Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and fifty-two, reactions from all parties

For several days, An Yilun did not come to the studio again.

As if he had made up his mind not to interact with them anymore, even if Kato Yusuke and the others met him in school, he would walk by with his head down as if he didn't recognize him.

There was excitement in the studio.

Especially Yoshida and Mayu Sagara, who did not come that day, after discovering that Yirun Aki was also absent from work for no reason, they took the initiative to ask about the whereabouts of the person concerned, and were dealt with casually by Kanoko Hasumi.

Although the two of them had doubts about this, they couldn't continue to ask further.

However, this matter cannot be hidden after all, and Kato Yusuke did not specifically ask it.

Soon, the two of them learned about the conflict that occurred over the weekend, and even Hashishima Dekai, who was far away in Nagoya, also knew about it.

Rather, the news came from the sea side of Bo Island.

It seemed that An Yilun also told her about this in private, and the latter confirmed it with Mayu Sagara, who was close to her.

After going back and forth like this, the conflict between Yusuke Kato and Tomoya Aki became known to everyone.

At the beginning, people thought that An Yilun was just angry for a while and would come back soon.

However, when the time came on the third day, the friends gradually realized that this matter did not seem to be that simple, and they became worried about it.

The person who is most concerned about this matter is undoubtedly Hashima Chukai.

Almost every day, Kato Yusuke receives calls from girls. On the one hand, she was making insinuations to test his attitude, and on the other hand, she was pleading cautiously if she could let her senior come back.

Kato Yusuke's response was also very clear.

As long as An Yilun can accept his concept of the studio, he can come back at any time.

After receiving the reply, Hashima Dekai felt like he was being pardoned, and expressed his gratitude to him with gratitude, saying that he would convey the news to senior Toniya.

Through such a conversation, Kato Yusuke also confirmed that the two were indeed in private contact.

Frankly speaking, this kind of behavior was somewhat suspicious of both sides, but he didn't mind it at all.

After all, the relationship between the two parties was originally a simple employment relationship, and he was not the kind of lustful dictator who would not interfere in other people's private lives.

It is worth mentioning that because Japan attaches great importance to personal privacy, even if he is the owner of the studio, he has no right to do that.

All in all, the matter between him and An Yilunye has disturbed many people's nerves recently.

In order to prevent Sagara Mayu and Yoshida from bringing their emotions into work, Kato Yusuke also specially interviewed the two of them.

As a result, the two of them were called to Kanoko Hasumi's office.

Mayu Xiangraku didn't have much to say here. After all, she and An Yilun didn't interact often. At most, they only had a few words when they met each other, and they had nothing to do with each other.

Apart from being a little curious about this matter, she actually has no other thoughts. She just has the mentality of a melon-eater.

When it's Yoshida's turn.

Kato Yusuke didn't beat around the bush and asked directly whether the other party's work had been affected.

Although the identities of the two have changed now, their long-term personal relationship has made them more like friends, and they will not hide anything when they speak.

Kato Yusuke confessed about his disagreement with Aki Roshiya, and Yoshida also answered his questions truthfully.

"Well... I can't interrupt other things, but if you are worried about whether the progress of the program will be affected, then I can assure you that there will be no problems."

The person involved chose his words carefully, as if he was worried about An Yilunye's face.

After all, the latter is a complete novice in programming, and his help at work is really limited. On the contrary, Yoshida has to take on the work of a teacher most of the time.

Yoshida didn't have any complaints about this. He regarded it as a pastime after work. It was not like he had never done similar things in his original company.

Compared with that troublesome junior Yuanqi, teaching An Yilun is not that difficult.

Hasumi Kanoko understood his subtext, avoided this topic knowingly, and asked instead: "So, Mr. Yoshida, do you need an assistant?"

"Huh?" Yoshida showed a surprised expression, "Assistant?"

"Well, Xiaoyou and I have discussed it.

If you find it difficult to do it alone, we can recruit an experienced assistant to you, or we can introduce you to someone who is suitable for you. "

"Well, I don't have anyone around me yet...!"

Looking at Yoshida who repeatedly waved his hands to deny, Kato Yusuke smiled and joked.

"Mr. Yoshida, what Kano-chan is talking about is a helper at work, not what you think?"


Yoshida's expression suddenly stiffened, and then his face turned red again.

"You talk a lot, I'm talking about work matters too!"

"Oh? But you just showed your desire for women..."

"——I don't care! By the way, we are talking about work now, right? If you keep talking nonsense, I won't keep you company."

Kato Yusuke smiled dumbly, shrugged and said nothing.

Yoshida, on the other hand, let out a big sigh in confusion, and then asked as if he remembered something:

"...Speaking of which, you suddenly said you were recruiting people or something, what will you do if An Yi comes back?"

Kato Yusuke answered naturally.

"This doesn't affect anything. If Aki comes back, I will still have to ask Mr. Yoshida to take care of me, but I want to make sure that our work progress will not be affected during this period."

"That's it..."

Yoshida scratched the back of his neck, and Miss Goto's face suddenly appeared in his mind, and then he thought of Hashimoto and Mishima.

All three were once his colleagues.

Putting aside the beloved Miss Goto, if Hashimoto or Mishima could come to this studio, they could be colleagues again.

Although everything about the current studio is good, whether it is benefits or atmosphere, it is far superior to his old employer, but there is only one thing that makes people regretful.

——That means the members here are too young!

In other words, if he, as an adult, is among a group of high school students, there will inevitably be some generation gaps due to different experiences, making it difficult to chat together.

Looking at the entire studio, the only two people who could make him relax and chat were Kanoko Hasumi and Yusuke Kato.

But the former seems to be very careful about the distance between him and the opposite sex, and the latter is always surrounded by a group of warblers and swallows, and he can't help but disturb him.

Of course, he didn't think this environment was bad. After all, being able to stay with a group of young people made Yoshida feel that his mentality had become much younger.

But occasionally, he also feels lonely.

I always feel that something is missing around me.

That might be a best friend with whom he can smoke cigarettes, or a female boss with whom he can have a drink after get off work, or even a junior who will suddenly come over to ask him to watch a movie.

'Can you call Hashimoto or Mishima...? ’

He thought subconsciously, and a moment of hesitation flashed through his heart.

It just so happened that Kato Yusuke also proposed the idea of ​​recruiting people. Based on their relationship, he believed that as long as he opened his mouth, the other party would not refuse.

However, he could not be so selfish after all——

Yoshida calmed down his mood, then sat up slightly.

"...All in all, I think the current studio does not need to recruit additional people, at least for my side. The current workload is more than enough for me alone."

The change in his expression did not escape Kato Yusuke's eyes.

The young man was silent for a while and smiled helplessly.

"Mr. Yoshida, you are still the same as before. You are too honest. If you have more helpers, you will feel a lot more relaxed, right? That kind of workaholic is not popular with women, right?"

"I want you to be nagging!?"

Yoshida put on a disgusted face and retorted unceremoniously.

The two of them were joking with each other, which made Kanoko Hasumi, who was watching, a little surprised, but she was also happy to see it.

After chatting half-publicly and half-privately for a while, Yoshida, who was thinking about work, took the initiative to say goodbye.

Just before he was about to leave the office, he suddenly heard this sentence.

"Mr. Yoshida, do you think I look like a qualified capitalist?"


Yoshida turned around in confusion and looked at the boy behind the desk, "What do you mean?"

"That's literally what it means."

Kato Yusuke said in a joking tone: "Do you think I look like the kind of capitalist who is obsessed with money?"


Yoshida looked at him suspiciously, showing a troubled expression, and then cursed angrily: "A person like you will never become a capitalist, at most he will be an idealist!"

"Hey, this doesn't seem like a compliment, does it?"

"Idiot, take a good look at what you have done! You are engaged in both material care and charity organization. No real capitalist would do such a thing!"

Facing Kato Yusuke's stunned expression, Yoshida suddenly raised his right index finger and pointed at him, and lectured with great momentum:

"——Don't underestimate those greedy capitalists! You naive kid!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room, leaving only a lonely figure behind.

While Kato Yusuke was still in a daze, Hasumi Kanoko got up and closed the door, then returned behind the desk and looked at him funny.

"Mr. Yoshida is a good man. I seem to understand why you become friends with him."

"...Really, this kind of rotten good person is really intolerable."

"You are the one who is intolerable, right~?"


Ignoring Kato Yusuke's surprised look, Hasumi Kanoko leaned slightly on the desk and flicked his forehead with her finger.

"it hurts?"

"Really, do you care that much about An Yi-san's words?"

"Huh? Don't you want to defend your atrocities...?"


"It's an act of violence against me." Kato Yusuke pointed to his forehead with feigned anger.

Even though she knew he was deliberately changing the subject, Hasumi Kanoko couldn't help but sneer.

"Every time you encounter a topic you don't want to talk about, you always act so stiff~"

"Then can you be more cooperative and stop asking any more questions?"

"But I'm just a little jealous!"


"You obviously show that side to Mr. Yoshida, but you refuse to rely on me?"

When asked by the people around him, Kato Yusuke suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression.

"...To be honest, I didn't expect you to compare Mr. Yoshida."

"If you put it that way, I didn't expect you to be influenced by classmate An Yi. I remember that you didn't have a good relationship with him, right?"

"I just feel that we are classmates after all, and he has been in the studio for a long time and has put in some effort. I don't want to make the situation too embarrassing."

"So, do you blame yourself a little? You think you forced An Yi away."

"I can't think like that, otherwise I would be very sorry for Senior Shiyu. I am the one who is displeased by An Yi, and this has nothing to do with her in the first place."

"You really still blame yourself..."

Hasumi Kanoko shook her head and let out a long sigh.

"You were wrong from the beginning."

As she spoke, she took a half step forward, put the boy's head in her arms without any explanation, and gently stroked the white hair.

"Don't take classmate An Yi's departure as your fault. Everyone has their own choice. Even Xiao Shi can't stand others saying anything bad about you just because he cares about you."


Kato Yusuke responded noncommittally, "forced" to enjoy the warm embrace, and his nose was filled with the elegant fragrance of orchids.

"You seem to be a strong person, but you care about the people around you, even if the other person is just a classmate with whom you don't have a close relationship?"

"...He is Eiri's childhood sweetheart. I promised Aunt Sayuri that I would take good care of her. Aki's matter may embarrass her, but I don't want that."

"You're actually thinking about other girls at this time...?"

"Wherever it goes, I'm just discussing the matter."

"Otherwise, do you want me to talk to An Yi-san?"

"Talk about...?"

"Well, let's see if we can clear up your misunderstanding and let him return to the studio."

Faced with Hasumi Kanoko's proposal, Kato Yusuke started thinking instinctively.

He pondered like this for a long time, and then said:

"Let's do this. Prepare some money before you go. No matter whether he is willing to accept it or not, the money will be left to him."

"Hmm... It's possible, but how much does it cost?"

"According to the original agreement, the reward for the program part he is responsible for is one million, but... you can bring two million over."

"I really don't know what to say about you..."

Seeing Kanoko's voice become gentle, Hassan silently hugged him tighter.

"Anyway, I will do what you say, but I still want to say that you did not make any mistakes in this matter, so don't worry about it any more, do you understand?"

"Speaking of worries, I'm actually worried about another thing now."

"Huh? What is it?"

Kato Yusuke pretended to raise his face with difficulty and looked up.

"Honestly, your underwear has hit me since just now. I've been struggling with how to tell you, so can you let me go?"


Seeing the movement of Kanoko's hand, Hassan couldn't help but hesitate. It took him two seconds to react, and he depressedly pinched someone's face and pulled it to both sides.

"it hurts!?"

Exaggerated screams echoed in the room.

(.Aki’s character will not come back, don’t think too much.)

Thanks to [Reader 15435696666868273152] for the reward.

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