglili took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"Yusuke said that he wants me to become the most powerful painter in the world, and I also want to be that person. I am working hard for it now, so... I will not stop."


An Yilun also looked at his childhood sweetheart in front of him, his expression changed, but he didn't know how to respond.

"You can't do it."

"Why are you working so hard?"

"Why should you decide to move forward without permission?"

"Why do you have to run to a place where I can't reach you?"

"You're just my former follower. Who allowed you to make that kind of decision without permission?"

Thousands of words are running through my mind, and complicated emotions are also churning in my heart.

An Yilun's face was also tense, and the outline of his teeth appeared faintly on his cheeks.

From Yinglili at this moment, he felt an indescribable sense of inferiority and distance, which he had never experienced in the six years of friendship between the two.

Suddenly, he thought of what the girl had just said.

"Don't you want me to grow...?"

An Yilun also wanted to deny this, but the dark side in his heart seemed to be making a different cry.


He wet his dry lips with his tongue and said in a hoarse voice: "If it were me, I wouldn't force my partner like this. The most important thing is that we all play games happily together...!"

Without staying here any longer, An Yilun turned around suddenly after saying this and strode out of the store.

Yinglili looked at his leaving figure, a flash of self-blame flashed across her face, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had gone too far.

With this concern in mind, she walked towards her seat with heavy steps.

On the other side, An Yilun also angrily came to a nearby small park and punched a tree hard.


The tree trunks swayed.

A few frightened crows screamed loudly, flapped their wings and flew away from the branches, staring unkindly at the uninvited guest below who disturbed their rest.


An Yilun also cursed in a low voice into the air. Still feeling that it was not enough to relieve his anger, he raised his right foot and kicked the tree trunk hard.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came over.

"Huh? Toruya-san? What are you doing here alone?"

Turning around, a boy with light brown curly hair came into view.


An Yilun clicked his tongue in displeasure when he saw the visitor: "Why can I see you everywhere? Iori."

"...I would like to say, facing a comrade who has fought side by side with me, wouldn't your attitude towards me be too cold?"

Namishima Iori walked up with a hurt expression on her face as she spoke.

"Hey, why are you just coming up to me? I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now!"

"Hmm~ So what are you doing here alone?"

"This has nothing to do with you."

"Aren't you going to go back to the studio? It's very cold outside~"

"Mind your own business, I'm free to stay wherever I want!"

"Then let me ask another question. Are you practicing boxing with a tree?"


An Yilun also opened his mouth in astonishment, "Iori, have you been peeking around from the beginning? It's really annoying!"

"Ahaha~ I'm not that free. I came to see Kato-kun for something today, and I happened to see your actions. Is this a complete coincidence?"

"It's best! Anyway, Kato and others are in the studio. Since you are here to find him, please disappear from my eyes quickly——!"

Faced with his annoying expulsion, Hamishima Iori waved her hands disapprovingly and said with a smile:

"It's not urgent. You seem to be troubled by something, right? Why don't we have a chat~"

An Yilun also doesn't want Ying Lili to grow up and has always looked down on her. This is clearly written in the original novel. Don't argue with me about this.

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